Iran operating hundreds of new centrifuges in Natanz
Dudi Cohen, AFP
Published: 11.04.08, 18:59
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6 Talkbacks for this article
1. Iran's legal nuclear activities go on under,,,
Persian CAT   (04.11.08)
close monitoring by IAEA. No other country's nuclear activities are monitored as closely as Iran's, so those who "suspect" otherwise have not legal grounds to push for sanctions. The only country in the ME with a nuclear arsenal which is a direct threat to everyone is the State of Israel. It is high time Israel opened its nuclear facilities to international inspections.
2. #1
and what will the inspection tell you? what will it discover? it is FACT that israel has the arsenal and the brains and that they have had nuclear power for decades. it is not a secret. the proof is that they have never even attempted to use it, much less threaten verbally another nation with its use.
3. Nuclear Iran and the Islamic Revolution.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (04.12.08)
Nuclearization of Iran must be discussed in the context of the Islamic Revolution, which was dubbed by Ayatollah Khomeini not merely as a domestic anti-Shah upheaval in Iran, but as a global Islamic movement designed to extricate Islam from its submissive torpor and launch it to prominence as a world power. In this pursuit, Iran has become one of Israel’s most vehement enemies, framing its grievances around religious doctrine and anti-Semitic invective, making conflict with the Jewish state all the more insoluble. Indeed, injecting these elements into an already difficult political situation makes finding solutions seemingly impossible due the absolute demands made by defenders of their faith who refuse to negotiate or compromise as described at :
4. 492 pieces of scrap metal
Robert ,   New Jersey, USA   (04.12.08)
Remember North Korea's much-feared nuke detonation? It was a fizzle of 1/2 a kiloton...a tiny firecracker by nuke standards! Iran's got the same technology. It should be very worried. One Israel nuke has megatons of power and they DO work! Hubris, arrogance and imbecilic stupidity mark this monkey leader. Like the last megalomaniacal Middle Eastern leader named Saddam, Ahmadinejad won't get the chance to discover his nuke program is a dud. The US and Israel will soon spare him the humiliation by serving this cockroach and his nest of mullahs up to his waiting 72 virgins. Iran can then sell their 492 centrifuges for $492 as scrap metal.
5. SCRAPE METAL???.....#4
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON-UK   (04.12.08)
What a revealation,Robert.I longed to read something like this in a talk-back.So we need not worry about Iran,at all.Robert, you seem to be living in a world of dreams! However,it does lot of good to ones like you.......ha ha.
6. Natanz
Red Temple ,   White Mtns.   (04.12.08)
Natanz is an Iranian secret facility, so dictates what it wants the IAEA to know or not. Meanwhile, it is also evident that the mullahs are conducting proxy wars with their neighbours by arming militias and insurgents inside of them.
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