World citizens, wake up!
Rotem Jackoby
Published: 07.01.09, 23:32
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91. delusional
phil ,   ireland   (01.10.09)
writer is delusional Israel broke ceasefire in November.. is shelling indiscriminately.. using internationally banned weapons.. attacked UN aid convoy ... etc etc If Barak/Livni were concerned about peace and security, the resumption of rockets could have been avoided How? Simple.. stop starving the Gazans However, as peace would mean giving palestinians their land back and dismantling israel's illegal colonies, Israel will never make a true peace
92. To Shaalan #52 in Saudi Arabia
ALH ,   France   (01.10.09)
Just because Jews were treated, generally speaking, better in Islamic lands does not mean they were all that well-treated, especially in the late 19th and 20th centuries (and notice that you have no problem calling an area Islamic or Muslim or Arab, but heaven forbid it should be okay for a tiny piece of land to be called Jewish by a people who have had a continuous presence there since before Islam and, certainly since before Arab nationalism). And, being from Sadui Arabia, a country that is arguably more discriminatory, against non-Muslims and especially Jews, as well as its own women, what would you know of how Jews were treated in so-called Islamic lands -- your country won't let any Jews live there, let alone be full citizens, with the right to vote in national elections (oops, forgot, you don't even have any naitonal elections), be represented according to the number of popular votes for their party(ies), and even become Prime Minister if enough people voted for them (oops, again, forgot that you don't have free and fairly elected Prime Ministers there in Sauid ARABIA - again, no problem calling it Arabia after Arabs, but heaven forbid Jews, the children of Israel (Jacob), should want to call their homeland Israel). And you don't believe it's the Jewish homeland? Go re-read your Koran. 5:21 etc. says it rather clearly, and that it is WRITTEN by God (Allah) that that land is for the Children of Musa = the Jews. Written, as in immutably enscribed in stone. It is only in much later, and anachronistic and Christian-influenced, parts of the Hadith that there is talk about Jerusalem and other parts of what's now the State of Israel being Muslim. And remember, the Hadith, while speaking about the life of the Prophet Mohamad, peace be upon him, was written by men, not God, just as the Jewish Torah was written by God (at least as much as the Koran can be said to be) but Talmud by men. So, given the choice between following the Koran or following the Hadith, which should a worthy, God-fearing and God-loving Saudi Arabian Muslim choose? Most people would say Koran. Furthermore, why not criticize Hamas for placing their weapon storage and launches right in the middle of civilian populations rather than building military bases away from populaiton centers? Does the Saudi army keep and launch its weapons from the heart of Mecca? I doubt it? And the number of dead you quote -- at least half of them were armed combatants who, by taking up arms, present themselves as targets (just as armed Israeli soldiers do). And why do you and others not speak out about the murder of anyone in Gaza (their own people!) even suspected of "collaborating" with Israel - without arrest, fair trial, or opportunity for defense? This is no different than Israel's targeted assiniation of suspected terrorist leaders without a fair trial. (See, those who support Israel can acknowledge misdeeds; why is it that neither you nor anyone else here defending Gaza-Hamas can acknowledge misdeeds on Gaza-Hamas's part? Oooh, I forgot, perhaps you, too, are too terrified by their threats, explicit or implied, that you and/or your family will be tortured and/or killed if you dare to speak truth to/about their (abusive) power.) +continued in 2nd post+
93. 2nd post re: #52 Shaalan in Saudi Arabia
ALH ,   France   (01.10.09)
+continuation + Here again, it seems, I've forgotten that, living in Saudi Arabia, where shooting a bound woman a public square filled with spectators because she had a triste with a young gentleman, you might not realise that being killed for crimes other than murder might not be okay or even necessary. "Honor" killings my a**! More like "honor" murders! Or, more accurately, institutionised terrorism of women by men too insecure in their own identity and strength to allow women to be enlivened by their own God-given strengths -- or even to drive a car! And you dane to lecture Israel and ethics and morals? Israel, where all Arab-Muslim citizens may not only drive cars, but also travel on their own without male surveilence, and even (shocking!) vote in all public elections - & they don't even have to vote the way their spouses or fathers tell them to?! I want to know, Mr. Self-Righteous Saudi Arabian, can you guarantee that if my Jewish sisters & I wanted to live in your country, that we could become full citizens, drive our own cars, travel about without male "chaperones" &/or with men we are not related to, choose whether or not to cover our hair &/or neck and face, & independently cast private ballots in all public elections and not get beaten or killed just for trying all these things - or just for being Jewish & thinking we could live in Mecca, Medina, or anywhere else in Saudi Arabia? If there is any doubt in your mind about saying yes, then you have no business lecturing Israel, or any other country for that matter, about the morality or reasonableness of its policies or conduct.
94. Wake up
James ,   Denver, USA   (01.10.09)
The world can't or won't wake up as they have sold their souls to comfort and entertainment. Israel causes them discomfort as they are reminded of the unpleasant realities they are trying to escape through entertainment. There are a few of us who are awake and praying, not many. But Someone is watching and sees all the pain and every tear. He knows and understands the depravity of the human race and continues to call us out of the world and into His presence, the only place where there is peace. There will only be peace when there is peace in men's hearts. I am speaking of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. God bless you Israel, you are not alone.
95. Knock knock the correct door
Daniel ,   Tel Aviv   (01.10.09)
David, its pretty clear to me your tale of how Israel came to be is inaccurate in all senses. Not only you're historical narration is wrong, but also you're demographics pseudo-facts are wrong. As I see it, Israel is battling in two fronts: the militant Islamist and the general ignorance of average "world citizen". The former is way easier to accomplish than the later IMO. But the former given todays situation is urgently needed, and for that the IDF has all my support. I'm afraid to finish this comment by telling you dear David, from Canberra, you're a fine example of an ignorant "world citizen".
96. strange rethoric
Reiner ,   Germany   (01.11.09)
...the Author has just missed to mention that the rockets may be a result of the israeli occupation of palestinian territories since now more than 40 years...Just detail, that could help solve the equation of the middle east conflicts...
97. proud of you - God bless you and your Mother
bubbie ,   israel   (01.11.09)
I am going to Email you wonderful letter to all I know.GREAT JOB_
98. #92 and 93
Brian ,   Dallas, USA   (01.11.09)
ALH from France, you sound like a very well educated thinking Muslim. I may be making assumptions, but I am overwhelmed by the sheer continuous clarity of your post and feel humbled. Thank you for putting the Saudi in his place!!
99. I love Israel
morim ,   Japan   (01.11.09)
this article was translatd into Japanese for my BLOG !! http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/momojp66/diary/200901100000/#comment
100. THANK YOU !!
Rachel ,   US   (01.11.09)
DEAR ROTEM Your words are amazing. Thank you for writing!
101. Am Israel chai!
barbara ,   Brunico, Italy   (01.11.09)
Go on, Israel, go on fighting your enemies, don't stop!
102. World citizens, wake up! - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews
ayal avni ,   london uk   (01.12.09)
how about Israel wake up? where was Israel when the thousand rockets hit it? where were our spoksman then? the world onllyheard about those rockets after Israel retaliated, whose fault is that? we are still like our previous generation ... thinking its wrong to complain... well the world opinion only hear one side complains, what do you expect? why are we not asking now anyone who points a finger how come Isreael waited for 8 thousand rockets to fall before reacting if we are so keen to fight? why are we not asking about any other country if it would have waited that long? the answer to the above is that Israel is very bad at public relations and explaining itself. It is than surprised to see the results. well i am not surprised.
103. World Christians, wake up!
Marcos David ,   Sao Paulo, Brazil   (01.12.09)
A Christian theology deficient with respect to "Holy Land" has contributed to the tragic cross cruelty of the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, this Christian theology deficient is, today, giving the Israel secular a divine mandate to conquer and take possession of Palestine, with the consequence that the Palestinian people is marginalized and regarded as "virtual canaanites". This doctrine is both contrary to the teaching of the New Testament as a violation of the mandate of the Gospel of God in Jesus Christ. In addition, this theology puts those Christians who encourage the violent attack on and occupation of the earth Palestine in moral hazard of guilt in shedding of blood Palestinian.As Christians we are not called to pray and work for peace, warning both parts of this conflict that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword? Who hath ears, listen...
104. Terrorism
Brian Simpson ,   Fairbanks, Alaska   (01.12.09)
Israel is the target of terrorism. The concept of proportional use of force is nonesense. Islamic terrorists use civilians as shields and also target them. The world wide media is an accomplice with the terrorists as they report civilian casualties in an irresponsible manner, as though the IDF targets them or is not concerned. Hamas and other thugs have an obsessive hatred for Israel, I do not see the IDF in this manner. It is obvious that further alienating the Gazans is not in the strategic interests of Israel. Hamas must be eliminated and Israel should be backed up by the entire world opinion. The broader issues of a final political settlement has a rightful place for dissent, but the support for terrorism should be condemned by everyone. I am ashamed that in the US religious Islamic and left wing thugs have been protesting on the behalf of Hamas. Of course the same media that aids the terrorists against Israel are helping to spread the Obama illness infecting America.
105. you right man!!!! where are you?? you must be a writer
Arye ,   jerusalem   (01.14.09)
106. WWWWooowww...
Yan ,   Italy   (01.14.09)
great article !!!!!!!!
107. World citizens,wake up!
Lucy Lisowska ,   Bialystok Poland   (01.15.09)
Thank you ,I agree with you.
108. re #1
miri ,   melbourne, australia   (01.17.09)
That canberra nut is just another holier than thou naive aussie.. the australian people are busy fighting to protect themselves from the islamic terrorists like the fanatical Taliban, AlQueda, and all the killers of their own people in bali, east timor, afghanistan, iraq. these are just like the hamas. yes the people chose hamas, like they chose mugabe, stalin and hitler, pol pot and every other despotic regime in the world. these despots make a mess of their countries and then expect the world community to come and save them. well no one is saving the killers among the palestinians,- their only hope is israel,- as long as they fight it, they will suffer more than anyone else. australia and most countries understand it and the people will just have to put up with it as long as they continue to follow these evil groups. hamastan is taliban country in gaza. did the people really expect or want this when they elected them?
109. RE: World Citizens, Wake Up!
Jimmy ,   Canada   (01.30.09)
What we the world citizens want to know, is why DO Palestinians have to resort to extremist groups such as Hamas, when it seems Israel is a well off nation, able to feed & clothe & shelter its citizens, yet just a few hundred metres away, lies a territory in ruins, not just from the latest disproportionate military event from the IDF, but years of neglect & suppression. We the citizens of the world wonder, why would anyone strap explosives to themselves, and walk onto a bus & detonate, taking innocent lives with them....and the word "hopelessness" comes to term. that's what happens when humans have no hope, no future, no land, no work, nothing. Maybe if Israel did more to help its neighbours instead of using "deterrences" or if you will, intimidation actions, there would be lasting peace, both for Israel & its neighbours.
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