Disrespecting other faiths
Nitzan Horowitz
Published: 11.05.09, 01:36
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31. Is anti Catholic kosher?
Sean ,   Montreal, Quebec   (05.12.09)
If there is anyone on this site seeking knowledge and not the uninformed blathering of the prejudiced-why not visit the Holy See web site? One may find many of the claims made in recent days to be fundamentally false. Resentment based on nearly two millennia of pogroms, an Inquisition and shoah is understandable. Feeding those resentments with mendacious claims is not. For a fortnight leading up to this visit the term Moslem has been replaced by Catholic to express hatred and fear. It is sad to witness and raises the question , do Israelis want peace?
32. Catholicism the first 'Christian' Cult.
petra ,   uSA   (05.12.09)
And most certainly no friend to any Jew. Most generally, protestants have been the only "Christian' allies Jews have had. Yet, they are lumped together in one word, loosely.
33. Conflict in religion is inevitable
P ,   Philadelphia   (05.12.09)
and likewise with secular philosophies. If you believe something, usually that's because you think it's correct and that it's better or more true than the alternatives. Apart from religions or philosophies that are *very* close to each other, disagreements over what is true or right divide all of them - it should come as no surprise that there are elements in one system that say things that make those in another uncomfortable.
34. Petra , protestants allies ?
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (05.12.09)
Yes , if you forget the antisemitism of martin Luther , largely used by nazi germany propaganda . To be "forgiven" by us , they became and are more friendly .
35. viisit of the Pope
Jonás ,   Madrid Spain   (05.12.09)
From Europe, one sees some reactions, and two things come up: first, some Israelis think they are in the center of the world; second: a journalist comes across with an easy slogan, and is followed uncritically by crowds. From here, it is plain clear that the affaire concerning that horrible bishop and the liturgy revivals have to do much with home theological questions and very little with the Jews (nobody knew in the Vatican his former statement on the Holocaust). Benedict was warmly received in German synagoges (yes, precisely German). I am afraid that some orthodox people are keen in piosoning a visit of goodwill just in a moment when Israel most need to have friends. They may well live aside from the rest of the world (at least if subsidies keep coming), but they are doing no favor to a country and a cause that, also because of them, is losing public support in Europe and probably also in America
36. #29 Kenton?
Markus   (05.12.09)
Kenton- way off the mark...... catholics do not worship the Pope- where on earth do you see this? The Pope is only considered infallible when he speaks 'urbi at orbi'- under exceptional circumstances, some Pope's never do this at all.... a vicar is not a substitute- he represents the church - he is not Jesus himself- gosh Kenton- you sound almost as ignorant as Mr. Horowitz the genius who wrote this piece of %&$·")
37. #34 Charles
Lisa   (05.12.09)
thanks for clarifying this- however I am not sure anything that is said is sinking in. People have made up their minds, they believe any lie and libel and nothing you or anybody else will say makes a difference. This visit will go into the history books as mass hysteria of the worst sort- more slanderous remarks about the Pope and the Catholic Church than even about Hamas, Iran , Hizbullah together- people have found a new victim. one that does not talk back.. Most people can't even tell the difference between Catholic churches and Protestants, let alone all the sects...it's all the same to the uneducated masses......
38. Lisa , # 37
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (05.12.09)
Sometimes i'm disgusted by the lies and distortions people say and always repeat . Not only on the pope's subject , but on every one . You can correct them , at no avail , they repeat it again and again .
39. disrespect? just like the author
Miriam   (05.13.09)
so the Pope has no respect for Israel, the Jews? How so? Because you say so? Reading the TBs about this visit I get the distinct feeling that most people have no respect whatsoever for either the Pope, the Christians, the Muslims, the secular, the orthodox , xxx etc. etc.... and they say so blatantly- so who is throwing the first stone here? respect goes both ways. And I strongly disagree with the statement: the Pope has been one of Israel's strongest supporters- even before he became Pope-. The lies and slander about him are appaling and unworthy of an educated people.
40. # 30 Markus
Ben ,   Monroe USA   (05.16.09)
Thank you for correcting me. However, one thing you said does bother me, you claimed quite forcefully that my post had no facts. I claimed the pope grew up in NAZI Germany, the Jew was hated in NAZI GERMANY, THAT IS A FACT. I claimed he grew up as a Catholic. Catholicism preached hatred of the JEW. That too is a FACT. Wouldn't you admit that the pope is an ardent believer in his religion?? Of course you did mean to post facts to back up what you posted, didn't you? Reading and re-reading your post I failed to find anything resembling a fact, only diatribes about what I and many others posted. Somehow, noting just how your name is spelled, one gets the impression that you too are of Germanic background. So it is just that fact which causes you to demand that facts re the the pope, the papacy, and Nazi Germany be omitted and forgotten as if they didn't exist. Markus, it seems more likely that it is thou who is an authority on everything but the facts and the truth. BTW Markus, here in MONROE USA we do have books. We even read them and UNDERSTAND what they say. Not only that Markus, we are willing to say where we live, which is something you declined to do. I wonder why.
41. Question for Mr. Horowitz
Ben ,   Monroe USA   (05.16.09)
Please explain to me just how the Catholic church became the oldest religious body in the world. Since when does Christianity predate Judaism? When one begins a column with a statement so incorrect, the entire column becomes immediately unbelievable.
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