Sheetrit: We should level Gaza neighborhoods
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 10.02.08, 13:38
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. "give them a warning"
Reality Check ,   BaGolan   (02.10.08)
Give them the same warning the residents of Sderot get - if lucky one to two minutes
andy ,   orlando,u.s   (02.10.08)
33. A lovely cerulean blue
Gideon Reader ,   USA   (02.10.08)
May I suggest something in a lovely steel case. A selection of beautiful Blu-2's prehaps. They would go so well with the color choices already made. And the light and warmth would be oh so appropo. Frequency of course could be optional, but as they say: "The more the merrier". And so richly deserved for the sea in which Hamas swims so freely.
34. Meir Sheetrit for PM
Barry ,   Tokyo   (02.10.08)
Israel should retaliate. For each missle lobbed against her, she should respond with a similar attack - against Hamas leadersĀ“ personal assets including their families.
35. Do not level Gazza!
Freejay ,   Israel   (02.10.08)
Cant you all see this is exactly what Hamass wants Israel to do......they have little care for Gazzan would clearly give them an excuse to break open the borders with Egypt permanently, claiming that Israel forced them to take this action. They are cowards , and the first option would be to target their coward leaders. Demand Shallit back , no missiles or Haniyeh and his ministers will gets it! If that doesnt work.....then level Gazza!
36. Johannes, what about your grandfather?
Judah ,   Golan Heights,ISRAEL   (02.10.08)
You would like World War 2 to seem like ancient history but it is not. In Israel there are tens of thousands of holocaust survivors still alive. You should ask them if they think that the war was a long time ago. On one other point. Maybe you can give me your current address in Germany. I would like to buy a house across the street from you. From my new house I will terrorize your family. Lets see how long before you react. History has proven(especially German history) that the Jewish people need a homeland. Why does it bother you so much that like all other nations we have the right to defend it?
37. #29, you really are ignorant
Danny   (02.10.08)
The accused in Nuremberg were deprived of sleep, withheld food, denied access to lawyers during the interrogation process and tried for crimes retroactively. If it was held today, "human rights" lawyers would be all over it. Micha's country - assuming he is Russian - wanted show trials a la 30s Vishinsky - who was one of the prosecutors in Nuremberg. The British simply wanted to execute the leadership. The US cut the trials short and hired large numbers of ex-SS and Nazis to help fight the cold war. So much for "civilisation".
38. oh no
kel ,   NYC   (02.10.08)
they are fighting back! can't have that, can we! after 60 years of throwing stones they got crude rockets with the technology of WWII. satellites, drones, F16, Merkava etc etc etc vs AK47, couple of mortars, Kassams. stop the crying, please. you are embarrassing the ones that came before you. if you cant take the heat, dont light a fire. as for the leveling of neghborhoods, I wish you would do it. it would make for some really interesting times
39. MOFAZ= Definition for gaza Reprisal==
Mario Arber ,   U . S . A .   (02.10.08)
The Talions Law.! a tooth for a toot and an Eye for an Eye Mario
40. #36
Johannes ,   Berlin, Germany   (02.10.08)
Well, Judah, let's set some things clear. 1. My grandfather served in the German army, the Wehrmacht, from 1939 to 1945. I don't know what he did exactly because he never spoke about it. I only know one thing for sure: I did not commit any sort of crime against the Jewish people and I am not responsible for the deeds of my German grandfather. 2. You are welcome to become my neighbor; in case you start attacking me, I will hold you responsible for it. You. Not your neighbors, your children, your wife or your siblings. They are innocent and not responsible for your deeds. 3. I do agree with you: The Jewish people is entitled to a homeland, particularly with regard to the Shoah. However, I think we disagree about the terms and conditions for that homeland since there were people living on that land when your forefathers came and claimed it. 4. I want to say thank you because your talkback is friendly and contains arguments and no stupid personal attacks such as #24 who callls for the annihilation of the German people. I am sure we have very controversial opinions, however, it is always a pleasure to exchange arguments with reasonable people like you. Good luck and shalom.
41. #30: Steve, London, UK
Noah ,   Toronto, Canada   (02.10.08)
Can't you see that Israel has attempted this already? The fact that over 4000 qassam rockets have been fired into towns on the Gaza periphery doesn't even register in the world outside of Israel. Every time Israel tries to mobilize world opinion, be it from the EU or the UN, it is told to turn the other cheek, to just tolerate the attacks on its civilians. Then whenever Israel gets frustrated and retaliates, even if it is preventative acts against crews trying to launch more rockets, the entire world stands up and says, "Hey, Jews aren't supposed to defend themselves from attacks on them." Yes, it is terrible when any civilian is attacked. But if it is a measure of whether attacks on Israel are allowed to persist, whether Israel can defend itself, I will have no trouble sleeping when it does defend itself. The world must realize that Israel will not tolerate attacks on its civilians, whether the UN, the US or the Eu tolerates attacks on Israelis or not.
42. Its your own fault!
Jack ,   USA   (02.10.08)
Any country would level and take out these terror leaders, but you have trouble even stting them in darkness. You have fools for leaders, Olmert, Livini Barak and Shas, when will you vote them out? When will you elect Benjamin Netanyahu and Arens? You remind me of the child in a Home ec class who dripped hot carmel on themselves, she was being burnt and instead of walking to a sink to pur cold water on herself she stood there and yelled I am being burnt.
43. Do not give a warning!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (02.10.08)
They have to suffer death and destruction to learn.
44. do it you know its gonna happen anyway
Pablo ,   NYC   (02.10.08)
45. Funny.
Micha   (02.10.08)
It's funny to read the pathetic attempt at defendin his german ass. Hmmm, let's see...yes, your grandfather undoubtedly did kill Jews. So, yes, we should've nailed his ass to a cross and burned it. And yes, then we wouldn't worry about you writing on a Jewish website. And yes, the Jews WERE on the territory known as Palestine at the same time as the moslems were there. And yes, that is our homeland. And yes, you are ignorant. And yes, we will continue to defend OUR homeland. You go and figure out how to atone for the sins of your father and grandfather. Take care buddy. Micha = Russian? Danny, you have heard of the prophet right?
46. #42 is correct
Ira ,   USA   (02.11.08)
What country would supply electricity to those who at the very same moment are firing missiles at the very plant which is generating the electricity. Israelis, WAKE UP!!
47. to 41
steve ,   london, england   (02.11.08)
You should read what you wrote to me. What do you have between your ears? Well everybody has one of those. Only some use it better than others. Anybody who thinks you can level a town with bombs and bulldozers in order to defend Israel from the qassams should be arrested. That is a crime against humanity. Yes, Israel has tried to mobilize international support. But it hasn't tried hard enough. It seems it is easier for Israeli generals and politicians to pull the trigger than it is to pick up the phone and mobilize the mass media owned by Jews in this world to stir up public opinion. What are we? Shall we only resort to violence as the ultimate force? Jews have intellect. Jews have clout. Much much more than Palestinians. Where are the world's mass media owning jews? Eh! Have you seen the trash on the worlds TV networks lately. I mean trash. People are capable of more than this but if all they have to relate to in MASS MEDIA is trash, what do they do? They kick the TV in. Then they get angry with their neioghbours. Are the Jews who live outside of the State of Israel interested in peace in the middle east? Haven't they been paying attention to what Israel's enemies are saying? They hate the world outside of Islam. Because they think it sucks ..... their oil and their blood. So they think anyway. Now surely we can show them they ought to know better. So which neighbourhood would you level first? Do you think women and children have a say in Palestine? No. They get pushed around by their men. We can stand taller than them. We can show them the way. But they will not listen to us so long as they believe the rest of the world supports them. It is a massive social psychological problem, with cultural and traditional religious complexities. It is a MASS MEDIA challenge. We need to level with people. Not level their homes.
48. rockets
bixpix ,   boca   (02.11.08)
#32 Andy You are so right. Surely, Israel can design and manufacture more and better rockets than Hamas. So, why doesn't Israel do just that? Why weren't Israeli rockets fired at Hizballah in Lebanon 2? I've been asking this question on Ynet for months. Somebody, anybody please explain why Israel fails to take this logical defensive action. No Israeli soldiers would be at risk and the pals would quickly get the message.
49. #47
Noah ,   Toronto, Canada   (02.11.08)
Your bias just came glaring through in your last post. Jews own the mass media? Did you get this from your copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? The problem with the media is that they are all too willing to publish anything Palestinians say without verifying or fact-checking anything. Classic example: the so-called "Jenin Massacre." The world was all too willing to accept that Israel went in there and slaughtered over 500 people, most of whom were civilians. But the truth came out and there were less than 50 people dead, most of whom were terrorists. I repeat again, It is terrible when any civilian dies, man, woman, or child, Israeli or Palestinian. However, when Palestinians allow this minority of extremists to operate freely in there midst, attack Israel and don't stand up against them, there is bound to be blow back. If Palestinians truly want peace, why don't they push these extremist groups out? Because the majority of Palestinians don't want to live side by side in peace with Israel. The proof? Any time there has been any hint of progress in the peace process in the last 15 years, there has been terrorist attacks to disrupt it. Jews are allowed to defend themselves and not be considered monsters. There is no vast Jewish conspiracy to control the world, or the world's media. I find it pathetic that in this day and age, in 2008, that this kind of virulent antisemitism exists in the world. I am not saying you are antisemitic because you object to Israeli policies, or Israeli actions. When you root these views from the position that Jews control the world, or are trying to control the world, and that Jews are not able to defend themselves, that is antisemitism. Ask yourself, if it were any other country, if France was incessantly lobbing rockets into England for the past 7 years, would you just sit and take it, or would England retaliate?
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