Rightist initiative: Picking flag and anthem for settler state
Efrat Weiss
Published: 06.12.07, 12:59
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31. #25 - LEARN TO READ!!!
stude ham   (12.06.07)
Gliker ,   USA/Israel   (12.06.07)
I wish that all the settlers would come into Israel and practice their Orthodoxy within the confines of the State of Israel, where even me, -disgusted by the behavior and attitude of the settlers,- would die for their right to be as Jewish as they wanna be.
33. Some good ideas
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (12.06.07)
If two Arabs can form an independent country, why not a 100,000 Jews? With a country in Judea and Samaria, and perhaps one on the Golan we would have 3 votes in the UN to offset the Arabs somewhat. This is a pretty good idea and one that I have backed for a long time. Then the morons in Tel Aviv wouldn't be able to give away people's homes anymore.
34. Leaders with NO SPINE
RICH ,   RA'ANANA   (12.06.07)
We have no leaders with NO spine in dealing with our enemies who are blinded by "peace" in facing past history and current reality. Israel needs a KING DAVID or JUDAH MACCABEE to lead it Right NOW !!! It doesnt take a genius to see that the land is slowly being given away for nothing............ The whole arab world screamed..."give back the buffer zone in lebanon"...WE DID and they used it to attack us and kidnap our soldiers which touched off a war.... They screamed.... "give back gaza"... and they use it to kidnap soldiers and launch rockets. NO MORE LAND GIVEAWAYS !!!! NO MORE KIDNAPPINGS !!! NO MORE WEAK LEADERS !!!! CALL for early elections NOW !!!
35. Joseph,25#, Simon 30#, both extremists
Judah ,   Golan Heights,ISRAEL   (12.06.07)
One of you represents the extreme left wing 10% and the other of you represents the extreme right wing 10%. Fortunately 80% of Israeli Jews won't agree with either one of you.
36. Chill! It's just an attention-grabber -- a successful one.
Shuki   (12.06.07)
37. are next in line
BJL ,   USA   (12.06.07)
After you idiots have destroyed Judea and Samaria, that just puts TA even closer to the teeming masses of arabs that hate you even more than the religious Jews due to your traif loving, homosexual loving, open sex loving, lifestyle. Without Judea and Samaria, TA is just that much more of an attractive target.. Fools.....
38. This is journalism? Where are the details?
JPS ,   Efrat   (12.06.07)
Come on Efrat Weiss! You mention "SOS Israel" in the lead but never mention it again. Who are they? Whom do they represent? Who is funding them? There are no details, and a phony headline that suggest the mythical "right wing" is behind it. The truth is that this is a fringe group with a limited following, and there have been other groups over the years who have proposed independent kingdoms in Judea and Samaria. The general reader is going to think that the "right wing" is behind this. It isn't. Just like the "left wing" isn't behind the anarchists who gave out the bogus electrical outage announcements in Tel Aviv this week. Let's see fewer Ynet stories based on just a single point of view that do not address the issues and give the reader the real facts.
39. #3, and when - not if - they get attacked
Danny   (12.06.07)
who do you think is going to have to ride to their rescue? You think if Israel pulls out and the "rightist state" that this will be accepted by the world? You think we won't get blamed for their actions? Nice dream but only that a dream.
40. #30 No Problem - if it belongs to us, it's ours
Joseph P. ,   Jerusalem   (12.06.07)
It's not only the West Bank that belongs to us. OUR Jewish state includes the West Bank, Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Haifa too! And that's where YOU don't belong. As I told you before, you belong in Uganda where you'd feel most comfortable and live happily ever after. And you won't even have to be concerned about anything holy. And your religious brothers won't go on your nerves. Perfect for you and your likes there. And there will finally be "shalom al yisrael".
41. National Anthem & Flag
Joseph P. ,   Jerusalem   (12.06.07)
The National Anthem: Im Eshkochech Yerushalayim Tishkach Yemini The Flag: As these "settlers" are the true Zionists they should be the ones to keep the original Zionist blue and white flag. The Leftists and self-hating Jews who want to give away territory from OUR Jewish homeland, need a different flag. They can choose one of these doodles:,7340,L-3390945,00.html
42. #31 The problem is that I read "every word"
Joseph P. ,   Jerusalem   (12.06.07)
Although you're not pro-Olmert, but by viewing religious Jews who are steadfastly holding on to territory that belongs to us as strange and calling them "freaks", puts you in the same category.
43. Simon it must be lonely being a bigot....
Danny ,   Tel Aviv   (12.06.07)
never presume anything only state facts, and the facts here are clear, you have an axe to grind with the religious community. ''Be with my brothers in occupied Palestine'' interesting that, when you are on your nights out in Jaffa attending ur flower arranging evening are you not on 'occupied' land? maybe you should crawl out of your bedsit and ask an Arab if he considers Jaffa a Jewish settlement? I bet you are the smart guy that suggested that we all only light one Chanukah candle to limit the release of carbon into the atmosphere...hilarious !!!
44. # David
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (12.06.07)
I would like to say exactly what you said. Exactly,the history is impressively repeating itself.I Hope this is the last time,and that it will be different in its conclusion.I hope that the Miracle of Hanukah will be universaly visible, forever and by all .
45. 2 Jewish states? Why not?
Joe ,   Los Angeles, CA   (12.06.07)
It's not like the Palestinians don't already have 2 states and a good chunk of a Jewish one...
46. Joseph P. Jerusalem, should I use the examples you give
Mike ,   Israel   (12.06.07)
such as stealing from the country to feed your children, or not wear a uniform in the name of prayer, or maybe you mean not to obay the law when it suits your needs, Tell us all Joseph how to Respect the Country we both live in. We are all waiting for you and your kind to set an example.
47. #32 GILKER
DAVID ,   JUDEA   (12.06.07)
First of all your disgusted by our behavior and attitude, yet I have the feeling that you do not know us. Hereby you are invited at anytime for a shabbat or any other occasion. Secondly if you would read my #4 TB properly then you would see that the sate and its institutions does not represent the peolple of Israel, therefore the state bounderies are not what you think they are. And I hate say it but eventually we will have a far bigger country for all of us. And by the way I do not feel disgusted by your behavior or attitude, just sad that you pass such judgement on torah observant jews.
48. #44 Karen
DAVID ,   JUDEA   (12.06.07)
Thx and I want you to know that we are the strongest as being one nation. There is always hope that many of our brothers and sisters do teshuva so we can fullfil our destiny together as one.
49. #25 - To "everybody hating" Joseph P.....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (12.06.07)
Lots of Jews on the so-called "left" (itself a meaningless, hackneyed term) not only love ourselves and other Jews, but we love and wish to make peace with people who are not Jews. This two state solution for Jews is dead on arrival. The only two states there will be will be a Jewish one and a Palestinian one. Get used to the idea of a peacful existence in this reagion for Israel. Despite haters like you, the difficult process of building peace and compromise will happen. We will end our disputes and make peace with our enemies in a difficult but doable process. We love our Jewish country and intend to keep it strong.
50. Find a new religion
The Other Alan ,   Plainfield, NJ USA   (12.06.07)
Clearly this religion of Zionism is rotten to the core.
51. Long live State of Judea!
Avrom Ben Gershon ,   Orlando, FL USA   (12.06.07)
Judea, Samaria & Gaza - State of Judea. Jews - in, arabs out to arab lands!
52. 11
gabriela ben ari ,   jerusalem   (12.06.07)
Joseph and David: col hacavod for all your talkbacks always nice to read a ray of light into ynet's darkness........ I've always preached that the evil hellenists left wingers, who are a bunch of a self hater loony minority, could be scooped and done away with, had the righist population known better on how to present a single - united political front. It's now or never: either a new list covering the right spectrum from likud to national union with aguda, marzel and everyone included or we are history. Lets make the front together and then sort out the smaller differences. Shas is welcome to partake of the leftists money/power as they've always done. Otherwise Israel is history
bill handel ,   brooklyn, usa   (12.06.07)
The Government always gets its way. The die is cast--the "big powers" are prepared to throw the Jews to the wolves, if that is necessary to attain their foreign policy goals.
54. A well intended but bad idea
David Peretz ,   A Town in Galut   (12.06.07)
We Jews in general are still around due to HaShem's Promises and not because of our own resources, like the secular Jews love to dream. These self-hating Hellenized renegades hate us, religious Jews, with the same hellish fervor as Haman and Hitler did -- among other Jew-haters in ancient and modern history did and still evidently do. Why? Because they hate the Elohim of Israel, and they know we love Him at any cost and because we uphold His Name in front of an Adonai-hating world into which they want to be accepted and assimilated. Why do they Hate Him? Because they dislike and oppose His life-cleansing Torah. In their demential idiocy they love to pretend that they can be "free" from the Demands of it -- as if they could annul it just by denying it and so its Giver. Meanwhile their highest expression, the evil traitors in the Israeli government, obviously have the same agenda as the Muslim Arabs have: to destroy Israel and annihilate any Torah-obedient Jew as a means to try to "dethrone" the true Almighty, blessed be His Name. Palpably what the idiotic lefties ignore is that they will undergo the same lethal experience because, to their utmost chagrin, they are still Jews and Arabs don't care our religious nuances since they know that people change their opinions, and Jews turn to Torah when they mature as persons. Now we can see against what kind of internal evil Moshe Rabbeinu had to deal with when our fathers were in the desert. Sorry to say, we palpably still are b'midbar until HaMoshiach comes, may it be in our lifetimes. Having said all that, I think that seceding was a very bad idea 3,000 years ago, and it still is. Religious Jews need to get involved as much as possible in the political process of Israel. Forget about Shas and Israel Beitenu; let us at least temporarily depose our religious differences for the sake of working shalom for Eretz Yisrael, and let us create a true Zionist party. Once the traitors and their stupid entourage is off government and, better yet, the Land they despise so much, then let us have some juicy Jewish debates about religious understandings and approaches. For the higher love of Elohim and the Land, let us set apart our differences, and let us unite and do what the ancient tribes did in the times of the Shoftim when they were confronted with the superior war machine of the Philistine. Therefore, Jews of the world, unite!
55. Joseph your the only real problem in This Country
Mike ,   Israel   (12.06.07)
56. Who needs a new flag?
Ben ,   Gush Etzion   (12.06.07)
It is Olmert and crew who need the new flag, they wish to remove the two stripes which represent the two bodies of water the Eretz Yisroel is situated in between and they wish to remove the JEWISH star so they will not be a JEWISH State, leaving them with a plain white flag which symbolizes SURRENDER!
57. 25 Joseph & 27 David
Paqid 16 Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (12.06.07)
At lease a couple of those arguing with you are self-admittedly not Jews -- but they let readers think they're Jews. Michael Haifa is a Haifa Arab and should call himself Mustafa or something. Mike Israel is self-identified as a Christian and "goy immigrant" (2006.11.28) Their opinions concerning the Jewish state and Jewish matters are, cumulatively, worth exactly zero. I have serious suspicions about Stude and several others who have been arguing with you. It's unfortunate that posters aren't required to sign off with their true identity so everyone can know where they're really coming from and be required to stand behind their words in stead of hiding behind fake "handles" changing disguises whenever it's convenient. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu (ne Clint Van Nest) IIsraeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
58. 25 Joseph & 27 David
Paqid 16 Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (12.06.07)
At least a couple of those arguing with you are self-admittedly not Jews -- but they're happy, when it's convenient, to let readers think they're Jews. Michael Haifa is a Haifa Arab and should call himself Mustafa or something. Mike Israel is a self-identified Christian and "goy immigrant" (2006.11.28) Their opinions concerning the Jewish state and Jewish matters are, cumulatively, worth exactly zero. I have serious suspicions about Stude and several others as well. Arabs, particularly, love to pass themselves off as secular Jews to foist their opinions on us. It's unfortunate that posters aren't required to register and sign off with their true identity and where they stand so that everyone can know where that message is coming from. They should also be required to stand behind their words instead of hiding behind fake "handles" and changing disguises whenever it's convenient. PS: the most popular Israeli Jewish newspaper not publishing candlelighting times on Erev Shabbat and Erev Khag in its on-line counterpart is a disservice to Jewish readers and a disgrace to Israel. Even ha-Aretz publishes candlelighting times. Paqid Yirmeyahu IIsraeli Orthodox Jew Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
59. #46 Media distortion
Joseph P. ,   Jerusalem   (12.06.07)
The Leftist media feeds its people with pure lies and I’m sure you’re aware about it too and if not, it’s time you do some homework and honestly get the true facts. The image the seculars have towards religious people is that all religious people do nothing all day, they don’t work, none of them go to the army, but just steal from the secular working people and are nothing but parasites who suck your blood. This kind of distortion by the Leftist media again and again simply penetrated into the minds of the seculars and yours which is exactly what you seculars want to hear. But the facts are totally different. Most religious people work and pay taxes and serve in the army. Many religious schools are not supported by the government and many are only partially supported. The crime rate among the religious is minimal compared to the crime rate among the secular, which you know better than I do; teachers being afraid of their students, etc. which is unheard of in religious circles and the jails are full of these seculars. The state saves billions of shekel each year from not fully supporting many of the religious schools and the lack of need for police and anti-crime programs and jail system. The religious people feel that since this is a Jewish country and they pay taxes as many of you seculars do, they deserve to get their share in schooling and yeshivot which is in their opinion nothing less than the universities where the professors are highly paid and supported by the government, even though the students learn subjects that has nothing to do with their future career, like learning Chinese history, liberal arts, and all other shtuyot. So it’s not stealing the way you make it sound but simply getting the fair share they deserve. But in contrast to the public school system which is part of the government budget, religious schools are not, and have to beg for it every year and the media portrays them as suckers and you fall for it.
60. How can I help?
Michael ,   Miami   (12.06.07)
Where can those of us who agree that the leadership in Israel is the worst ever and their idea of peace is to appease and capitulate to the leftist dreck. Israel will not survive w/ the self-loathers who run the government, media and universities. The Tel-Aviv atheists would love nothing more than to destroy more Jewish communities in Yesha.
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