Israel says shares Obama's hopes for peace
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 04.06.09, 18:11
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48 Talkbacks for this article
31. Obama MASSIVELY INSULTS African Americans. Owes an Apology!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (06.05.09)
What a terrible insult to the Black brothers and sisters - Obama compared PA Muslims to that of Black slaves in the U.S.!!! Extremely valuable contributors to America, our wonderful African-Americans honor G-D and OBEY G-D's Laws: YOU SHALL NOT MURDER No anti-terror fence or checkpoints to stop cruel killers were ever needed! Schools/streets/sports teams are named after suicide bombers. PA Muslims are taught murdering Jews is the highest goal in life and attains paradise: 70% of PA Muslims support suicide bombings. Thousands of PA Muslims celebrate in the streets and pass out sweets whenever Jews are murdered by their heroes-Muslim human bomb killers. Muslim killers of Jewish children are adored-Palestinian Authority newspaper al-Hayat al-Jadida called savage child-killer Kuntar "a beacon of light" and an "authentic role model." PA leader, Abbas, called Kuntar a hero. There is NO comparison with our wonderful African Americans!
32. Jews Wake Up!
Jewish Refugee   (06.05.09)
Jews Wake Up! You are being played as fools and sadly it is being done successfully. We have been massacred throughout history of the mankind. Our homeland has been destroyed and we were expelled. We have every right to be suspicious and reluctant especially when there are those who want to walk us through the same path (assisted suicide) of massacre and expulsion from our own lands. The only difference now is that we are doing it ourselves willingly. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? What is wrong with us? We are the victims in this situation of unjust oppression by Miso-Judaic and Anti-Semitic nations and leaders of the world. The anti-Semitic and Miso-Judaic sentiments have not changed only the terminology of the way it is expressed has changed. If Jews do not support Israel’s sovereignty over Judea, Samaria, Golan Heights, and United Jerusalem then Israel has no purpose for the Jews thus there is no Jewish State. Those nations who have supported and are supporting the smallest country in the Middle East and one of the smallest countries in the world (Israel) to give up more land for the illusion of peace then you are criminals no matter Jewish , Christian, or Muslim. Jews Wake Up before you have nothing to Wake Up to.
33. obama's peace,will be the peace of the cemetery
chaim ,   brooklyn ny   (06.05.09)
ever notice how peacfull a cemetery is?,well well after obama is finished all of israel will be turned into a graveyard with another five million jews dead citizens of israel,are you blind? are crazy? don't you realize that obama together with your own government is preparing another holocaust for you and your children please please rise up as one and tell hussein obama, HELL NO WE WON'T GO
34. HIGHLY FAVORED Muslims Allowed to Break the Law!
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (06.05.09)
Muslims have built tens of thousands of ILLEGAL buildings and settlements in Jerusalem and other locations! The vicious ethnic cleansing of 10,000 Gaza Jews violated Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, broke Israel's Basic Human Rights Law and Clause 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Serving US/EU/Totalitarian Colonizing Islam, Israeli leaders Destroyed Jewish Human Rights-patriotic Jews, including children, have been evicted, brutally beaten and jailed. For the Sole UNJUST REASON Jews are NOT MUSLIM, US/EU Demand ethnic Jew Cleansing from Judea-Samaria, Golan, Jerusalem and building/settlement freeze. Will New York, Paris and London be next?
35. To Ari: This is NOT About the Settlements
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (06.05.09)
To Ari: I understand the settlements were originally meant as a fwd defense perimeter against future Arab attacks, in both the W. Bk and the Strip..and somehow they evolved into housing, etc. Look, Israel was attacked in 48, 67, and 73, and fortunately won (read The 67 War by Michael Oren). Had they lost..well, you know, another Holocaust. This is the crux of this problem. 5 major settlements on 3% of the exchange for some Negev dunams, seems appropriate to me., w/o restrictions. Why cannot Jews live in the W. Arabs live in Israel? What is so sacred about avoiding this? The right of return is NOT a right (read the UN provision). The settlements are on "disputed land", and have legal basis. Again, this is NOT about the settlements (none prior to 67) it's about the Arab attitude towards Jews (and Israel). They simply want it Judenrein. Get it.
36. To: No. 30
Sarah ,   new York City, USA   (06.05.09)
Palestinians have THREE times rejected a two-state solution. You have preferred wars (all six of which you LOST) and terrorism (your wanton disregard for innocent human life has not exactly won you any friends or garnered any influence, now has it?) After six wars, sixty-one years of unrelenting terror and three rejections of a proffered two-state solution .... Guess what, ace? You're out of options. Done talking, are you? Good. Because Israel is done talking, too. Sayonara, asshole. Have a nice life somewhere ELSE. Oh ... and -- by the way -- read the Hague Second and Third Conventions. They aren dreary, but informative. In them, you willn learn that countries that acquire territory as a result of fighting a defensive war have an incontrovertible right to retain and settle that territory. That would be Israel. So both the acquisition of the West Bank and the Israeli settlements thereupon are fully legal. You don't like it? Leave! Sayonara!
37. With Obama visiting Germany again, it is beginning to
Rivkah   (06.05.09)
look like the Vatican that wants Jerusalem as its next capital and Germany which has often been the military arm of the Vatican when the Muslims aren't, are the greater influences on Obama. Whoever controls him, it is not in America's best interests. Or, Israel's.
38. 8 That is shocking! And after President Obama got immunity
Rivkah   (06.05.09)
for four Saudi princes who were involved in the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center Towers. I hope the author of "God's War on Terror" is right when he said Saudi Arabia is Babylon that will be destroyed in an hour. Oh Lord, I hope he is right. Time to nuke those unthankful Saudi swine who would have nothing if the US oil companies had not discovered oil. Of course, the companies were robbed of their assets in the oil fields when they were nationalized. It is time to declare war on the Saudis instead of fawning over them. Imagine, a US President BOWING to a Saudi king and then being snubbed by fools who don't want to shake his hand. Wahabi Muslims. Yccch.
39. Why expel Jews from their homes in Judea and Samaria if the
Beverly ,   Halifax, Canada   (06.05.09)
intent is to live in peace with one another? Why to cleanse the territories of their Jews, and only because they are Jewish, while 20% of Israel's population is Arab? Unless of course the idea is to have a population exchange so that Arabs in Israel will move to the territories and the Jews from the territories will take their place?
40. I was pleasantly surprised by Obama's speech
redbourn ,   tel aviv   (06.05.09)
Much as I've been, and still am somewhat suspicious of Obama's intentions, I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by his speech yesterday. As far as Israeli politics go, I'm right of center and found his support of Israel in the speech very encouraging and very forthright. He was speaking to Muslims everywhere, but left them in no doubt as to US of Israel. Arabs were displaced in 1948, 1967 and in 1973 and they still are displaced, and an answer needs to be found. Gaza is presently out of the equation because of Hamas, which means that Israel doesn't have to concern itself with a road or tunnel connecting the West Bank and Gaza. That makes the conundrum somewhat easier to solve. Obama has said that he sees a demilitarized West Bank, which is comforting. Both Barak and Olmert purportedly offered around 90% of the West Bank, and it's unlikely that more will ever be offered. If it's reoffered then Obama might be the one to say, "hey guys this is an offer you can't refuse". We shall see, Mike
41. Obama forgets that Palestinian Arabs celebrated 9/11
Freejay333 ,   Israel   (06.05.09)
Boy, does Hussein Obama have a short memory....or maybe he doesnt!
42. Arabs have no case as to the Land of Israel.
Dave Ronen ,   Haifa   (06.05.09)
Even if the Arabs will get an additional state,a "Palestinian state", that part of the Land of Israel will still remain the Land of the Jews - robbed by the Arabs. The entirety of Jerusalem as the entirety of the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to the entirety of the Jewish people. It belongs to our generation as well as to the future generations to come, and no one has the right and/or the legitimacy to cede even one single square cm. of the city or the land. Agreements as a result of blackmail and pressure are not valid and will not change historical truth and International Legitimacy (The San Remo agreements). Mistakes done by Israeli government(s) in Anapolis or before should not be respected and should be put right immediately. Arabs have no case as to the Land of Israel, we should return to the original legitimity as described at :
43. No-bama
J.Broos ,   South Africa   (06.05.09)
44. Muslims are not naive at all
muslim observer ,   islamic world   (06.05.09)
he lost 1/2 of the muslim's audience in the Talmud screwup,when he quoted from a non holy book .(the Torat is holy ..not the talmud ) and lost the other half when asked Hamas to give up violence and forget to mention the israeli terrorism in Gaza .. then i looked around me ,everyone left the room ...they did not want to hear further .
45. sarah ..the new-yorker
Sami ,   damascus   (06.05.09)
If you only know ..What we know as muslims . . Why has god facilitated the creation of Israel ...the Quran spoke about it ..The prophet Mohammed pbuh did as well. why the god of Ibraham,isaac,jacob,yousef and his brothers ,the god of Moses ,jesus and mohammed pbuthem all....... why he wants the jews to gather in one place right before the judgement day Sarah .?? a 4th grade level question Sarah in the islamic world ..let me have your answer . .
46. Mr. Obama, what about Tibet ?
Nora Tel Aviv ,   Tel Aviv   (06.05.09)
After his Middle East visit, Mr. Obama surely will visit Souh East Asia, to" preach" there too. As he says what he thinks, we should expect him to declare that "Tibet is for the Tibetans". Anyone willing to bet he will not say it ? Again, it`s the economy. A small example: China has just bought the Hummer from General Motors.
47. #44 & 45 - you 2 Muslim knuckleheads are exactly............
Cameron ,   USA   (06.05.09)
the reason I always come to examine this site. While I'm no fan of Sarah's, you two Islamic, straightjacket wankers provide a vastly more fundamental understanding & real insight as to the stasis of the eternal Israeli vs. Arab static duel, and to why the Muslim World is such a social, economic, and political basketcase than any dry review of religious, cultural, or historical data could. Gents, you come off as so die-hard creepy & malevolent that I can only approve of the steps the Israelis have taken protect themselves and their families at the end of the day. You never honestly gave them any choice. Reality is what you make of it, and Muslims, you've made it yet another endless Islamic ocean wave of mediocrity, incompetence, and failure falling on the wave before it. You'll fail yourselves as badly in the coming years as badly as you failed yourselves in years past. Long live the Internet, YNET, and the clarity they both provide!!
48. To: No. 45
Sarah ,   New York City, USA   (06.05.09)
Here's my answer: Oh, so the Quran speaks about the creation of Israel? Funny. Here I thought Israel is about 5,000 years older than Islam. Excuse the sarcasm, but you had it coming. Now, here is the serious answer: Israel has a dual identity -- there is Israel, the physical place, and Israel, the people. Have you read the Bible? The part where G-d says to Jacob (the third of the three patriarchs), "Because thou has conquered adversity and won, Jacob, thy name is Israel." Jacob is the father of the twelve tribes -- hence, Israel the land and Israel the people are inexorably linked. That link stretches back close to 6,000 years. The Palestinians are the interlopers. It is not their land, it never has been, and it never will be. Jews stretched back to their ancient roots -- Israel. If the Palestinians wish to do the same, they will find themselves in either Arabia or Bosnia. But DEFINITELY NOT ISRAEL.
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