Jewish Scene
54%: Women discriminated against in Jewish tradition
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 25.12.07, 07:19
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39 Talkbacks for this article
31. Families are Gods creation
marilyn   (12.27.07)
When there is a going to listen to the Word of the true God, surely Israel would like to encourage families ,to come to listen together. Surely a man can take the lead in bringing his family to listen to the 'word' without humiliating his wife.'What God has put together let no man put asunder'
32. #4 - those who say so are not women!
lisa ,   israel   (12.27.07)
Don't you dare insist that women are not discriminated in Judaism! I have already written my piece in another such article as this with comments like this that show exactly how women are discriminated against every single day in the Haredi community! It's disgusting! One reason why I hate visiting my family in that community is due to the disrespect and disregard for the women. Pushing women to the back of a haredi bus so she can sit all squashed up or stand, while 'he' gets to sit like a 'lady' instead of her, and the women having to disappear every time a hassidic man appears at the front door of a home, are reasons why women feel discriminated against! The women who have to get on the back of a bus instead of through the front is reason enough! But have you noticed that the men have no problem coming to the back of the bus to talk to their wives or their kids. They also frequent the 'secular' buses and don't seem to have a problem rubbing shoulders with girls in spaghetti straps and tight jeans. If they were so opposed, they would not ride on 'secular' buses at all. Where is the logic and where the hell do you get your facts about 'different' when women are actually being demeaned and oppessed in such situations?! So keep your blissfull ignorance to yourself and start being 'informed!'
33. #9 - you poor misguided person
lisa ,   israel   (12.27.07)
Orthodox women might be happy with their lot because the 'men' have put them in their place and told them the rules and regulations of their lives. The men generally pick and choose what they feel like doing and at the end of the day they haven't done anything except be so concentrated on the 'womens' functions that they don't really know what it is they're supposed to be doing. The tight, orthodox communities rules are mainly orders as to what the women are and aren't allowed to do or wear! If that's what it means to be happy then I would not swap it for what I have now where there are no men telling women how to behave! If you're happy being so 'happy' then it's your life but not everyone agrees with you, especially in an article which attracts not just orthodox people but all types. I've been around and seen too many things which go against 'women' functioning as 'people' and too much focus on what rules and regulations to make up for the women!
34. #13 - lets face reality
lisa ,   israel   (12.27.07)
Yoni, even I realize that there are SOME obvious differences between men and women. For instance I think it would be out of the question biologically, for you to give birth. As for women using 'urinals'. We are obviuosly not 'built' for the same usage don't you think?! It's a fact of life that physically men and women differ biologically but aside from that we should be treated equally as far as society goes. If you want to wear women's clothing - go ahead if it makes you feel equal but why would wearing a dress make you feel equal? Does that mean that you're not already equal?! I also want equality but it doesn't mean I need to achieve it by changing who I am!
35. you are right we are different oh well
Yoni ,   Jerusalem   (12.27.07)
oh well i gues we are different but if we are different in body that shouldnt mean that we are different in any other way whatsoever right? i am guessing that the difference in body and function is probably just a technicality and maybe even a mistake. personality wise though we are exactly the same aren't we? so where do we really differ? maybe all men and women should just become momen and bring down the boundaries we will get married to eachother equally and we will dress equally and there will be no difference other than the accidental physical charactures. are you people retarded?? men are from mars and women from venus!
36. Worse than gentiles?
Ephraim ,   Diaspora   (12.28.07)
It is amazing how well loved the gentiles are when they are giving billions of dollars in aid. After the money is given then we can go back to being dogs.
37. Dear Lisa #32
Reuven Brauner ,   Raanana, Israel   (12.30.07)
Ah, dear Lisa. You are mixing things up. I wrote that Judaism does not discriminate against women, and you are write about sitting on a bus. I am refering to what it says in the Torah and Halacha, and you are refer to inconsiderate people who push other people. As Rabbi Berel Wein once said (I believe), "don't mistake Judaism for Jews". Improper deportment by specific individuals or even groups do not necessarily represent Jewish ideals and true Jewish modes of behavior.
38. Fear Is a Sign of Weakness
Shuki ,   Jerusalem   (01.03.08)
Unsurprisingly, most of the responses to this article have been angry and defensive. If Orthodoxy is clearly correct and authentic in its maintenance of gender separation, there should really be nothing to worry about. Let the Masorti Movement provide a solution to an imagined problem, a move that won't address any need and will thus be irrelevant. However, exponents of Orthodoxy's exclusive claim to halakhic authenticity do have reasons to fear, because neither the problem nor the solution are far-fetched. The plight of Orthodox women denied divorce by abusive husbands is only one instance of the disenfranchisement of women by the Israeli Rabbinate and its willingness to trample and humiliate its own female adherents. Traditionally, women are barred from studying, arbitrating, and administering Jewish law, as well as testifying. Anyone see a potential for problems?! The claim that Orthodox women face no form of discrimination is dishonest. Finding solutions to gender discrimination in halakha is not easy. However, attempts by religious Jews to address a REAL problem should not be mocked or derided. After all, even those who point to the historic acceptance of gender separation as normative Jewish practice must admit, after visiting an ancient synagogue or learning about simchat beit hashoeva, that gender separation was not as self-evident in Biblical and Mishnaic times as it is claimed to be today.
39. #6 Did you really compare Orthodoxy to a Viutton purse?!
Shuki ,   Jerusalem   (01.03.08)
Your analogy speaks for itself. Please write in again when you have something intelligent to say.
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