We can always conquer Gaza
Yossi Beilin
Published: 23.12.08, 00:22
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45 Talkbacks for this article
31. We can ALWAYS jail Beilin
eliezer ,   haifa   (12.23.08)
for treason and for committing Oslo!
33. Let's start...
David   (12.23.08)
...by sending Beilin to Gaza.
34. Just When I Thought Everyone In Israel Was Illogical
World Citizen ,   the world   (12.23.08)
This writer goes and proves me wrong. It's not the total answer but it is a start. If Israelis want real peace they should move back to 1967 border. Remove all Israeli presence from West Bank, Golan Heights, Shabbaa Farms, East Jerusalem. Stop preventing sea and air access to Gaza Strip. Let the free Palestinian people decide who will rule them. Open border of Gaza and Egypt. Grant travel between Gaza and West Bank without excessive checkpoints. Gurarantee water rights to a free and independent Palestine. Learn to get along with the Middle East. Quit agitating for war with Lebanon, Syria and Iran. The average Israeli should know that the Ashkenazi warlords that have ruled your country for 60 years are leading you on the path of destruction. More war is not the answer. Stop the madness before it is too late.
35. Beilin: My Favorite Onion
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (12.23.08)
A fantasy situation that says it all, from a California Zionist. Let's assume 4,200 Kassams (and a few Grads) were fired into San Diego, from Baja, Calif (Mexico). Or let's assume Buffalo, NY was similar struck from across into Canada. Now, what would we do about it? Would people in Los Angeles, or Albany think, "well they are not bombing us, so why worry?". Beilin, is a dreamer..a liberal wart on Israel's backside..and dangerous besides. Israel needs to unite behind, Bibi, and Lieberman..give Hamas 2 days to release Shalit and stop the Kassam, and destroy those tunnels..or else., and I mean or else. Afterwards, things will fall into place..you can be sure.
36. #34, As always you post is pathetic
Jake   (12.23.08)
The real haters and warmongers are people like you, who couch their hostility, hate, and venom with fake and contrived words of peace. But real peace is the last thing on your mind. You are a deceiver, and a peddler of falsehoods. You know very well that it is Israel that went further than it should for the sake of peace, and the line you are peddling now is a bogus abstraction manufactured by Israel's enemies for P.R. sake, for which you've got know case. We all know it , and so do you, so don't waste your time posting here.
37. Dacon9, lighten up, 'Yaakov Sullivan' is a satyre
Jake   (12.23.08)
38. #36 Mr. Jake
World Citizen ,   the world   (12.23.08)
You sound like an American rightwinger. In other words a person with little real knowledge about history, the world, or the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. I bet you still believe Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass distruction. I on the other hand am a person who can see that for the past 60 years Israel has tried to muscle its way in the Middle East with very little to show for it. In the past they could get away with it because of their benefactor, the US government. But whether you or the Iraelis like it or not, the USA is quickly going to lose its superpower status. Oh they and will still have their vast stockpile of nukes to brandish. But they will have no one to finance their wars. The government of the US is financially and morally bankrupt. The US empire is going to collapse just like every other empire ever created. When that happens the Israelis aren't going to be able to latch on to another benefactor. The government has alienated just about every civilized country in the world. Then they will be on their own and facing a hostile world. Not because they are Jews. But because of the evil they have done to the Palestinian people for the past 60 years. The truth cannot be hidden anymore. It's time for Israelis to do the right thing. Honest negotiations and concessions will bring true peace to Israel. Only when this happens can Israel truly become a light unto the world.
39. Not dreamer at all, rather a realist who wants peace
Daniel ,   Switzerland   (12.23.08)
It's warmongering foolish thinking which will bring nothing but damage the way many Israeli people want to start now a war against Hamas. Its not only Hamas, its a thin strip of land, extremely populated by civilians. To fight against a true army is in comparison much more simple. Israel can't defeat Hamas without causing a very high death toll amid the population. It's a too high political and human price to pay at the moment. Instead of pushing for war, Israel must, as Beilin is saying, push for peace with the right people, that means the PAlestinian Authority in the West Bank. Israel must do everything in her possibility to strenghten moderate forces on Palestinian side. That's the right way to weaken the extremists, because you work for the Palestinians people not against. Hamas needs a costant direct confrontation with Israel to survive, but Israel need to win the moral war before the war on the ground. Therefore, Israel must stay firm and answer the strictly necessary. War can wait, believe me! Work for peace, the best weapon agaist extremism! Don't fall in the trap of a war, if you don't have all reason on your side to do it.
40. #37..NO HE IS REAL.
..............DACON9   (12.23.08)
41. beilin started all this
alexi   (12.24.08)
Beilin can rationalize the whole oslo, israel can do this and that. Guess what-as Beilin's friend ehud olmert proved, Israel cannot just do this or that.. Israel has taken huge risks and got more death in return. Beilin is discredited. Look the whole araB narrative is fiction-most of the arabs who came to israel were coming fro jobs. They aren't palestinina, they are syrian or jordanain or egyptian aor iraqi. All this was inevitable -OK. Now Israel needs good leadership to get out of this and the israeli public had better pick well. A coalitn under Netayahu with livni might be Ok, so long as barak is kicked out and replaced by Yaalon. Barak is done along with his pal olmert.
42. #34.. you actualy make no sense
Elchonon ,   Chevron   (12.24.08)
Even on the legal front, Israel has no requirements to allow travel between gaza and the west bank which violates her borders. Sorry man, thats BS, in fact should you fly over their land without prior diplomacy they can shoot you down. Case in check, you dont give a hoot about peace for Israel, you seek merely to violate the country as a whole.
43. #38. Again. Why waste your words?
Jake   (12.24.08)
Here you go again, ranting and raving, going off on odd tangents, and manufacturing information at every turn. Who is talking about Saddam and his WMD's? Who is talking about America, which you are so quick to write off? From the other side, I can say that the Arab/PLO war and terror machine was sustained all these years by the Soviet Union, by the petrodollars of the Arab world (which will one day run out), and by terror-supporting rogue states. The world that you convinced yourself exists is a fiction, a make-believe virtual reality fit for novels, movies, and video games. Here is the real deal. While the Arab side talked of conducting a war annihilation against the fledgling Israel "that would rival the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades", Israel never failed to offer far-reaching concessions for the sake of peace, both in words and in deeds. But the Arab/Palestinian side got off easy when it came to the spoils of war. When Israel won its wars, it never followed the job through, because it always worried about "How will this look?" or "What will the world think?" For this very reason, in Beirut, 1982, an Israeli sniper had Arafat in his sights, but held his fire and allowed Arafat and his terror infrastructure to evacuate in safety to Tunisia. For this very reason, Arafat and his terror infrastructure were allowed to enter the territories in 1994 like a Trojan Horse. For this very reason, the IDF did not do unto the Moslem Quarter of the Old City in 1967 what the Jordanian Arab Legion did unto the Jewish Quarter in 1948. For this very reason, Moshe Dayan removed the Israeli flag from Temple Mount and put the Islamic Wakf in charge. For this very reason, Israel gave up lands to the Arabs that were legitimately captured in war, and offered a state to the Palestinian Authority on all the land they claim they want, with only minor territorial exchanges. For this very reason, Israel severely limits its reprisals to the constant attacks launched by terror groups, for fear of causing civilian casualties. But Israel has its limits. If it is forced to choose between self-preservation and being a light to the nations, don't be under any illusions about which alternative it will choose.
44. #38 , Just one thing on the subject of Saddam
Jake   (12.24.08)
since you brought it up. While I opposed the Iraq war for several reasons, Saddam had only himself to blame for the descent into war in 2003. Saddam did have WMD's in the past and used them against his own people. He failed to account for the claims that they were all destroyed. He acted guilty as hell both with the UN inspectors and with his provocations of the Americans. When the Americans invaded Iraq, it is true that they did not find any stockpiles of ACTIVE WMD's or a post-1991 chemical weapons program. However, older supplies of chemical weapons were found, mostly having degraded from age to a state where they were no longer harmful, but nevertheless never destroyed or disposed of by Saddam.
45. agree with # 34
palestinian american ,   USA   (12.24.08)
time is runnung out . israeli should get it out of their heads that this we are not the american idians ..demographically you are distant second in every count you take ..palestinians inside and outside ..daza/west bank ..palestinians between river and see ..plus God remove your fear from our heart ...you don't even phase our kids .. read #34 post and go back to your triple leaders ..MR condition not ripe (natanyaho ) to MRS let's talk about the weather ..since after 20 meeting with abbas she still does't want talk about Jerusalem and the refugees ..and the last champion MR Barak ..he still doesn't think he has a partner in peace ...will someone tell him about the arab summit in Beirut in 2002 .. Sharon's answer to the summit offer was retaking the west bank .. someone would argue that you guys lost for 40 years in Sinia ..i think your leaders still woundering and lost .. Bilin makes sense .. # 34 makes perfect sense .. Historically you never learn..and shaon was your worst leader ,he isolated you and made sure that you'll never have peace there .. no jerusalem ,or agreed solution for the refugees ..no peace ..
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