Abbas won't recognize Israel as a Jewish state
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Published: 27.04.09, 14:44
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93 Talkbacks for this article
61. Obama will realize what a filthy liar this man is in no time
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (04.27.09)
Abas is a moron....and this bullshit is all the ammo we need. F...the palestinians as long as they keep talking this filth. You can't hide your agenda but so long in real negotiations. They are going to collapse like a house of cards at the table with their maximalist bullshit.
62. There's a surprise
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (04.27.09)
Hasn't figured out that the world will NOT fix sixty years of Palestinian terror, six wars and really bad choices. What a clown. Doesn't he realize that Israel calls all the shots here? Guess not. The Palestinians are incapable of self-government. You want another Somalia in the region? I sure don't. No normal person would.
63. I won't recognize 'Palestine'
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (04.27.09)
You will not steal our land for another country. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. You want, means you must give.
64. Dont worry, the Jews will oblige as they always
Frank ,   USA   (04.27.09)
question themselves and worry about the enenies who want them dead. In addition, the leftist Jews of Israel, the Beilinists, want to destroy the Jewish state.
65. Just incorporate the west bank into Israel and be one big
Mahdi ,   Jeddah   (04.27.09)
lovely country. Otherwise this mess will never end. Keep hoping Palestinians would one day move out, but sadly for you it seems like that will never ever happen. Look at the reality on the ground and quit your fanaticism and think rationally. Dont let those who already left to come back, because the did forsake their land. You would still be the majority. Palestinians who oppose to live under a Jewish majority government are sent to Jordan, while Jews who oppose incorporating the west bank into Israel can go back to Poland. Very simple plan my habibis. All figured out by yours truly! kind regards and best wishes from Jeddah.
66. modification to my amazing peace plan
Mahdi ,   Jeddah   (04.27.09)
When incorporating the west bank, right wing Jews who never want to deal with Arabs at all can live in Jews-only towns, or in current settlements in the west bank. The same goes for Palestinians, they can live in Arab-only towns if they choose not to mix with Jews. Moderates from both sides can live in more tolerant cities like Haifa or Tel Aviv.
67. Tell the Arab Abbas to take a Hike!
68. #65 Poland, Mahdi? We haven't had Polish Jews around here
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (04.28.09)
since around, oh... 1950 or so? Give or take. So just how many 70 and 80 year-olds do you plan to "ship out" to the great outdoors? It seems that our "fanaticism" is forever being judged by bigots and racists. As for thinking rationally... have you looked around the Middle-East and nearby Africa lately? When you put several nationalities under the same "roof", they fight, and generally massacre each other - see Lebanon for a few decades' worth of it. The Palestinians are staunchly opposed to abandoning the refugees in other Arab countries - as are all other Arab countries, having little to no interest in incorporating the Palestinian refugees into their countries. Arab hospitality only goes as far as Arab politics - and Arab regional politics win out on that one. Now, Israel isn't very interested in forced expulsion, bi-national "coexistence", or peace agreements that only exist on paper. And Jordan doesn't want *more* Palestinians - they have a rather stable country and have no standing interest in making it otherwise.
69. #65Mahdi-Israel is 75% Jewish+ Jews want to keep it that way
Sam ,   Canada   (04.28.09)
Israel won't annex the West Bank because it doesn't want to give the vote to millions of Palestinians and thereby change the culture. Those people who say that Israel should therefore go make peace with Palestinians through a 2 state solution don't understand that Israel will not agree to anything. It must be an acceptable solution as to its security,demography and religious sites. There is no agreement because their has been no acceptable agreement. Resolving the situation is not so easy as some would have it.
70. #65 Mahdi
nate ,   canada   (04.28.09)
I don't agree with your ideas but I appreciate the effort :) Also, stop taking cheap shots saying that the Jews are from Europe. 30% of israelis are natural tzabarim in 1948, plus the hundreds of thousands expelled from Arab countries (sadly very few from Saudi Arabia methinks) :P
71. #5 - Thanks: ABBAS a Leader in Black September, Munich 1973!
Alastair ,   Australia   (04.28.09)
Yes, he was the KEY Financier - the Western World may be ignorant of His role but Israeli's are not!! Abbas should have been one of "Operation Wrath of G-d"'s Prime Targets for his planning and financing the Massacre of Israeli athlete's in front of the World at Munich! There will NEVER be peace - it is impossible to negotiate with Islam - their "negotiations" are based on Muhammed's teaching to Lie and Deceive and then strike back!! Ishmael - the Arabs would be like Wild Donkeys!!
72. Right! Israel is not Jewish, but Israel had a son
Maria ,   MD   (04.28.09)
named Judah. Make room for the 10 lost Tribes of Israel,they're coming back soon to their ancestral homeland.Israeli Arabs/Palestinian Arabs[the same people] get out now if you don't want to recognize Israel as Jewish State!
73. Mahdi with little education...nice try!
Maria ,   MD   (04.28.09)
The Jews or Hebrews were exiled,what do you expect? They ran for their lives because they value lives. They left their ancestral homeland, that doesn't mean,they didn't own it anymore.The Arabs lied to the Palestinians,they told them that they own Israel because King Abdullah[the grandfather] wanted the whole Jordan,Syria,Lebanon,Iraq,Saudi Arabia for themselves,that's why they told these modern Palestinians[half - breed Arabs ]that they owned Israel.
74. Well that's good news
Ypip ,   Canada   (04.28.09)
and here I thought he lost a ball bearing.
75. Your "acceptance" is not required ......
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (04.28.09)
"A Jewish state, what is that supposed to mean?" Abbas asked in a speech in the West Bank's political capital of Ramallah. "You can call yourselves as you like, but I don't accept it and I say so publicly." Well, well. Another stupid terrorist precinct heard from. Guess what? Israel is a Jewish state and it is here to stay. If you don't like it, you should probably leave. Don't let the door slam you in the butt on your way out.
76. not a Jweish state
Art schwartz ,   IRVINE, CA.   (04.28.09)
This is the moderate we are suppopsed to reconcile with---Let us not forget his mentor and hero was yassir arafat.
77. I don't accept 'Palestine' as a Muslim state! So there!
David ,   Hartford USA   (04.28.09)
Mr. Abbas, the 'PhD' in holocaust denial, the planner of Munich, is simply Arafat in a nicer suit. He's a liar of the highest order and cannot be trusted to do anything that might actually bring peace to the region because he's in bed with Hamas and Hizbollah, no matter what he says to the contrary. No two-state solution will ever succeed if Abbas has anything to do with it. Maybe deal with Abbas's son, the millionaire!
78. For the FIRST time, Abbas is showing he's got balls!!!
Hammood ,   Gaza, Palestine   (04.28.09)
About time Mr. President
79. abbas
sas ,   israel   (04.28.09)
he's nuts and not facing reality.
80. I Dont Accept A Palestinian State!
Yaron ,   Israel   (04.28.09)
GOOD PLAN   (04.28.09)
82. To 65#
Avraham ,   Israel   (04.28.09)
You see I dont care like you say if the west bank 'stays' or not, really I dont care. We already have a country with freedom, see? So its them that should care about themselves, because if they dont, no one will. So they can keep throwing slogans as if it bugs me. Do recognize, don't recognize, I really dont care, they dont do me a favour, they shoud make their children a favour if they want better future for them, in the meanwhile they play games, dont agree to any offer that does not fit theirs 100%, but if they want to sick up with this attitude, who am I to tell them no? As I said, they dont do a favour to anybody, its them who are in a position of demanding, not me. Peace and Good Bye
83. And Olmert Wanted To Partner With This Guy ?
Dan ,   USA   (04.28.09)
Allah ,   Mecca   (04.28.09)
....HAVE HAPPENED IN THE PAST IN RESPECT TO THE VICTORIOUS NATIONS OF THE WAR. P.S. Jerusalem is Jewish as much as Mecca is Islamic.
85. #65 - Mahdi, Most Israeli Jews came from...
Joe ,   Ramat Gan   (04.28.09)
... Muslim countries. 60-70%, in fact. Many of them didn't really leave of their own free will, like my parents, who were forced to flee Aleppo during the 1947 riots, and like my wife's grandparents, who both survived the Farhud in Baghdad. Speaking of Syrians in Palestine, however, most of the modern-day "Palestinians" are actually descended from Syrians who illegally immigrated here during the years of the French and British Mandates. Why is there all this talk about Jews going back to their country of origin (which is actually Palestine, because Palestine is nothing more than occupied Judea), but nobody ever talks about sending the Syrians back to Syria so they can stop occupying our Qibla? Should we build a big synagogue over the Ka'aba in Mecca so you know what it feels like to be a Dhimmi in your own country?
86. To Lior #19 - Learn how to read first, then talkback
Ilan ,   Tel Aviv/ L.A.   (04.28.09)
"Netanyahu has demanded that Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state as part of an eventual peace deal. Such a move would amount to an effective renunciation of the right of return of refugees from the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, when Israel was created, one of the most cherished and visceral principles to the Palestinians." It means that once the arab leadership declares it recognize Israel as a Jewish state, then it will decrease the chances for the "right of return what will destroy Israel. Kapish???
87. to Roman 60st
ale ,   Italia   (04.28.09)
you close arguments with two states solution. ok. we suppose that tomorrow in west bank ll rise a arab nations like a "muslim nation" with sharia law..... your opinion roman: are jewish in west bank (settlers from middle ages) in danger? if answers is yes, of course..... we can suppose that with a jewish nation with torah law...."others", "arabs", "goim"...all are in danger in israel too. best regards
88. #87 Again, you are making a straw-man argument.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (04.28.09)
You are discussing theocracies. No one else has been discussing them. You are attacking a concept that mainly exists within your own head rather than being a reality on the ground. Rather, what is being discussed here is a national home for the Jewish people - a far more critical and practical matter. But if you want to discuss *potential* issues (in itself a futile exercise in imagination), then I would say that a Jewish Halakha state will be far safer for its non-Jewish citizens than a Muslim Shari'a state for its non-Muslim ones. Why, you ask? Observation of how Muslim Shari'a states handled themselves in recent history (the past 100 yeas), the political outlook in said countries, and several generations in these countries having been raised on hate propaganda against the so-called Zionist Enemy. The reality in Israel is radically different. And moral equivalency games don't end well.
89. take a piece of mars
ale ,   Italia   (04.28.09)
"what is being discussed here is a national home for the Jewish people" 1st. where's your national home?(in israele or west bank too. ariel is a jewish or muslim property?) 2nd. are problems for jewish in nyc, london, antpwerp, EU...etc etc... 3rd israel is dangerest land to live for many jewish around world ...and reasons are jewish/settlers and israeli/land abuses in west bank.(like US administration and envoy said yesterday). i'll built a nation for latin speakers and writers....near beijin. i follow your illogic strategy... a 'll taken chinese land for support latin speakers.
90. #89 Ale, are you actually familiar with a form of debate
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (04.29.09)
*other* than attacking straw-men? The final borders of the Palestinian west bank and eastern Israel are matters for negotiators to draw up, argue over, and decide. And that's not what's being discussed in the article above - what's being discussed is the Palestinian inability to accept a neighboring nation-state while constantly demanding their own. They can't have the cake and eat it. And then you go on and make silly comparisons, mention Mars, all of this possibly a continuation of previous moral equivalence games and plain old ignorance... Here's a more apt comparison, if you mention Beijing - Tibet. If 500 years in the future the descendants of current Tibetan refugees strewn across the world try to return to their conquered and annexed Tibet, to buy land and restore *some* of it even, in a land that's positively littered with their history, relics, culture, and way of life, and would then be attacked once more by Chinese unwilling to see this restoration... then that an apt comparison the the Jewish *return* to Israel. We Jews speak Hebrew - a Semitic language that shares its parallel origin with Aramaic, itself an ancient language of the region and one of the basis languages of Arabic. We Jews have lived here for 3000 years - we did not even leave, we were conquered and expelled and became refugees and immigrants in lands far and wide - and yet some managed to remain, in Jerusalem, Safed, and other major cities of what had become the Imperial Roman Province of Palestine. We passed on our traditions to our children, our beliefs, our history and past, and the memory of our land and the hope for the future. And we did return, and did our best to create the old country anew, living beside those who were now, thanks to centuries of Ottoman rule, the majority here. When a partition plan was offered to make two countries, we agreed. We did not want more warfare and death - but instead, that's precisely what we got. We were instead offered expulsion or death - the traditional fare of Jews, especially in European history. Only this time, we had nowhere else to go - this was our final stand, our home. So we took the third option, and won the war of our own survival. So this is it - it's a dangerous land, yes, and yet far safer than you would like to believe. The dangers have been here since before the so-called "abuses" and "settlers" appeared, because the reasons behind this danger are a bit more complicated and multi-faceted than you, in your biased little world, would care to admit. As for Jews living and remaining in foreign lands, what of them? Some assimilate, as ex-pats from many countries do. Others maintain a link to the home of their ancestors and traditions - again, much like ex-pats, particularly Italian ex-pats to name one example, tend to do. And all of the above is just to illustrate both your ignorance regarding Jews and Jewish identity and culture on the one hand, and utter political bias on the other.
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