PA’s fallacious premises
Arlene Kushner
Published: 20.04.09, 12:06
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27 Talkbacks for this article
1. Great article - next is to look at Israeli refugees
Eric ,   Tel Aviv   (04.20.09)
It is well past time to look at all the assumptions behind the proposed peace. Unlike the Arabs who told their brothers in Palestine to flee prior to the war in 1948 - thus creating the only group to ever inherit the status of refugee (ever), the Jews in the Arab lands were expelled by those same Arabs. As these Arab countries created not one but 2 "refugee" people and it is these same ones who are calling for a "just solution" for the "refugees" they should be the ones to pay. Now is the time to start stating claims against the Arab countries and to start bringing to the world's attention the fact that Arabs are the Palestinian's worse enemies.
2. how long until the "demands" will stop?
tiki   (04.20.09)
as long as Israel doesn't stop carving in to the wishes of the rest of the world and starts behaving as a "real independed nation" even if it comes with a price tag!
3. excellent
Ilana   (04.20.09)
It is so incredibly annoying that the largemajority of the world, including the Arabs, just do not know the history-the youngergeneration of arabs, along withmost of the world have been brainwashed by the propoganda. No country will ever be successful if it is made of falsities. The Palestinian name itself is crazy. What is Palestinian? They would not know the true answer! They do not want to know.
4. 67 borders
alexi   (04.20.09)
Abbas and hamas: israel is not returning to 67 armistice lines. Some of the west bank belongs to israel and will be soon incorporated into israel officially. Some arabs will be deported to the west bank. The moslem brotherhood are going to be destroyed and contrary to ginsberg's idea that you cannot kill an idea, bortherhood will be dispatched. Zohar and haniyeh will also be going to allah. As for obama, your strategy to change the atmosphere is okay provided you keep your sword ready. Otherwise you turn into the pacifist jimmy carter who helped bring to birth the terror of the ayatollahs who brought the whole sucicide bombings and radical islam theology to the world.Not ony that, but in the rescue attempt by the US to get their hostages back and in which amadinejad was involved, the nuclear technician carter was so dumb that he didn't provide duplicate helicopters for backup. When a few of the helicopters went down, there were insufficient to fulfill the mission. the cowards carter and brzezinskin cried on tv instead of reconfiguring the mission. Also, Israel is not going to commit suicide even if God orders it.
5. Arlene you make so much sense, how come they let you speak??
m   (04.20.09)
Probably as an odity. I wonder who is going to come after and distort her words, or at least accuse her as a colonialist, capitalist warmonger who wants apartheid to continue.
6. West believes it's fair there should be Jewish +Pal states
Sam ,   Canada   (04.20.09)
Neither Jews nor Palestinians will be successful in convincing the West that the other should not exist as a country. The West believes it's only fair that there should be both. There is no Palestinian state because the Palestinians can't accept that there shall be a Jewish one. Even if they would, they are unwilling to compromise on other issues. In the end, what counts is Israeli might and to a lesser extent Western support for Israel as a Jewish state. Palestinian propaganda and terrorism have little effect.
7. About time someone said this. Thanks.
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (04.20.09)
8. Since the 1967 borders aren't permanent...
Terry ,   Chicago, IL   (04.20.09)
then why should we assume that there is any permanence in the Jewish presence at all in the region? I mean... Israel's 'borders' are just as arbitrary as its 'right to exist'- which it doesn't, by the way. No people can carve a country out of a sovereign state based on delusional premises of divine entitlement. But then again, this philosophy of guilt that governs every nation's relationship with Israel is always there to haunt us.
9. In negotiations? I thought HaShem set the border for Israel
BR ,   Israel   (04.20.09)
Is Arlene another "practical" secular like Bibi? G-d help us.
10. Now this a good article
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (04.20.09)
How about the fact that the Arabs have no claim to any of the land west of the Jordan as well.
11. excellent
Golan ,   SL   (04.20.09)
thank God for you
12. Spin your webs of justification
Giora Me'ir ,   USA   (04.20.09)
The border between 1949 and 1967 was the border. To claim it wasn't, is to avoid reality. That it may have been de facto rather than de jure (even that is debatable), doesn't make it any less of a border. Which makes it the basis for a settlement. Then you raise the red herring of the west bank being "Judenrein." Conveniently skipping over the fact that settling occupied territory is a violation of international law. If you want one secular democratic state where Jews are free to live in the west bank, I agree with you. Barring that, your claim of "Judenrein" is simply an attempt to justify illegal behavior.
13. How dare you Arlene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dabosshog   (04.20.09)
How dare you use logic and histroical fact. Let alone deductive reasoning. What kind of people do you think we are? You think you can write facts that are undenialble and we too just accept it. What about perception. I can't believe you would even think that fact should replace perception without facts. Wow it is a new day. i fear that the facts and truth just might prevail. how chilling
14. #8 You're wrong!
Aaron ,   SF, USA   (04.20.09)
"No people can carve a country out of a sovereign state based on delusional premises of divine entitlement. " It was not carved out of Divine Entitlement! It was carved out of legal world Documents: The Balfour declaration, League of Nations, and UN Resolution 181. Likewise, what sovereign state existed in the place where Israel is right now? It was not a place we know as Palestine actually. It was a combination of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria which later became the British Mandate of Palestine. Israel became a sovereign state out of only 23% of this mandate. Arabs got all of Jordan. Also, isn't every country's borders made out of war? Do you believe that America belongs to the Native Americans? Then you too should believe that Israel belongs to the Jews since an irrefutable amount of archeological evidence proves we are the indigenous population.
15. "Peace" process false premises
Frank ,   Canada   (04.20.09)
The so-called peace process had no chance of success. It was based on the false premise that Arabs are interested in living at peace with Israel and that it is possible to overcome their rejection of Israel. The secund false premise is that foreign countries and foreign organizations will not try to derail the process.
16. An excellent article which I downloaded and will keep.
redbourn ,   tel aviv   (04.20.09)
If anybody wants a short link to this article it's .. http://tiny.cc/somefacts Mike
17. #12 - please read #14 ..
redbourn ,   tel aviv   (04.20.09)
18. #14 Balfor and UN 181 - GREAT
Ibrahim ,   Jerusalem   (04.21.09)
So the legitimacy of the Israel is given by Balfor promise and UN 181 resolution, Balfor promised to establish a state for Jews in Palestine, wow, did he own that land? He was the oppressor colonizer of the Palestine- to give something that you don't have to someone who doesn't deserve; this is Israel with Balfor promise. UN 181 is a resolution that recognized Israel with all bribes you gave to Soviet union and US, but you forgot that it was conditional, it guarantees the return of Palestinian refugees who were forced to leave their homes, and last point, Israel was recognized in 181 resolution when West Bank including Jerusalem and Gaza were not occupied, No country in the world including US recognized the occupation of the West bank, Jerusalem and Gaza..
19. Beautiful. No let's go and educate the rest of the World.
leo ,   USA   (04.21.09)
20. i can not swallow it
rony ,   jerusalem   (04.21.09)
so if israil is not strong have no support to be a state for jews the people will divorce the judism . i can not swallow it religion is not on land it is in hearts ..sure iam not jew but i know that religion need no lands but hearts but people to live need lands and homes and food and security .i think there is a missed link in jew history it is between the religion and life .god said this life is done to evry one asked it but god judge the doing if it is good or not at the end
21. #18 sounds like arabs bribed the UN
israeli   (04.21.09)
that's why they changed their minds since balfour declaration, ABOUT ALL OF PALESTINE BEING A HOMELAND OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE. in 1917 palestine included jordan. 1947 -1948 resolutions state jerusalem should be under international regime, when south of jerusalem included bethlehem, as a part of jerusalem. but that was 60 years ago. how long can UN supervise a capital of a country? israeli capital under israel and jordan, changed to israeli capital, when east jerusalem was won in a war with jordan . besides, why should the arab nation have jerusalem? (i'm not even talking about the new born palestinian nation, making claims on 3000 year old city) the jews created it, and the jews were a majority in the city since mid 19th century.
22. #18 you dont know what you talk about
israeli   (04.21.09)
resolution 181 was in 1947 there are arab refugees since 1948. how could it have adressed a problem before it happened? arab imagination about bribes from the jews that were left in 1947, as over a half of entire jewish population was killed , is really too much. in what way were the ottomans different to the english? the land was conquered by europeans, but it didn't belong to the local arabs who migrated into palestine, but to the ottomans. so yes, the english were ruling over the people in the land, moslems jews chrishtians . the english gave you your name, since the ottomans didn't use the name palestine during their 400 years in power, and arab people were shifting from place to place in the empire in serach of better pastures . the only city arabs created was ramla, you're entitled to ramla, no more.
23. A great and long overdue article !
trumpeldor ,   eurabia   (04.21.09)
By the way,G G.FORBID, IF a second "palestinian "state had to be created (1st being jordan) and would get rid of Jews,the remaining tiny jewish microstate would be entitled to reciprocate ?????!!!!!
24. Legality
Giora Me'ir ,   USA   (04.21.09)
I find it amusing that many on here, despite the fact that Israel has violated just about every UN resolution since 1967, resort to legalisms in defense of the illegal settlement policy.
25. # 24
BEN ,   Monroe USA   (04.22.09)
Legality... The basic illegality occurred the same day Israel accepted the mandate of the UN to be an independent state. Yes, on that day, the arab entities attacked her. Perhaps in your warped mentality, this was a legal action. Since then, everything and anything Israel does to protect herself and her citizenry becomes an illegal action in the view of the arab world and it's adherants. Strangely, I note reading history books where each nation has settled land taken from previous peoples for it's own use. The arab entities are prime users of this policy to this very day. Again, it is OK for them, but ILLEGAL for all others; especially Israel.
26. it seems obvious some people do not know their history
soopermouse ,   Leicester, UK   (04.23.09)
terry at No 8 is obviously one of them "No people can carve a country out of a sovereign state based on delusional premises of divine entitlement. " Which sovereign state is that, terry? Enlighten us. "But then again, this philosophy of guilt that governs every nation's relationship with Israel is always there to haunt us. " If you don't liek the guilt, don't be an accomplice to evil. Simple and effective
27. #8-What in blazes are you doing in Chicago?
Ypip ,   Canada   (04.25.09)
Must you always win...eh!?
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