PA official: Time to impose 2-state solution
Ali Waked
Published: 06.03.09, 11:36
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31. a one way street as usual
Arie ,   BaGolan   (03.06.09)
Will the "world community" also impose an end to islamonazi terrorism?
32. To proponents of cutting loans to Israel
Arie ,   BaGolan   (03.06.09)
First of all, let's get the terminology clear: the vast bulk of the US$3 billion annual stipend is in the form of LOANS, which MUST be repaid with interest! To further that point, Israel is the ONLY nation in the world that has NEVER defaulted on a US loan. Every other state to have received one, including all the eurabians, egypt, jordan, lebanon, saudi, yemen, kuwait, japan, korea, thailand, mexico and so on have defaulted on their loans! Better than 90% MUST be spent in the US. A study by the Rand Institute and the Wall Street Journal in the late 90s showed that for every annual stipend in LOANS, the US economy sees a return of between 50 and 70 BILLION DOLLARS to the US economy. To those of you stating you wish to pressure us by hurting us, look to your production factories that rely on our purchases and think long and hard!
33. The Good friend Obama
AlbertoGA ,   St. George, USA   (03.06.09)
Now all the left wingers see the Oboma at work. $900 M to the terrorist and the 2 State solution. That will be the End of Israel. If the terrorist want a State it exist... Go to any Arab and Muslim State and stay there.
34. Aharon #8
Brod ,   USA   (03.06.09)
You sound more like a Papist AntiSemite helping the Islamist-Jihadists crusade their Jihadism on Israel. You do not NOT know what you are talking about. Do you think Israel is the cause of Islamist Jihadism around world? The fact is Islamist-Jihadism has been going on since the Islamist-Jihadists sprouted like Locusts from the Bottomless Pit of the Arabian Desert in the 7th century. Do you know such Arabic words as Taqiyya, Dar Al Islam and Dar Al Harb? The fact is other countries around the world are facing the same Jihadism/Terrorism as Israel. See: Read "Because They Hate" and "They Must Be Stopped" by Brigitte Gabriel; "Why I Left Jihad" and "Why We Want To Kill You" by Walid Shoebat; "Preachers of Hate" by Kenneth R. Timmerman; "Islam and Terrorism" and "Journey Into the Mind of an Islamic Terrorist" by Mark A. Gabriel, PhD; "The Rage and The Pride" and "The Force of Reason" by Oriana Fallaci; "Religion of Peace? Islam's War Against The World" by Gregory M. Davis, PhD; "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam" and "Onward Muslim Soldiers" by Robert Spencer; "The Sword of The Prophet" and "Defeating Jihad" by Serge Trifkovic, PhD; etc.
35. olmert and jerusalem
Again, this coward, a 3 time indictee who belongs in jail for crookery and cowardice, offers jerusalem in return for nothing. Olmert is nothing along with his 2 draft dodging sons and his wife who winks on holocaust charity paying holidays and cheaper housing. How does she live with him whose yellow streak is so obvious?israelis are stupid people for having elected him in the first place.
36. #8 things R not that bad, we shall have to rely on ourselves
old fashioned israel   (03.06.09)
more. in a changed world economy i am not sure it is such a bad idea to change the system, and become more self sufficient, such as grow our food instead of importing it. to change systems that allows inflated salaries on one hand, while others live on benefits and handouts. benefits shall go to those who serve their country. ideology should not only be taught at uni but implemented daily. i miss the good days before so much corruption took place, and i suppose they were the days prior to close relations with the us that started in the 60s. times before any new clerical worker was pronounced manager of some sort upon admission to work. i know the world has moved on, but surely the state has to invest in building it's own defenses, in opening faculties that teach a profession needed in israel, and not just for a general ba in something, or a profession for which one can not find work in israel. If needed, then lower admission standards so that more could study productive professions. people need to become productive, be it in making pasta in a factory instead of working on a chip in a computer game no one buys as it is not economical anymore. or instead of sit at home on benefits because of global collapse. give pasta workers a raise, as import shall cease according to your predictions, and israel shall become a more equalized society with less empty business oriented international machers who make millions. our strength shall come from making stronger roots , not from giving up on the little we have. those yeshiva guys shall have to understand that if they want to live in israel they shall have to work, as creating a life in israel with a jewish majority was the purpose for keeping their faith so zealously for so long in diaspora. so unless they want to loose it, they better start doing something. same goes to arabs, esp. those who know not sufficient hebrew to work here, but have many children supported by tax payers. I want whats best for the country, i am not sure i know the answers.
37. "2 state solution" is a geographcial imposibility
USA   (03.06.09)
Forget about any other differances, it's just not doable or possible. No Israeli government from the right or from the left will ever have the power to give up the West Bank. As for the Arabs regimes, their civilization and culture, moral and political decline. They could have absorbed these Palestinians in their 22 countries and that's it, but they are irrational and are blinded and driven by hate of Jews alone. That is what drives their societies.
38. The time has come. Enough is enough
Giora Me'ir ,   USA   (03.06.09)
It's clear that Israel and Palestine will never be able to settle their differences. The world is sick of it, and peace and stability demand it. Israel was created by the international community. The international community has the right to impose a solution.
39. Palestinians DO NOT WANT their own state
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (03.06.09)
They could have declared their own state at any time since 1995, and they would be recognized by the U.N. and by more countries than currently recognize Israel. But they have not done so. Why? The reason is simple. They do not want the responsibilities that come from having their own state. They want to destroy Israel and then squat on the ruins until the Egyptians, Jordanians and Syrians rule over them, as they did before.
40. Easy solution/two state solution
Tiki ,   Belgium   (03.06.09)
Two state solution: Royal Kingdom of Palestine. Jewish State of Israel. There is NO need for a third one.
41. Impose massive pressure on Arab states to make peace
David ,   Boston, USA   (03.06.09)
This is the key. Stop pressuring Israel. Israel has accepted all key points for peace. START Pressuring Arabs, especially, PA. They have dont nothing required to make peace in the 20 years since Oslo. Its rediculous. Its time to pressure the Arabs to make peace. This is not a once sided thing. Time for the Arabs to make peace. ISrael was there first and will be there long after the Arab states are gone.
42. Giora Meir #38
Brod ,   USA   (03.06.09)
The Land of Israel is GOD-given and GOD-restored to the Jews. The Resoration of Modern Israel in Ancient Israel is by Divine Providence as a Fulfillment of GOD's Covenant to Israel. While ancient civilizations had come and gone into the dustbin of history, the Jews have survived to this day because of Divine Providence. No mortal should dare tamper with the restoration of Modern Israel in Ancient Israel. It is time the AntiSemites and Islamist-Jihadists understand this fundamental truth. The world will be better off to tell the dark forces to stop usurping Israel from the Jews, instead of being fooled and manipulated by the Islamist-Jihadists in crusading their Jihadism on Israel.
43. To: No. 38
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (03.06.09)
You are wrong, sir. The modern State of Israel was created by the international community which simultaneously proferred a Palestinian Arab state. The Arabs rejected the proposal, choosing to go to war instead. They lost. The international community is not in the business of fixing sixty years of Arab violence, war and terror. Moreover, twenty years ago, the Arabs rejected a two-state solution YET AGAIN. Some mistakes are necessarily forever. To do otherwise would violate every known precept of international law.
44. giora meir, if you live in usa dont tell israelis what to do
45. #38 imposing on israel?u can not be an israeli to think this
not a jew   (03.06.09)
46. Backwards world!
DR ,   Florida, USA   (03.06.09)
Instad of pressuring the culture of terror, hatred and death to change their ways, the world wants to pressure Israe, whose only crime has been her own self-defense? Wow! Human beings are stupid creatures indeed!
47. #45 Imposed solution is the wet dream of the far-left Jews
Sam ,   Canada   (03.06.09)
Mainsteam Jews won't tolerate an imposed solution and I've never heard that most Arabs would accept a Jewish state.
48. # 42
Giora Me'ir ,   USA   (03.06.09)
"The Land of Israel is GOD-given and GOD-restored to the Jews." Really? I wasn't aware God cast a vote on the 1947 partition resolution.
49. Fine. Then don't take our tax money
Giora Me'ir ,   USA   (03.06.09)
50. To, 21, Daniel Tel Aviv
Karl ,   Gothenburg   (03.06.09)
Why don`t you see that God works with Israel trough all history? GOD BLESS YOU AND ISRAEL!
51. #48
Brod ,   USA   (03.06.09)
Time for you to read the Holy Bible. President Harry Truman read it and followed Divine Providence in the restoration of Modern Israel in Ancient Israel. Billions of people know the GOD of the Holy Bible. Man's resolution is irrelevant without recognizing the Creator of the Heavens and Universe and His Restoration of Modern Israel in the Ancient Land of Israel. Jeremiah 31:1-17, Ezekiel 36:24-38, Ezekiel 37:21-28, Ezekiel 39:27-29, Amos 9:14-15.
52. #49 No tax dollars
Brod ,   USA   (03.06.09)
Your tax dollar argument is typical of the crap spewed by Islamist-Jihadists and AntiSemites. The fact is there is no such thing as tax dollars. Whatever Israel gets is a loan that it is paying. This is in contrast to the billions of dollars that the Islamist-Jihadists managed to con the world into giving them for their violence, belligerence, carnages and terrorism!
53. #48
jb ,   Canada   (03.06.09)
Do you actually read histoy or just sift those facts with which you agree. Just remember the great US state dept. tried to get Israel not to declare independence. Just remember that Israel agreed to the borders stipulated in that resolution, a rump state if there ever was one! Just remember that the Nazi-loving Arabs decided to massacre the Jews in toto, just like their present day desires. Nothing has changed. People like you never learn anything from history. And the US is just fulfilling the desires of every state Dept. since 1948. Its time for Israel to look elsewhere for allies (India, Taiwan even China). and you can be sure america will be the big loser, not Israel!
54. Brod
While there may be loans, the billions Israel gets each year from the U.S. is not a loan.
55. Giora Me'ir
Jane   (03.06.09)
You exemplify what is wrong with our people. You are the modern version of those because of whom the Temple was destroyed. You, Chomsky, Pappe, Avraham Burg, Michael Lerner - far too many of you - are the ones who have brought shame and the potential for calamity on us. Not only are you not aware of WHO may have and who may not have cast their vote in 1947, you are today unaware of the realities in our present world.
56. Oh please, #53
Cameron ,   USA   (03.06.09)
India, Taiwan, or China as "allies" to Israel? Canada? All of those "alternatives" would fall over themselves in their haste to toss the Israeli state over the cliff.
57. #47 sam you are wrong, most arbs accept israel
moreover, they are willing to pledge loyalty and allegience, although israelis think these are empty statements, and don't seem to care for it last time i heard. see posts of rami of nazareth on ynet, i just read it in the story about an arab family from shfaram demanding a gurd against arab terror during field trips in israel.
58. #s 23, 25, 30, 36 (Part 1)
Aharon   (03.07.09)
Firstly, to all of you, I'm going to clarify something: Right now, in my talkbacks, I am dealing with facts and realities on the ground, NOT with the moral dimension of this question. Now that that's clear, let's move on. ------------------------------------ To: #23 I'm not anti-Israeli or anti-Semitic, that's just pathetic. What part of my version of Zionism sounds anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli to you? The part where I fought for my country in 1973? The part where I've sent my sons to the army? The part where I want all the best for my country into the future? The ones who are anti-Israel are you, in that you refuse to engage in any form of rational debate about the issues. The "cowardly losers" are the ones who just completely refuse to deal with political realities in the world and in Israel. I have made a series of claims which are the foundation of my argument - if you disagree, show me why I am wrong. In what way is Israel a major strategic asset to the United States? ------------------------------------------------- To: #25 There's no doubt that the problem of who to make peace with is problematic. As you correctly pointed out I didn't really deal with this in my first post because that was simply about providing an American strategic perspective on the alliance with Israel, and possible repurcussions. At this stage there's no doubt things aren't looking good for the peace process, the only parter which is mutually acceptable to Israel and the US is the PA, whose President is pretty illegitimate and irrelevant at this stage. But of course that irrelevance has, in part, been caused by the fact that no progress has been made in the peace process, and would likely be overcome if he could be portrayed as having successfuly brought about the creation of a Palestinian state. I imagine there will have to be some sort of second (flimsy) unity government deal between Fatah and Hamas. It's very unfortunate, but that is all we have to work with right now - at this time at least, there is no alternative. Regarding torture, I wasn't really comparing the torture performed by the Palestinians and Arab States with that performed by Israel. It was clear to me from the beginning that they are not in the same league - I am not under any illusion that these people have no grasp of the concept of human rights. But torture by both sides remains morally repugnant in my eyes, which was really the only point I was making.
59. #s 23, 25, 30, 36 (Part 2)
Aharon   (03.07.09)
------------------------------------------------ To: #30 Regarding the allegations of torture, we can only operate based on the reports of human rights groups, as problematic as that may be. Now regarding relations with the US, it is entirely possible, and even highly likely, that Israel would survive a breakdown of relations with the US. The question is, at what cost? Who is our largest trading partner? Who is our largest supplier of arms and funds? Who is our strongest supporter in the diplomatic arena? Who guarantees our military edge over other states in the Middle East well into the future? To all of these questions the answer is the United States. The bottom line is, we should not overestimate the importance of America to Israel's survival, but at the same time, we should most certainly not underestimate it. Without America supporting us, the strategic balance in the Middle East will change completely. It's also true that the US has something of a natural affinity towards Israel, both because of the large Jewish community in the US and because of the democratic values loosely shared between us. The question is to what extent this can work as a counterbalance to US stragetic interests, particularly as the US Jewish community gradually declines (as a consequence of intermarriage) and loses its connection to Israel, which has been the trend in the past few years. It's also true that Israel is not THE source of anti-Americanism in the Middle East. Arab leaders have always been experts at manipulating their people by finding external enemies and causes - nothing illustrates the point better than their constant belligerence towards Israel and advocacy of the Palestinians, which they use(d) regularly to whip their people into a mindless frenzy and distract from domestic issues. But the question now is not about the leadership, it is about the people on the street. Arabs on the street, as a result of decades of indoctrination, care about the Palestinian question - and so when Israel launches something like operation cast lead, pro-US Arab regimes are undermined and have a more difficult time being openly identified with America. --------------------------------------------- To: #36 See my reply to #30. Yes, we can survive by ourselves and gradually we might become more and more independant economically and militarily. But at what cost?
60. The only basis for peace is UNSC Resolution 242!!! This...
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (03.07.09)
...resolution, it must be noted, does not mention the evacuation of Israel's armed forces from all territories but rather from "territories". It does not mention even once the cocepts of "Palestinians" or "Palestinian state". And it assumes clearly and explicitly that an accomodation of peaceful coexistence between Israel and its neighboring states will be based on the right of each state to exist, based on the existence of each withing "secure" boundaries, and based on negotiations. It is time Israel's critics - and a few of Israel's "friends" - read UNSC Resolution 242 and acted upon it, as is.
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