Opinion  Nahum Barnea
The Jews are to blame
Nahum Barnea
Published: 04.05.09, 12:13
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. to #28 thanks, good to know.
ghostq   (05.05.09)
32. To Abe Foxman. Should Be Pinpointed.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (05.05.09)
Quote :” Should he continue to fight for the honor of the IDF and of the Warsaw ghetto, or just give up.” Yes, the ADL should continue to fight for the honour of the IDF and of the Warsaw ghetto. Do as I am doing : pick a sentence of the opponent’s talkback, and defeat it by using historical facts and logic. Don’t attack the enemy in general. The attack should be pinpointed -- in that way, you will have maximum results. And thus the weakness (or stupidity, or ridiculous nature) of the opponent’s argument will be exposed (for all to see). BTW do not become angry at the opponent. We are NOT against the opponent -- we are against the stupidity coming out of his mouth.
33. To Aaron #24. Great TB.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (05.05.09)
Great TB, Aaron. I second your TB#24.
34. to #18. - Overly-liberal? Look at the UK
shayna ,   london   (05.05.09)
William, what you're saying no sense at all, I am not alone as other messages are asking you what the hell you're talking about?! do you try to confuse people in a discussion by grabbing onto irrelvant headlines. Come to the UK, come as a Muslim, and abuse the 'overly liberal' attitudes you're thinking of and it wont be long before the police are on to you. Look up 'stop and search' policies used by the police, look up the recent deportation of muslims, who were legally here where the PM even called for it. Where are you getting your headlines from?!
35. let 'em
Ron ,   US   (05.05.09)
Let these anti-semites wear their true feelings on their sleeves. At least we'll actually know who are enemy's truly are. I'm tired of these people acting like they truly care about us jews when they really wish we were dead... hypocrits!
36. Conflation
Jack Robinson ,   Fort Collins, CO, US   (05.05.09)
The author conflates antizionism, and objections to Israeli policies with antisemitism - a common approach. There is no question that there is a measure of antisemitism in the US as in other countries. But when Jimmy Carter is called an antisemite, it is clear that the whole area of criticism has gone off the track. I object strongly object to the power wielded by AIPAC, but I also object to the power of the NRA, the banking lobby and others, All of these groups force their agenda on the US by intimidation, questionable contributions and other nefarious means, most often in opposition to the views and the interests of the American people. We were ill served by invading Iraq and striking Iran would be a disaster for the US, whatever it might gain for Israel. Our interests are not the same in this instance. BTW, have you read the rabid antiarab, antipalestinian, and anti Iranian remarks on the talkbacks in Israeli newspapers? It comes with freedom of expression.
37. UK, just go ahead and fall to the Islamists already
USA   (05.05.09)
and become a closed society, so the rest of the world won't have to hear about the nonsense constantly coming out of your Muslim-worshipping country.
38. Anti-Semitism
Stop n Think   (05.05.09)
First off, the more you blur the line between criticism of Israel (aka that California Jewish prof) and frank anti-Semitism, the more you will find Jews blamed for everything. Second off, let's do something about the vicious anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab talkbacks on this site. That hate-filled atmosphere spreads like a miasma and makes everyone more insensitive to similar invective directed at Jews.
39. kissinger responses
ira ,   usa   (05.05.09)
all this invective is trying to stifle Israeli action to protect itself. It is very effectiveand does tie Israeli hands. we must fight it and understand who & what is begind it.
40. #28 pub
mira ,   israel   (05.06.09)
so sad but true. as an israeli jew i can say that we have so little in common with the american jews. it seems like people who dont believe in god go liberal.
41. Jews talk, debate, Muslims shoot...who u think wins?
newallegiance   (05.06.09)
Form a committee, create dialogue, debate the issues... security is in bullets. The Arabs learned this, the Arabs (and Iranians) are winning.... yes, winning. Turkey , Syria, Persia (I know, not Arab) are all rising. Israel and the West is being squeezed into serfdom by Soros/Tsuris and Obama and his Jewish lefties.
42. Is this a JOKE?
Yawn ,   NYC   (05.06.09)
Does the author read and write opinion pieces about the RACIST and TREASONOUS talkbacks in Jewish papers? The following are samples of the more 'civilized ones': 2. NO PALI STATE! THEY HAVE JORDAN! Biden can shove it. As always, a cluless jerk. Does he ever talk without putting his foot in his mouth? Which one is dumber, biden or obama?! I would say they are both dumb and dumber. US US (05.05.09) http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3711330,00.html Title: don`t they wish Name: L Sweeny City: San francisco State: CA Oh yes Israel get rid of the ONLY WEAPON that keeps you alive. They would love that. Obama is a Muslm trojan horse. I suspected, I fought it and told myself I was paranoid. I WAS NOT- Title: tell the U.S. to get rid of all of its nukes first Name: Mark City: State: Maybe the U.S. could recognize the middle finger? It was the Jews who gave the U.S. its unique nuclear status. But Israel doesn`t have a right to nukes in order to defend itself--oh noooo. Israel should smile and tell the U.S. to take a hike. What nerve! http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1083236.html 22. Remember... The jerks in the new administration telling Israel what she MUST do are "friends". Just ask them... baj - usa (05/05/2009 21:02) 25. it is just starting This pair of clowns (obama/biden) and their crooks (cabinet) = apologized for US "crimes", said no to gitmo, no water for killers, reverences to Iran, ass-kissing to oil king. And to Israel? "You must". The worst is that they are destroying US economy. Once cracked - it is going to be really bad for Israel, as it will become the 2nd Europe. What even more worst â€" way too many Jews are in their ranks... Un-believable. Alex - USA (05/05/2009 21:05) 26. Sorry On behalf of the citizens of the US, I apologize that this plagerizing mule is offering heavy handed advice. Rest assured, this simpleton could not locate Israel on a map. Andy - USA (05/05/2009 21:06) 32. Tell Biden to shove it....... These guys make me want to puke. It's all about Israel doing this and Israel giving up that. Biden should go and hide out with his swine flu paranoid family and leave the Israelis alone. How about him taking on his Arab and Iranian buddies and getting them to get their act together. Sic'ntired - (05/05/2009 21:22) 35. Wake up Israel! tell the US President and his VP to kiss off. Israel's land belongs to Israel. Have you read Zephaniah. Take back Gaza and truust G_D. He will protect better then the muslin Obama. S. Deal - USA (05/05/2009 21:32) http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1239710872135&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
43. Antisemitism
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (05.06.09)
The Rats were here all the time,except, now they came out in the open from the sewers,The media is not censuring them because Antisemitism is good for ratings.
44. When I once pointed out this case to a Jewish and pro-Israel
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (05.06.09)
poster in the Washington Post, his response, with which I strongly disagree, was that that was the price of freedom of speech and it is better to allow the anti-Semites - or what I prefer to call them, Anti-Jewish Racists - to spew their hate in the talk back rather than elsewhere. It is high time the Washington Post and other similar sites put an end to this flood of spewing venom towards the Jewish people and its nation-state of Israel, as they would do if there were a similar anti-Black expressed venom at the site. But when it comes to this particular news organization, I am sorry to say, I have little hope.....
David P. ,   Capitola, CA   (05.07.09)
just b/c someone writes their name doesn't prevent print media from publishing lies & slander, the wave of anti-semitism grows more fierce and is getting worse, you've only just now picked up on this? What can we do, we're only a few and the lies are infinite.
46. "Jews Are To Blame"
Coastie ,   San Jose, CA, USA   (05.09.09)
I have been in industries ancillary to the "Energy Industry" my entire adult life. The blame is with the American motorists, the oil industry, and the auto industry. They have all acquiesced in the "Secondary Boycott" of Jewsh professionals -- making the "Energy Industry" essentially Jew free. This is not the position of an Arab League looking for peace with Israel, but of an Arab League looking to war in Jews.
47. ghostq and Madoff
dannykid ,   australia   (05.09.09)
"especially after Madoff"? but Madoff ripped off only Jooos. That is just one example of you not knowing what you are talking about.
48. blame the jooos
dannykid ,   australia   (05.09.09)
1940s German National Socialism blamed the Jews and had some support in America until those few misguided Americans realised Nazism would not stop with the elimination of Jews and would come after them next. 60 million died in the aftermath. Blame the Jews: after all they were the first victims of the Nazis. Here we are again only this time it is the Arabs blaming the Jews for all the ills of the world and there is some support from a few misguided Americans - that's all you Jooo haters out there. Europe kicked out its Jews and welcomed the Arabs who will outnumber Europeans within 15 years - in some European cities, more than half the population under 4 years old is Arab. imagine 15 years from now. Think about that. So what are you good patriotic Jooo hating Americans going to do? Kick out the Jews? Welcome the Arabs. Follow Eurabia? Become Ameristahn? Wake up America.
49. #32 (Maansingh) is exactly right
Ben Tzur ,   Melbourne, Australia   (05.30.09)
All decent posters here (putting the usual antisemites aside) can learn a very helpful lesson from Maansingh. His advice is spot-on. A lot of emotional slanging is wasted breath, in fact a victory for the hater, who loves the hateful and malicious atmosphere he/she creates. It is a fulfillment for them, because it is where they live. But literate and rational (unemotional, even casual and relaxed), pin-pointed and knowledgeable responses, which in fact take the ravings of the antisemite and use them to make some very helpful and solid positive analyses, really defeat the ignorant ranters. It uses them in fact, making them aids in establishing the truth. This I have also found many times. Naturally, the point is not to convince the bigot or ranter per se: they are beyond reason, and as I said live in hate and fantasies. But the other readers thus get exposed to the truth, and propaganda is unmasked as falsehood, precisely and effectively. This effort is never wasted, and it is just what is needed in blogs worldwide that are drenched in falsehood and vitriol. Don't give them the victory, turn their own claims against them, calmly and knowledgeably. You will triumph, and just to see their squirming is worth it.
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