Hamas: Israel will flounder in Gaza like it did in Lebanon
Ali Waked
Published: 29.02.08, 12:32
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31. #13- The UN Would be a godsend!
Canadian Dude ,   Montreal, Canada   (02.29.08)
Imagine the UN was actually compelled to deploy troops in Gaza. Then you wouldn't have to worry about an Israeli invasion, because the UN would have no choice but to put a stop to the Hamas rockets, or else leave and admit that a full invasion is the only solution.
32. Why is Gaza not smoldering?
Mike Reising ,   Berkeley, CA   (02.29.08)
CARPET BOMB FROM ONE END TO THE OTHER. Napalm. Use oil well digging equipment to open up the tunnels. Use ultra-sound type equipment. At least have IAF blow deep wholes in every inch of perimeter. You have the support. Nobody can fathom in the US what is worrying Israel? The second a Quassam missle from Gaza rises, send in the IAF Jets. Send them back 2 years, into the stone age. Is it US monetary help, or further contracts we fear not securing? Need it be said that civilian deaths are inevitable, and thus totally acceptable? Is Israel going to sit for 2 weeks like they did prior to Lebenon 2 while Gaza moves every person and gun into place? They are already planning to wait till we are in the heart of Gaza to kill Jews in the IDF, so don't give them oppurtunity. They lie and lie while Europe is moving rapidly back to 1933, so forget their opinion. Screw anyone who hints at putting the breaks on, unless there is a reason NOBODY is telling us about.
33. Sick of Israel
Rob ,   The Netherlands   (02.29.08)
When I read some comments I get a sick feeling. No wonder a lot of people don't like Israel. One of you would like to use the A-bom to clean the Gaza, Others would like to kill by planes, didn't killed Israel enough people in Libanon and the Gaza. Is it not better to fight with words and to try to find a solution?
34. Rob, we'll be sending you the Pals Express Mail
wal   (02.29.08)
No signature required.
35. #33... sick of you abdel rob !
stephane ,   france   (02.29.08)
it's easy to talk when you live in holland, when you're city is not targeted EVERYDAY SINCE 7 YEARS by rockets, when you don't have to worry that one of you're neighboor will blow himself up in the bus conducting your kids at school! it's easy to be " sick of israel " huh stupid leftist ? you think israel killed to much palis in gaza or arabs in lebanon? i think that the reason why the israeli arab never stop is because israel don't want to act to strong! a few thousands of arabs called " palestinians ",most of them armed were killed in self-defense by israel! it's nothing when you compare with the tens of thousands of irakis killed in 5 years by their own muslim brothers! it's nothing comparing to the thousands of somalis killed by the arabs " djinjaouid " in somalia! but nobody care of that because it's more attracting to diabolize the jews when they kill only one nazislamist than to talk about what's happening in somalia, keny, tchetchenya... i'm sick of stupid leftists like you rob. and still! you're lucky that my english is so poor and that i don't have you in front of me; because after 10 minutes talking with me i could open your eyes for all your life....
36. 33# How about the other side of the coin.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.29.08)
Bring up why the people are going to retaliate against the terrorists, before you judge. Those bombs floating into Israel came from someone. Hitler did the same to the Netherlands.
37. Rob, #33, that IS fighting by words
Jake   (02.29.08)
"One of you would like to use the A-bom to clean the Gaza, Others would like to kill by planes, didn't killed Israel enough people in Libanon and the Gaza. Is it not better to fight with words and to try to find a solution?" That's what they are doing. FIGHTING BY WORDS. Do you really think that Olmert will do anything big? You know the answer to that. He has diplomacy coming out of his ears. He is too terrified what people like you might say. So please, just drop it.
38. Sick of Israel # 33
Bill H. ,   Oregon, USA   (02.29.08)
Is it better to fight with words and try to find a solution you ask? Well sir, sometimes it is. Especially among people who are, or who at least try to be reasonable. What was the Netherlands solution to Adolf Hitler? Your country was over run and occupied. Do you think it was because you were not nice enough to him? People should be nice when they can but it doesn't always work. Sometimes you need a Teddy Roosevelt or a Winston Churchill because a Jimmy Carter approach just won't work.
39. Just how good is the IDF bottom line RIGHT ???
M. S. ,   mpls america   (02.29.08)
I realize Israel is no Hollywood bounty hunter it is just human that is a shark a predator a wild animal so it left Gaza what happened Hamas took power is Hamas another Hizbulah would Israel suffer another ignomious defeat as in Southern Lebanon in 2006 did Egypt wining the All Africa soccer championship symbolize predict as in 2006 when it won it before luckily I live in America safe sound from Quassams time alone may tell us what may happen good bad or worse sorry all you may suffer so leaders may become richer alas life is not all milk and honey RIGHT ??? at least this time Israel knows it is coming but I doubt if another Gaza invasion may succeed none have yet but then the Arabs know you are coming this time if you do RIGHT ??? thank you... M. S.
40. To #27
Cornelius Scipio   (03.01.08)
"Has Israel learned nothing from the great victory of the Hizbullah during the 2nd Lebanon War? The myth of the invincibility of the IDF was shattered by the brave resistance" Do carry on about your 'divine victory' of Hizbullah and the vascillating weakness of the Israeli political leadership. Celebrate today, and with good cheer, but beware. Israel can change its leaders democratically. How many leaders do you think Hizbullah has waiting in the wings, each time they decide to "elect new leaders" by bumping off their old ones.
41. #12-you flat, bony saltwater fish
Ypip   (03.01.08)
drive me crazy.
42. Robbie: A on your paper!
Mike Reising ,   Berkeley, CA.   (03.01.08)
#33 Robbie, very good, it is not often that a 12 year old writes a small piece, and it shows you are trying to think. But Rob, while mom and dad will print out letter and put it on the refridgerator, it is very important that if writing interests you that you should go to the liabrary and research why so many people feel so strongly opposed you. An A-bomb and jets and blood are serious subjects. Does your school discuss this? Did you get the other side? The other side is very important, Robbie.
43. its all so confusing
confusion no 1: when the 2nd in command of hezbula was killed last month, the head guy said in his big speach, that "the second lebanon war never ended and its still on going". therefore if that is true, and it must be true because he said so, then how can hezbula claim a victory. confusion no 2: if there is only one god, and most faiths believe this. But yet there seems to be many prophets. So when a religion follows the docterin of a prophet. And they then fight a holy war, aren't they then fighting for their prophet and not their god. After all i wouldn't have thought god would want anyone to fight in his name, becouse as everyone knows, all human beings, whatever they colour, nationality or even religious choices are infact his/gods children. And what parent in their right mind would want their own children to fight amongst themselves. Just some food for thought for any exstremists out there, whatever their religion.
44. Obadiah
Avi   (03.01.08)
The prophet Obadiah (in the Tanach) says Israel will regain Gaza and all of the West Bank and will regain it by fire / flame. G-d has spoken and His word is True.
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