A needless relationship
Noah Klieger
Published: 17.02.09, 11:34
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DAVID ,   JUDEA   (02.17.09)
As is the case with so many situations now , there are those people here that are desperate to be liked and accepted. Funny thing is the more they crawl and bow down to these entities , the more anti-semitism rears its ugly head. The Mean reason is that these same people have little understanding off our destiny as a people , we are and always will be a seperate nation , no matter what. But we are not alone and have a very important partner who runs the show in the end , besides that if we would get along, we have each other and that should be enough. It is time to shake that ghetto mentality and to accept our place in the world.
2. He should not visit Israel now. Worst Pope since Pius XII
Liliane ,   Brighton, SX, UK   (02.17.09)
This Pope is the woorst since Pius XII. He should not come.
3. Will make Pius XII a Saint after visit
Arlette ,   Paris, France   (02.17.09)
Watch this Pope will make Pius XII a Saint after he returns from Israel.
4. amen!
5. The Pope has a lot to do prior to us responding
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (02.17.09)
So far he has done nothing to show anything except his contempt for us. Until he starts treating us with at least as much respect as they show the Muslims there is nothing to talk about.
6. And our Noah never heard about PREVENTION.
John ,   Europe   (02.17.09)
Let's see... If Vatican would not be Israel's friend, but, let's say, neutral, than ALL the problematical places in Gospels (like, "Your Father is a Devil" in John) would be left for a small priests and clergy to exploit as they please. Reslut would be a larger antisemitism level in Europe and other chatolic-dominated parts. And I do not mean here in MUSLIM European parts, I mean here in christian parts, which today are FAR LESS antisemitic than they were, for example, in the beginning of the century, when Jews did not have any connections with Vatican whatsoever. So, leave Vatican alone and small clergy, connected directly with the people (read: angry mob potential) would normally teach in churches that Jews are children of devil. Noah, of course, didn't read much about it before creation fo state of Israel. Life, dear Noah, does not begin in 1979, but in times of the flood. :) Somebody may say that clergy teaches Jews are children of Satan anyway - true, if you count rural, isolated parts. But - there are no Jews there and no damage can be done. Clergy in cities does not do that: since Vatican 2nd council, the direct consequence of good relationships with Jews, proclamed that they are GUILTY of hate and evil towards Jews. Much like Sanhedrin, whatever Pope and Vatican proclaims - that's how in chatolic church is. And city clergy mostly follows what the head says. So, dear Noah, I suggest you look deeper in history of christian-jewish relationships. I know that in Israel now it is Hawkish times, but really there is no need to be THAT Hawkish.
7. Besides, Noah...
John ,   Europe   (02.17.09)
If there were no good relationship with Vatican, these archbishops wouldn't be excommunicated. :) Ponder on that.
8. Many Christians are separate from the Catholic church
Barbara Henderson ,   Olympia, USA   (02.17.09)
While the Catholic church claims to be the authorized representative of all Christians - this is not true. The New Testament Church established by Jesus Christ and His followers never bowed to any pope. It is important for Jews to understand this. As a Baptist, I know that while the Jews turned Jesus over to the Romans - it was the Romans who actually killed him - making it a crime of both the Jews and Gentiles. No one gains an advantage by being friends with the Catholic church. They just want to tell you what to do and threaten you with hell if you don't do what they say. Without the Jews, we would have no Bible - not the Old Testament or the New Testament. I can'g get through a single day without my Bible. The Catholic church kept the Bible from the hands of the people for many years - proving their love of power over their love of Christ or the lost souls of the earth. Most Baptists have respect for the Jews, acknowledge their claim to the land of Israel, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem as we are instructed in the Bible.
9. Anti-Judaism is a foundation of the Catholic Church
Arie ,   BaGolan   (02.17.09)
For 2000 years, the church has preached that the "Jews killed christ." For 1500 years, the vatican has actively engaged in, and promoted, the genocide of Jews: the crusades resulting in over 9 million Jews and Muslims murdered by the vatican; the Shoah complicity by pius xii (soon to be a saint because of it) resulting in over 6 million Jews murdered; joined by the vatican inspired pogroms; the inquisition (again resulting in sainthood in exchange for murder);coupled with Talmud burnings, expulsions, and kidnappings! In fact, without their hatred and violent tendencies towards Jews, what would the vatican have left in its miserable existence?
10. Israel is obsessed with a dying sect
Ran   (02.17.09)
Ignorant of Christianity, Israelis think the RC church is the be-all and end-all because the Ashkenazi elites' ancestors grew up around it. However, the story is, there are scores of popes of different traditional churches, and the formerly RC world eg in Latin America has been turning protestant over the last 30 years. Mainstream media and elites are again DECADES behind events, as is par for the course.
11. The Papacy
Brod ,   USA   (02.17.09)
The Papacy is the Antichrist. Papism invented AntiSemitism. Israel should be wary of this. See: www.historicism.net/readingmaterials/thepapacy.pdf www.remnantofgod.org/4fathers.htm www.pacinst.com/antichri.htm www.ianpaisley.org/article.asp?ArtKey=antichrist_20
12. Let's stay offended!
berlonski ,   Berlin   (02.17.09)
Of course jews can just cut ties to the Vatican. But maybe jews need these ties especially because popes do "nothing" to curb anti-semitism...
13. A pathological need for approval and acceptance, Mr. Kleiger
David Turner ,   Richmond, USA   (02.17.09)
Approval and acceptance, Mr. Kleiger. Despite nearly two thousand years as their Jewish Problem, subject to all manner of persecution from torah- to people-burning, we solicit, crave acceptance, are willing to deny the meaning of that history reaching temporary climax in Shoah. As do our Diaspora communities, Israel also craves Christian approval. And who more symbolically representative of that diverse religion than the church, creator of, and carrier of the pathology of Christian anti-Judaism embedded in the very soul of the religion, the texts of the gospels and letters of Paul? What is Christendoms Jewish Problem? None other than the obvious fact that, according to their myth Jesus was sent by God to the Jews who failed to accept his role. In short, if there ever was a historical Jesus to begin with, and except for Christian scripture written decades after the purported facts there is absolutely no written document to attest to this, his mission was a failure. And the continuing existence of the Jewish people is living evidence of the failure. Our very existence is a direct affront to Christianity. That we are also accused in gospel of deicide is excuse for the murderous behavior driven by the doubt at the heart of the religion of its own authenticity, of its promise of life everlasting through messianic intervention. Belief only goes so far. We Jews are in dialectic relationship with Christendom, and while their role is to seek and eventually complete the only partially solved Final Solution to their Jewish Problem, ours is, voluntarily, to provide ourselves as continuing victim. How else, Noah, understand our remaining in Diaspora, continuing the denial of history-in-the-present, that as our German relatives in the days before Shoah denying the gradual alienation from neighbors, friends and inter-married relatives, insisting that Germany was too cultured, the Jews too assimilated a part of Germany; that Germany was, as we Americans call the US, exceptional. Yet it was US leadership and sponsorship of eugenics that provided the justification for Germanys race purification; it was US antisemitism, as virile before, during and following Shoah that provided Germany the breathing room to evolve from social to lethal antisemitism; it was US racial policy that limited immigration to Aryan stock in the 1920s, that justified barring entry to Jews fleeing for their lives during Shoah. There are no exceptions and if we insist that the past is the past, forgive and forget, we are merely playing our part in this dance of death in which it is we, the Jews, who continue the victim. Thanks to what, at best may be described as indifference but was in fact complicity, European Jewry had nowhere to go, had little choice but to remain in the European death factory. Today there is a Jewish state, so the excuse of subjecting our children to the next Shoah event is gone. Yes our neighbors, friends and intermarried family accept us, appear and are as we see them, accepting and loving. As was our experience in pre-war Germany. But comfort in familiar surroundings is a poor exchange for a future so obviously an extension of the history. And our children, yet another generation removed from Shoah, will be victim to our comfort.
14. Historical "Pope" & Relationship Prohibited by Torah
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (02.17.09)
In Torah, Israel is likened to a wife of ha-Sheim. Accordingly, Israel having "relations" with idolatrous religions are likened in Torah to "relations" of an adulterous wife. It is prohibited by Torah. While meetings and talks are, indeed, sometimes necessary, they should be conducted on mutual territory. Official ties are NOT a "must." The pope and Church represent Christian SDT (supersessionist displacement theology) that claims their man-g-d idol is a peer of Elohim, perfectly satisfying Danieil 7.25a: "he shall utter words on par with the Supreme." As documented by the earliest extant Church historian, Eusebius (EH IV.v.3), the Christian Church forcibly ousted the 15th Netzarim paqid in 135 C.E. and persecuted the Jews, perfectly satisfying Danieil 7.25b: "he will exhaust the sanctifications of the high-ones" (Jews, particularly the Netzarim). Changing Shabat to Sun-god-day, Pesakh to the festival for Ashterot, Khanukah to the birthday of Mithra, etc., the Church satisfied Danieil 7.25b: "he will suppose to change the times and religion." (Incidentally, to fill in an essential detail, the "lesser horn," succeeding the 10th horn and who supplants three of his predecessors, is also identified in my book, The 1993 Covenant, as Bishop Narcissus, a bishop who supplanted 3 bishops preceding him to become the 11th "horn" of the "fourth beast"--widely accepted to be the Roman Empire--as described in Danieil 7.25.) Historically, the earliest extant Church historian, Eusebius, documented (EH IV.v.3) that the office now called "pope"–originally Hellenist  (episkopos, bishop)–was, in 135 C.E., forcibly, invalidly and illegitimately wrested from the 15th Netzarim Paqid (Yehudah ha-Tzadiq) by the first Christian bishop, Markus. Eusebius also documented (EH IV.xxii.3) that Hegesippus εποιησαμην (epoieisamein)–"fabricated"–the first list of popes, retroactively, some time between 142 and 168 C.E. and that there is no other information about these supposed early popes. Thus, the pre-135 C.E. "popes" are entirely mythical while the later "popes" are a Hellenized counterfeit of the Netzarim Paqid. Just to complete the picture, 6 in ancient numerology represented, primarily, either of two things: the sun god and an inanimate object (e.g., an idol). The number 666 has long been identified (in my book, Who Are The Netzarim?) as a 6x6 "magic square" (6x6 "magic squares" total 666) indicating a syncretizing of 6 = Mithra, the sun-god, x (with) 6 = an inanimate idol, Jzeus (see also, the "Ieisous" page of our History Museum). Or, if you're a Christian, you can take the blue pill and remain "Left Out." Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Orthodox Jew (Teimani Baladi Dardai) Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews www.netzarim.co.il
15. you are the "whore" described in.
dennis ,   us   (02.17.09)
the bible. The zebra that never changes its stripes. The Leopard that never changes its spots. The Whore that is just that. To "do whatever it can to commit and cause people to commit Adultery againt the God of ever! To cause and bring forth your next king of the city of seven hills, AKA the vatican. The eigth is of the seven. The son of perdition. J.P.2..
16. David #13, Paqid #14
Brod ,   USA   (02.17.09)
Don't connect Christianity with Papism. Papism is Pagan! (Pages 122-134, "Unfolding The Revelation Revised" by Roy Allan Anderson) The Papacy is the Antichrist. They tampered with GOD's Ten Commandments and changed GOD's Sabbath Day of Rest from the Seventh Day (Saturday) to Sunday-Pagan Sun worship. (Ibid., p. 155-156) The number of the Pope's official title-VICARIOUS FILII DEI is 666! (Ibid., p.133)
17. Study History: ALL Christians Offspring of Catholic Church
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (02.17.09)
The ONLY group that refused the NT and Hellenist Roman Christianity (Catholicism) were the original Jews (Netzarim), who were persecuted, forcibly ousted and expelled from Yerushalayim by the Hellenist Romans along with the rest of the Jews in 135 C.E. Every Christian that acknowledges that the Catholic Church is the "antichrist" is ignoring the historical, indisputably documented fact, that EVERY Christian is its offspring. Cut yourself off from Christianity and learn about the 1st-century Pharisee Ribi. Or take the Blue Pill and remain "Left Behind." Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Orthodox Jew (Teimani Baladi Dardai) Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews www.netzarim.co.il
18. #16, The gospels are shared by all Christian denominations,
David Turner ,   Richmond, USA   (02.17.09)
and the gospels are anti-Jewish, the bedrock of antisemitism. Which means, whether Catholicism is or not pagan (thats between the Christians and, thank God, not yet another reason for antisemitism). Anti-Judaism inspires antisemitism which inspires Holocaust. Sorry to be so blunt!
19. Baptists?
Lisa ,   Swityerland   (02.17.09)
Barbara- you are still living in the Middle Ages- the Catholics have been allowed to read the Bible for eons....even the Old Testament.... nobody teaches anti-semitism in schools (without getting punished) or the churches however much you or some of the TBackers here would love to believe. isn't it time we all lived in the 21st century? The Tbs are pretty predictable by now: we get everything from the crusades to the Inquisition to the Holocaust all in one breath- and to any topic- . As far as threatening with hell goes, Barbara, I think the Baptist churches are much better than the Catholics, don't you agree? #9 Arie: 9 million Jews murdered during the Crusades? Where did you find this?
20. Paqid #17
Brod ,   USA   (02.17.09)
Long before there were Papists, the Early Christians were Jesus' disciples and followers. The Early Christian Church was led by Jesus' disciples. Apostles Paul, Thomas and others brought the Gospel to the Gentiles. The Early Christians kept GOD's Ten Commandments including the Fourth-"Remember the Sabbath Day to keep holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your GOD..." The Early Christians in Europe were the Albigensians, Waldensians, Huguenots, and the Lollards who were persecuted and ravaged by Papists. And for 1260 years during the Middle Ages or Dark Ages, starting from 538 AD to 1798, Papal Rome ruled Europe with an iron hand persecuting GOD's people-the Jews and these Early Christians and later, the Protestant Reformers and followers. Jesus says, "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law and the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill (make it effective, execute, implement, perform). For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:17-19) Jesus warns, "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven (keeps GOD's Ten Commandments). Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name? And I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness." (Matthew 7:21-23)
21. #6 John
Lisa ,   Switzerland   (02.17.09)
where are you going to school in Europe? Where do they teach that Jews are children of the devil? Rural or not- clergy or secular teachers- this is against the law. I went to school over 40 years ago and never heard THAT. Mabe my school was better than yours? Even in so-called Catholic countries like Spain, most people are Catholics by name only- they do not practice- . They just want to live in peace and quiet. Anti-semitism in almost 95% of all cases happens by people who have political reasons (jihad..anti Israeli, or should we say pro Palestine)). There are Neo-Nazi gangs, but they are against everything- and how few out of millions and millions of normal people. There are very few old and misguided people like Williamson, and there is a courtcase against a German (72 years old!) who is a Holocaust Denier- sound senile! Do those people speak for 250 mio Europeans? NOT!
22. #16 Brod 666, #17 history....
Lisa ,   swityerland   (02.17.09)
get real- this is the 21st century. you believe in satanism? my car license plate had 666- superstitious garbage. Sunday- Sabbath? Many religions and countries have Sunday as the day of rest- in my country the Jews are lucky: they take Saturday off because it is your Shabbat-and get Sunday as a free day in a 'Christian' country, while the lowly Christians work on your Shabbat and only get Sunday off, LOL. Why are you complaining? I know, I have co-workers who are Jewish-. Quoting from holy books is easy- there is always an interpretation that can be used in your favor.... nobody is asking you to believe in the teachings of the Catholic, or Protestant church, or baptist, or Islam- by putting down other religions and showing contempt for other people's believe you do not show respect- you can also not expect to gain any respect... The Church has changed over the years, people changed, the teachings are adapted- but you do not want to know- you made up your mind- or your teachers made up your mind for you....
23. 19 Lisa:Like ALL Christians, YOU Subscribe to NT Misojudaism
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (02.17.09)
Luke 19.27 "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay [them] before me." Who does the NT identify as the enemies? I Jn 2.22: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." Don't tunnel-vision yourself to a few passages you happen to find convenient. There is a long list of examples of misojudaism in your NT. Learn about your own religion and educate yourself to Church history, read Oxford scholar-historian James Parkes (The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue) and deal with the well-documented facts in our website and in my books. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Orthodox Jew (Teimani Baladi Dardai) Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews www.netzarim.co.il
24.  this pope
Walt K ,   Sherbrooke, Canada   (02.17.09)
should live into the UN building or in Saudi Arabia...
25. Barbara #8
Rachel   (02.17.09)
Thank you.
26. #23 enemies and education
Lisa ,   Switzerland   (02.17.09)
I live what I preach- Love for all human beings- of all creeds, ages, regardless of color, gender. I treat people with respect-I do not try to force my believes on other people... I do not quote the Bible, but I know enough about the Old and New Testament-. I read TB because I want to learn about people, their believes, their way of thinking, maybe help them solve problems- but most people do not want to learn or listen to other people, they have made up their mind - and that is it. You could say I am learning the hard way, LOL.
27. Brod
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (02.17.09)
1. The original Jews who followed Ribi Yehoshua were called Netzarim; they refused the NT and were NOT Christians. Consequently, the NT is as meaningless to us as it is to all Jews. So don't quote NT to me. 2. If you had even a mild acquaintance with Church history you'd realize that the earliest extant Church historian, Eusebius, documented that a. the original followers of Ribi Yehoshua were Jews called Netzarim, NOT Christians (Hellenists or Romans or gentiles), b. the Netzarim excised Paul as a Hellenist apostate (EH III.xxvii.4). Refer back to #1. c. ALL Christians were defined between 135 C.E. and the 4th-century C.E.: Hellenist gentiles (see Oxford scholar-historian James Parkes (The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue) Thus, there is NO (!) connection between the Netzarim Jews and the gentile Hellenist Roman Christians who forcibly ousted them, displaced them (as I documented in a previous message), expelled them from Yerushalayim in 135 C.E. and thereafter persecuted them until they disappeared from history following 135 C.E. Quote NT and gentiles to someone who recognizes them as authority. Netzarim don't. If you want to discuss with me, stick to Torah and Judaic sources. If you cannot demonstrate your position from Torah it is because your position is false. Ribi Yehoshua was a Pharisee in the Orthodox (Pharisee) Israeli Jewish community. The Netzarim were, and have been restored as, Orthodox (Pharisee) Jews in the same--Israeli Jewish community; just as they were. Christians remain gentile Hellenists, just as they were. Nere the twain shall ever converge. Cut yourself off from Christianity and learn about the 1st-century Pharisee Ribi. Or take the Blue Pill and remain "Left Behind." Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Orthodox Jew (Teimani Baladi Dardai) Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews www.netzarim.co.il
28. Lisa , here we go again
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.17.09)
This self proclaimed "jew" with his ribi yeshua [ AKA Jesus ] those fundimentalist anti catholics , who see only the crimes comitted in name of the church , and who nobody sane can deny , but don't see any positive fact . Have i only to remind those certainly more than hunderd French Righteous Catholic priests , nuns , bishops and one Cardinal . This is not theory , this is not interpretation of old scriptures , those are FACTS nobody sane can deny . Yes , we all know that antisemitism in Europe has his roots in the catholic religion . But is this still relevant today ? was'nt there any change ? Who in the western world could imagine some tens of years ago that a Pope would visit a synagogue ? a small "detail" ? well sometimes such details have their importance , they are a symbol .
29. #27 - "Paquid" LOL!! Listen to this WHACK JOB....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (02.18.09)
Refer to Jesus as "Ribi Yehoshua" and then try to pass himself off as an "Israeli Orthodox Jew!" Whew...I am laughing my ass of over here!
30. look your self n the mirror before opening your mouth
proud catholic ,   south bend usa   (02.17.09)
i wonder about the Jews who cooperated with the Nazi what should be called. read avrahm burg a proud catholic and yes will be catholic for ever
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