Report: Livni meets with Syrian FM
Roee Nahmias
Published: 27.09.07, 12:27
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21 Talkbacks for this article
1. Good.
David L,   (09.27.07)
Talking is always better than bombing.
2. Usurpation by way of manipulations
Brod ,   USA   (09.27.07)
They failed to destroy Israel through wars the past 60 years. Now, the Arab Islamist-Jihadists try to accomplish their evil goal on Israel by way of deceptions and manipulations. It is a way of usurping Israel's liberated Biblical and Historic homeland by way of deceptions, pressures, and manipulations. Israel should say NO to the wolves in their attempts of usurping and occupying Israel's liberated historic lands and reducing Israel to a tiny indefinsible enclave which they can overwhelm in the future.
3. The traitors Olmert/Livni must go! Elections now!
freejay ,   Israel   (09.27.07)
4. Tsipi shmipi
leon ,   Grand Rapids USA   (09.27.07)
In the years just prior to WWll, there was a radio program in the US called "You Cannot do Business with Hitler", citing his many lies and prevarications. Now, the inheritors of his legacy, the Syrian bootlickers of Iran, are the target of Tsipi's business.
5. people..
Igor ,   Munich,Germany   (09.27.07)
do you want to live in tension and fear forever? Your government is at least doing something right and you continue to slam it. Peace is the right way. Why are the most Israelis so aggresive and don´t even want to give negotiations a chance? Do you think that living in constant hostility is great?
6. Peace ??
Franklin ,   France   (09.27.07)
No Peacetalks before a significant change in the Arab countries.... Step 1 : Preparing their people in presenting the Israeli neighbour as a partner for the future in all the media, instead their infamous propaganda ,virulence and calomny. Step 2 : Various meetings between the various civilian society of each country. Step 3 : Sportive and Artistic exhibits. And then.... Peace to replace Warm war by Cold war...??? ........Non merci.
7. It is time for peace when a synagogue is built in Mecca
sk ,   USA   (09.27.07)
and in Teheran. That will signal a real turnaround in Islamic doctrine. I'm serious, by the way. Islam must learn it will NOT dominate the world and that other religions will NOT tolerate its claims.
8. syria will deny it happened; they always do
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (09.27.07)
9. #5, Igor the idealist!
DR ,   Florida, USA   (09.27.07)
I think most Osraelis feel that there are no partners for peace in the region. History has shown us that peace is not in Syria's main interest. Iran and Hizbullah contribute to this non-peace and Israel can only talk for the sake of talking at this point. Syria understands that ISrael will demolish their nation if they dare attck us, so now they are tryin to weasle their way into talks...typical arab actions. We need to be realistic, then maybe we can work on your peaceful world.
10. People, stop saying "peace"
Jake T ,   Alaska   (09.27.07)
when what you mean is "surrender" of the Golan. It isn't peace, it's blackmail: "If you don't give us that piece of territory we may attack you." So what! Let Syria attack Israel. Any country with a minimum of self respect will defend itself and defend its land. Particularly one as motivated and well armed as Israel. Even tiny little countries will put up a fight to defend a few yards of their territory. But Israel cowers up in a corner and says, "OK, take it, take it, just don't hurt us...." Read the following book review of the book "Jews and Power". It will tell you something about this problem Jews have acting like a grown up country.
11. Talks are Good
Semsem ,   New York, USA   (09.27.07)
Talks are good. Positive development.
12. 9 and 6
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (09.27.07)
9 I think that neither Iran nor Syria has the intention to attack Israel, why should they actually? However the US uses Israel for its own interests. Recently I heard a claim that the US want to use Israel for attacking Iran in order for Iran to strike back. That would justify a US attack on Iran. And this whole nuclear issue is totally pathetic. The US just wants to pursue their interests and make up for the failure in Iraq and has found a new scapegoat, Iran. As Persian CAT (a user of this forum) mention "Iran lies well within its territorial borders and does not do anything illegal regarding its nuclear program and obey all the requierments of the IAEA". And I agree with that. In fact, the US poses the main difficulties in establishing peace in the region. The US incite Israel to war! Nobody says that the Arab countries are not responsible for the regional problems, they are, but so is Israel with its huge ally the US. If the US concentrated on their own problems and would´t put it´s nose in the business of others, the whole world would be safer and the middle eastern conflict would have been resolved lona ago. 9 to Step 1: I´ve read many posts on this forum and know some Israelis and I can only conclude that Israelis also don´t see the arabs as a partner for the future and the israeli propaganda also promotes Jewish supremacy and discrimination. So both sides should reconsider it, not only the Arabs are responsible. to step 2 and 3: before any social events between the various societies can take place, there should be peace on the political level.
13. Good step, negotiation is much better than bombing
Rami ,   Nazareth, Israel   (09.27.07)
14. Jake (10) makes a great point.
sk ,   USA   (09.27.07)
Do Israelis understand that every time they use the word "peace" they strengthen the Muslim's language of deceit by joining in its use? Muslims have learned the art of lying to the West very well. Muslims can have no long-term peace with the "Land of War"; at most, they can have a "truce" that can last, at most, 10 years, following Mo's example with the Quraysh. When will Jews realize that, for real Muslims, "peace" means "submission to Allah," and it is impossible until all of the world surrenders itself to Allah? Is it really that difficult to understand this ludicrous bit of rhetorical manipulation?
15. #12 Igor, where do you get your facts?
DR ,   Florida, USA   (09.27.07)
Persian Cat is not exactly a great source for information. After all he/she is in Iran. You ignore the fact that Syria and Iran are attacking Israel and the US via Hizballah and insurgents in Iraq. Iranian made weapons have already been found there. This is a fact that Persian cat will not own up to. Iran does not even try to hide its intentions to destroy Israel. They just prefer not to do it themselves so they fund and arm hizballah to do their dirty work. And as far as the nuclear work done in Iran. The IAEA has already made it clear that Iran is not being candid about its again, where are you getting your info? Israel cannot have peace with countries that secretly support terror agaisnt her. The US is well aware of this so they support Israel. What interest does the US have in Attacking Iran?
16. would SK bomb Tehran?
avramele   (09.27.07)
and put at risk the thousands of Jews who live there?
17. Syria, not Palestine, is Israel’s strategic peace partner
David Turner ,   Richmond, US   (09.27.07)
The rejectionist Palestinians reside in Damascus as Syrian-controlled spoilers should Israel-Palestine talks get serious. This has been the pattern since before the PLO revised its charter to accept a Jewish state in Palestine. Bus bombings did not accompany peace talks with Egypt of Jordan. Only Palestine. Blame Hamas, but prior to the Gaza takeover Hamas only base of control and operations was from Syria. Even were the Palestinians politically mature enough to make peace among themselves, the road to peace with Israel would still face the Damascus hurdle. The Assad’s, father and son both made it clear that they would not allow themselves, weak and vulnerable, to face Israel alone across the negotiating table. Syria first, then Palestine has always been their position. Evicting Hamas and Jihad, Bashar said, can be negotiated. Ditto Iran. Syria is Israel’s strategic peace partner, her portal to Palestine and the Sunni Arab world. Good to see reality may finally be settling in.
18. avramele
sk ,   USA   (09.28.07)
I am not putting Jews at risk; those Jews already are at risk, and all of Israel's Jews are at even greater risk. The fact is that these ridiculous "peace" gestures are extremely risky, as they allow an evil Islamist regime to grow stronger. Frankly, I think the US should have bombed Tehran when Khomeini and monkey boy seized American territory (our embassy) in 1979. You have Carter to thank for that bit of inaction. Big surprise.
19. 15
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (09.28.07)
Where do you get your facts except for Ynet and CNN? You probably get you infos from US or Western pro-US media. Since I know several languages I read Russian, German, Ukrainian, British & American media. and I formulate the conclusions myself. Let´s consider the Iraq war. It is proven that the reason for this war was O I L (read Alan Greenspans recently published book and that is not the only source). Iraq was asbolutely no threat to the United States. Look what is now going on in Iraq, the situation is far worse than at the time of Saddam Husseins reign. Some aide of Cheney mentioned this idea of using Israel for attacking the Iran, isn´t it clear enough? And the final conclusion: Who does benefit from it? or do you think the US supports Israel because they are so kind? No, it´s all about money. The US has their particular interests in the Middle East, the oil rich region. And the US will support Israel as long as they benefit from it, one day or another the US will seize its support and Israel will have to deal on its own. However, most Israelis don´t understand this and totally rely on the US. Why the US is so much interested in Iran? Why was the US so much interested in Iraq? the same question...natural ressources, Iran has the 4th largest crude oil reserves in the world and the second largest natural gas reserves. If Zimbabwe had something what the US needs, they would certainly find a reason to attack it. This Iranian issue follows the same scenario as the Iraqi (sanctions, that military action) although Saddam Hussein finally let UN inspectors do their job in the country. It´s all about money my friend not about terrorist threats and nuclear weapons, try always to find who can benefit from it. And do you think that rich American Jews care much about Israel? I don´t think is their main priority, not human lives, this is the world we live in, open your eyes! Best Regards Igor
20. #19 Igor...what a bleak view you have
DR ,   Florida, USA   (09.28.07)
Propoganda has invaded your brain and now you have fallen into the Hate America trap. If the US went to Iraq for oil, how come we are paying more for gas than before? I am sure the oil companies and weapons companies are benfiting form the war, but to say it is all for money is just naive. Saddam hussein gave safe harbor to Al-qeida, paid 25 grand to families of suicide bombers, had and used WMD's ( no one can find them, but I bet they are in Syria) etc. Iraq did not let UN inspectors do their job. Again, where did you hear this. Iraq actually built phony sites for them to check and never trully cooperated. There were many countries that thought war was necessary, not just the US. We all know that the US will do what's in its best interest, but you are wrong about suport for Israel. Americans understand that Israel is a pillar of freedom in a sea of hate and despotism. The US will always support Israel.
21. 20
Igor ,   Munich, Germany   (09.28.07)
hold on, objecting a foreign policy of a country does not mean hating the country! Where do you get your infos? What kind of propaganda should invade my brain? I live in a free country without any propaganda, I could think the same of you, this discussion doesn´t make any sense. You won´t prove me your point and I certainly won´t be able to prove mines...but I still stick to my opinion: Money is what it is all about, nothing else but money. Iraq? Al Quaida? Saddam Hussein? There was no single terrorist from Iraq until the US invaded it. First your President Mr Bush should learn to distinguish Austria from Australia and should spell names of foreign countries correctly and then conduct any policy....
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