Obama is coming
Eitan Haber
Published: 22.10.08, 11:34
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81 Talkbacks for this article
61. #56: Why must I vote for either of these?
Steve ,   US   (10.22.08)
I'm a thirty seven year registered (conservative) Republican who voted for Bush in 2000. Sadly! He's been a disaster for Israel. I'm not saying Obama will do better. Likely he will fare much worse. I have paid my dues. How about you? What have you done for the conservative movement in the U.S. or for the political right in Israel? What have you done to preserve the integrity of Jewish land? What protests have you attended? Are you a member of any political / protest movement on the right in Israel? What did you do to prevent the Gush Katif expulsion / retreat? You are suggesting I vote for John McCain? Mr. Bush likes to boast, he is the first American president to make the establishment of a "Palestinian" (terror) state in Israel a "formal goal of U.S. policy." A Muslim state in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and east Jerusalem will be a jihadist state, dedicated to Israel's destruction. Bush, Rice, McCain, Palin, Obama and Biden all know this. Only an ignoramous does not know this. Mr. Bush has expended (or should I say, squandered?) considerable political capital dismembering and weakening the Jewish state; precious political capital expelling Jews from their homes; from their G-d given homeland. You defend this? This self-professed born-again Christian Bush has done this in the service of his god. I wrote Senator McCain as a life-long registerd Republican. I told McCain if he adopts Bush's immoral policies, I cannot see voting for him in November. Why should I? Senator McCain had a choice between immorality / criminality and righteousness / justice. McCain chose immorality / criminality. McCain supports the dismemberment and the destruction of Israel with full Republican party backing. It's codified in our national party platform as of late August, 2008. A Muslim (terror) state in the Holy Land. It's all right there if you'd care to investigate. I know what the left is all about. I am not a leftist. I am a conservative. What you seem to be advocating is voting for immorality, evil and criminality. Yes or no?
62. WHY???
63. OBAMA is not the man he says he is.. don't be fooled.
Tam ,   Alabama, USA   (10.23.08)
64. Reply to *61 Steve
Tammy Halford ,   Huntsville, AL USA   (10.23.08)
I hear what you are saying, Steve. I am scared of both parties as well. My vote is based on this: I DO believe McCain loves the USA and is a Christrian. While, i DO believe Obama Hussein tries to hide his heritage from us and I don't care to put a person in the White House that does not stand behind my USA. He removes the National Anthem to replace it with another "speaker" and cares not the respect of us.
65. Obama will give the Palestinians our rights
Mike   (10.23.08)
He supports freedom. He will demand Israel end the occupation, give the refugees the right of return and end all discriminatory laws against non Jews or face a total boycott by America. He is a true progressive and a fighter against racism.
66. OK, 56, Bush is willing to sell Israel out but is still your
David Turner ,   Richmond, USA   (10.23.08)
hero? One of the rules of other on-line papers is that vulgarity is not allowed, and I searched Ynet for a contact to have your talkback receive its just deserts. As to your comments, at least those I could make rational sense to: the topic under discussion is not the pros and cons of every past president you despise, but the qualifications of the current administration, McCain and the alternative, Obama. It seems to me that the question is not whether or not we can trust the untested Obama, but whether Israel can survive a Bush look-alike after the damage this president has done to the Middle East and, for ourselves as Jews dedicated to her survival, Israel? I suggested several actions by Bush, obviously supported by McCain that seriously damaged Israel's situation in the world. You addressed not a single one, but went on about Carter and Clinton and how heroic McCain was. Totally irrelevant to the point. Which is, Bush is willing to stab Israel in the Back by going over her head and promising to force her withdrawal in exchange for a Bush desired plum, that Syria abandon Iran. And just what does he think Israel has been negotiating for over a year? But Bush needs something that makes his presidency seem less than a total failure, and if he has to sacrifice Israel to appear to posterity more than he otherwise deserves, well then, Israel's great friend turns on Israel. If you wish to continue to be irritated by my writings, I invite you to read my latest submission to JPost when it appears. In the meantime visit my blog at http://jewishdenial.blogspot.com. And please, you don't have to shout and curse to be heard!
Beautiful, just what I was thinking. go MCCAIN! MAY THE LORD BLESS YOU.
68. America's Tragic Mistake
guy ,   los angeles   (10.23.08)
Obama's expected win will put someone in the White House who is far more likely to be unfriendly to Israel than any recent president-and many American Jews will be unwilling to criticize him lest they be called "racist"...not a pleasant prospect.
69. a good president
asd ,   israel   (10.23.08)
for the USA will be a good president for israel.
70. Samantha Power
Scott ,   USA   (10.23.08)
Obama has picked people like Samantha Power as foreign policy advisers. Google 'samantha power' and 'Israel' and see what is in store for you.
71. asd, Israel #69: A President who is good
Steve ,   US   (10.23.08)
to Israel, one who blesses Israel, will be good for and will bless America. I am not an overly religious Jew. My principle of faith is this simple pledge the Almighty made to Abraham and his descendants: "I will bless those who bless you and the one who curses you, I will curse." Mr. Bush has been cursing Israel. Has Bush been good for the USA? I don't think so.
72. this article is ridiculous
ilan ,   jerusalem   (10.23.08)
we need someone in the white house who will push our leaders to make serious commitments to seeking peace. not "fighters in ariel sharons unit" who will guard the settlements we build in the west bank. obama will protect the country from its failed leadership aswell as the right wing AIPAC that has become so detatched from the reality and needs we now face here.
73. Jewish Federation /Obama
scott ,   Boca Raton   (10.23.08)
Just a simple Google search would refute much of what you have written - OY ! http://www.juf.org/news/local.aspx?id=12976
74. #59: Obama's Not the antiChrist
Becky Ghenco ,   Ohio, USA   (10.23.08)
I believe there IS a ruler coming that will exalt himself above every god. (Daniel 11:36) This was fulfilled in part by Herod the Great (as well as Alexander & Antiochus IV) The apostle John warned that many antichrist types would come (1 John 2:18) Obama could be a Antetype, but THE antiChrist to come will be as Daniel said in 9:26, He will be of the same people who destroyed the city & temple. Which happened in 70 A.D. by Roman General Titus. It's not a matter of being Jewish or Christian, but what does the Bible itself say? how does it align with history? http://users.aristotle.net/~bhuie/Daniel11.htm Final thought: "A king's heart is a water channel in the LORD's hand: He directs it wherever He chooses." (Proverbs 21:1) Pharoh's heart was hard, Cyrus', King of Persia, heart was open to obey....God used both for His purpose. Perhaps this too will bring a new Aliyah for the Jewish people.
75. Claims with little facts
Michael Dickel ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.23.08)
Eitan Haber makes a lot of claims about Obama with few facts, other than who his friends are not and who he doesn't fear. The question is, who is more qualified to run the US? McCain, who graduated fifth from the bottom of his class in the Naval Academy, or Obama, who graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School? McCain, member of the Keating 5 (Congressmen who used their influence with regulators for large donor Keating, who was one of the key figures in the Savings and Loan debacle, that other banking crisis in the US), or Obama, who was president of the Harvard Law Review? Compare the educational records of the Democratic ticket and the Republican ticket and ask yourself who is better prepared to run the US: Educa​tiona​l Backg​round​:​ Obama​:​ Colum​bia Unive​rsity​ - B.A. Polit​ical Scien​ce with a Speci​aliza​tion in Inter​natio​nal Relat​ions.​ Harva​rd - Juris​ Docto​r (​J.​D.​) Magna​ Cum Laude​ Biden​:​ Unive​rsity​ of Delaw​are - B.A. in Histo​ry and B.A. in Polit​ical Scien​ce.​ Syrac​use Unive​rsity​ Colle​ge of Law - Juris​ Docto​r (​J.​D.​) vs. McCai​n:​ Unite​d State​s Naval​ Acade​my - Class​ rank:​ 894 of 899 Palin​:​ Hawai​i Pacif​ic Unive​rsity​ - 1 semes​ter North​ Idaho​ Colle​ge - 2 semes​ters - gener​al study​ Unive​rsity​ of Idaho​ - 2 semes​ters - journ​alism​ Matan​uska-​Susit​na Colle​ge - 1 semes​ter Unive​rsity​ of Idaho​ - 3 semes​ters - B.A. in Journ​alism​ Now, which​ team are you going​ to vote for?
76. Israel / USA relations
Steven Rosenberg ,   Plainedge, NY USA   (10.23.08)
As a jewish american who loves Israel as my homeland I tell you Israel must not rely on any foreign country for its security and future well-being. I believe Obama will be fine for Israel but that is not the point. As jews and Israelis our only hope for our future and our children's future is ourselves.
77. Bush Jr. a friend?
Chuck A ,   Franklin USA   (10.23.08)
Please explain to me how Bush Jr. is a friend to Israel. His State Dept. is the most anti-semitic since FDR. His Sec State is blatantly anti-Israel. He has renegged on every promise he as made to Jewish voters and the State of Israel. His one goal is to spawn a Pal state, no matter how many murdered Jews are the result. He has regularly blackmailed Israel to do what he wants it to do. How can this be construed as being a friend?
78. Chuck #77: what you fail to understand about Bush
Steve ,   US   (10.23.08)
Bush defenders will patiently explain, what is good for the U.S. is good for Israel. Bush apologists are certain Bush's policies have been wholly good for the U.S. The fact that Bush sold out the Jews and Israel does not matter so long as America comes out smelling like a rose. "W" is a great friend to the Jews because he's protected America from attack by these Islamo-fascists. It does not matter that Bush consorts with Islamo-fascists that are dedicated to Israel's destruction, so long as it redounds to America's benefit; and it has according to George W. Bush acolytes and apologists. Get with the program Chuck. You are outnumbered by Bush aficionados.
79. Barack best hope for Israel!
Jason ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.24.08)
Dear Lord, Mr. Haber, you certainly like your politicians weak and in your pocket. Why must Obama be scared of Jewish leaders and have had lox and bagels at a JNF convention? Barack has been to this country of ours and has proven himself to be a thinker, to be compassionate and cool under pressure, and to seek the advice of others when he needs it---say hi to Biden. Just because we are used to American presidents that were groomed in the standard AIPAC fashion, it doesn't mean that someone from down-the-street is going to be inherently anti-Israel. It's time for Jews to stop crying. This is an opportunity for real change--use it! Abe and Malcolm are simply going to have to work harder and I think that having a President that challenges assumptions and looks at the merits and facts (like our good Torah teaches us to do) will always serve our interests!
80. Obama is Coming by Eitan Haber
Joanne Yaron ,   Ramat-Gan Israel   (10.24.08)
This is a surprisingly narrow attitude taken by Mr.Haber. Senator Obama has a rich relationship with Jews and Jewish organizations and I sincerely doubt that we will be left on our own. Indeed, certainly nothing like the 7 years Pres. Bush left us completely on our own to do what we want even if it was bad for us. or foolish to do. Do we want 4 more years of Bush under the guise of McCain? Do we want an America no longer respected by the rest of the world, including our enemies. Do we want an America that has lost its power to lead. And do we want a VP how is totally unqualified in the waiting of a not too healthy 72 year old president, who in any case, wishes to continue the disasterous domestic and foreign Bush policies. Now that won't be good for us. We need a strong and well respected America.
81. Eitan Haber" Obama is coming"
Ronnie Pleet ,   Philadelphia PA   (10.24.08)
I wonder if eitan is listening only to our Republican political machine. My heart is Israel! I am a lifelong Zionist. I go to Israel,I have family in Israel. Obama has Joe Biden and other American Jews plus members of our legislature who are firm in their committment to Israel,advising him. I disagree with Eitan's picture of coming doom. I am voting for Obama.
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