Teen killed in West Bank terror attack
Efrat Weiss
Published: 02.04.09, 14:58
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185 Talkbacks for this article
Marcella   (04.02.09)
First, my sincere condolences to the family and my wish for full recovery for the injured child. The options for the government: 1) Arrest and convict the terrorist. The PA may convince the government to have him serve his sentence in the PA, and one day he'll "escape". Or if he serves his sentence in Israel, he may become one of those freed as a "gesture" to Abbas. 2) Arrest him, convict him, and allow his mother to keep on living in the PA and siring more terrorists. 3) Arrest him, convict him, and keep on opening road blocks as ordered by the US. 4) Arrest him, convict him, carry on with the Peace Talks, and one day hand him over to the State of Palestine so he can serve his sentence there. Then he'll be freed as a hero. 5) Arrest him, convict him. Gather the entire family and relocate it to Gaza. Then gather evidence from all these years when the Peace Talks have been going on. They show that many of those terror attacks have come from either Fatah or their Al Aqsa branch. Call a press conference and announce that due to the non-stop terror or attempts at terror, due to the relentless incitement and glorification of terror on PA television and other PA media, peace talks are going to have to be reassessed because there is no Peace Partner.
62. gsea # 55
hakim ,   usa   (04.02.09)
you can pull that kind of crap on someone else. The injured boys father is in prison for what????Google it...
Reuters THE AUSTRALIAN CNN But it does appear On BBC'S site....
64. #49 Mike - Were you reading the same article?
Seth Greenberg ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (04.02.09)
Mike, either you are completely cut off from reality, you really hate Jews or both. Did you not just read that an Arab hacked up two children WITH AN AXE in their home?!!! You want to give this Arab a state of his own? This is how you justify your warped worldview? Axe murderers should get their own state and Jewish children should be hacked up IN THE NAME OF PALESTINIAN FREEDOM?!! Are you mad? If you are representative of your compatriots in Belgium, I'm not surprised that you cannot form a government. Hey, why don't you go hack up some Walloon kids in the name of Flemish freedom. Moron.
65. International Court of Justice
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (04.02.09)
This wanton and vicious attack upon two Jewish youths by an axe-wielding Palestinian terrorists warrants a lawsuit against Fatah and the Palestine Authority in the International Court of Justice in the Hague. Well -- let's play ball the way the terrorists do. Tit for tat. Since there is no statute of limitations upon murder, Israel should file complaints with the ICJ for every terror attack ever perpetrated against Jews by Arab terrorists that resulted in murder that has ever been documented. The victims -- and the loved ones left behind -- deserve that much. Punitive damages, too. Well -- why not?
66. teen killed?
m.l. ,   dt.mi.   (04.02.09)
should it not read murdered?
USA   (04.02.09)
68. #63
hakim ,   usa   (04.02.09)
When it reaches 1500, and more than half are children and woman, then maybe they will think about it. Until then forget about it....
69. #s 46 & 57 - nero, naro, whatever..
"....the right to defend his territory just as Israel does. " Does this mean you are confused as to whom your loyalty lies with, or you're just confused in general (as your TBs reflect)? Too funny, you must be from the backhills, not NY city. Cretin.
70. #64 answer to all Seth Greenbergs of this world
levinas ,   Bruxelles   (04.02.09)
You might be right Seth just by being wrong. In fact I personally still wonder why the heck didn't Flamish still put the Walloons in a Gaza-type-getto-bantustan with the checkpoints on every corner... it might be the reason for Walloons to chop some Flemish children.. then again we would have a reason to destroy some of their houses, throw white fosforus on them, kille their woman and children in the name of big flemish kind of "Zionism"!!! If you still don't can't tell the difference between the civilised world and Israel, there you have your lesson learned. And as we speak about not having the government: Sometimes it is better not to have one, then to have russian born fascist like Liberman in it
71. To: Nero at No. 46
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (04.02.09)
The two youths were in territory acquired by Israel from Jordan in the course of fighting a defensive war in June 1967 (you will recall that Jordan attacked Israel, not the other way around). Under the Second and Third Hague Conventions, such territorial acquisitions made in the course of prosecuting a defensive war are fully legal acquisitions, and may but need not be returned, in the victor's (Israel's) option. For example, you will note that the United States did not return Okinawa to the Japanese until the 1970s. Japan attacked the U.S.; the United States defeated Japan. Similarly, Poland has never returned East Prussia to Germany -- Germany invaded Poland in September 1939; Germany was ultimately defeated. Neither have the Poles returned the Polish Corridor (Gdansk, Gdynia, Sczeczin) to Germany. For that matter, France has not restored Alsace and Lorraine to Germany. There are tons more examples; these are but a few. Educate yourself a little before making grandiose and incorrect statements. That way, you won't come across and stupid and uninformed.
72. To: Kev at No. 14
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (04.02.09)
Kev, Israel does have capital punishment, but for two crimes only: Nazi war crimes and treason. Were Israel to make terrorism a capital crime, the hangman would be the busiest man in all Israel. Not a half bad idea, though. It's not like anyone normal would miss terrorist scum.
73. Since when has land theft been punishable by death?
adam eliyahu ,   bat ayin   (04.02.09)
All those TB's that blame the settlers: Even if the Palestinian claim were valid, does it justify random murder? If someone came and occupied your house in the middle of the night, would law or morality permit you to put an axe in his young child's head?
74. the beginning?
will ,   dallas tx usa   (04.02.09)
Where HAVE you been? This has been happening (most recent flare up) since at least 1939 and honestly long before that. Centuries before! This is a continuation of a long standing practice of terror and murder against the Jewish population. It is shameful that this has been allowed to go on at all and it must be stopped. These are quickly becoming desperate times. We cannot just lie down and take this as has happened for way too long.You must allow an organized method of response including an authoritative chain of command, but you must also accept the responsibility of your own defense. Flood the Knesset with you and your friends, loudly proclaim the need for this to stop. Let all this be known in the newspapers world wide so that the anti-sympathizers have no one to hear their wicked voice. Strike with truth and the conviction only Ha-Shem can give and push back these murderous rabid dogs to the wall of destruction. Don't whine that others need to protect you. Go to the leadership yourself, with signatures, with as many people as you can get, make a loud statement demanding justice and a solution NOW. Please don't go crazy and put yourself in the same category as these cowardly devils, but use all your intelligence, strength, and determination to bring about change to this horrible horrible situation. I am thousands of miles away true, but I do everything I can. So should you.
75. cry me a river
Nelson ,   Houston, TX   (04.02.09)
Jewish settlements built on occupied Palestinian land are illegal under international law. You reap what you sow. Differentiate between terrorism and liberation.
76. To settler communities in the West Bank:
Most WB settlers are ideological and dedicated to stay in the west Bank. But ,why take your child to that area? While you are living on a land of someone else, you know you are stealing someone's property and you have your state backing no matter how illegal is that. But, you also know that a thief would always be confronted in many different ways, so why do you force your child to commit the same crime as you by taking your child to WB with you.
77. #12 Keren: What you are proposing sounds like something
usa   (04.02.09)
Goering would admire. Sick.
78. Murdered Child.
John ,   UK   (04.02.09)
Cruel ,disgusting to kill any child jew or arab.
79. They made their choices!!!!
Yoav ,   Tel Aviv   (04.02.09)
They chosed to live in west bank...they're still dreaming...they still believe in our childish book...they are fanatics, barbarians, brain washed, and they cost Israel so much...actually we lost our morals, our humanity, our true religion to those crazy ones. I am happy that they don't live in my back yard...the hell with all of them...
Ilana   (04.02.09)
but NOTHING anyone says can justify the cold blooded murder of an innocent child and the attenpted murder of a 7 year old boy. Planned out, directed and conducted against children and it still does not sicjen you? Even if your arguments are correct (which I totally don't agree with) but even if, it is ok to use an axe and chop up kids? If you are not against this, you are immoral , the devil and no religion on earth can justify such an action. You must belong to a devil cult of evil.
81. Thank land belong to Hashem.
Ann ,   Spain.   (04.02.09)
Every inch belongs to the Jewish people. Read your bible.
82. #75 when the mexicans come for you i'll cry too: not!!!!!!!!
83. #38 arabs wondered to palestine & had no ownership of land
who r palestinians   (04.02.09)
84. #53 To the BIG MOUTH ...DR, Florida
We did not hear you roaring and barking or condemning the Israelis when they killed more than 500 Palestinian children in Gaza !!! SHAME ON YOU .
85. #70 levinas , Bruxelles EXCELLENT .
God bless you.
86. #64 I hope you learned your lesson from #70
you thought you are very smart ha ?!! loooooool
87. brutal axe murder
carolne ,   capetown   (04.02.09)
to the australian . note well YOU ARE A NATION OF WANKERS. go hunt the abo's you little nobody. we jews have been on the defence since before 1948 , we are not the axe murder has no defence except to be commited lunatic.
88. To: Nelson at No. 75
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (04.02.09)
See post no. 71 with respect to the alleged "illegality" of Israel's territorial acquisition and settlements. Amazing how people post, post, post their assertions without bothering to check the facts.
89. to Seth #64
will ,   dallas tx usa   (04.02.09)
Seth there is nothing you can do for a Nazi. The only thing you can do is prepare to defend yourself from his obscene attack and it will come. They hate anyone who doesn't look, talk, or walk just like them. The funny thing is they are all such angry mongrels. This cold blooded murder of a child at the hands of a crazed Palestinian is indicative of the Palestinian people. The response of so many ignorant people who claim this is or ever was Palestinian land is almost as bad. The person who blames the Jew for faith in the Torah and Ha-Shem should be ashamed and quiet. Make a loud noise in newspapers, television, radio, coffee shops, blogs, twitters... whatever there is. Keep a constant barrage of information aimed at the ignorant and uncaring so that when a decision is made they will find acceptance and justification. It works for the Palestinian and terrorist groups like Hamas... and they lie. We have truth on our side. Stop taking the side of the guilty defender and take the offensive. Be strong, be honorable, be true. Let Ha-Shem go before you and you will be invincible.
90. He was 16, still just as wrong... #31
will ,   dallas tx usa   (04.02.09)
The young man was 16 Adam. His age doesn't make the tragedy any less but he was a 16 yr old boy. I think the time has come for a concentrated all out war against the Palestinian people. I think they all should be chased back in to the lands of their Arab brothers, even though their Arab brothers don't want them. I really hate to say this, but the time has come for some real solution and talking with a rabid dog won't stop you from getting bitten. These tragedies keep happening over and over again. The restraint of the Israeli Government has not helped. The world's peace process has only strengthened the terror organizations and emboldened them. We have to act. Let this outcry rage on.
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