MKs tell Washington: Annapolis conference doomed
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 16.10.07, 23:01
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18 Talkbacks for this article
1. Annapolis = waste of time.
Allan ,   US   (10.16.07)
2. Maybe some sanity is happening
ralphsrant1 ,   USA   (10.16.07)
Maybe the MK's are finally realizeing that we are being railroaded into a agreement by Bush Rice and the Saudis benifactors. WE GET NOTHING
3. Bush's Iraq ,Israel peace failure
Marcel ,   Florida   (10.17.07)
The failed president wants to deliver Israel on a platter to help keep Saudi,Egypt and Arab League allies investing in the collapsing U.S. economy. Are the sleeping Jews FINALLY waking up ? Israel the sacrificial Lamb is putting up a fight and will not go down silently.
4. The only peace will be
Psalms 83 ,   Selah   (10.17.07)
...the one G-d will bring .... anything devised by man is dommed to failure issaiah 36 - 40
5. if it doesnt fail Israel is in real trouble
zionist forever   (10.17.07)
For Israels sake I do hope its doomed to failure. This summit is about creating another Munich Agreement which will lead to peace in our time. We make territorial concesions today because the enemy promises thats an end to all their demands and they will make peace with everybody but then a little further down the line suddenly the they change they tear up the document that had been signed and start demanding more concesions and we have a war which we were not prepared for because we belived in peace so we could turn a blind eye to what we knew was the truth. If we dont want to have Olmert come home with peace in our time and having sold Jerusalem and just about everything else for a few promises and Baraks missle defense system then this conference must fail because once you signed it away you cant ask for it back.
6. Bush Annapolis
david ,   detroit usa   (10.17.07)
Well who will you blaim when Bush is gone in a year. Look at all that was uncovered since Iraq invasion. N.Korea,power plants, antagonists showing their true syripes to the rest of the world,bin Ladens looney fringe idology. Was it George Bush who put this upon you by his inaction,would you be better off if all this were still a hidden agenda Hummm ! Do you really expect a Hillary Clinton to spend HER political capital on Isreal or the middle east as a whole ? I think its time to make a move before the only option you'll have left is to stare down a silo aimed at you. If for no other reason you can justify you defencive actions you may have to take by knowing you tried all other alternatives. Or wait for Hillary to save you !
7. Harta Barta
Yisraeli   (10.17.07)
all nonsense. wish someone would send Condi Rice packing, shes utterly clueless. The only question that remains is will Bush attack Iran before the end of his office. Theres no avoiding a big war coming to Israel, mostly due because of her consistent appeasement and surrender. Surrender of Temple Mount to Waqf 1967. Surrender of Sinai and Yamit 1979. Oslo surrender and arming the enemy 1993. Surrender of Sth.Lebanon to Hizbollah 2000 and betraying the SLA. Barak offering everything including the kitchen sink 2000. Result Intifada. Sharon not declaring war on palestinians after the discoteque massacre 2002? Surrender of Gush Katif 2005 and expelling Jews from theyre homes. Surrender of Amonah and other yishuvim to the enemy 2005. Making war on Jews, ongoing. Now talking of surrendering half Jerusalem, Temple Mount, Yehuda and Shomron. I know what Id be doing if I were the arabs......getting ready to finish us off. Only a question of when.
8. Bush and Rice's legacy-nothing impressive
Brooke   (10.17.07)
Both of them have nothing to be proud of. They want to break Israel to improve their personal reputations. I am sick & tired of every US president in the twilight of his term forcing a delusional land for peace when it is only land stolen from Israel piece by piece. Their hypocrisy in their insistence that Israel give land to their sworn enemy terrorists as per the Fatah & Hamas charter that has never been revoked, while Bush and Rice wage war on the US's terrorists. They, the state dept for Saudi Arabia (which Rice, Bush, Baker etc are the corrupt puppets of) and the Left Israel gov't are mad, corrupt, insane and traitors. Get lost.!! Bush your own Commander in Iraq, Sanchez, said you don't know how to fight the war on terror. People who cannot lead should not insist their rules be followed by Israel. Today Russia threatened Israel if they attack Iran. Turkey is threateneing Iraq because the US gov't declared an Armenian genocide. I feel so much safer with these 2 at the helm. Like I said, GET LOST!
9. call it off already and stop pretending
10. Has Olmert sold out Israel for his scandals?
Bernard Ross ,   st. anns bay,jamaica   (10.17.07)
Similar to Sharon, it appears that those leaders with looming scandals embark on a mad rush to give away Israel. The US is probably blackmailing scandalous Israeli politicians into doing their bidding. This way Israel can be as successful as Iraq
11. Peace agreements are made to be broken
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (10.17.07)
Especially when the buffoons brokering the deal have nothing to lose. Let's look at the picture, here, shall we? Olmert's and Abbas' popularity numbers are both in the dumpers, Olmert is viewed by the Israeli public as nothing more than a nudnik and Abbas is viewed by the Palestinian public as a Western stooge. Any agreement reached between the two will obviously disregard Israeli and Palestinian public opinion and is destined to fail on the ground even though it seems viable on paper. The question I'm asking myself is how on earth Bush and Condi have the gall to call a peace summit when the conditions couldn't be less favorable. If the summit itself isn't a failure, whatever comes from it certainly will be.
12. An effective approach to peace:
Uzi ,   Haifa   (10.17.07)
The more and harder you beat perpetrators of genocide the less they hate you and the more they respect you. If you beat them long and hard enough they would stop their aggressive activities for a long time, until they sense that you have become complacent. This is their culture and this is how they behave among themselves.
13. Delusional leftists demonstrate symptoms of Oslo Syndrome:
Uzi ,   Haifa   (10.17.07)
In response to the perpetual pressures of the siege by the Arabs and anti-Semites these leftists get to the point that they empathize and sympathize with our mortal enemies. Initially they try to reduce these pressures by rationalization, appeasement and havlaga. Later they move to 'giving advice' to the enemy and knocking down their own people. Eventually they become active and fanatic helpers of the enemy.
14. Why did the MKs wait so long to speak up
Canadian Otter   (10.17.07)
There was obvious danger in allowing these talks to take place, and in having such a open-ended agenda. It seemed that anything was negotiable. That's what Olmert was telling us all along. So why did the MKs wait until things had progressed this far to make their objections known? It should be clear to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that the Arabs have to put their house in order before they can make any demands for statehood. They need to show capacity for political and financial stability, economic infrastructure, educational reform, recognition of Israel and an end to violence. You can't build a state without foundations. Israel had nothing to gain from these negotiations. Israel was being shamelessly pushed around by the American government. And the word "peace" should not be associated with this kind of deception ever again. Bush even dropped all pretension that violence should stop before concessions. Terror continues. The IDF is kept busy chasing after terrorists all over the PA, many of them from Fatah's' very own Al Aqsa Brigade. Although it is good that the MKs are finally waking up, their passivity allowing Olmert to get this far on the roadmap to failure will be partly to blame for the next intifada. And since Israel can't wait indefinitely for the Arabs to get their act together, it must take the initiative and come up with something other than "disengagement" or outright surrender to deal with the problem. MK Benny Elon has already proposed something new. See:
15. No more Israeli land give aways especially Jerusalem
Petra ,   usa   (10.17.07)
Bush is no friend of Israel. Keep every piece of Jerusalem, it's ours!
16. Annapolis conference should be held on day of Rabin's death
Joseph P. ,   Jerusalem   (10.17.07)
to show that just like Oslo is dead so will this peace innitiative of this Annapolis conference be.
17. #15
Invicta ,   Europa   (10.17.07)
well go and live there then. Don't complain about Bush and demand Jerusalem from afar. Be brave. Go over there.
18. US is playing with fire alright
Sue ,   USA   (10.23.07)
California is burning already. I can hardly wait to see what happens to the USA after we wrangle with Israel trying to convince them to give away Jerusalem. Our leaders are confounded.
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