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'Schlep yourselves over to Florida, vote Obama'
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 03.10.08, 09:10
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61. Semper Fi (#53) falsely attributes collapse to Jews
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, DC USA   (10.03.08)
Why do you jump from a few Jewish names to "Jews will be held responsible"? You call Banks "the dirty thief behind the Fredy Mac and Fanny Mae scam", but there was no single "dirty thief", and most were not Jews. Yes, Lehman and Goldman are Jewish names, but they haven't been Jewish investment houses for ages. They are joint stock companies, like all the Wall Street majors, mostly run by non-Jews. Jimmy Carter, who pushed the Community Reinvestment Act that started this whole thing rolling is not a Jew. Nor is Bill Clinton who pressed banks to lend to those who couldn't afford to buy a house. Nor are Raines and Johnson who ran Fannie. Nor are Senators Dodd and Obama who got a lot of PAC money from Fannie. Face it. Jews played a minority role in this mess, and are suffering along with everyone else.
62. #55 another lost socialomoron!
Semper Fi! ,   San Diego, USA   (10.03.08)
Reestablishing american prominence, you said? Olmert gave the nation to the barbarians? Hey, Olmert is one of the socialists that you want to rein the USA again, you know the ones like disgusting Carter the coward, the one getting money from the Obama friends, the arabs that you decry. Do you want scum like the New York Times, like ACLU traitors and arab lovers, the hollywood stupid brains to tell us americans what to do....NO NO NO Bush ain't a smartie, but it has been the best prez supporting Israel ever. Remember the rockets launched by Hussein, not your Osama Hussein, I'm talking about Saddam... who stopped those rockets, your friends Pelosi, from San Francisco, the most hostile city in the USA for Israel and even antiUSA..Arabs love San Fran. Other of your friends L. Farakhan, self hating jews like Franken, NBC Zucker, Shultzberger, Maher, the Daily Koss crowd, all these scumbags that fight against the war in Iraq, that saved Israel from Saddam expansionism..You forget that in Miami right,?
63. #62 - Temper Lie....another lost Bush supporting moron....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (10.03.08)
The war in Iraq "saved Israel from Saddam expansionism????" Are you retarded? The war in Iraq: (1) emboldened Iran, the true danger: (2) strengthened al-queda, which had no stronghold there before the war; (3) distracted the US from the real hot bed of terror - Afghanistan and its border with Pakistan - where 911 actually came from (4) began as a result of calculated lies by the stupidest, most reckless president in US history and his demented constitution-trampelling Halliburton pocket-lining VP; (5) weakened the US by abusing its military and wasting billions of dollars that should have been spent elsewhere - and killing thousands of US soldiers and Iraqis - in vein. Israel doesn't need another George Bush masquerading as John McCain or his idiodic know-nothing VP candidate, whose only foreign policy experience is Alaska's proximity to Russia. Bush has not been a friend of Israel - he has been an unmitigated disaster for us and the entire world. You have a shitload of nerve to call Jewish supporters of Obama/Biden "self-hating." And the only people Al Franken hates are liars like you.
64. Sarah S. is an idiot - but look at reality.
D ,   Miami   (10.03.08)
On a superficial level the Republicans may look like the way to go, but that is deceptive. Recall that under recent Republican administrations Americans have gotten poorer, more debt-ridden, experienced more income disparity, become less educated, suffered from poorer health, have seen their civil and consitutional rights diminished etc. etc. Every objective indicator is headed the wrong way!! Add to that Bush's multiple follies of Iraq, Afghanistan and the national debt (sure low taxes are great - but Bush thinks that they cure cancer. BTW you remember Bush right? he's the one with the Nazi connections in his family a generation back) and others and you have the recipe for a far weaker USA; so weakened economically, diplomatically and politically that we are unable to lift a finger to help Israel, no matter who is President. McCain is old man who has had 4 bouts with cancer: & look who is waiting in the wings: idiot girl from that icebox next door to Russia; his campaign bus is stuffed with so many lobbyists that they are falling off the back - haven't these people written enough legislation? And he is catering to the evangelicals - sure those people love Israel, but they remind me of a little kid that picks up a puppy or kitten and "loves" it so much that they squeeze it to death. This kind of love Israel does not need. The US needs a strong energy policy and a solid economic foundation; borrowing untold billions from China to buy $100+ barrel oil from the Arabs and Venzuela is not a recipe for success. Without those two things any specific indiviudal's level of commitment to Israel is pretty meaningless. The US desparately needs to get off of this doomed path (exactly because it does endanger Israel). Hopefully those folks who are silly enough and nasty enough to call any Jew who sees that the US is in definite need of change as "self-hating" won't live to see the folly of their own narrow-mindedness. L'shana Tova (no matter who you vote for I wish you well, hopefully you wish me the same)
65. Jackie Mason vs Silverman and Barack="Lightning"
Gershon   (10.03.08)
Mason's funny video on Sara Silverman Al-baraq is the name of the winged horse of the prophet Mohammad. Baraq = lightning,
66. Self Hating Jews
Ralph Levy ,   USA   (10.03.08)
The self hating jews of the Left will not succeed. When will our people ever learn. Survival through Strength.
67. Jackie Mason released a response to this..
Itzik ,   WPB, USA   (10.03.08)
Quite amusing really.
68. See Jackie Mason rebuttal to Silverman
69. #62
Harel ,   Miami   (10.03.08)
All of this coming from San Diego? The point is you have said nothing about McCain and his unstable, Country Last, embarrassment of a campaign. Obama the socialist? This coming on the day the American people allowed their hijacked government shovel 700 BILLION DOLLARS into a rotten and failed economic system that PRIVATIZES PROFITS and SOCIALIZES LOSSES? There is your fear-inspiring SOCIALISM. It might border on a Fascism. A candadate who beleives that all American women, children, men, and elderly should have affordable healthcare???? Stop the giant insurers and plutocrats from raping the American people??? What a RADICAL SOCIALIST ideal!!! God Forbid! No my friend, what you forgot is that this nation, the United States of America, was founded on the principles of Liberty, Justice, and Equality. The Founders established this Union to protect the people from tyrannical government; all enemies, foreign and domestic. Bush was good for Israel? Where is your proof of such a ridiculous statement? More importantly, was he good for America? The stains that Bush has wrought on the American Constitution are repulsive. The Patriot Act - the basic stripping away of our civil liberties? The end of the writ of Habeus corpus? Domestic spying? Warrantless wiretaps? Please, I eagerly await your answers on these issues. Bush good for Israel? The Christain ideology that George Bush and Sarah Palin subscribe to favors Israel as a means to an end! Ostensably, as a means to the "end of days." Their "salvation" rests upon the premise of an Armegedon that forsees the end of the world prophecies and ushers in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. These are you friends? Their whole ideology revolves around your eventual destruction! Bush is an ideologue war monger! So is McCain. Give me Obama/Biden "socialism" any day to the disastrous, failed economic and foreign policies of the neoconservative masters of mediocrity.
70. Silverman is none too Bright
Larry ,   zefat Israel   (10.04.08)
She is out of her depth.Jews will be to blame if Obama is not president ? Why should jews vote for him,Silverman could not give one single reason.She comes across as an Airhead I'm afraid.
71. What is it
Larry ,   zefat Israel   (10.04.08)
About these irritating jews in Hollywood,actors and directors and comedians who are so liberal and think they are political experts? they should stick to what they do best and shut up about things they know little about.
HAL TRIPP ,   LA PAZ, BOLIVIA   (10.04.08)
73. Harel's biggest fan!
D ,   miami   (10.04.08)
Thank you for being 10,000% correct (not to mention a terrific writer)!!!
74. silverman
ron axelrod ,   usa   (10.04.08)
what an obnoxious woman
75. smart and dumb at the same time
Ignatious Mucklefutz ,   US   (10.04.08)
Sarah Palin is like poison to most American Jewish women. Most importantly, she is opposed to abortion and that is the litmus test for most of them. If they had to choose between a candidate who supports Israel and was anti-abortion vs. someone who is pro-choice and unfriendly to Israel, most Jewish women would not automatically vote for the supporter of Israel. Palin's toughness, her unpampered presence, and her attractiveness also are issues. As for me, I am concerned about Palin's inexperience and feel that she is a political choice rather than one that would be an asset to an administration facing an economic crisis. With the other Sarah (Silverman), giving false information doesn't matter as long as she gets her point across. For her information, American Jews, including Jewish grandparents, voted overwhelmingly for Al Gore. Uninformed and obsessive Jews even voted for the antisemite Jimmy Carter over Ronald Reagan. Now people have the chance to vote for an inspiring and glib young man who has no record of accomplishment other than getting elected or a genuine war hero who has a history of leadership and bipartisanship.
76. #47: If That's What You Think ...
MK ,   Philadelphia USA   (10.04.08)
Then you have not a clue about what is going on in our economy. Frankly, I doubt you're Jewish, but, if you are, you are exactly the sort of self-hater I am talking about. I don't like James Baker - he's a moron and an arabist - but he can't hold a candle to the anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-American people that Barack Hussein Obama has spent his entire life with. But, they're okay with you. Typical.
77. Mason vs silverman
Joe ,   afula   (10.04.08)
78. #63 - I couldn't have said it better!
Harel ,   Miami   (10.03.08)
People, like our friend from San Diego, who fail to open their eyes to the objective reality of our situation do so because they might truly be blind. To #62 : I was in my miklat (bomb shelter) when those Scuds came raining in from Saddam. How dare you tell me that I forgot. To excuse Bush on any level is bordering on criminal. It is the ultimate denial of reality. Bush should stand trial for the crimes he has committed against the American Constitution, the American People, and humanity at large. Olmert should face the same fate. Who will refute it? Speak!
79. Mort, you're so predictable
joni jenkins ,   boston, ma   (10.04.08)
And short-sighted, and paranoid, and why don't you just find a better hobby?
80. To Andy and Harel...
Semper Fi! ,   San Diego, USA   (10.04.08)
Andy first of all you should live in San Francisco with your "lovely" friends, actually there are a lot of Jews that would marry you over there. the mayor is one of you, isn't he? Regarding Harel, I won't answer you, because you sounds like a lawyer, one of those turncoat cowards that would free barbarians that are here and everywhere to kill us, our families and others. You don't have the right, ACLU lover, to talk to israelis, you don't have the right to talk to americans. After 9/11 scum like you were asking for "rights" to the terrorists, and unfortunately you've got the same filth in Israel. I wish Obama Hussein wins to show all the morons like wyou what will be the USA under the Farakhan, rev Wright lovers. War monger right, but I did not see in your traitor post any line regarding our ennemies, the ennemis of Israel, USA and West. Those are your friends traitor...I served with pride in both armies, and we spit on traitors like you..Go with Obama, go...Is OJ Simpson, the jew killer your hero too? Disgusting...Habeas Corpus..another liar from the ACLU Andy you still can meety him in Miami and have a good time together...
81. #69 Andy----Wow, that was a GREAT display of your ignorance.
Please,show us more ,   hate filled beliefs   (10.04.08)
82. Semper Fi
Connie ,   Virginia   (10.04.08)
Hey, when did you serve in the marines? just curious. My oldest son, who is a marine got to go into Jerusalem not too long ago while they were docked at Tel Aviv.
83. hussein obama
giora ,   london   (10.04.08)
husein obama is not a natural ally of is opportunistic support he gives the state. jews think for themselves but i do hope they vote mccain.
84. Wrong! "Barack" means "blessing" in ARABIC.
Jake   (10.04.08)
It is a Moslem name. Barack Obama's name is NOT based on the Hebrew word "barak" that means lightning. Get with the program.
85. To #80
Harel ,   Miami   (10.04.08)
To call another Israeli Jew a "traitor" because he disagrees about the policies of our government and the right path forward is an affront to even a basic child's understanding of the fundamentals of our democracy. To boldly state that "I won't answer you" displays your complete ignorance on these issues. I debate my opinion by backing it with facts; you yell over your counterpart with charges of---what was it---"scum", "liar", "coward","filth", "traitor". Such brash rhetoric is a defining trait of our fellow brothers who have lost the benefits of civil discourse and an objective analysis of our situation. You know to yell, call others names, and gleefully rejoice in your unwillingness and inability to address the questions asked of you. Don't expect your ranting, offensive diatribes to influence free thinkers...Frankly, you're sounding like Bill O'Rielly, and that's unfortunate. On the Civil Rights issue, you couldn't be more right! I LOVE civil rights! They give me a fuzzy warm feeling all over. On our enemies: I already stated my solid belief in protecting the homeland from all enemies, foreign and domestic. For you to state otherwise is absolutely disingenuous. I have also served my country. Don't pretend that you are in any way outstanding because you bore the insignia. That experience doesn't preclude you from formulating rational and intelligent assessments of how terrible our governmental policies have been. On the other hand, to study our history and understand the implication of our future actions is PATRIOTIC. Unfortunately people like you in the growing idiocracy are somehow dejected by intelligence, critical thinking, and a basic need to always question the actions of our governments. For you that is passe--to be left to the history books--when citizen held their governments accountable....back then... Your stratagy remains to close the mind, close the eyes, and in the event someone challenges your beliefs, yell louder and focus on the defamation of their character, i.e. "traitor", "turncoat". That certainly does preclude your opinion from serious consideration---seemingly under some self-inflicted duress. Habea Corpus is disgusting to you? Well at least you have one thing in common with Bush/Cheney. You would use the US Constitution as a piece of toilet paper because you have no understanding or appreciation of its role in protecting the citizen from his government in a modern democracy. By the sound of it, you would rather live in one of the Arab theocracies or dictatorships...the ones you hate so much? How ironic, and sad. And for the life of me, what in the world does OJ Simpson have to do with this discussion? You cannot be serious. Shana Tova brother! My God bless you with health, parnasa, and an open mind.
86. Why?
Why would anyone listen to such a foul mouthed woman? Even old bubbies and zaidies shouldn't!! Sara Silverman could make anyone anti-Semitic. I think that she does more damage than good. Non-Jews probably say: "There's another obnoxious loud-mouthed Jew". Also, her boyfriends are not Jewish, so what kind of example is she to young Jews?
87. #85 - forget it Harel, Temper Lie....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (10.06.08)
Just likes to rant, rave and hate. No use reasoning with him. Let him spew.
88. Silverman a Slut?
Ric ,   Orlando   (12.25.08)
I told my friend he was wrong, she is just trying to encourage illegal voters...and it looks like she did a good job. Wonder why she wasn't tossed into jail for a nice overnight in the population?
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