Israel denies entry to UN rights investigator
Published: 15.12.08, 15:44
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31. Professor Falk has already made up his answers
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (12.15.08)
So why in the world should we allow him into our country? We have morons like Richard of London that wouldn't know an international or war-crime if it bit them. Falk is just as stupid. End the British occupation of other people's lands. Start with the Malvinas, Gibralter, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland.
32. That clown had it coming!
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (12.15.08)
That racist "Special Rapporteur" was informed that he will be denied entry into Israel before boarding the plane, but he came nevertheless - this makes his "visit" a veritable PROVOCATION and attempt to force the border and Israel's sovereignity. That monkey had the nerve to force the door after we told him that he is not a welcomed guest unless he behaves like a civilized person and refrains from pissing on our carpet and on us and on our other guests. So let's be honest about this: the new (old) "UN Human Rights" cangoroo court had the impunity to try to break out our doors and rape our natural right to keep them out, and now they moan like dogs left out in the cold while being shown a big baseball bat. They calculated that either way they have a sensation: if they are allowed in, they will just go about their usual job of fabricating lies (or using the ones prepared for them by the Palestinians in advance) and if they are denied - they will moan about Israel "having something to hide". Like we really have to open our borders to whatever scum wants to enter! What a heap of hypocrites! I am only sad that they wasted those expensive Business Class tickets to fly that rabid monkey to Israel instead of donating that money to rehabilitate molested children used as cannon fodder in Africa or some muslim country.
33. #4 Dick in London
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (12.15.08)
Israel is hiding nothing. Just go to the Reuters site and look at all the pictures of well-fed people riding carnival rides, eating pastries and candy, slaughtering herds of cattle in the street, waving bloody knives and screaming "Death to the Jews!" Where are the pictures of disease and starvation and mass graves? No where except in your Jew hating imagination.
34. finally
At last   (12.15.08)
I am really pleased that finally Israel is kicking a**!! We are sick and tired of being the ones to blame and knowing we are right. Justice needsto be done! All the journalists are scared of the arabs reactions or are filled with lies and anti Israel feelings. Where is the UN when the arabs put on an infantile show of Gilad Shalit?? Who can take such primitive infantilism in leaders seriously?? Finally Israel is doing the right thing!
35. to north korea
send him   (12.15.08)
to the holocaust going on there or to africa or to arab nations where 13 year old rape victims are stoned to death. Or China Oh, Russia isn't a bad place either.
36. hostages
Visiting   (12.15.08)
why doesn't the un insist on Gilad's mom visiting him- isn't that against human rights?? I guess the palestinians don't have to live up to human rights- are they human??
37. Falk has already written his report so why come here.
rebecca ,   modiin   (12.15.08)
Falk has already said what will be in his report. In fact he already knew he would not be allowed into Israel. So why did he come? To create trouble, which is what he wants. We dont need him. We have the Palestinians and the Gaza people for that, as well as our own troublemakers.
38. invicta, Palestinians starved to death?
israeli ,   israel   (12.15.08)
Don't you know the people of Haiti are eating mud-cakes in order to stay alive? Or they don't count because they are so far away from Israel?
39. #30, easy answer
Danny   (12.15.08)
"(and also if Gaza isn't 'occupied' why dose israel decide who eneters or leaves?) " - Israel doesn't decide who enters or leaves
40. #3, learn english
Danny   (12.15.08)
He was prevented from entering ISRAEL. Tel Aviv airport isn't in Gaza.
41. #20, #24, don't bother
Danny   (12.15.08)
he simply cuts and pastes lies. He knows they are lies but still insists on posting them. Don't feed the trolls.
42. #27, learn to read man
Danny   (12.15.08)
His task is to report on Israeli "violations", he is specifically tasked NOT to report on Palestinian violations. Now if he had an ounce of self-respect he would have turned down this post. As for starving to death, it is very very very slow as apparently they have been starving to death since the beginning of 2006. Maybe we should ask Kim Jong-il for some advice on starving people to death.
43. Thanks, Kyle
israeli ,   israel   (12.15.08)
I just found this photo of Gaza children "starving" in an amusement park in Gaza. It also proves the "electricity shortage" in Gaza.
44. euros
bentzy ,   canada   (12.15.08)
i love how you Europeans are always criticizing Israel on their human rights record. you of the countries that have violated Jewish rights for centuries on end. you who invented blood libels and expulsions and every horrible human degradation known to mankind have the chutzpah to tell us how to treat other humans. you would int know what rights are if it hit you in the face. but more importantly what would you do if a people which started 4 deadly wars with you and lost them all and instead off backing down started sending suicide bombers and rockets and publicly denounces the right to your existence. and to top it off we have these brilliant Jews who make it their life mission to denounce them to satisfy their Jewish guilt mentality. good on Israel for standing strong
45. Falk
Ilana   (12.15.08)
can go to Argentinia to ask them about england's behavior in the falklands (Malvinas). That is ok? But first , he should visit Aushwitz to witness firsthand what nazi behavior is.
46. cut and paste occupation
Richard ,   London UK   (12.15.08)
Israel's discrimination between Jewish settlers and Palestinians in the West Bank is increasingly reminiscent of white South Africa's apartheid system, according to an Israeli human rights group. Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territory "have created a situation of institutionalised discrimination and segregation," the Association for Civil Rights in Israel said on Sunday. "The discrimination in services, budgets and access to natural resources between the two groups in the same territory constitutes a stark violation of the principle of equality, which (is reminiscent) in many and increasing ways (of) the apartheid regime that was applied in South Africa," ACRI said. The group's report, published ahead of Wednesday's 60th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, notes that the 2.3 million Palestinians in the West Bank outside annexed Arab east Jerusalem are subject to military law and administration. By contrast, the 250,000 settlers live under Israeli civilian law. While the settlers use a modern and developed road system restricted to Israeli cars, the Palestinians are forced to use "winding and dangerous roads," the report said. In addition, Israel imposes strict restrictions on construction in Palestinian towns and villages and does not develop basic infrastructure there. The report cited UN figures showing that some 65 percent of roads leading to the 18 most populous Palestinian West Bank towns are blocked or controlled by military checkpoints. The United Nations says more than 600 roadblocks impede Palestinian movement around the West Bank.
47. hey danny
Invicta ,   Europa   (12.15.08)
Danny boy. Getting a bit agitated there. Truth hurts does it!! and #44 don't slate the EU too much. rememebr we keep israel afloat financially. The US provides the killing stuff and we supply israel the markets.
48. #45
Invicta ,   Europa   (12.15.08)
So what did England do in the malvinas that compares to Israel's atrocities in the occupied territories. England didn't massacre any children and women or stand by and facilitate others to do so. No WALLS were built around the population or blockades imposed on civilians. No cluster bombs or missiles were fired into civilian areas. Also what ever the nazis got up to does not excuse Israel from doing the same or similar. The Nazis are gone, history. The here and now is the concentration camp that is Gaza.
dp   (12.15.08)
he's in the dark, maybe some exposure to Israeli life might shed some reality on his negative image, thanks to the hate-Israel media controlled and sponsored by the Saudi's & company
50. #42
Ilana   (12.15.08)
i AGREE WITH MOST OF WHAT YOU SAY, IN GENERAL but not everyone has perfect English and even those who do make mistakes unintentionally- so don't hassle them about that. Oh and by the way, "Now if he had an ounce of self-respect he would have turned down this post. " conditional 3- should be "Now, if he had had an ounce..." English grammar-yuck!
51. I want to see a UN Inspector SPECIFICALLY tasked to....
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (12.15.08)
... investigate the Gaza rocket fire into Israel and to investigate why Gilad Shalit is not granted the basic rights of regular visits from the Red Cross and HUMAN RIGHTS agencies. I want to see that Inspector allowed into Gaza and allowed to complete his task unthreatened. I want to see that such an honest UN Inspector really EXISTS and that such a task is indeed commissioned by the UN. When that happens, we will consider letting in scum like this UN guy.
52. #46 - "The report cited UN figures" - 'nuf said!
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (12.15.08)
Dick - don't waste our time with UN garbage commissioned and supervised by monkeys corrupted with petro-dollars or natural racism and anti-semitism. Pity about those trees used to make the used toilet paper used by the UN to publish this crap. But this keeps some monkeys fed and their racist keepers happy. What a Zoo! Pity about the bandwidth you use to spread this crap and meddle in the internal affairs of another country instead of minding your own business and watch your back in your own yard. If you haven't noticed, the number of mosques in UK has tripled in the last two years...
53. #48 Yes, very true slogans, but missed the target as usual!
The Doc ,   Haifa, Israel   (12.15.08)
Invicta - you've just described what Hamas does in Gaza ("Gaza concentration camp"), what Muslim terrorists do to Israelis ( "massacre children and women", and "atrocities") , and what Hamas, PFLP, Islamic Jihad do from Gaza ("cluster bombs fired into civillian areas")... As usual, your hatred manages to miss the truth and reality, but this is only to be expected from a blind Islamo-Leftist claiming to hail from Eurabia.
54. oh! how lovely all the anti-semitic TBers came out 4...
a welcoming party for Richard Falk. May I take this opportunity to encourage all of you to go off and visit beautiful Gaza along with Mr. Falk and then just stay there! Or perhaps all of you would a visit to the beautiful and ever so peaceful nation of Iran! Indeed I am sure that in both these locations you and your ilk would flower up nicely! Tata!
55. England
#48   (12.15.08)
Do you want me to let you know the number of choldren England has killed in 60 years?? Read history about malvinas to know how it compares, then read how boatloads of children and parents, starving to death were sent back to Germany when trying to land in Israel. Ask my fatherin law how lovely it was to be sent to Cyprus camps for 2more years after being a 17 year holocaust survivor trying to get some safety in Israel. Ask others- there were plenty so go stuff England's morality you know where!
56. #45
who cares?   (12.15.08)
Nazis are NOT GONE and never will be and they are the reason we are in Israel and will always have to be. We need to protect ourselvesnow and in the future so it won't happen again. And ANYONE who compares gaza to nazi germany has just proven how completely ignorant they re of what happened there!! As well as what happens here. You just lost based on being not well learned at all. Really!! Yeah right- gas camps and mass murders of over 6 million Jews and another 12million gypsies, handicapped and so on- yeah that is like gaza! You make me sick, not with your hatred but with your lack of knowledge-pooh!
57. invicta
bentzy ,   canada   (12.15.08)
firstly you missed my point entirly my point was that europeans are in no place to critisize israel on their human rights record when they in their history have abused the jewish peoples human rights and pretty much anyone they didnt like human rights for centuries but more importantly you sound like a broken record machine spewing blatant proprogandic lies. did you know that since the security wall was built the amount of suicide bombers coming from the west bank have down to virually nil. coincidence? i think not the wall is there to protect isrealis from getting killed! same goes for the blockades, if there were none, imagine how many attempts would there be on jewish lives and when a terrorist group hides behind civillians - though the army tried not to hurt anybody - (their were dozens of idf soldiers killed because they were told to show restraint while terrorists were firing at them) unfortunitly some will get killed and yes the nazis are history, but there are others that are trying to take their place, and i for one am not prepared to allow that to happen!
58. nazis
oy vey   (12.15.08)
now invicta (or should we say (evicta?!), what did those naughty little nazis get up to? "Whatever they got up to?????" are you totally insane?? Oh, so it is history? So along your awfully uncomplex way of thinking, if I were to agree with your line of argument, in 40 years or so we can say" Oh, whatever the Israelis got up to then...Gaza is history- finished, gone!" Only I would never really compare gaza to europe of 1938-1945. Nd one who knows anything would.
59. Falk and Olmert
mike cato ,   USA   (12.15.08)
I never thought I's say this about Olmert, but...CONGRATULATIONS MR. OLMERT in refusing entry to Falk. Stay on this path, Mr. Olmert and stand up for Israel. Tell the world (UN/EU) that Israel can no longer be tread upon.
60. #27 After the Gaza Pullout, EU observers stood at all the
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (12.15.08)
Gaza crossings. They ran away when Hamas took over, because they were afraid for their lives. Or did you forget about that? You know, actual facts?
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