Christians march for Israel
Published: 04.10.07, 19:29
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31. Marcel
Paul ,   USA   (10.06.07)
Marcel, I do not remember writing anything wonderful about president Bush or making excuses for him. I also do not believe he is a Christian. You are still wrong in the way you present yourself. You must think very highly of yourself in that ONLY you realizes that our president is putting our nation in danger by his Road Map. Get over yourself son. We all know this. I also hate his immigration ploys to set up the fall of America as we know it. My family feels the same way BUT we still do not call the man names. Fact is, we are in a bad situation here in America and this is due to a myriad of reasons dating back decades and continuing to this day. So please get off your pedastal and accusing others of being sheep just because we don't rant in a disrespectful way about who God placed in charge. God knows our hearts and minds, not Marcel. Our land is cursed for allowing open homosexuality and for the murder of 45 million babies in the womb. Does it shock you that we would be involved in parceling Israel to her enemies? You will not reverse the judgement for our crimes, it is really too late for that. Daniel most likely had some of his own family killed when he was taken to Babylon but he still addressed the king in a respectful manner. You need to do the same while continuing to point out the error of the president. I didn't once defend the man's policy and won't but I refuse to be disrespectful. No Christian I know believes our president is a true believer so stop calling the rest of us sheep. We have been on a bad course from the days of Carter in regard to Israel and probably long before that. You are advocating for us not to vote at all. I think that is wrong and that is my opinion. Because we disagree, does that leave me room to call you a sheep? Are you implying that I walk in darkness because I do not openly slander the president? You are wrong again. I have plenty of Jewish friends in my email group and we all wrote about these things being horrible for Israel. All the while there is no excuse for disrespect. You are comparing the president to Hitler? Are you kidding me? Do we still veto most every sick UN resolution against Israel? Would Hitler have done so? Come on man. Daniel and Joseph were put in charge of much of Babylon and Egypt. Using your arguments, neither should have taken those positions. You would have called them both sheep also and how wrong you would have been. Yeah, I really sound like a sheep with not a rational thought in my head. Please get over yourself. It's a pride thing Marcel, isn't it?
32. Marcel
Paul ,   USA   (10.06.07)
About Ephesians that you quoted; Did I write for you NOT to continue to expose Mr. Bush? No I didn't. I just wrote that you should be doing it without disrespect. In fact I agree with you almost 100% in what you write but I do not agree with you in the way you go about it. We are commanded to be respectful and you need to be. You can accomplish your warnings without all of that. Now go ahead and try to twist my words to make yourself right. Once again let me be very clear... OUR PRESIDENT IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG FOR PUTTING PRESSURE ON ISRAEL TO GIVE HER LAND AWAY. Now I have written the same thing you have but without any nasty, disrespectful adjectives. Tell me why I am wrong. I will tell you another thing. I am thrilled that the president removed the Iraqi killer because he was paying "pali" families who sent their sons to kill Israelis. I don't care if the president had another reason for removing him, that does not matter to me. What matters is that funds were cut off to killers of Israelis. Do you see how God can always use any situation for his purpose, even if a leader is not one of his own? Oh yeah, I am a blind sheep with not a thought in my head. Hahaha
33. RE.. Come and support Us Raz,NZ
Keith ,   Greenville USA   (10.07.07)
You Have Millions of christians Praying for Isreal But US Christians arent Going to redeem You But Dont Worry Our God IS Your God ! and hes getting Ready to Reedeem Isreal just read eziekiel 38-39 and as for your corrupt secular PM we Have a corrupt secular system of our own were praying to be reedeemed from only thing is i cant find any promise of that in scripture.Unless of Course the pre tribulation rapture therory is true. May The God OF Abraham issac and moses Help us All.
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