Survey: 31% of Europeans blame economic crisis on Jews
Published: 10.02.09, 18:42
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61. 69% Don't Believe Jews Are Responsible
USABorn   (02.10.09)
The Jewish people seem to get the blame for everything wrong in the world. Israel is either truly loved or truly hated. The U.S. economy keeps falling because of the greed of many. Not all Jewish, not all Gentile. Money and greed rule the day.
62. BLAMING ISRAEL? Why don't you blame those who
Maria ,   MD   (02.10.09)
boycott Israel and the USA. Blame the UK and the Arabs for boycotting products made by Israel and the USA.They have been boycotting them since 2001, I think. We're hurting financially because of you boycotters.DON'T BLAME ISRAEL.Blame the Arabs for starting the wars everywhere[bomging here and bombing there]
63. my survey
ML ,   worldtraveler   (02.10.09)
I am a woman in Europe and I LOVE ISRAEL, my best friends are JEWS, I think they are the most wonderful people, brave, honest, fun- open- sometimes a bit rude in an endearing way- so this makes me part of the 2/3 population whis is NOT ant-semitic, who is well- educated and open minded. LONG LIVE ISRAEL!
64. The funny side of antisemitism
Micha ,   Berlin   (02.10.09)
I understand that most of the nonsense in this article is nothing to laugh about. But still, isn't it funny which endless powers and abilities some people think you have? This must be a real boost to your self-confidence...^^
65. Loyalty of Jews
Marshall Onellion ,   Madison, WI, USA   (02.10.09)
What bullshit. About half the Poles believes that "THE JEWS" have too much influence in their country's business. Considering how their collaboration among eliminated Polish Jews in the Holocaust, who the hell are they referring to? And so it goes in Europe, where Anti-Jewish rubbish and crap never seem to go out of fashion. Oy vey. And, yes, I am a Gentile.
66. The ironic part is.....
Korem ,   New York, USA   (02.10.09)
Almost half of Europeans feel that Jews are more loyal to Israel than their home country, but did they ever question why? Maybe it's because almost half of Europeans feel that Jews have Extreme power, are part of a collective mass, and are responsible for all the problems of the world (with the financial crisis being the next on the tally list)? Maybe when you treat Jews like dirt because they chose to work hard, educate themselves, and get important positions to serve their nations, maybe when you look down on the attempts by Jews to integrate themselves, maybe then you Europeans will understand why Jews often feel such loyalty to Israel over your ungrateful and bloodthirsty heads?
67. Please do read the actual study [see link]
h3x3   (02.10.09)
It's news like this that spread hatred and if you had made the effort to ACTUALLY READ the study you would have noticed that the situation is not that devastating: Study: "survey of 3,500 adults – 500 in each of the seven European countries" 500each? that's not too much i say. "Those over the age of 65, those who did not continue their education beyond the age of 17 and those earning less than €11,000 are more likely than the rest of the population to agree with at least three of the four anti-Semitic characterizations presented in the survey." (see p10) surprise, 65+/low education/low income fellows agree on stereotype prejudices again its not striking to see that among such a small group of 500interviewees you get some 30% to agree on (see p16) "How much blame do you place on Jews in the financial industry for the current global economic crisis?" if you COMBINE the results for "a little/good and great amount" !! Please guys, what kind of a study is this? Better spend money to fight for better education so that people let loose of their stupid prejudices and mind their business...
68. to 65, Marshall
Justine   (02.10.09)
""THE JEWS" have too much influence in their country's business" Where do you see that? The question asks about the influence of Jews in the business world, it does not specify the country. It's still anti-Semitic but you read the results in a sloppy way. And BTW, 20% of Americans believe the same (courtesy of other ADL surveys).
69. Idiotic liberal American Jews
Tomas   (02.10.09)
An the idiotic American liberal Jews love to travel to Spain when they hate Jews so much. This what you call "usefull idiots". I am sure those Jews beg the Spaniards for forgiveness.
70. True confessions: It is all our fault! We DID it!
Yitzhak ,   USA   (02.10.09)
Ok, so here it is: in the name of all Jews living and dead and to be born, I am coming clean with this confession: Yes, indeed, we are in league with Satan to do all possible evil to every non-Jew in the world. We control everything, and I mean everything! This includes the media, the banks, eBay, even the laundermat on your street corner. We have been working to control the world since time immemorial and we even did in YOU KNOW WHO (his initials are "JC")! Yes, we did it all. We are to blame for every misfortune in the world, even the eruption of Krakatoa and the extinction of the dinosaurs. Gosh, we are even to blame for the ubs never winning the World Series. Now I feel better getting all that guilt off my chest .
71. liberal jews just don't realize
bobbo ,   Chicago, USA   (02.10.09)
Another problem is the fact that liberal jews don't realize all the anti-semetism that is out there. I would consider myself a conservative, but I have many friends who are ultra-liberal as well as my siblings and both my parents are very liberal. They all refuse to see the blatant anti-semetism out there. They are bleeding hearts for everyone else, even arabs-terrorists (Hamas) who would shoot them in the head in a heartbeat. 70% of jews voted for Obama in the USA in this last election. The liberal jews failed to realize this man attended PLO rallies, and belonged to a church that had a pasteur that said things like "I said that dirty word again, Israel." Or "God damn the USA and Israel." When will liberal jews wake up and notice what is all obvious to all of us. I get so frustrated like they have no common sense when I talk to them about this stuff. It is awful to me.
72. ADL polls
Lisa ,   Spain   (02.11.09)
of course I would LOVE to see this poll done by a NEUTRAL agency, one without an agenda. Leading questions? Always gets predictable results. Most Muslims, if asked if they are more loyal to their own country would answer with yes, even if they became Spanish citizens... Did they ask: do you believe the Jews are to blame for the crisis? Or did they ask: who do you think is responsible for the crisis? Anybody have access to the questions?
73. #15, Marco from Spain
Jake   (02.11.09)
"I am neither Muslim nor Arab. I am a christian and I believe the survey is right." I almost forgot. There is only one thing that can compete in barbarity with brutal Islam and that is Inquisitionary Spanish Catholicism, the spirit of which lives on in the attitude of modern Spaniards toward Jews and Israel. The Inquisition did not end until the days of Napoleon, who famously said that "Africa starts at the Pyrenees". The Spaniards did what even the Popes in Rome were ashamed to do, and it is perhaps ironic that some of the Jews that were expelled by Fernando and Isabella found refuge in the Papal States in Italy.
74. to Korem #66
Justine   (02.11.09)
You may be right, and I would say it makes sense. No minority is obliged to love a country that treats it poorly. But this opens the possibility that Jews are indeed more loyal to Israel and believing so should not be treated as a measure of anti-Semitism. Instead, the question should be more along the lines of "Do you believe than no matter how well they are treated, Jews will never be as loyal to this country as other citizens".
75. to h3x3 #67
Justine   (02.11.09)
True, I read the study but didn't notice that the samples were so small. Besides, this: "Those over the age of 65, those who did not continue their education beyond the age of 17 and those earning less than €11,000 are more likely than the rest of the population to agree with at least three of the four anti-Semitic characterizations presented in the survey." opens the possibility that the differences seen between countries in the survey are due to their different wealth and education levels rather than the countries themselves. Poland, Hungary and to a certain extent Spain have much more people living with 11,000 euro and less. I think the number of people with low education in the older generation would also be higher in those countries.
76. No. 50 David H
NYC Girl   (02.11.09)
If you're going to blame Barney Frank, you also have to blame Chris Dodd. He was equally as responsible for the the Fannie Mae fiasco as Barney Frank was...and he's NOT a Jew. In fact, it was more a function of the fact that they're Democrats, and that the people receiving these mortgages overwhelmingly vote Democratic, than anything having to do with their religion. And as far as the loathsome Bernie Madoff is concerned, I don't remember hearing about the fact that the men who caused the Enron debacle were all Christians. There's just one more thing I would add and it's to stop putting so much of the blame on individual Jews, and just remember that the cause of anti-Semitism is ANTI-SEMITES.
77. Dear Justine
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (02.11.09)
I was born in Europe and unless you have been asleep during history lessons and unless you figured out the mindset of your neighboring countries - this could explain your reality absent conclusion. If the survey regarding IQ online is correct, it would also mean that Poles are technologically and scientifically more advanced than Israel. Poles are not. Jews constitute 0.2% of the world population and yet 20% of Nobel Prize Winners are Jews. And Israel has the 3rd highest concentration of academic people in the world and has the highest concentration of scientists in the world - even higher than USA, Japan and Germany. Have Poles accomplished that? You "forget" that Jews come from Israel - not from Poland. If you would have bothered to study Jewish history you would have heard of our ancient history and our exile enforced upon us by the Romans. Jews came to Europe as slaves from Israel to Rome - spread north into Germania and later on into the east - into Poland. Jews of the Arab Caliphate were also predominantly scientists, philosophers and traders - unlike the huge ocean of barbaric and uneducated Arabs, Berbers, Africans, Turks, Kurds and so on. Jews gave Spain science, mathematics and philosophy. Jews coined the first coins in Poland and Jews have always been much more advanced and educated than the average Pole - so living in Poland obviously has nothing to do with it as Poland never was any scientific or technological power house. When the Poles and the Spaniards and most Europeans took their first stumbling steps towards civilization around 1000 C.E., Jews had already been in existence for 3000 years. I haven't noticed that "Sephardic" Jews are "average". An increasing amount of "Sephardic" Jews are doctors and professors in medicine, civil engineering, science and business in Israel. The stereotype of "educated Ashkenazim" and "primitive Sephardim" is no longer the case. Yes, Jews are hated by Europeans - but so are Poles. What I mean by that? That Jews are not the only hated nation on this planet - that racism exists against many nations. Indeed anti-Semitism is unique in a bad sense but Jews are far from the only hated nation in Europe. Germans are hated by the Poles and Germans are hated by the French - even today as we speak. How do I know? I read books, magazines, see people, meet people, inside Europe and outside Europe. So, conclusion: Europeans hate Jews but Europeans also hate each other. Proof: Europeans of Western stock have always held Europeans of Eastern stock in low esteem. Source of information: history books. Read my friend - read. Books and knowledge enrich your mind. And yes - most Israelis like myself do not like Poles - for obvious anti-Semitic reasons such as 1000 years of Polish Catholic anti-Semitism and ethnic cleansing of Jews in Poland in 1969 - with the good memory of the Polish people. And yes, how shocking it might sound to you - many Poles believe that Yoshua Ben Yoseph was Polish. How do I know? Because I have met real physical Poles of flesh and blood, expressing these highly far fetched theories.
78. #46 David, Boston, USA
Marco ,   Spain   (02.11.09)
David, I am proud to belong to Anti semitic Eurobia. At least in Eurobia no one can say that we are child murderers.
79. no answer required- found the poll questions
Lisa ,   Switzerland   (02.11.09) expected, leading questions. Let me ask this: do you think Swiss people are boring? Swiss people have too much money? Swiss banks are too powerful? Swiss banks are dishonest? Swiss people are anti-semitic? Swiss people are bankers? swiss people stole money from Jews? for sure? probably? most likely? I rest my case if you answer yes to the questions.... I read the ADL questions- sorry- bad poll. The answers were entirely predictable- they put the answers right in peoples mouths. With questions like this the answers will NEVER change.
80. Another response to Justine
Alexander ,   Herzliya, Israel   (02.11.09)
You also seem to forget that 80% of Israel's populations Jewish and 20% is Arab. The Arabs are clearly pulling the IQ average down. Racist? Not more racist than compiling a list of the IQs of all the world's nations. I've read the list. But the list doesn't explain how the results were obtained and from where and how they measured it based on what premises. Israel has the third highest percentage of academic people in the world. Poland is far behind. But Israel leads the development of high tech alongside USA and Japan - unlike Poland. Quite frankly - the list doesn't make any sense. Because if it did, it would relate to level and percentage of academics in the society and the level of economic, technological and scientific progress. And the Israeli standard of living and quality of life is considerably higher than that of Poland. Once again - a fact - no matter your feelings for Jews and Israel. Compiling statistics without critically examining it is not serious I'll tell you. And the national IQ of Germans does not explain why Jews constituted 1% of the German population in 1939 and constituted 50% of the German intelligentsia. And genetics don't change that fast over decades - even if Europeans have invented the Euro, the EU and Eurodisney and a European amusement park entailing multiculturalism. You mentioned that Polish students are doing better now than Israeli students. Could be true, but that was not the case decades ago. Achievements come and go. The Israeli educational system has been neglected for many years and drawn much criticism over the years from the Israeli society. Once Israel gets the educational system back on track, Israel will assume its place among the nations again. Regarding the history of Poland: all nations started out as agrarian societies - but Jews were literate when most Poles and other Europeans were not - for centuries - and this is a fact no matter if you love or hate Jews. In your case I suspect it is the latter - but I could be wrong. Now let me ask you something: what brought you to this newspaper and this article in particular?
81. #32, Douglas Miller, I believe you may be right.
Jake   (02.11.09)
I have researched the issue of Christianity and anti-Semitism, and came to the conclusion that Christianity is not the cause of anti-Semitism, but the excuse given for societys' inability to resist this disease. Funnily enough, a rare honest glimpse into anti-Semitism is found in Mein Kampf. Adolf Hitler indicates his strong abhorrence to traditional Church-based anti-Judaism and the discrimination against the Jews based on religion, which he regarded as irrational and unenlightened. Instead, Hitler gives far more "enlightened" and "scientfic" reasons for hating the Jews that have nothing to do with their religious beliefs.
82. #78
jb ,   Canada   (02.11.09)
That's right Marco, those Jews murder Arab and of course Christian children to make matzos on Passover and humantashen at Purim. Wow! How clever you are?? as far as murdering children no one can hold a candle to your Muslim buddies who do it with impunity; whether its using them as human shields (old tradition) or honour killings of young girls (older tradition) etc. I guess that's why those Arabs keep rushing to Jewish hospitals for medical care. You really are an anti-semite!! Look in the mirror, putz!
83. Europe
Marty ,   Toronto, Canada   (02.11.09)
Looks like Borat has a lot of friends.
84. #78
Shifra ,   Canada   (02.11.09)
Hmmm seems to me last time I read my history of Europe in the 20th Century that Germany was a part of Europe and Germans and their collaborators murdered 1.5 million Jewish children in the Shoah. Since many of the perpetrators and their enablers are still alive today, I'd say that Eurobians were/are child murderers.
85. Alexander @80, on German inteligentsia
Chris ,   Warsaw, Poland   (02.11.09)
You wrote: "And the national IQ of Germans does not explain why Jews constituted 1% of the German population in 1939 and constituted 50% of the German intelligentsia." If it is correct and EVEN if ALL German Jews should be considered members of inteligentsia than it means that in pre-war Germany inteligentsia constituted no more than 2% of population. Can you explain it? Have a nice day. K.
86. Is it clever to ask those questions ?
Erges ,   Paris, France   (02.11.09)
I know that it is not by breaking the thermometer that you stop the fever but sometimes the measure instrument distorts the result by itself. It is obvious for polls where it is well known that the answers depends largely on the way you put the questions. My point is that I consider that the questions of this poll are sort of "incentive" or even "authorization" for those who answer to express anti-semitic feelings. It is far from useful ! I even think that in France for instance, this poll could not be published because it breaches in a sense the laws which forbid anybody to express anti-semitic statements. Now does it mean that it is impossible to make any inquiry about the spreading of anti-semitism in occidental societies ? Of course no: it is enough to read day after day the clippings which report anti-semitic acts to get a meaningful measure of the phenomenon.
87. 31. if a jew hadn't invented the Atom bomb first
truth   (02.11.09)
Hitler's Germany would have. Would that have worked better for you? People like to forget that it was a race. It was a Jew who saved your England...It was American Jews, by the 100's of thousands, who were amongst the first to enlist after Pearl Harbor...
88. 32.well said
truth   (02.11.09)
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