I am a Zionist
Yair Lapid
Published: 30.01.09, 18:09
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61. I am also a proud Zionist. Bravo - brilliant article
Sheila ,   Jerusalem,Israel   (01.31.09)
62. #10 pat why should we care about people whos religion is to
kill us, they make bombs in their houses & they fire thousands of rockets at us for years because they want to get us out. they are doing everything in their power to create a middle east free of any foreign influences other then the arab & by the way, palestinians are arab, they are mainly from syrian or arabian desert which makes them exactly arab. they were not a nation or a state before jews wanted to reclaim this land. they only started to gather togather as a movement of local arabs for the sole purpose of not letting the jews build a state here, and then they called themselves palestinian, following the europeans, who misspronounced philistines, and still, yes we aided gazans alot, even though hamas are giving compensation for a destroyed property FOUR TIMES HIGHER THEN COMPENSATION FOR A DEAD MEMBER OF FAMILY. these people do not believe in the sanctity of life. a destroyed property is compensated for by EIGHT TIMES MORE THEN A WOUNDED PERSON. the only reasonable explenation i can come up with is because the weapons under their houses which the idf has destroyed, are worth more to them then humans. if you were reading ynet, then there were a lot of stories about israelis aiding them. after the war magen david adom went in and israeli human rights activists & during the war hundreds of trucks full of israeli aid, went through to gaza, not to mention we still supply their energy.
63. It is comical when the enemies of Israel read the Zionist
Danny ,   USA   (01.31.09)
press only to criticize it. Anti-Semitism is not a curable condition. It is worst than cancer.
64. Ohh...poor haters of Jews/Israel
Cathy ,   USA   (01.31.09)
They dedicated the most beautiful bulldings in the world to one Jew but they continue to hate all other Jews/ or the living Jews. Go figure! Try to make sense out of that?
65. 22 Arab states, none democratic
Sam ,   USA   (01.31.09)
All based on the internal terror and some use it externally. Yet, they come here to judge the only Middle Eastern democracy that borders some of the worst entities on this planet.
66. To nr 57
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (01.31.09)
And not only was Marx against Zionism and nationalism, he was also anti-Semitic and he expressed racist sentiments for Blacks/Africans. No nationalism is not a problem. European nationalism - YOUR KIND of nationalism is a problem, because it means to hate other nations. But nationalism/patriotism in an Israeli sense means to love one's nation - not to hate others. But if you are daily bombarded with the enormity of the anti-Semitic filth and hatred, it is very difficult not hating back. And nationalism is ultimately about the identity of a group of people. National identities is not the problem. Racism towards other nations, rewriting their history, striving to kill them and take their land and deny them national rights whereas other nations' national rights are taken for granted - that is the real problem. Intolerance, despotism, tyranny leveled on Jews, lack of democracy in Middle East and lack of consistent equal democratic unbiased treatment of Jews by the world, racism against Jews, demonization of Jews and discriminatory treatment of Jews is the problem. Jewish nationalism doesn't seek to enslave or kill anyone - but to liberate the Jewish people and make them free, proud, independent and sovereign in their own land whereas Islam and Muslim extremism is about spreading religious bigotry, tyranny, despotism, hatred of Jews, hatred of women, hatred of everything that is not Muslim. So you certainly cannot compare the two. And there is religious freedom in Israel. The Bahai religion has its head quarters in Israel for a reason even though Bahai is not our religion. And in fact, many Jews know of our historical rights to our land. Religious Jews want to add "God" to historical rights. I base my undeniable factual right to Israel on historical rights - not on God. But even if Yair Lapid wants to base it on God, I don't really see why it is any of the gentiles' concern. Do I care what philosophy, religion or ideals the Europeans use to give their "legitimacy" to their nations?
67. To the Irish lad on the misty island
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (01.31.09)
As an Irish you should know the true meaning of being occupied and being oppressed by the British. We Jews have been occupied and oppressed by the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, East Roman Empire, Arab Caliphate(Arab dominance over Israel for 22 years 7th cent. AD), Crusaders, Mamelukes, Ottomans/Turks and the British. We Jews have lived in Israel for 4000 years(also during the exile, a small Jewish minority remained in Israel) and our exile of 2000 years has lasted longer than the entire existence of the Irish civilization. By the time Jews spread over Europe in Roman times, Europeans took their first stumbling steps towards civilization and by the time most west European kingdoms came into being about 800-1000 AD, the Jews had already been in existence for 3000 years. You said that "Palestinians" are suffering. Sorry, but there are no "Palestinians" in recorded history. Ask all ancient civilizations of Jews/Israelites/Hebrews/Judeans, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Kushites, Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Persians, Medes, Kingdom of Mittani, Greeks and Romans. They can tell you. Israel is mentioned in Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Phoenician, Persian, Greek, Roman, Jewish/Israelite and other sources. Letter "p" doesn't exist in Arabic. They call the land Al Filastin. The name comes from Philisteenes. Philisteenes were from the Greek Archipelago and were mostly destroyed by King David of Israel about 1000 BCE but King Sargon II of Assyria finished them off. Sorry, Philisteenes have been dead for 2500 years, unless today's Arabs claim to be 2500 year old dead men speaking Greek originating from the Arabian Peninsula...Yes makes perfect sense doesn't it? Ireland fought for its freedom against the British. We Jews fought for our freedom. Now we are free in our land - we Israelis/Israelites/Judeans/Jews/Hebrews - the true natives and historical owners of the land of Israel. Dig the ground and read books and the evidence is there. Every grain of sand of Israel is ours. Speaking about economy: I didn't know that the island republic of Ireland was surrounded by 300 million Arabs wanting you dead backed up billions of people that hate you and that you have to use a considerable percentage of your GDP on your defense and I didn't know that you were exiled for 2000 years and had to fight malaria, swamps and deserts and a hostile environment. Israel's economic success despite all these dangers is indeed impressive. Yes accepted a few hundred Vietnamese fugitives - unlike Europe.
68. #64
Chris ,   Norway   (01.31.09)
You will have me thinking all day long on this one.....
69. #60 you are absolutly right only jews can sale a such crap
George ,   Canada   (01.31.09)
Land promised by God as if the God is a contractor with legal property documentations and was given permission to kill other people .This is a complete charlatanism and lot of idiots believe in that
70. Palestinians Never miss an opportunity
JD ,   Kochav Yair   (01.31.09)
What a shame our Palestinian neighbors did not accept Partition in 1947. What a shame they blew the opportunity to make peace with Barak who offered them 97percent of the territories. It is such a shame they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. They are a talented people, with tremendous potential, and by now, they could have become another Singapore. Look at the billions of dollars squandered in Gaza, which could have uplifted that society. Too many of the Palestinians have turned the cause from a nationalistic one to a religious one. I really hope a true leadership arises out of the Palestinians. They need their Ben Gurion (who did not own billions in Swiss accounts like Arafat and was not a religious zealot like Hanniye). Come, arise a decenet leadership, and let us make peace, and maybe even that anti Israel Irish bloke could drink beer in an Irish pub in Tel Aviv. jd
71. It's not the religion, it's the jewish people heritage.
Traditionalist to #6   (01.31.09)
72. #41 more Jews in Arab countries than in Israel?
munich,Germany   (01.31.09)
I would love to see this being the case. If there are more than 50.000 jews in all Arab countries, Turkey and Iran I would be more than surprised
73. Bravo Lapid
ב. שמעון ,   ראש פינה   (01.31.09)
74. TO 16 , and he did'nt flee his country
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (01.31.09)
while telling he's a Zionist . He did'nt see Israel as a "stop over" to the USA .
75. Yair , GREAT article
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (01.31.09)
And i will add : I'm a Zionist too , my eyes were full of tears whe i heard Rav Goren blow the Shofar at the Kotel when Yeroushalaim was liberated in june 67 because the Western Wall is part of MY History , my Jewish History .
76. Don't forget where the F16's & B$$$ come from
Sean ,   Bat Yam   (01.31.09)
77. Great article..but.....
Lee Kaplan ,   Berkeley, USA   (01.31.09)
To the idiots writing in denouncing the article as self-absorbed or not caring for the Fakestinians created by the Arab League, I say get a life. Even some Irish jerk who doesn't live here decides he cares for people we've ben subsidizing while they kill us for more than 60 years. For those in America, of course, they should leave because the Indians lived in America before them. The Zionists bought thier land and fought off Arab annihilators. The article was a beauiful one, the only exception I take to it is his inclusion of Woody Alen and Bobby FIscher as part of "Jewish culture." Both men are anti-Zionist moros because they knew nothiing of JEwish culture and Fischer even rooted for the Arabs to destroy Israel and no longer considered himself a Jew. Anyone who is realy Jewish is a Zionist since for 2,000 years we;ve always said, "Next year in Jeruslaem", not "Next year in a totalitarian Arab/Muslim dominate state.
Sandi ,   US   (01.31.09)
michael bindel ,   italy   (01.31.09)
Deares Pinchas Lapid thank you for your heartwarming constructive contribution. Its wonderful to "listen" to your "outing" in this moment of history where once more history seems to repeat itself. Your CREDO is shared by mine - even if i do not live in Israel. Great Great Great thankyou todaraba danke schoen grazie goessenem sepen and so on may you and your family walk always in the Grace of GD michael bindel
80. Yair, a zionist that supports a Palestinian state??
Jajj3 ,   Israel   (01.31.09)
81. #60 #69 i agree, however, jews were a nation here 1500 years
in the 13th century bce the 12 hebrew tribes of israel were the dominant inhabitabts of israel & parts of lebanon syria and jordan. they were an ethnic group and a national entity. in year 36 bce roman army entered judea, during 160 years period judea lost it's indipendence, and eventualy the jewish majority in the land. in year 130 was the last time (three year period) when jews had self government in the judean province following the revolt of bar cohba against the romans. consequently the romans slaughtered hundreds of thousands of jews, hence ending a jewish majority & hebrew nation that lasted some 1500 years, with short break (70 years period) of exile in approx 500 bce . after the jews, the dominant population was the semeritans, 400 years, whose descendents live in israel. jewdaism is not just a religion, not just a faith. the religion and the faith are based on tradition, on national aspirations, on a way of life that most jews uophold in israel, such as national holidays, and our day of sabbath, and other customs that differed us from other nations, and created other nations' hostile attitude towards us. jews need at least 10 men to congregate, to uphold ceremonies such as prays during high holidays etc (called minyan), that's why they allways lived as a community and took care of each other. his has been a source to many libels, which really reflects the psychology of the people who invented the libels against the jews, and has very little to do with what's going on in jewdaism. i know i am making an unbelievable accusation but this time it is perfectly true. it is the rest of the world's twisted BS, not that their observations & accusations were ever based on jewish tradition or way of life. the public craves a horror story from time to time, so the public got it, at the jewish expence. it is those rwisted minds that made jewish life insuferable. jews in israel are facing mujahideen arab people (makers of jihad), who state it in every occasion & religious ceremony out loud. people who to this day uphold the belief about making a moslem consistency in the ME, free of foreign influences. if arab moslems say jews occupied moslem homes therefore the jewish behaviour isn't acceptable under islam , then that is a lie, as moslems have no problems living in jewish homes, the homes 1000000 jews left behind in moslem countries when their life was made intollerable, so they escaped to find a refuge in israel.
82. Yes, I am a Zionist too
Dato ,   TLV,Kiev,Ukraine IL   (01.31.09)
But something wrong is happening about Israel. We being isolated. As time goes by less people understand us and it is despairing. We need to be wise. Although we are jews right? We must be flexible in our actions.
83. #25 get lost, another terrorist heard from
Zionist ,   US   (01.31.09)
84. and I,
jerusalem   (01.31.09)
am a Palestinian (living on the israeli side) that believes in the Islamic religion. whatever of your article that I had the patience to read (sorry, too long!), also makes me proud be be what I am, thank you.
85. Open your mind...
Simone ,   barcelona España   (01.31.09)
Hamas is a cruel and narrow minded organization, but it does not give Israel the right to burn children using white phosphorus and call itself a moral state. This kind of move only feeds hatred, not peace. Please be sensible and do not play in favor of your enemies!
STRONG JEW ,   UK   (01.31.09)
87. Lapid, you are a collaborator
Ariel Ben Yochanan ,   Kfar Tapuah   (01.31.09)
B"H You say: "Every display of anti-Semitism from London to Mumbai hurts me" I say: yet, to every display of anti-Semitism within the Democratic Republic of Israel you applaud. Yet, you refuse to see that Jews already voted for Hashem under the Mount, in Sinai, and that telling Israelis to vote for human legislators is anything but Jewish. You may be a Zionist in as much as you are a collaborator of the nations and of the Hellenists. If you were a Jewish Jew you would have stayed away from making proclamations: we appreciate deeds. Good deeds.
88. Ariel ben ,,,,
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (01.31.09)
What BS are you talking about . What can we do with an inexisting god , or hashem or how you would call this . We belong to the Israeli people , to the GREAT Jewish secular people , not to a god .
89. Kol HaKavod, Yair!
Scott ,   NY, USA   (01.31.09)
Even from the other side of the Atlantic, I'm with you!
90. I'm palestinian and i will kick u out of my land
Jalal ,   Gaza   (01.31.09)
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