Time for Arabs to face truth
Guy Bechor
Published: 25.04.09, 15:51
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46 Talkbacks for this article
1. Normailiztion with the Palestinians
Matthew Chazan ,   Austin, USA   (04.25.09)
This is a great idea. There is no reason why Israel should accept any Arab proposals of peace without recognition of Israel as a Jewish state. A state that was created by the United Nations as a Jewish state. Not just for all people escaping the horrors of WWII. Why shouldn't this be a quid pro quo for the Palestinians and the Arab nations in the Middle East. Of course radical Islam will never accept a Jewish Israel so for now Israel will have to strive for Israel as a Jewish state in a two state solution. The Arabs will have to make bold decisions.
2. Back to front as always.
Cynthia   (04.25.09)
Palestinians accepted the existence of Israel long ago. Whether or not they accept it as a "Jewish State" is a different issue from the immediate political one. They accept its physical and geographical existence. Israelis creeps further away everyday from any recognition of the right of Palestine to exist and frequenmtly deny the existence of the Palestinians themselves.. This is an Israeli problem. It is your own mirror that has the problems, Guy.
3. Arab introspection?
Cameron ,   USA   (04.25.09)
The 21st century strikes!
4. #2 Cynthia - Lack of Comprehension
Sanders ,   Florida   (04.25.09)
The inability to accept Israel as a Jewish state, with the implied Palestinian "right of return", equals non-recognition. The Palestinians and other Arabs must accept the "Jewish state" rubric as step #1 to any resolution of the dispute. Whether Jordan (60% Palestinian in an apartheid Hashemite state) is the true Palestinian state can be debated further.
5. Dhimmis do not deserve a state
Raphael ,   Netanya   (04.25.09)
The "french" green senator Halima Boumediene, while visiting Israel, asked "Why do the Jews need a state?", forgetting that her own birth country, like 21 other Arab League members, deported their jewish fellow inhabitants, stripping them legally from their citizenship, and eventually of their properties, so that they had no other choice than resettle in Israel. So our arab cousins deny us both the right of living among themselves, and in our own country. Who do they think they are? Masters of the world?
6. The issue is SEPARATION not recognition
Leon ,   Los Angeles, USA   (04.25.09)
Jews and Palis hate each other. To ensure real peace they must be separated into two states - one for each nation. Israeli arabs don't want to live in a jewish state and its understandible - there is too much hate. Transfer jewish settlers with the land that they live on to Israel and arab israelis to palestinian authority.
7. #5-Tell Halima its bcos Arabs inFrance dont allow Jews peace
Alan ,   SA   (04.25.09)
8. What are the chances of peace?
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (04.25.09)
There will not be peace with the Arabs living west of the Jordan because the Arab leaders in the Middle-East are afraid of peace. We should understand why the leaders in the Arab world do not want peace with Israel. Peace and closer relations with Israel means democracy in the Arab countries, improvement of individual freedom for all, freedom of choice as to religion and education in other words the end of the dictatorship, the end of tyranny in the Arab countries first, and then, in the Muslim countries. Can the Saudi King Abdullah accept this ? can Basher al-Assad accept this ? can Mubarak accept this ? can all the petty tyrants of the Arabic Peninsula accept this, or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ? …so let’s be realistic: can peace, indeed, be more than just a dream ? Peace with Israel means, also, the abandondment of Jihad, the abandondment of the conquest of the world by Islam. In order to understand what that means consult : http://xrl.us/bi7kq
9. A real chance for peace.
Robert Bernier ,   Tel Aviv   (04.25.09)
If the Palestinians were to put down their weapons, there would be no more violence. If Israel were to put down its weapons, there would be no more Israel. Israel has refrained from responding to many acts of Palestinian terror and violence, but this just emboldened the Palestinians to escalate their violence, not stop it. When the Palestinians reform their death-cult society, turn away from anti-American, anti-Jewish extremism and toward pluralism, tolerance, and co-existence, only then will there be a real chance for peace. But that can happen only if the West support Law, real humanism and the truth. What are the chances? http://xrl.us/beifn3
10. This is Fairly Accurate
Pal Pal ,   The M E   (04.25.09)
A quote from your Minister: Addressing the negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, the minister said a comprehensive peace agreement cannot be based on "two states for one nation." "They are calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state for the Palestinian people, but the other side is not willing to accept a Jewish state for the Jewish people," he told the forum. "The goal is to secure our existence and preserve the safety of the population; history has given us a gift – the State of Israel – and we must secure its existence," Peled said. Probably a crux of a situation that will never be solved. Like 2 naughty children..................................
11. time for arabs
Zeev Rudberg ,   Kiriat-Ono Israel   (04.25.09)
The Time has come to see the arab countries as strongly racist themselves. they do not allow other religions and suppress all foreign influence as racist.As long as this goesmon there is no possibility of real dialogue As long as jewish is racist,extreme islam is double so.When arab(isslam) racism will cease so will the ongoing struggle.
12. And its about time for Israel
Samer ,   Amman, Jordan   (04.25.09)
...to stop supporting dictators in Arab world (Jordan, Egypt, Saudi) through the pro-Israel lobby worldwide. There will be no dividends of peace with such corrupt systems. Simple!
13. Don't need to face reality
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (04.26.09)
Over the years of the conflict, the Arabs have learned they don't need to accept Israel's existence. They will maintain their stance. Either Netanyahu will fold, like Sharon, and surrender to every Arab demand, or eventually a new Olmert will be elected and surrender to every Arab demand. Peace will only happen when Jewish Right-wingers like Netanyahu stay right-wing.
14. #12
you are so stupid! it is the usa and europe who support these arab regimes in the region, not israel! vivienne, beirut, lebanon
15. Mirrors work when you can STAND in front of them
Jerrold Cohen ,   Seal Beach, USA   (04.26.09)
But when the Jews of Israel, with infinitely superior armed force, continue to blow up your homes and take your land, the mirror keeps moving into your face, and when you think Israel is THIS, it has already expanded into THAT. The two-state solution is a total joke, and the people who have turned it into a joke are the Jews of Israel. Given that the US slaps Israel's wrist with wet tissue paper from time to time, the two-state solution is a total impossibility.
Micah ,   Haifa, Israel   (04.25.09)
This article gets to the absolute ROOT of this long-standing conflict. I'm against settlements, but they are definitely not the ROOT of the problem...there were no settlements before the 70's and 80's and the Arab League still issued the famous 3 no's: No recognition, no peace, no negotiations. The problem can't be the occupation, because before 1967 there was no occupation and I don't recall there being peace. The refugees? Before 5 Arab states launched their genocidal attack on the nascent Jewish state there was not ONE Palestinian refugee! Unfair partition? Partition in principle was always REJECTED by the Arabs, and no counter offers were EVER made. Therefore, the ROOT of the problem lies in the absolute unwillingness on the part of the Arab people to accept ANY form of Jewish sovereignty and national self-determination on land that Muslims once conquered! They have NO interest or understanding of Jews' connection to the land or our history of oppression. That is THEIR problem, not ours. We're getting along just fine, and we will last another 4000 years with or without their acceptance.
17. The Mirror Effect
Marcelo ,   World, World   (04.26.09)
If a person with low self esteem looks in the mirror, he/she either wants to break the mirror, in order to get rid of his//her self image, or get rid of him/herself by wearing suicide belts. Does it remind you of something that is happening in the Middle East? Let's distribute mirrors to arab dictatorships. What about telling islamofascists that Israel is not a mirror, instead, is a true reality?
18. Time to ask this question: What do Arabs mean by "Peace"
Marcella   (04.26.09)
Will it mean arming themselves for the next war? And who's going to stop them, if they are a sovereign country? Will it mean never ending harassment across the border? What if Jerusalem is divided? Will Jews be safe to walk their children to school without having to fear snipers? Israel was recognized by the League of Nations and given back some of its land. Then the British carved out a big chunk of that Jewish land to create Jordan. And now they are now coming back for more land to give to the Arabs. Israel should not have to pay the price that unscrupulous Europeans and Americans are demanding for "recognition by the Arabs". Excuse me???? Does anybody understand the deeply insulting tone of such a demand? To say such a thing to an ancient people, the Jews of the Bible.... that unless they part with their land they won't be "recognized"? Please, Israelis, stop this process before it's too late. You have been recognized by G-d a very long time ago. And in the 20th century, after thousands of years of exile, you returned to your land. Do not be manipulated by foreign governments into surrendering any more of your heritage. If the Arabs don't want to "recognize" you, too bad. They'll just have to get used to the idea that you're there to stay.
19. if you are hungry
palastinian ,   jerusalem   (04.26.09)
eat your cake ... iam not .hahaha .. why you do not aske the sadat to taste your cake hahaha and aske mubarak who is your friend to eat it but how many araby want the jewish state .. it is a religion .not more ..religion is the food for the soul .and not for children .or people or the land or the peace or the war .. arafat know this better than abass .he was killed .he was ready for any thing but not for evry thing but abou mazen fall and fail and now aske the support from whome ... it is your people the support ....
20. #19
Alison Yadan ,   tel aviv   (04.26.09)
Huh? Didn't understand a single word! Try learning English before you spout crap!
21. Israel a jewish state
Y.R.Barishak ,   Ramat Gan Israel   (04.26.09)
For 2000 years jewish people dreamed of going back to Jerusalem, the capital of their state, much older than any arab state. Now they came back to their state as jewish citizens in their JEWISH STATE, ISRAEL . The Arabs of the region must understand this point. There are palestinian arabs who came to palestine following the jewish people;they are entitled also to an ARAB PALESTINIAN STATE . That is all.
22. #15
Alison Yadan ,   tel aviv   (04.26.09)
Change your name to Nasrallah! It suits you more. You should be ashamed of yourself. You understand absolutely NOTHING!
23. to #19 yes mom
ghostq   (04.26.09)
I will finish from the plate, promise and religion has nothing to do with the conflict it's about land, and Arrafat apointed Abbas to the gov without cakes and without hot chocolate syrup on top, he didn't left any Legacy behind, much like the late Itzhak Rabin it was a vision of nothing, the honeymoon is over, and the wedding cake got sour.
24. to Alison #20
David ,   Tel Aviv   (04.26.09)
My friend. He (#19) understand it all, perhaps WE don't understand that they don't want peace at all. Read his word, as #12 they're not agree only with Israel they even against those to want or have peace with us. This article its nothing more than just beautiful and hopeful words. They don't want us but We prevail them, as simple as that
25. US is to blame and obama only makes it worse
26. Time for you to face truth
Jalal ,   Gaza   (04.26.09)
this is my fathers land and i have papers u like it or not .. but this will not end until i have my legacy back
27. #19 amazing U live in jerusalem yet know nothing of the jews
re:pitifull   (04.26.09)
28. to #26 witch father?
gsea   (04.26.09)
your imidiat father or the father of both palestinians and Israelies (aka shem).
29. #26
jb ,   Canada   (04.26.09)
That's great Jalal! Take your papers to Egypt and see how far you get. BTW I've got a paper too. It says I own the Brooklyn Bridge. I bought it from some merchant in Gaza, only $24.00. I think his name was...oh yeah, Jalal.
30. #26 invite u to check out : RAMLA, the only city arabs build
your legacy? huh! since ottomans didn't give arabs of palestine land ownership papers & during the mandate there was an immigration of arabs and not only jews, your papers are no proof this is the land of your fathers. and even if you go back centuries, which very few arabs do, and very few jews do too, then your great great great grandfather lived in a place that jews built if i say people buy, sell, tell stories & print certificates where it's cheep to print (like gaza), then i think it shall explain all. so your father bought it it doesn't make this land belong to your arab father, search for your legacy in arabia, or another arab land, wherever it is arabs come from (there's 22 moslem countries).
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