Jewish Scene
Pope says Holocaust denial 'intolerable'
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Published: 12.02.09, 13:36
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61. Charles: Self-Admitted Atheist (=misojudaic) "Jew"
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (02.15.09)
The Bible tells us explicitly about the born-Jew who eschews the b'rit: Esau. A twin of Yaaqov--born of the same mother, who became Yisraeil, Eisau was expelled from the House of Yitzkhaq and became NOT a Jew but the patriarch of the Edomite Arabs. (Edom is a cognate of "red" referring to the meal of red lintels he accepted in place of his inheritance.) One of the best known Edomite Arabs in history was King Herod. An atheist blaming G-d for the Holocaust has rejected the b'rit Torah--of Orthodox Jews and Judaism--the definition of misojudaism. He rejected the b'rit for nothing, not even a pot of lentils. Putting belief in the absence of god before ha-Sheim is no less idolatry than putting belief in a rival god before ha-Sheim; a misojudaic meshumad no less than Jews for J*sus. Because he far exceeds Jews for J*sus in his rejection of Judaism, he is inferior to any self-respecting Jews for J*sus. Everyone has neshamah (breath or "soul"); but only a Torah-keeper has a "Jewish" neshamah, which is, by definition, Judaic--the b'rit of Torah. Defining himself as a Jew with a non-Jewish neshamah is either a fool's contradiction or blatant racism. His anti-Biblical claim that a born-Jew who rejects the b'rit is still a Jew complemented by his refusal to distinguish an anti-Christian from a Christian (aside from the implications of being intellectually challenged) completes the picture of a simplistic racist: a born Jew is always a Jew even when he rejects Judaism and a born Christian is always a Christian even when he rejects Christianity. Blaming "G-d" for the Holocaust, instead of the evil men who were responsible, Charles has also frequently slandered Judaism, Orthodox rabbis and even former Chief Rabbis. He epitomizes why so much of the world hates Jews: an atheist hate-monger spewing racist bile and slander who claims to be one of the people "Chosen by G-d." No wonder it infuriates decent people in so much of the world! Many of my friends suffered family losses in the Shoah. But none turned into a hateful, blameshifting, racist. Those attack me with baseless ad hominems demonstrate not only that they cannot dispute the content, but also that they--atheists, Christians, sodomists, superstitious--oppose me. Their very opposition makes my case for me. We are on opposite sides. The Orthodox rabbis and beit din documents, and the Orthodox beit k'nesset (Moreshet Avot, Ra'anana) in which I have been a member in good standing for more than a decade certifies, that I am a Jew. When R. Mordekhai Eliyahu was Chief Rabbi of Israel he wrote me, via his personal assistant, a personal letter extending his wishes for blessings and success to me -- in response to my letter laying out exactly who I am and what I'm doing. A copy of the letter is in included in my book, "Who Are the Netzarim?" which anyone can purchase and see for himself or herself. No Christian missionaries--or atheists--ever received such a letter. Everyone who thinks Charles' authority on Judaism outranks the Orthodox rabbis--including the Chief Rabbi, beit din and beit k'nesset... follow him and see where you wind up! Anyone who looks at what I write--dismantling Christianity and Islam and admonishing people to turn to Torah, which is exactly opposite to Christianity and Islam--and still tries to convince people that I am Christian is either illiterate, retarded or a hate-driven, ranting, racist crank. Charles who? Why doesn't he man-up, be straightforward and develop the integrity to identify himself and stand behind his words? Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Orthodox Jew (Teimani Baladi Dardai) Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews
62. To: Adam/Poland; Lisa, Switzerland
Sarah ,   New York City   (02.15.09)
You are both correct. Christians are persecuted in very many places. Thirty-five thousand Christians have been murdered in Banda Ace, Indonesia, and the world does not care. Christians are persecuted in China on a massive scale. Several years ago, thirteen French Capuchin monks were murdered by fundamentalist Moslems in Algeria -- they were physicians; all they did was help the local people. We all know about the savagery that is ongoing in Darfur, where Moslem Sudanese are massacring Christians. Same thing (on a slightly smaller scale) in the Congo. But we know this, too: the twenty-five poorest countries in the world are "Catholic" countries. Why is that? Does the Church really think that people will be content with the thought that while they are "poor" in this life, they will be "rich" in the next? Oh, ixnay. All the Vatican has to do is sell some of the art they own. And then they can distribute the money to some incredibly, unimanably, poor people. Have they done that? No. Why not? I await your answers, Adam and Lisa.
63. #60 Charles
Lisa ,   Switzerland   (02.15.09)
yes I can believe it- in 1956- a bit late, but possible..... I was still in school then- we never heard anything like it- we did not even know there was a difference between Christian and Jewish kids- we just had separate religious studies.....later I read up on the Holocaust, then I realized how cruel- and stupid and unreasonable, demonic people can be...... I still believe in that most people are basically good- and that there is hope for mankind.
64. #62 Sarah
Lisa ,   switzerland   (02.15.09)
those same countries also have been blundered by not so Christian governments- giving them money does not help much, see all the aids packages by UNO, UNESCO, American and European organisations. Yours is a very simplistic view, sarah- buying people with money? My uncle spent his entire life in Zimbabwe working on a mission station, building power stations, infrastructure- not preaching! The present government and fanatics destroyed it all willfully, killing people because it was fun, because they were a different religion? All the effort, educating the local people, money it did not help- so what would YOU suggest? My uncle was a good man- he never preached, the local people adored him- it did not help him or the locals- this was pure evil!
65. Paqid , answer my questions ! but you can't
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.15.09)
Why are you evading any answer on questions we are asking you ? Why are you always distorting the truth ? Why are you such a LIAR . You call yourself an "orthodox" Jew . Why always this jesus in your mouth ? NO TRUE Orthodox Jew never uses it . this is one of the proofs you are'nt Jewish at all .
66. Paqid , wich Orthodox Rabbis ?
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.15.09)
Wich Beit din ? When ? Your place in a "Orthodox" synagogue ? Not a proof , if i want i can have one in the Head synagogue in my town , a TRUE Orthodox Synagogue . And i'm 100 % Jewish , not a self proclaimed convert , who has only this ribi yeshua in his mouth . But i'm not a Christian missionary as you are , that's the difference .
67. Another lie , paqid
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.15.09)
Rav Elyahou DID'NT send you his wishes . What you call wishes , is a polite formula everyone receives when sending a letter , it's a receipt . Every one can see this letter on your site , and those who understand Hebrew , can see that YOU ARE A LIAR . Show us what Rav Elyahou has answered , that would be interesting to see . But this you will NOT do , it's against your lies .
68. in defense of Charles who does not need it....
Lisa ,   Switzerland   (02.15.09)
Paquid, I do not know who you are- if you say you are a Rabbi, I believe you, I am not so sure you could be a Christian- Christians I do know...... a true Christian would not talk like you, a fallen Christian might. Be that as it may: I am not going to argue with you the validity of your quotes from any Holy book- but the book is only as good as the people reading it- . It does not give you the right to put down other religions- or call people names... this is not worthy of a religious person, Jewish,Christian or otherwise. You believe that your religion is the only true one- right- all devoted religious people think that- many problems in the past have started that way.... I wont mention the first one... then Mohammed started Islam, then came the Inquisition, the reformation, Henry VIII and his new church. etc. history is one long line up of religious and or political misdeeds..... the Jews happened to be in the middle of most of them- as you know..... and I have my own theory about why this happened.... isn't it about time mankind grew up and became more tolerant? ALL of mankind?
69. Sarah , # 62 , NOT TRUE
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.15.09)
The 25 poorest countries in the world are "catholic" you wrote . Here 10 of the poorest [ CIA world stats ] Malawi , 79 % christians . Somalia , Muslim , Comoros , Muslim 4] Solomon Islands ? 5] Congo dem rep 50 % Cat 6] Buirundi 67 % cat 7] East Timor ? , 8 ] Tanzania 30 % cat on mainland , Muslim in Zanzibar 9]Afghanistan M and 10 ] Yemen Muslim too You come with UNTRUE arguments , and because i refute them , you don't answer because you can't justify your sayings . i pity you .
70. Lisa , Sarah comes with false arguments
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.15.09)
Of the ten Poorest countries three have a Chistian majority of 79 , 67 and 50 % . Five are Muslim , and two i forgot to check . Those are CIA world stats .
71. #70 thank you Charles
Lisa ,   switzerland   (02.15.09)
I appreciate you finding the real answers to some of the arguments and accusations. People just need to get their facts straight before spreading false information-.
72. Charles, get a grip ....
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (02.16.09)
Haiti. Central African Republic. Sierra Leone. Ivory Coast. French Guyana. Guyana. Paraguay. Bolivia. Albania. Two other countries in Africa whose names I cannot even remember (for which I apologize) Charles, you need to get a life. So do all the Christians living in the foregoing countries ....
73. Sarah , you don't know about what you talk
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.16.09)
Google "poorest countries" NO one of those you give are amongst the ten poorest .
74. Sarah IGNORANT woman
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.16.09)
Of the 9 you gave , one is not even a country , French Guyana , it's a Departement d'Outremer . 4 of them with a Catholic majority . 4 of them have a GDP of US$ 4000 and more . Albania , a 70 % Muslim country has a GDP ten times higher as those countries i wrote . Before writing something that shows your ignorance , try to educate or at least inform yourself .
75. Lisa , 71
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.16.09)
Today , with internet , it's so easy to be informed , and not to give arguments who can easily be refuted . And for some , Sarah gave , i did'nt even need to check them , French guyana [ not a country ] and Albania [ a muslim ]
76. Go pound sand, Charles
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (02.17.09)
And be careful whom you accuse of being "ignorant." You don't know me, you don't know anything about me. Watch your mouth! Have a REALLY NICE DAY ....
77. Sarah , You only showed IGNORANCE
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.17.09)
with your writings . One statement wronger as the other . Well , I a had a nice day in Tel Aviv , dry , met interesting people , had a fine meal , a good cup coffee . As i'm not an US guy , i don't understand your "sand" . English is only my third tongue , Hebrew # 4 .
78. Go pound sand means ...
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (02.17.09)
Well, it is a shorter form of telling someone to "go pound sand down a rathole," which is a way of telling someone to get lost. Also, the heavy bags that boxers use to practice on are filled with sand. Telling someone to go pound sand can also mean telling them to take out some of their anger without calling people ignorant or stupid. Either meaning would apply here. Four languages is impressive, though. I have English, Hebrew and French only. Some Yiddish; not fluently.
79. Sarah , should i call you smart ?
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.17.09)
you did'nt show much of this , the contrary . I'm not angry at all , you made me laugh , a good point there for you . But it would be smart if you acknowledged that you made mistakes , big ones . I did'nt know the exact GDP of all those countries , but i knew that French Guyana is a French overseas departement , and that Albania was'nt Catholic . But when i don't know somethiong , i do not write it , or i say "i think" , or i check it before . This is a friendly advice from someone who is probably older as you are , someone who has more experience . I will not send you to ...only wish you a very fine afternoon and evening .
80. Smart? Who, me? No.
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (02.17.09)
A lot of knowledge is a good thing, Charles. But it is equally important to know when the minutiae and the details are irrelevant to the greater point you are trying to make. No, I do not call myself smart. I am pretty well-educated, but that is not the same thing. (Albert Einstein, z.l., now there was smart man. He did more in the single year 1905 than most people do in a lifetime.) Truth be told, Charles, I marvel all the time at how much I do not know. And on those rare days that pass without my learning a single new thing, my children are always there to remind me how much I don't know. And while I push my point as far as I think the circumstances require, I am actually a very easy-going person. That one, you shouldn't ask my children.
81. Sarah
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.17.09)
It's also important to know when arguments are relevant , are related to the story . I'm not talking here about small details , but your errors were'nt small details . In a discussion , when you make such errors , everything you say looses his credibility . When you say something , when you bring in an argument , it need to have a certain "weight" , a good serious base . But , it was fine for you , you have learnt some facts , i also . PS i have send you a TB , partly in French , not published . Dommage . I can better express myself "dans la langue de Moliere"
82. To: Charles at No. 81
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (02.17.09)
They'll only publish English, I think. Tant pis pour moi .....
83. Sarah , in NYC
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.18.09)
You said : i marvel about the things i don't know . You are 100 % right , as we know more , we also discover that there is much more to know . Tres bon point pour vous . I had already tb's published with large parts in French . It depends probably on who is reading them . Je prefere le ton de nos derniers commentaires . Plus positifs . I prefer the tone of our last tb's . More positive .
84. ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shaalan J ALDhafair   (02.26.09)
The Man didn't deny it, no evidence, he said the numbers unbelievable. You Jews exaggerate the victims. Also the Germany Army used these Ovens to burn dead German bodies who died to avoid spread of Typhoid disease. Zionist Precondition for this and used Holocaust with Horrific Propaganda force Europe to Grant a mandate any country for them and later they chose Palestine. He is not Espouse Hitler and not Diminish to what happened to Jews but he asks Jews to be reasonable. YOU KNOW IF JEWS WHO DIED BY GERMANY WEAPONS NOW SEEING TENS OF YOUR HOLOCUST AGAINST PALASTENIANS KIDS, OLDIES AND WOMEN WILL FEEL SHAME. Please Jews don't distort your crimes as self defense and cry Holocaust to show people how much you are poor and peaceful nation. Look around all nations had war for several years and finished but you 50 years killing ancient people just because they deny your coming to their land and please don't tell me about historical bullshi** things and promise land or chosen nation crap. Go to this link make sense
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