The limits of satire
Zohir Andreus
Published: 22.02.09, 16:01
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81 Talkbacks for this article
61. false analogy
Danny ,   USA   (02.23.09)
false analogy. Making a film like Borat or a satire like this one is not the same as denying a historical fact.
62. #60 Are you going to riot in Jerusalem Abdel?
Cynthia ,   USA   (02.23.09)
You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
63. What is called freedom of speech....
Marlene N. ,   New York City   (02.23.09)
Freedoms unfortunately are not applied consistently, so if it were Jews or Judiaism as the center of the satire in the United States or Germany as an example, there would be a great public outcry of anti-semitism as the author correctly states. To the person who mentioned Bill Maher's new Religulous, it was not a satire strictly on Jews and Judiaism, but on all organized religions/ The problem also is that this kind of satire in an already racist state such as Israel is what makes it all the more offensive.
64. psalm 1 says don't sit in the seat of the mocker
Gingo   (02.23.09)
there is too much mocking of everything, and it's helping to collapse the world, the traditions, stability.
65. Does Zohir respect Jews' right to the Land of Israel
Ilan ,   Ariel   (02.23.09)
The Torah (old testatment by Christians) quite plainly states that Jews have been given the entire Land of Israel. Is he a good Christian enough to recognize that? Or is he putting things through a political filter? He is also wrong in that Jewish religion is not protected from satire in Israel. Part of freedom of speech is that sometimes you don't like the what you hear. Don't like Shlein, don't watch his show.
66. paqid is certainly as FALSE as he tell's
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (02.23.09)
christianity is . Don't talk about the Shoa , you don't know what it was , Mr van ...AKA the FAKE Jew .
67. zohir, my whole family was wiped out by christians, i have a
shoa survivor   (02.23.09)
right to hear a joke or two about them
68. #11 Jesus is a reject, a charlatan and false prophet to us
Sandi   (02.23.09)
70. Followers are blind with prejudice!!!
Eric ,   JHB SA   (02.23.09)
If all the Prophets of Almighty, whether Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and the thousands of other Prophets that were sent to every nation on this earth, were to be in one room then there would be total agreement and love, respect and total PEACE amongst themselves. Because all of them were sent to this earth by the ONE and ONLY ALMIGHTY CREATOR to pass on the message "submit you will to the Will of the Almighty Creator." It is time that we human beings, the family of Adam and Eve, remove the blinkers of prejudice and hate and learn to respect and accept each other!!!
71. Proportional response
Ilana   (02.23.09)
Only when Israel does something do people start thisproportional nonsense! Good point. I am against making jokes on account of someones beliefs, if they are beliefs for a peaceful religion. But still, how many jokes on judaism have there been? What president made a public apology when Jewish interests were hurt? I think criticsm is a good place for some proportion. I think Lior's jokes were distasteful anyway.
72. #18, #9
Mike Carmel ,   Rishon, Israel   (02.23.09)
Of course it wasn't a "virgin" birth! The whole concept is based on a mistranslation of the original Hebrew. Whoever started the virgin myth thought that the Hebrew word "alma" meant "virgin" when in fact it means "young woman". No point looking for complex explanations then is there?
73. Knowledge brings tolerance
H.H.M ,   Israel / Jerusalem   (02.23.09)
Knowledge brings tolerance Mr Shlein, satir is a gross over stepping by a member of another religion which shows ignorance as one should not suspect bad intensions. The only consequence here as in so many other issues connected to believe is knowledge and thence honoring somebody else believe – here also applies “what you don’t wish to be done to you, don’t do it to others”.- Get acquainted, learned about other ways of life and widen your knowledge.
74. hypocrisy at it's best
smith   (02.23.09)
The main problem not mentionned is that Islam believe that Mary was virgin too. If you laught on this, you insult Islam and people like Zohir Andreus will come for moral He speak about denying a whole religion. Does he mention that Islam dont believe that Jesus was not kill and that the Jew falsify the Torah??? That a big denying religion.... No he speak about holocaust and in fact, he will never speak if all this story was about the fact that Jesus was not killed... hypocrisy at it's best
75. Corection
Smith   (02.23.09)
In islam jesus was not killed and this not denied christian religion because its islam but a jew who believe in its religion denied other religion. What a $&@&$.....
76. Arab, Palestinian, Catholic, ...everything but Israeli
Jake   (02.23.09)
which is his Nationality. One would think that the Christians of the Holy Land would jump at the chance to find common cause with the Jews and Israel. After all, Jesus, the apostles, and the disciples were all Jews. The first 15 Bishops of the Church of Jerusalem (the original Christian church until 135 C.E.) were all circumcized Jews who observed the Laws of Moses. But I guess after so many years of having your brain re-programmed by Arab-Nationalist and Arafatist propaganda, it's like being visited by the Men in Black.
77. 72 Mike Carmel: When King David's son defiled two of
Rivkah   (02.24.09)
the king's concubines, David never had sex with the two women again. He locked them up in a building for the rest of their lives with food and water and clothes, like a convent. Do you really think the Lord would father a son by a woman who was not a virgin or who was defiled sexually with His pick of any Jewish maiden on earth? True, the Son of Mary was technically illegitimate. But then, so was King David and so was Gideon the Judge. King David said in Psalms, "In sin did my mother conceive me." Jesse was David's father, but David's mother was not Jesse's legal wife. You need to read the Jewish Bible again. The name of the Messiah is Immanuel which means "God with us." No one but God could father a son with His DNA who would be "God with us." In Egypt the son of Mary was known as Immanuel. In Judea he was known as Yahshua which means "Salvation." Salvation is from God, so God's son must be God the Son just as Yahweh is God the Father. The son of an elephant is an elephant. The Son of God is God.
78. beer is awesome
LOL ,   Jerusalem   (02.24.09)
i feel it is my right to laugh and poke jokes at my relatives past, present, or future. Jesus being part of the family (technically he's my great-great-great-great-great uncle, second removed) allows him to be invited to any pesach seder... that water into wine trick is plus in my family i guess its hard for christians to understand. but then again its hard for me to understand why christians pray to my great-great-great-great-great-great uncle.
79. passing the baton
LOL ,   Jerusalem   (02.24.09)
arab-christians, sounds like its their turn to scream at those evil blood-dripping zionist /Jew-devils( notice the sarcasm). tell me when u pass the baton back to the arab-muslims. actually i prefer some more tag-team action btw... Zohir Andreus is a catholic (and an idiot). The Roman Catholic Church made their presence known in Israel during the 1st crusade. When they slaughtered every Jew in their midst. Yet they havent repented nor appologised for their actions. Catholics owe us any apology 1st for murder, and misery. Then if we think the appology is sincere then we will appologise...for a mere comment made by 1 man...of no significance within the Jewish community. Remember my Jewish friends and Family. The Christians fear us. as long as Jews live and practice Judaism. Christianity is threatened. all it takes is one child to ask: if Jesus was Jewish, then why dont the Jewish people believe in him? And for then follow that up with, if Jesus is Jewish yet his own people dont believe in him, despite all that christians have done to coerce them into converting? then ask what do Jews know that others dont? Imagine, what millions would do if they follow up on those questions. Europe today is less religious, im sure what i've just mentioned has something to do with that.
80. 76 They don't jump... facts show there's an error
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (02.24.09)
You inadvertently promulgate the Christian Gospel that their post-135 C.E. antinomian (= anti-Torah) gentile, Roman-redacted, Hellenized rewrite-image is identical to, le-havdil, the pre-135 C.E. Torah-teaching (= pro-Torah) Pharisee Ribi Jew. A read of Oxford historian-scholar James Parkes (The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue) demonstrates the impossibility of that Christian claim... Gospel, which Jews should not be promulgating / preaching. Yet, Jews confirm the very Gospel the loathe without thinking. "Jesus, the apostles, and the disciples were all" Roman-redacted Hellenized, 180 degree opposite, counterfeit (contra-historical) images (idols) of, le-havdil, the historical Torah-teaching, Pharisee Ribi, Yehoshua, his shelikhim and talmidim. Similarly, if you will put in the effort to research the Judaic term in Tanakh, from which the Hellenist term in LXX (episkopos; bishop) derived, you'll find that the first 15 leaders were called Paqid--NOT, le-havdil, bishops (!!!)--and the original followers of Ribi Yehoshua were called Netzarim. The distinction is further critical because, Eusebius documented, Hegesippus "fabricated" a list of episkopos to fill the void and elevated the fictional names to become the succession of (fictional) popes. You inadvertently and falsely merge a list of real Judaic and Torah leaders with the Christian fiction and Gospel... a Jew promulgating Christian claims and their Gospel; which I'm sure is not your intention. You're correct that the Netzarim, including the Peqidim of course, were all circumcised--and Torah-teaching--Jews 180 degrees opposite to the post-135 C.E. gentile, Roman Hellenized Christian Church that forcibly ousted, displaced and superseded them in 135 C.E. based on the teachings of Paul--whom, Eusebius documented, the Netzarim had excised as a Hellenizing apostate and refused the NT as invalid and illegitimate. Note that this removes the NT as a Christian polemic tool in discussions with Jews, who can defer to the Netzarim who rejected the NT. The same is true of the papacy and all doctrines traceable to Hellenism rather than pre-Christian Judaism. This leaves Christians with nakedly-false claims and no defense whatsoever. As a result, many are abandoning the counterfeit (Christianity and Jzeus) to instead follow the historical Ribi Yehoshua--who required following Torah, NOT Christianity. Or you can ignore this solution, continue promulgating the Church's false claims and face the same pogroms, persecutions and Holocausts for the next 2,000 years. Most tb-ers are too lazy and arrogant in their ignorance to read Parkes and my books and educate themselves. I hope you will be an exception. For details, documentation, citations and complete info, see our website (URL below). Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Orthodox Jew (Teimani Baladi Dardai) Advancing Logic as Halakhic Authority Welcoming Jews & non-Jews www.netzarim.co.il
81. to mike 9
mary ,   jerusalem   (02.24.09)
first you are not a woman but sure your wife is a woman but sure if she is as clean as innoscent as me she will believe that the virgin is a virgin and her child is from god soul .. but women who are not as clean as your wife or me or any mother or thy are [prostitude / they think there is not a woman with honour ... in my history there was a story .. it was about a woman listened to the profet said that the punishement of the free woman if she do the sex contact without marrage is ... and before he finished his speech the free woman said ...oh oh the free woman do not do it .... becouse of that i believe mary was a virgin and her child was jessus the right word of god /////
82. Satire of Christianity
Tom ,   New York   (02.24.09)
This is a case of the " pot calling the kettle black." The Catholic Church has high ranking officials who deny the holocaust . Holocaust denial is alive and well in Europe and the Middle East. All one has to is is watch Egyptian television, read Abbas's Phd. thesis denying the Holocaust , or any other Arab newspaper or television. Lastly there is a world of difference between the Vatican reversing the excommunication of Holocaust denying Bishops and a non government sponsored television show. Besides the Torah says that the Messiah will be born of an Almah, which is a maiden , not a virgin.
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