Nasrallah: We have remains of soldiers killed in Second Lebanon War
Roee Nahmais
Published: 03.01.08, 00:55
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53 Talkbacks for this article
31. Lydia # 25
AJ ,   Tel Aviv   (01.03.08)
I can't believe your level of hatred and incitement against my people. You clutch at straws and falsehoods to try to besmirch us. We are a people who loves and respects life, a people that has given the world so many gifts, from monotheism and a code of morality to literature, science, philosophy, medicine and technology. We are a people that has struggled against evil souls like yours since our birth as a nation several thousand years ago. Now remember you vicious, paranoid, hateful bitch: The JEWS are out to get you! We are conspiring against you. We are manipulating you! We seek world domination! Do us all a favour and go play in the traffic - preferrably on a freeway carrying big trucks. LYDIA, MAY YOU AND YOUR DESCENDANTS TO THE 100TH GENERATION BE CURSED BY THE HATRED AND LIES YOU AIM AT US. AM YISRAEL CHAI! PS The more you hate us, the stronger we get ;-)
Rivkah   (01.03.08)
for every assassination in the world. I am waiting to hear how and why the Mossad killed John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Jack Ruby. No doubt the Mossad killed Anna Nicole Smith and Nicole Brown Simpson and Marilyn Monroe and Natalie Wood and Indira Ghandhi and Benazir Bhutto and Elvis Presley and Yitzak Rabin. Why have an FBI and Interpol when it is always the Mossad who killed everybody who dies suspiciously?
33. Two Israeli soldiers
Miriam ,   Jerusalem   (01.03.08)
The question is if he is telling the truth about the two Israeli soldiers, are they really dead? Everyone in Israel is waiting for these two young men to come home. We must know the truth about them.
34. #27, ok now you are just a nutjob
Danny   (01.03.08)
The other stuff could just be garbled nonsense you picked up when you Googled "Irrationational hatred of Jews" but Israel responsible for Lockebie?
35. Nasrallah - Hes nothing but....
Cy ,   Reading, Berks   (01.03.08)
A rotten festering piece of blubber Someone who has taken on the mantle as PROTECTOR of ALL Lebanon? The front! The cheek! Hes not worth even a grain of the ground of the Lebanon that he walks on REMEMBER More than 1000 Lebanese civilians DIED NEEDLESSLY because of his actions. And to see him walk and talk with that swagger FOR ALL LEBANON sickens me to the very core. Sooner or later he will pay dearly
36. eliminating Nasrallah should be a top IDF priority
aaron ,   ra'anana   (01.03.08)
crush the head of the snake.
37. #32, your wait is over
Danny   (01.03.08)
Someone calling himself Zeal claimed that the Mossad assasinated JFK. From recollection it was because JFK was getting too close to the Arabs or maybe because he was going to shut down Dimona.
38. # 15, 16 Ibrahim, Egypt - Stupid
KMR ,   Overseas   (01.03.08)
People such as you by "worshiping Nasrallah" made million SouthLebanese Shia homeless. Imagine homeless situation in cold winter. Enjoying Peace under Mubarak, you idiots encourage others to fight or commit suicide as bombers is INSANE. It is open secret, you need Nasrallah to fight Israelis, when everything finishes you Sunni hate him too...You can't be a good Muslim or human with this tricky attitude.
39. #31 Can I get some of what you are on.
lydia ,   Brisbane, Australia   (01.03.08)
Nice people do no kill harmless women and children. What with the mass conversions not even your people are genuinely yours.
40. nasrallah's great victory
tom ,   toronto, canada   (01.03.08)
hezbollah lost most of its rockets, most of its fighters, its freedom of action in the south, and its political position in the government. i don't think hezbollah could survive too many more "victories" of this magnitude. and judging from nasrallah's latest round of jawboning, he seems to feel that he's lost his place in the limelight, too.
41. 5# You keep hugging that WWII Ken Doll
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.03.08)
Ken speaks several different languages fluently. "The Jews did it! " is one of his favorite sayings. I believe Adolf Hitler programmed the doll.....and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem borrowed, and copied the doll ,for the entire Middle East to use, when things go wrong in their countries. Look in the mirror, you clowns have enough blame to go around for yourselves, without blaming everything on a Jew. Of course, Ken's other saying is," I'm a professor of history, trained by the finest Muslim Scholars, definitely a Jew committed this atrocity." Making up lies and slander for the Muslim cause...... just so happens to be lies and slander. It's not History unless its true. Of course truth is in the eye of the brainwashed, in several Middle Eastern countries. Just like Mikey will eat anything......... Muslims will believe anything......especially if you blame it on a Jew.
42. 16# He'll be as respected as Saddam Hussein.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.03.08)
Especially after he is swinging from the gallows. We don't respect terrorists or terrorism from a cult. The definition of a cult is....when a religion tells you to strap on a bomb and blow yourself up commiting suicide. Nasrallah is a cult leader.....we don't respect him because he is a thug and a murderer, who can't get along with others who don't follow his cult. Instead of saying the Devil made me do it.....He says, "Allah made me do it." Followers without the intellect to figure out this guy is looney tunes.... jog behind this nut like he is the Pied Piper.
43. 25# Lydia is the Pot calling the Kettle Black.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.03.08)
I feel for all the aboriginees who had their land stolen by the likes of your pompous self. You have a continent the size of the United States, that was stolen from its rightful inhabitants.....and you whine about the Jews? The Jews have a sliver of land that was stolen from them by the Arabs in the first place. This is easily forgotten by book worms, who only read the last sixty years of history, to make their opinions known in college settings these days. The Arabs know no bounds, when rewriting their history books, saying the temple mount was not the place where Jews had their temple. They never tell the world that the Muslims drove the Jews from their lands in the first place. Now you are upset that they have their land back. What a hypocrite. Give the native tribes of Australia, their entire continent back, before you preach your self righteous drivel to the Jews, who had their lands stolen by Muslims in the first place. Learn the history about who really stole the land in the first place, before you join the... blame it on the Jew crowd. You have my permission to look in the mirror and beat yourself up a bit, for the stealing of tribal lands from Australia's original inhabitants. You can even write yourself a nasty vitriolic letter. We'll let you post it on YNET, if it will make you feel better about the land you accidentally confidcated from its original owners.
44. 39# You must be talking about the suicide
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.03.08)
bombers, who run into buses and nightclubs, blowing up little children and old, and young, men and women. You must be talking about the people who have childrens programming, telling their children to become shahid's....blowing themselves up for Allah. You are obviously talking about the blow up a Jew for Allah crowd. Nice people don't kill women and little children? The Muslims tell their children to kill innocent women and strapping on a bomb belt, and blowing themselves up for Allah. They watch music videos telling them to do just that. I've watched them on the internet. They use a copy of Mickey Mouse to teach their kids tio hate Jews. You've been in the outback with the Roo's for far to long.
45. THE GOOD THING IS.....................#1
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (01.03.08)
Many intellectuals will believe him because in the end,he has always given a correct assessment of the reality,hasn't he?
46. 11# You know...scientists say their is a distinct
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.03.08)
possibility that there are multiple universes with different outcomes in each one. This can be the only explanation for the Arabs, and your load of rubbish, that is constantly being spread on websites, like chicken manure on a farm. If the Jews were assassinating these guys.....Nasrallah would already be dead. If it was so easy for the Jews to kill all these guys like you imply......don't you think Nasrallah would be six feet under as well. Alternate Universe for education and news. Multi Universe news. That's why the Arabs were telling everyone in the 1982 Israeli Lebanese War, that the Syrians were inTel Aviv and had captured it, on Television. This Multi Universe information never ceases to amaze me. I was in Israel in the 1982 War. And the Arabs were saying they were in Tel Aviv. The Iraqi's were saying the Americans were nowhere near Bagdad either about ten minutes before they captured the city. How could it be.....that a farmer from Brisbane Australia, could be spreading the same manure on YNET News Twenty-Six years later? It must be a Multi Verse Phenomenon that only a superb physicist can figure out. Maybe it isn't a Multi Verse?......... Manure Verse must be the correct explanation for all the crap that you come up with. Now that we know. We'll excuse your lame excuses for the terrorists, and supporters of terrorists.
47. #45. Mahmood
Cy ,   Reading, Berks   (01.03.08)
What sort of TRUTH is it when he conveniently FORGETS EVER TO MENTION the THOUSANDS of our Lebanese lives that HE SACRIFICED? WHO IN LEBANON asked him to start this war? ON WHAT PRETEXT? Come on Mahmood. There are THOUSANDS of worthy Muslims in all walks of life all over the world who merit our praise. Certainly not that rotten, festering specimen who is an insult to Islam and indeed the human race
48. if He is NOTHING...
Ibrahim ,   Egypt   (01.03.08)
Why I usually see the israeli channels on TV Listen and talk about him seriously..and What did he say...and the israeli politicians start immediately analyze...WHY??? is it a Nasralah phobia..!!! imagine if there are 4 or 5 Nasrallah in the arab world...
49. Nasrallah..Master of ceremony
Franklin ,   Paris   (01.03.08)
....For the burial of Lebannon and other remains.... Bravo l'artiste !!!!
50. # 38 Don't believe your dirty media...
Ibrahim ,   Egypt   (01.03.08)
We here like the whole muslims everywhere they go...the Egyptian people in the streets like the iranians and Nasrallah....they say We need 4 or 5 Heros like Nasarallah in the arab world.....there are a lot of Egyptian youth wanted to fight with Nasrallah but the Egyptian security forces prohibit them seriously....
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (01.03.08)
You may as well conclude what you like.With me,no problems at all.So far as who asked him to do what he did is seen with better reasoning with people UNLIKE you,I am afraid.Insult to Islam?Since when have you started knowing what is an insult or respect to Islam.
52. How Many Times!!!
Alex ,   Bahrain   (01.03.08)
How Many times this Man said something and turns its wrong? None.... I believe this man in every single thing he said. I dont believe Olmert at all.
53. 43,46 U manifest the common symptons
lydia ,   Brisbane, Australia   (01.04.08)
of a brain snap/freeze. It was the Romans not the Arabs who threw you out in 135AD. Unlike Australia, there is nothing accidental about your murderous occupation of Palestine as per Moshe Dayan. And unlike Australians we don't go shooting up the natives nightly murdering their women and children. The Aboriginals here are fully cognizant of their rights have taken to the Courts on numerous occasions to have their land/rights reinstated. And last but not least the Australians have not ignored numerous UN resolutions like the jews choose to because they were sure of the US veto.
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