'Land for peace' a fantasy
Haim Misgav
Published: 02.05.08, 01:22
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46 Talkbacks for this article
31. 'United Jerusalem' a delusion
32. george
joseph ,   israel   (05.03.08)
George, George, George. Who did Sabra and Shatilla? Eli Hubeika who later became a Syrian minister and was murdered by Syrian intelligence when he was on the way to tell his story to the UN
33. to 17 in a clear sentence
safi ,   jerusalem   (05.03.08)
policy is done by goverment .peace is done by people
34. What Else is alternate
yuri ,   Israel   (05.03.08)
What else should Israel do If you coninue holding these land YOU WILL EVER SUFFER.. pay the price or pay the barrages...
35. Single State Solution Where All are Equal Is Only Hope.
Johan Odin ,   Oslo, Norway   (05.03.08)
The only solution other than for Israel to return to the pre-1967 borders is a single democratic state similar to the US where the separation of religion and state is assured and all people have equal rights and a single vote. Israel so far has shown that it is unwilling to return the land it occupies, to the only option remaining is for Israel to lose it Jew supremacy bias and become a true western style democracy where everyone is equal in every respect similar to the USA. Israel must develop a constitution (something it lacks today) that guarantees equal rights, equal protections and a complete separation of religion from government so as to guarantee all religions equality and the right of its citizens to practice as they choose while government is of the people and for the people and not just for the select few as it is today. Perhaps then Israel can live up to its promise to be a light unto nations, but in its current form it is come nowhere even near close to achieving that goal.
36. Correct 10000000%!!!!!
mazal tov   (05.03.08)
37. Take Heed Jews, They want You Waisted
Dave Levy ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (05.03.08)
Very good analysis, right on the mark, from an American Zionist and proud to be a Jew. Time is and is not on the side of Israel's existence. The withdrawals have shown to be worthless. Israel has not benefitted as expected. Israel will survive another 100 yrs only if it understands it's predicament. It is surrounded by angry, hostile Jew hating Arabs., who are bent on it's destruction, piece by piece, peace by peace. It's all very simple. The left in Israel is delusional..their quest for peace won't work. It's called denial in my country. 500,000 Hungarian Jews were killed (@12,000/day) in 1944 in Auschwitz. They thought they were being taken to labor camps. Israel's naive Jews are similary being duped. The flight of Jewish jets over Auschwitz in that picture tells it all. Take heed Jews, they want you dead.
38. Terry: Jews of Israel Youd Better Wake Up
Dave Levy ,   Burbank. CA USA   (05.03.08)
To Terry: Read today's NYTimes. Israel is blamed for thwarting the creation of another Arab state by arresting terrorists and raiding the W. Bk. Israel cannot win to lose. It's always to blame for Arab violence..whether Kassams ("due to the occupation"), the wall ("aggravates and inconveniences Pals"), Iran's attitute ("the cause of terrorism is Israel's policies", etc.,etc. The Germans prior to WW2 accused we Jews of instigating. Then during the war, they killed Jewish children "In retaliation for the bombing of Germany's cities". Now, we have people who deny the Holocaust. Bottom LIne: Jews, youd better wake up and soon, or find yourselves under a Muslim mushroom cloud, more Hez and Hamas Grads, and the Egyptian and Saudi F16s. Complete that wall Israel, AND forget relinqusihing land for peace, it's a fantasy.
39. #38 Dave Levy, Burbank, CA.
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (05.03.08)
I stopped reading the NYTimes long ago. But, I can imagine the "orientation" of the article - I certainly agree with you - Jews had better wake up soon, today is a repeat performance of the 1930's. Our major problem, of course, is the lack of political leadership here in Israel. There is an excellent article on the subject in today's JPost by Mr Asa-El. You know, people like to believe that tomorrow will be pretty much like today - they are in denial, complacent to the point of stupidity. My father used to tell me about how people he knew in pre-war Poland dismissed the growing threat from Nazi Germany, that Hitler's speeches were just for "political" purposes. There was no need to get overly excited. My father felt otherwise & left Poland in 1938, a few months before the outbreak of war. In his small town, of a population of around 2600 Jews, there were three survivors after the war, not counting a few others who fled at the same time as my father. I never forgot this lesson - threats are real & the world can change overnight. Complacency can cost you your life.
40. 35 Why can't all of you over there just get along
Israeli/Norwegian   (05.04.08)
The problem with norwegian naivity is that you believe in our type democracy in a fundementaly muslim envirnonment. When things are not working we have a time frame to work in and then there are elections where people vote to (try) change things. Ask Hamas if they are ready to hold elections any time soon. Or Iran to change something meaningfull in their leadership. And btw Israel proper is doing quite well these days and getting better all the time, we just have to get clear on where those final borders are going to be, who's going to be the final babysitter of Gaza ( U.N, E.U Egypt), and we'll be happy campers with the highest standard of living in the middle east, I believe. Or am I wrong about that anyone?
41. #15: Have U forgotten the ovens so quickly?
Brochin ,   USA   (05.04.08)
Have you forgotten the pogroms in Morroco, the lynchings in Bagdhad... all BEFORE Israel occupped anything? This author is 100% correct. Regime change, both in Egypt and Turkey, is next. Then, Israel's vaunted 'outer ring' will be as dangerous as her Syrian/Lebanese/Egyptian 'inner ring.' The LEFT is the polarizer, feeding us dangerous fantasies of kumbaya with our Arab bretheren, if only, if only, if only we give up everything we hold dear.
42. #35,, let's make a single state out of Sweden & Norway
Chinbro ,   Chicago   (05.04.08)
Why not? You're so eager to blur the borders of others, lets make one big happy Sweden Norweigen state, new flag, new fabricated 'national history.' I know Scandinavians in Minnesota who wouldn't let their children marry each other. But you, and the world, is so eager to carve up, split up and destroy all that is Jewish and sacred to Jews, who preceeded you by thousands of years, and will be here after you are completely Islamicized.
43. re:georg #16
davis ,   vienna, austria   (05.04.08)
Come on, the Palestinians left their homes, because they were seduced my the Arab leaders by promises they would soon return with the glorious Arab armies who would slaughter the Jews or drive them into the sea!! fortunitly this did not happen, and thats why they are still in their refugee camps, kept there by their Arab brothers in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, even in Gaza, where they could have been resettled in cities and settlements withall the billions they got from the EU, Us and even Israel. But no, their corrupt leaders prefer to keep them in a miserable state, still with the promise , they will return to their homes in Jaffa, Haifa, Jerusalem etc. after the Jews have been defeated! Why does Lebanon give them their basic human rights, like travel documents, work permits, permission to settle outside their camps? Because all this is part of the plan to artificially keep the problem alive! Those Arabs, who did not follow the calls to leave in 1948, are happy, they are living under the "zionist dictatorship". Did you get it, George fron Beirut?
44. Land for Peace a fairy Tale
Millicent ,   Israel   (05.04.08)
Land for peace is a fairy tale in the middle East. Israel gave back Gaza for peace and what did Israel get in return peace? No daily rocket fire on Sderot, Ashkelon from the land that was returned for peace! The stated goal of Hamas and the PA is to get rid of Israel in its entirity snd have Palestine rise from its ashes! They want to send all the Jews into the sea! It is the people who live in Gaza who must decide if they want to live in peace or war, but unfortunately their leaders are chosing war by their continued terrorism and support of terrorists, other wise if there was peace these leaders and their terrorist followers would lose all the vast riches they acculiminated for themselves, not to mention the power they have over the rest of their Gazan neighbors! Inorder for Peace to become a reality all people must truly want it, and the good people must stand up to the terrorists in their communities and tell them no more war, lay down your weapons, but until this day happens peace is just a fairy tale or a nice dream!
45. Syria, quiet? West Bank, quiet?
Danny # 23 ,   TA, Israel   (05.04.08)
What do you only read the news intermittently? What you think Syria didn't have an active role in the Lebanon War of 2006? Don't be so naive. Keep on fighting and we run the risk of going bankrupt sooner or later. I was highlighting the cost of fighting all the time. Contrary to popular belief being continually at war or involved in an insurrection is exhausting. For a better guide on the limits of armed force read Thucydides The Peloponnesian War.
46. #45, in the last 33 years
Danny   (05.05.08)
There have been, to my recollection, 2 incidents on the Golan heights. Every day there is at least one rocket from Gaza, whilst the last time a suicide bomber came from the West Bank was last year. Do a compare and contrast of the West Bank pre-defensive shield and now. You are exactly who our enemies are hoping the average Israeli turns into. Someone who just gives up because it is too hard to fight. I hope you have your second passport handy.
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