The last Zionists
Elyakim Haetzni
Published: 02.10.07, 08:04
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31. #23 What?!
Josh   (10.02.07)
The holy spirit fell from heaven in a lightning bolt and also satan fell from heaven in a lighting bolt. Clearly the Holy Spirit mention in Christianity scripture is a fallen angel. G-d's spirit and the Holy spirit are two different things. Just as Angels and G-d are not the same. Christians did not change Shabbat, they created a separate "Lord's day" and stopped observing Shabbat. no one in the church disputes the seventh day Saturday as being Shabbat. - At least that is what I observered when I was a Christian. Of course when they speak of the lord they speak of a man, a fallen spirit and G-d the father. Three does not equal one and G-d did not become 1/3 in s simultaneous existence with shared g-d forms. Jesus said, "why have you forsaken me father?" Separate enties separate count - three.
32. #28 Dont be ridiculous
Josh   (10.02.07)
G-d is not water. G-d is G-d. There shall be no forms to represent him. Nothing on the earth, nothing under the sea, and nothing in heaven. Nothing does him justice. I my other post gets approved - read it. These are three beings - everyone knows it - including you. Trinity violates the first and most curse riddin commandment. This may explain why the footfalls of the curses are landing all about.
33. #28 Smoke in mirrors
JP   (10.02.07)
Next youll sell me a bridge or snake oil. What you describe cannot be supported by Torah or the nature that G-d represnts through his messenger. It is a fabrication with double-talk.
34. Christian Zionists
PG ,   USA   (10.02.07)
Thank you for the love extended to us. "Ephraim" is returning to Torah and will be joined to the "stick" of Yehuda at Moshiach's coming. (Ezekiel)
35. #8 ,Y ou don't speak for me.
Connie ,   VA. USA   (10.02.07)
36. Useful Idiots
Ariel ,   London   (10.02.07)
I support Israel and the Jewish people because I believe with perfect faith that "Hashem blessed be he" called and separated the Jewish people unto himself for ever. It is therefore my eternal Christian duty, to think God's thoughts after him, like loath or love me. #5 calls people like us, useful idiots. So I am an idiot for supporting Israel. Well? and so what? The Lord do so to me, and more also if I ever turn from this position!
37. To #5
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (10.02.07)
I don't subscribe to ANY religion, but I do have to laugh at your statement that Christians only love you, because they consider Muslims a bigger threat than they do Jews. Do you honestly think that 14 million Jews, half of wom are scattered all over creation, constitute any threat whatsoever to 2.1 Billion Christians? As "threats" go, maybe you should consider those 1.5 Billion Muslims who want to kill everybody, but especially Jews, and by whom you're surrounded, just a teeny bit more of a threat than those Christians, even if some of them want to convert you. You can always say "no" to those Christians. The Muslims don't take no for an answer, even if they bothered to ask. I might point out, too, that the very people who, whether or not you want to admit it, stand between you and certain disaster might get tired of being called "useful idiots." Just how long do you think it would take for Israel to get pounced on from every direction, if your useful idiots decided to completely wash their hands of the entire "Palestinian" mess and only sucked up to their own "useful idiots;" you know, to the guys with all that oil? What if your useful idiots decided to listen to their useful idiots and started to adopt their credo that nobody really gives a hoot whether or not there are or aren't another few million Jews around? Oh, and exactly of which perverted religious wars are you speaking? As far as I'm concerned, all religions are bunk, but that's my opinion. It is however, a bit hard to swallow to have someone make a statement like that. Why would the very people, who killed millions of Jews over the past 2000 years, now expect those very Jews to fight their religious wars, perverse or otherwise? Having, hopefully, seen the error of their ways doesn't necessarily turn them into total idiots, useful or otherwise. If there were only 12 million Muslims, why would you need anybody's dimes? But since you seem to believe that there are Muslim Zionists, maybe you're not in touch with any reality, or as some Christian put it so aptly, "Were if''s and but's candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas." For crying out loud, make some sense and consider the possibility that some people are on your side for no reason other than the realization that Jews have been put through enough hell and that it's time to recognize that they have a right to live in a country of their own and do so in peace. And if most of those people happen to be Christians looking for absolution for past sins, who gives a s--t. Actually, you're better off having repentant Christians on your side than people who don't think they owe you anything. That guilt goes a long way.
38. #30, 35 and their likes
True Christian   (10.02.07)
Did you know that the Jews, particularly in Israel, refer to Jesus as "Yeshu", a Hebrew acronym for "Let his name and memory be cursed and erased"? And you define yourselves as Christians? You people make me sick.
39. #5 You tend to be alone because you don't love wisely ...
AK   (10.02.07)
your love of Germany and Russia and the Left comes to mind. As for 'useful idiots,' this label fits you to a 't'. Why don't you go to Washington to rally for Hamas; there were plenty of your kind of Jews there last weeekend -- and none of them wore a Star of David -- they were all 'secular.'
40. #38 ""Let his name and memory be cursed and erased"" AMEN!!!
LOOSERS ,   You are a heretic   (10.02.07)
41. Jews for Judaism Responds
Rabbi Bentzion Kravi ,   Los Angeles, CA   (10.02.07)
Christians say they respect Jews and Israel. What we really need is for them to respect Judaism. The fact that they refer to messianic Jews as "completed" Jews implies that the rest of us are "incomplete" until we accept Jesus. This is the core of our dispute. We must question their friendship as long as they deny the validity of our faith. I invite Christians to understand Judaism's point of view by visiting www.JewsForJudaism.org
42. #37 Brilliantly put.
Ariel ,   London   (10.02.07)
Unlike you, I am religious and my arguments would always be streamed through that prism. But hey, if I had an Oscar, I would give it to you for the very well reasoned and logical case you just put forward.
43. The Last Zionists
Connie ,   VA. USA   (10.02.07)
I was just on Youtube and a came across a cool song. In the search write Newsboys and click on the song, " I'm not ashamed". btw, they are a christian contemporary/pop/rock band from Austrailia. If you get the one I seen, you'll get a picture of how popular that music is around the US and the world. Just for fun, click on "Belly of a whale. :-))
44. Genuine friendship with the Jewish people - not proselytism!
Avraham ,   NYC   (10.02.07)
45. Did you know "true christian" that there..
Connie ,   VA. USA   (10.02.07)
is a baptist church in Kansas, I think it's called Westboro Baptist Church, who pro test at soldiers' funerals with some of the banners saying thank god for IEDs. That's sick. You tell me you'd rather support the radical muslims than to support the state of Israel. The only democracy in ME. You got issues.
46. Here's another one, "Jesus Freak"
Connie ,   VA. USA   (10.02.07)
by DC Talk. Caution: It's a rock song with some rap thrown in, on youtube.
47. Why a rosery in hands to portray a christian?
a bible believer ,   holyland   (10.02.07)
Roseries are used by catholics ALONE; a very very pagan faith, borrowing christian beliefs, and which historically has its foundation and true faith in mythraism, which is Babylonian. Biblical christianity does NOT recognise it as christian. Lose the photo, ynet!
48. 41, Rabbi, there are many great sources on your site
Shiloh ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.02.07)
I encourage Christians to start reading some of this information. Shana Tova
49. #5 is a typical self-defeating lefty
M ,   NYC   (10.02.07)
This American jew is grateful for the support of our Christian brothers. #5 suffers from the disease afflicting many Jews - it's so sad that the libs teach their children that the biggest thing for a jew to fear is the "right-wing christian coalition". Considering how dangerous the world has become, it's time to wake up and realize who your friends are and who your enemies are. #5 and all the jewish libs like him think they're smarter than everyone else, yet their brains were turned off long ago...
50. Unfortunately, Jews for Judaism is a very poor place
John ,   USA   (10.02.07)
for Christians who want to learn about Judaism. I would suggest ; "Derech Hashem - The Way of God " Moshe Chaim Luzzato's systematic exposition of Jewish beliefs. This would give you a basic understanding, sort of a primer.
51. #41 Rabbi Bentzion: The Aaronic ELS Bible Codes at
Rivkah   (10.02.07)
www.biblecodedigest.com say the covenant with the physical seed of Abraham is EVERLASTING. You may wish to lok at that. There is a separate covenant than the promise to Jesus for the Gentiles to be grafted onto the Abrahamic tree of faith with Jewish roots. Christian preachers and priests brainwash people into thinking the Jews are outside the covenant unless the accept Jesus by that name. Jews who are Jews in their hearts and worship Adonai/Hashem have a valid covenant even if not messianic in their faith. Look at the prophecies of Zechariah. He describes the Jewish Messiah coming down from the sky and touching down on the Mount of Olives. The Jews look at his hands and mourn. The Messiah then tells them that he was wounded in the house of his friends. Jesus forgave those who put him to death; but his followers did not, at least the pretend followers did not. Pity the Christians who have been misled by church leaders in the Dark Ages who changed the Sabbath to Sunday so ALL would disobey the Fourth Commandment to honor the Sabbath day which is the day God rested, Saturday, the seventh day. Pity the Christians who have been falsely taught that Jews who worship Adonai/Hashem are not saved. Pity the Christians who worship the idol of the spirit and power of God, which drags them into idol worship. Pity the Christians who have such poor teachers, they drop their sermon topic if someone with a Star of David necklace walks into the church, to attack the Jews. Such Christians will probably be excluded when the Lord tells them He never knew them and to depart from Him into everlasting fire. Pity and forgive them since it is unlikely the Lord will.
52. #28---Paul
ER ,   Canada   (10.02.07)
Paul, there should be no need to contrive Jesus into Hebrew Scriptures. Without Christian special translations of the Hebrew, using their own unique Strong’s Dictionary, there is not even a hint at there being a Jesus. Even with all your excogitating, the best you can come up with is the name Immanuel! As far as I know, this was not Jesus’ name. (By the way, Immanuel lived many centuries before your Jesus and he was not the messiah.) On the nature of G_d, he explicitly denies being a man, and the messiah will not be divine. In a similar manner, Christians can only contrive a trinity within the Torah through creative interpretation. Why would G-d constantly warn the Jews against worshiping anything other than a unity and then change his mind without expressly saying so in Torah? A tricky god, your Jesus.
53. Rivka....all men eventually enter into sabbath rest
John ,   USA   (10.02.07)
Its called physical death, when we loose our flesh as we know it, and live in our perfected spiritual body state ( Maimonides as an example believed man during this time will be in a spiritually holy body ). To a certain degree Christians are really false Jews, since they hold so much to literal Jewish rendering, which can not possibly be the case with Jesus...and in so doing, making him out to belike the anti-christ.
54. Blessing us doesn´t mean wearing David Star
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (10.02.07)
Blessing us doesn´t mean wearing David Star... or any other Jewish symbol. I strongly believe we ,Jews, should star aplying the 7 laws of Noa,or any other thing that we have in our body of teachings and that is proper for other peoples than Jews ,and start teaching them somehow. If we don´t do so ,they will keep on trying to rob our faith,in one way or another,with"love" or without. The fact is that they are obsessed by Jews,therefore ,Jews should teach them what must be tought ,without letting them keep on trying to become Jews,because they aren´t and can not be. This must be resolved,and probably by ourselves. Muslims as well as christians, try ,by force,to reach Jewish ways;there is no doubt.If we want to stop it,we must think about it deeply and workout it once and for all.
55. 53 John: There is a "rest "or "sleep" for the physical body
Rivkah   (10.02.07)
after death. The spirit of the saved and the unsaved returns to the Lord from whence it came at conception. The SOUL goes to a place of torment or a place of comfort. There is a great gulf fixed between the souls of those who are comforted and those who are tormented that cannot be crossed, but the two groups can speak to each other. Some souls have a special place under the altar of God if they were beheaded for God's sake until they are reunited with their physical body at the resurrection. Some souls have already been resurrected and are in heaven: Moses, Elijah, Samuel and others. If King David's body is still in the sarcophagus in the City of David, his soul is still in the place of comfort but he has not been resurrected with his body, yet. There is much false teachings in the Christian churches, sadly. Mary Walsh who left the Roman Catholic church and ceased to be a nun after reading the Bible has a lot of essays about the false teachings that should be in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. and should be reprinted. That is where bible scholar Tom VanAsperen of Florida got a copy. Those essays are astonishing. There are people who know God in all religions since Naaman the Syrian General worshipped in the House of Rimon to keep his job, but went to heaven. Only God and the Angels know for certain who is saved and who is not saved among the Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindus, and even people who say they are atheists in public to keep a job but belong the the Lord such as the former leader of the Soviet Union: Leonid Breznev.
56. 52 ER: Read the writings of Zechariah about the Messiah
Rivkah   (10.02.07)
coming down from the sky to the Mount of Olives to deliver Israel from all the nations of the world that attack at Armageddon. The Jews look at the Messiah's hands and MOURN. The Messiah tells them he was wounded in the house of his friends. The Messiah forgave those who killed him because that was necessary to graft the Gentiles onto the tree of faith. The Messiah forgave them, but his followers (most of them) did not. So are those who did not forgive the Jews really Christians? They may not be. I am sure many are utterly surprised at their exclusion from Paradise. Their reaction is even described in the Bible: weeping and gnashing of teeth.
57. #56 Rebecca, I rest my case!
ER   (10.02.07)
Yours is a perfect example of Christian contrivance of Hebrew Scriptures. The mourning to which you are referring is done by followers of a false messiah. (Could it be Christians?) Anyhow, my advice is to get rid of your Christian “translations”, which are not translations at all but rather new versions designed to place Jesus in the Tanach.
58. Rivkah....the Greeks etc. held to pagan firey torment
John ,   USA   (10.02.07)
Stop the con job. Saved is a WAY OF LIFE, not about your version of bodiless souls, going to the god of hades. Yes there is a great gulf between us. Stop gnashing your teeth so much. Why do you die? Its not because G-d penalized you, it was because of His grace and mercy that you physcially die. Blood is a SYMBOLIC LIFE FORCE, it is not a literal sin remover. Especially in false Jewish doctrine concerning literal man sacrifice in Jesus (who are you trying to kid on this blog anyway?). Sacrifice was not G-ds means to forgive man, but MANS NEED TO BE CLOSE TO G-D by killing off the substitute for his flesh and burning it away, so that his "spiritually symbolic life force" (blood) was left. Orthodox Judasim does not generally see sacrifices as symbolic or abstract types or images (although many Jews and some Christians do). The reason being is by defining something as symbolic or abstract it is a representation..... not the actual thing itself. To them, as a symbolic thing, it cannot function as the real thing. Christianity generally errs in the same manner in that they view the sacrifice of the Man Jesus as not symbolic or an abstract type, but a literal sacrifice to get G-d to do something for them; forgive them by paying off their guilt, or to them function as this version of a real sacrifice per a non symbolic Orthodox Jewish view of the Sacrificial system. This is why it can never line up properly with the Holy Word (the interpetational system is flawed).
SERGIO ,   QIRYAT ARBA   (10.02.07)
About 60,000 people accompanied today, in their traditional festive, colourful and decent march through the streets of Jerusalem, some 7.000 Protestants in their yearly pilgrimage on Sukkot in support of Israel (NO ONE ELSE DARED BEING IN ISRAEL IN 2001-2004, during the Oslo War!), a march and show of solidarity which some - among whom the Chief Rabbis of the State of Israel, the same pair who found nothing strange standing in front of the sitting High Priest of Catholicism wearing his full idol worshipping symbols and cloth and inside a Vatican building filled with idols! - have criticised in a very unwise manner, to the point of even forbidding the participation of Jews to the event: obviously without much success. For those who, like the two Chief Rabbis, are by now just political appointees and do not represent much more than a part of the israeli Jews - the ultra-orthodox - a part which "stays out" of the social life of the country, does not participate in its defence or in its scientific, technological and social development if not marginally, and lives as if we had no problems with the enemies that surround us as long as no one threatens THEIR HOMES; for such people it is tragically easy to renounce even to those who are probably our only external sincere friends, mixing the good with the bad, and accusing them of being missionaries, which, in the great majority of cases, is not the case at all. Once again, just like it happened with Oslo, the ultra-orthodox and penguin-like part of Israel finds itself in agreement with the anti-religious and anti-national extreme left, which also cannot stand people who favour Jewish presence in ALL PARTS OF ERETS ISRAEL, and who are certainly more "zionists" than they are, especially after the left embraced post-zionism and internalised all the theories and ideologies of our enemies about Jewish presence and sovereignty in Erets Israel.
60. #54 We're not obsessed w/Jews, we're obsessed w/the God of
Abraham, Issac, & ,   Jacob. Period.   (10.02.07)
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