Palestinian negotiator considers binational state
Published: 11.08.08, 00:50
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31. Why doesn't he consider a merger with Jordan?
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (08.11.08)
Not that Jordan wants any part of them either. Of course, any federation with Jordan would mean the end of the PA & the crooks in Fatah would be out of a job. This "plan" also takes no account of Hamas. What this illustrates, I think, is that the PA has become totally irrelevent & even less realistic than before. As it becomes more & more evident that they are irrelevent, the talk becomes crazier & crazier. How much support do you think this "binational state" will have in Israel? Close to zero?
32. Israel is Jewish
Sharon ,   Singapore   (08.11.08)
Israel is forever a Jewish state. Check in the bible how Israel got it's name and also check to see that God sent the Hebrews to live in the land of Canaan back then as a permaneant heritage. Israel's enemies would be facing God's wrath unless they repent.
33. i told you guys
Pablo ,   NYC   (08.11.08)
the arabs want one state.i'm ex-army(combat job)so i don't play around.this is only the beginning and i'll be back in israel next year so it should be fascinating as usual.israel shouldn't give them anything not even hebron.
34. They want to be israelis... ???
YOEL ,   Raanana   (08.11.08)
So, it's just enough for this pathetic person to recognize that "occupation" is a good thing for him. Pals want a free state, but they also want the israeli nationality... Is that right?? So, I don't understand what they really want. For me, leaving Gaza was already a bad experience, because this "free place" was supposed to be THE example of what will be the palestinian state. They proved us it's not possible to live as neighbours (side by side) by launching Qasams. Saying that, I'm more convinced we can't live together, in the same place. To be honest, they're not able to live in peace with themselves, since Fatah and Hamas kill each other. There's no need to import a civil war into israel, we have already our own problems...
35. This is the prescription for Holocaust II
Millie ,   Israel   (08.11.08)
"Right of return" for their generations of non-refugees, their demanded "borders", a "Palestinian" state, the rejection of the Jordanian option (which is already a Palestinian state in everything but name and ruling power), or else a "binational" state in place of Israel - this is the exact prescription for the destruction of Israel and the expulsion and slaughter of Jews in their historical homeland. This non-people, the "Palestinians" - with no real history, no real goals, except the genocide of Jews has been proclaimed over and over for decades. And yet, our foolish leaders continue to pretend that they don't hear them. They continue the dangerous charade of "giving back" what does not belong to the "Palestinians". If our stupid leaders want to bargain away our heritage, then they should be honest and say, "giving away". But these non-people have never been, and will never be, honest. Taqiyya is their means. They will continue to hoodwink the world with their lies and their propaganda. And they will never live up to their end of the bargain, because their single goal is what they teach their children, the genocide of the Jews.
36. #8
Avraham ,   Raanana   (08.11.08)
So stop dreaming and get your feet on the ground. Dreaming is one thing, living is another. In a dream you can go as far as you want, there are no limits. Now treat life as a dream and... just look around to see what happens.
37. finally, some sense, and in public too
a separate state within 67' boarders isnt enough. neither is the aftermath and future effects of this supposed "state" if it actually does happen to pull off a separate palestinian state; all this is nothing but a mockery to the palestinian people in the first place. also, of course the israeli govt' doesnt want to give it up, and why should they-its their holy site too; neither do the palestinians. the intentions for tearing down one people's holy site for the expense of another people is sheer greed and inconsiderate. not to mention disrespectful. may be heres a clue to anyone out there who says gibberish about "hate jews this," "they just hate jews thats it that.." start thinking outside the box. israel objects because its plain out greedy. there is nothing wrong with a merge. both parties will benefit, because none will back down. and may be then israelis will have some peace after 60 yrs.
38. Binational state (Read : Trojan Horse)
Nora ,   Tel Aviv   (08.11.08)
Norway   (08.11.08)
WHEREBY YOU SHALL DIVIDE THE LAND FOR INHERITANCE TO THE TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL, JOSEPH TAKING TWO PORTIONS.* *One for Manasseh and one for Ephraim. AND YOU SHALL INHERIT IT, ONE AS ANOTHER, BEING THAT I LIFTED UP MY HAND TO GIVE IT TO YOUR FOREFATHERS, AND THIS LAND SHALL BE TO YOU AN INHERITANCE. Ezekiel 47:13-14 EZEKIEL 47-48, THE FUTURE BOUNDARIES OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL: KNOW YOUR BIBLE: ISRAEL TOOK CONTROL OVER THE SO-CALLED. "OCCUPIED TERRITORIES" AS A RESULT OF DEFANSIVE WARS! ALL THE WARS WERE IMPOSED ON ISRAEL BY THE ARAB STATES! PLO, Hezballah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad etc, are all military tools of different Arab regimes, WHICH ARE CONTINUING THE WAR - WHICH THEIR OWN ARMIES ONCE LOST! "Where the prior holder of territory had seized that territory unlawfully, the state which subsequently takes that territory in the lawful exercise of self-defense has, against that prior holder, better title." (Stephen Schwebel, 1970) HISTORY, FROM WAR TO WAR WITH ISRAEL: FACTS ABOUT ISRAEL: History An unbroken chain of history can be observed at sites all over the country. Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, has been the focus of extensive archeological activity AND REMAINS OF 5,000 YEARS OF HISTORY HAVE BEEN REVEALED!
40. Obstacles to peace.
Terry ,   Eilat, Israel   (08.11.08)
Strange Mr Qurei did not mention why there has been no progress in the negotiations. Had the Palestinians made the necessary concessions, a deal would have been made easily. The Palestinians could renounce claims to Jerusalem. They could recognize Israel as a Jewish state. They could agree to changes in the border so Israel can incorporate the large settlement blocks. They could give up on the so-called "right of return" which is a total non-starter. The obstacles to a peace deal are in Palestinian intransigence. I may not agree to the two-state solution in any way, shape, or form, but had the PA shown any flexibility on the above issues, a deal would have been made. But the issues are only presented as Israel must make concessions. If Palestinians really wanted a state, really wanted peace, not just as a tactic to eventually eliminate our state, they would have made the above concessions.
DAVID ,   JUDEA   (08.11.08)
This is exactly what our Herzelists want, a secular bicultural state, like the USA. They do not want a Jewish state, they have been working for years to destroy the Jewish character of this land, starting with their secular education. Of-course our Islam-fascists will never allow this to happen, no matter how hard our Israeli Herzelists try to forget their Jewish roots, they will keep on fighting us. Neither a two state nor binational state solution will work, only a state based on Jewish law and principles will work. As usual it will take a lot of pain before we will recognize that fact, our whole history is full of a dysfunctional understanding of our destiny as a people.
42. # 1 Karen shoud Europe kick the jews out?
Simon ,   TA the free city   (08.11.08)
In accordance with your "mentality" of kicking out the Arabs from Israel , naturally denying the fact that they were born here and go back for hundreds of years, so therefore should European countries kick out their jewish population , as you so rightly state, "they have their own country"
43. #40 Just an Arab tactic?
Robert ,   USA   (08.11.08)
I have yet to see on US media anything about the growing Arab settlements in Hebron. Or anything about how Muslims have every holy site and Jews can't even pray on their most holy site that they re-captured in 67. Or the Jewish nakba going on all through the 1920's. The west would interrupt news of a giant comet crashing into the earth to show you a pali getting his toe shot with a rubber bullet .
44. #42
israeli ,   israel   (08.11.08)
Europe has already kicked its Jews out: Poland, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Greece, etc. are practically Judenrein. There is only a token Jewish presence in these countries. Please remember that most of them were not kicked out, but gassed and cremated. I don't recall anybody in particular coming to their rescue. That is why the precious few who did are being honored as "Righteous among the Nations."
45. #42 simon,you are sick and have a sick mind
Keren ,   Israel-SP   (08.11.08)
that's why you are impeded to reason properly.
46. Borders of 1967
Serge ,   Antwerp, Belgium   (08.11.08)
Palestinians rejected the 1967 borders in 1967 believeing that by terror they would gain all of Israel. They gambled and they lost. Now have to be satisfied with what Israel wishes to leave them.
47. A better solution; a Jewish State but with conditions?
Elmoghrabi ,   United Arab Emirates   (08.11.08)
Ladies and Gentlemen, A better solution would be a Jewish State and a Palestinian State with exchange of demographic population i.e. Palestinians in Israel to move to the Palestinian State and movement of Israel population in the 1947 borders to Israel. In other words, going back to the UN 1947 Divison Plan. How about this; think about it.
48. We have unquestionable rights on the Land of Israel.
Robert Bernier   (08.11.08)
The historical and political truth about our rights and legitimity is unquestionable The Jews have the right to build and live freely in their country. We have modern political rights dating back to the First World War: "After World War I, the borders and countries that today make up the Middle East were created - Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc. Modern Israel was created the same way! The countries of the world charged Britain [in the San Remo Resolution of 1920, based on the League of Nations and Balfour Declaration] with creating a 'national homeland' for the Jewish People, based on the 'historical rights' of the Jews, and calling for Jewish immigration and settlement here. Only a quarter of the land, including Hevron and Shechem, originally designated for the Jews by the League of Nations, was left for us. The historical and political truth about rights and legitimity can be read in its 5 parts at :
49. Are you kidding, Abu Jilad?
Cameron ,   USA   (08.11.08)
You have 2 populations who absolutely loathe eachother at this point. Those who aim toward this end would have better luck counting on the tide not coming in.
50. # 47 UN Resolution 181, defined the outline...
Norway   (08.11.08)
of a settlement in Palestine creating both a Jewish and a Palestinian homeland. The 1947 UN Partition divided the area into three entities: a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an international zone around Jerusalem. The resolution was accepted by the Jews in Palestine, yet rejected by the Arabs in Palestine and the Arab states! Fighting began between the Arab and Jewish residents of Palestine days after the adoption of the UN partition plan. By the spring of 1948, the Jews had secured control over most of the territory allotted to the Jewish state in the UN plan. On May 15, 1948, Zionist leaders proclaimed the state of Israel. The Arab states issued their response statement and Arab armies attacked Israel. As a result of the Arab aggression Israeli armed forces established superiority and conquered territories beyond the UN partition plan borders of the Jewish state. Jordan occupied East Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, the so-called West Bank, Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip. International Law makes a clear distinction between land "occupied" during a war of aggression and land taken as a result of a defensive war! THE SIX DAY WAR: FORTY YEARS ON
51. #50 You are only seeing the problem with one eye, dear
Elmoghrabi ,   United Arab Emirates   (08.11.08)
I beg your pardon, but the conflict is still going on eversince and will continue until a just solution is made. You are looking for a Jewish state; here you are, you will secure the borders as per 181, Jerusalem will be an International City for all religions without restrictions, the refugees problem will be resolved, the demographic threat of Palestinians living now in Israel will be eliminated by moving them Palestinian State; come on, give me a break. Otherwise, the alternative will be more Hamaasis and more Zionism! For those interested to see resolution details of 181, you may see the link below.
52. # 51 The area of "Palestine," as recognized...
Norway   (08.12.08)
by the League of Nations and the British rulers nearly 100 years ago, included what is today Israel and Jordan. The British (1921). reneged on the Balfour Declaration and the UN Charter by giving away 80% of the land - ALLOCATED FOR A JEWISH HOMELAND - TO THE UK's ARAB ALLIES! THE ARABS ALREADY HAVE AN ARAB "PALESTINE:" the fictitious Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, - formerly Trans-Jordan, ON LAND BELONGING TO ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE! Jordan holds today 78% of the mandate, and hosts the largest Palestinian refugee population." Reports state that the pal-Arabs comprise more than half of Jordan's populace. Moreover, In 1948, UN resolution 181 recommended dividing further the remaining 20% of the Mandate land into Arab and Jewish states. JORDAN IS PALESTINE
53. # 51 And it shall come to pass in the end of days,
Norway   (08.12.08)
that the mountain of HaShem'S house shall be established as the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many peoples shall go and say: 'Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of HaShem, to the house of the G-d of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths.' For out of Zion shall go forth the law (the Torah), and the word of HaShem from Jerusalem. And He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Isaiah 2:2-4, Michah 4:1-3 Jerusalem will no longer be a city for all religions, because in the very near future the nations will exalt and give honor to the Temple Mount and come there to learn Torah and to serve HaShem. The Temple Mount will no longer be insulted by being called merely the "third holiest place" Rather, the Temple Mount will be the central focus of the entire world, from which the Torah - the word of HaShem – will go forth TO ALL PARTS OF THE GLOBE!
54. that's how it goes!!!!
palestinian ,   gaza   (08.12.08)
i totally agree with any solution could lead or bring peace to the palestinians and israelis.but we need ground to start befor throwing solutions because we have tens of them and every one could be agood start but the point i wish to make here that the israelis never recognised or understand or feel palestinians rights and suffering in afair way they are looking for us as athreating nation and should leave the land and spread in on of the 22 arab countries and even they are working hard to destroy the palestinian identity in every possible way,however when israelis remember or admit and start to face the fact that they have done ahistorical mistake against us and start again to correct it and treat us as ahuman race and give us the reasons to live and again to start tothink of us through human conscience and not jewish conscience then all solutions would be practical.and as we both sides have corruption in our political leadership it will be difficult to make any progress . but i would not be surprised if we both nations turns to human and end this conflct.
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