Waiting for Bibi’s speech
Hanoch Daum
Published: 13.06.09, 12:10
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31. what's with the speeches obssesion,
ghostq   (06.14.09)
give it up, people common, look for actions, words meens nothings agreements ment to be broken, so give it up. we all know in his speech he will kiss USA a$$, but reality will show he will continu the setelments, so what's the point, is it fasion thing?
32. Netanyahu is Irrelevant
Nour ,   Palestine   (06.14.09)
So Net Yahoo makes it clear that his govt, through imposing of ridiculous "conditions" on already signed agreements, is not willing to endanger his coalition of fanatics for the sake of peace. We knew this would be the case anyway but were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It's not imperative on Obama's part to effect regime change and impose sanctions on the apartheid state of Israel. And to those who call for our "Transfer" - I give it to you chaps, you've been doing just that since 1948 but the party is over. No way a single Palestinian will be forced to leave home, over our dead bodies. It's now a Palestinian free state or the whole region lit on bloody fire. Netanyahu? Who's Netanyahoo?
33. #1 Go away boring troll
34. Please don't disappoint us!
Jewish Refugee   (06.14.09)
We are one people! We have one history! We have one historical country! Our country is Israel including Judea and Samaria with Undivided Jerusalem as our Capital. Jews are with you if you are for the Jewish State of Israel. Please don't disappoint us once again! May God Help You! For more please check at: http://israelactnow.blogspot.com
35. His peace talk goes a bit like this
Avi ,   Israel   (06.14.09)
Blah blah blah blah, basically keep on talking , and delaying things as much as he can, keep pretending to the Americans that their is a plan so that israel keeps getting American aid money.
36. First recognise Israel
Mark ,   Jerusalem   (06.14.09)
Are we a star on the American flag or are we a state that was created in 1948 . Before we even thing about a two state salution the Arab states have to recognise that Israel has the right to exist, when that happens then we can sit down and talk.
37. #36 I challenge you to answer this question:
Nour ,   Palestine   (06.14.09)
You ask of Arab nations to recognize Israel, including the Palestinians. We ask you: Which one? 1948? 1967? Green line? Security fence? No answer from you, or any Israeli government, huh? Thought so! In the meantime, keep dreaming about this "recognition". Until you recognize yourself, and start respecting others' right to exist, you will remain a pariah in the eyes of the world. Time is on our side, by the way, and it's not rocket science. The sooner you avert the one-state solution, the better for you - believe me.
38. To my friend Edan
Daniel ,   Formerly Israel   (06.14.09)
Even though I don't know you I call you my friend, because I recognize myself in you. Like me you are a commited, partisan idealogue with benevolent intentions and a belief that your world-view is the only correct one. Admittedly we are on opposite side of the Western political spectrum, but if we understand each other we can have a fruitful discussion; let's try it, shall we? First of all: there are still over two hundred terrorists held at Guantanomo for whom there seems to be no other place; we don't know for certain that such a place will be found. Furthermore, assuming that the facility can be closed, are you sure the net result will be benificial to America? The main purpose of closing the facility is to improve our image abroad, but the only people with whom this will really work will be the Europeans. Our image in the Muslim world was bad enough in 2001, before Iraq, Gitmo, or anything else, for certain Muslim leaders to actually praise the attacks of 9/11, and not a single Muslim country provided military or even logistical support for the Afghan war, with the exception of Pakistan, which helped only when threatened with being bombed back to the stone age (That is the exact threat that was made). Also, while our image in Europe may improve, this will not yield tangible benifits. Except for Britain no Western nation has actively fought the Taliban in Afghanistan since 2001, nor have any of them helped in other counter-terror operations in Pakistan, Somalia, etc. A better image of America might make them a little more inclined to provide political backing and maybe to enforce some sanctions against our enemies. but when weighed against the impression of weakness that this move will give to our enmies and the threat that some of the terrorists released from gitmo will return to terror and kill more Americans (as has been the case with 1 in 7 of those released to date, which were judged less dangerous than those still detained, I ask again if you are certain that closing Gitmo will help the U.S. You tout Obama's effort to improve our image, but does it seem like a good idea to sacrifice concrete institutions designed to protect us and undermine active allies like Israel to gain the theoretical approval of nations that have not really been of any help to us? As far as the Stem Cell bill is concerned, I support it too, but I detect that you harbor resentment towards its opponents, and I would like to ask whether people deserve such resentment simply for taking the sanctification of innocent life to the extreme? Regarding his Judicial appointment I understand and respect you support of diversity and aversion to racism, but isn't saying that one of the nominee's merits is that she does not belong to a certain ethnicity (in this case anglo-saxon) and a certain gender (in this case male) the very definition of racism and sexism? By the way Bush's second appointee was not an Anglo-Saxon but an Italian, and hsi first choice for that appointment was a woman, but she was forced to withdraw under pressure from liberal critics (admittedly much of that criticism was legitimate, and no one on the right said that liberals criticized her at their own risk). I will not debate the merits of Obama's economic plan here, since thsis is a foreign policy forum, but I disagree with your unquestioning faith in that policy. Bush also had very smart economists working for him, many of them, those working in the Federal Reserve, are now advising Obama. Also, the fundamental precept of Democracy is that all citizens can and should question government policy in all areas, even if they are not specialized in them. The term socialism is not an insult, it is the name of a widely-practiced economic system. It has become something of an insult in America because it bears conotations related to the many failures of socialist economic policies, but it is still an accurate description for someone who adhears to these policies.
39. To Nour 37. You Challenge. An answer.Ihope Ynet Publish this
George ,   Italy   (06.14.09)
First we were recognized by the UN as a Jewish State. Arabs failed to do so. There was not a Palestinian problem in 67 nor Setlements, and for the 2nd time since 1948. Arabs tried to anhilate Israel. Again in 1973. Four times the Arabs tried to anhilate Israel. 1948,1956,1967 and 1973. After 1967, in Karthoum it was agreed no recogniion by the Arabs. No peace deals. After Oslo accords the Palestine Map still showed no Israel is recognized. So the problem is vis-avis: No recognition ok so no recognition. Besides with whom should Israel negotiate? Abbas don't represent the mayority of Palestinians. The real representataive is Hamas. The palestinians voted 65% no to recognize Israel, yes to Hamas policies Yes to destroy Israel . I imagine you are not even 40 years old. In 1967 there was no restriction for Palestinians, 300.000 of them came to work dayly in Israel, palestinian economy was booming . Palestinians were happy to get rid of the Jordanians, for 19 years the palestinian problem was not even mentioned. Jordan decided to anex Arab Palestine But in 1973 when Arafat, emerged form his retreat the terror started. There were no setlements then, they emerged because of terror acts, as a defense cushion to Israel. The Palestinians keep on losing oportunities. On the other hand 4 times was Israel atacked to anhilate him. Israel did not start the 4 wars. Other countries, because of wars changed the politicall Map, and it was accepted only to Israel this is not accepted. Countries Like Poland, Germany,Russia, India, Pakistan etc integrated their refugees. Only the arabs keep this refugees as a politicall weapon and the people living like animals with no rights, as in Lebanon. In the meantime one million Jews were expelled since 1948 from arab countries and Israel resettel them. The Palestinians who left Palestine in 1948,were invited to leave by the 7 arab armies that invaded Israel, thinking they will defeat Israel and kill all the Jews. As an arab leader said, we will kill all the jews in a slaughetr not even seen by Hitler or Genghis Khan. Israel did not expell them, as arabs want to make believe the Palestinians today. I think your question is more than answered. I hope my reply will be published by Ynet News they never have published my replies.
40. An answer to 37. I hope Ynet will publish this
George ,   USA   (06.14.09)
First we were recognized by the UN as a Jewish State. Arabs failed to do so. There was not a Palestinian problem in 67 nor Setlements, and for the 2nd time since 1948. Arabs tried to anhilate Israel. Again in 1973. Four times the Arabs tried to anhilate Israel. 1948,1956,1967 and 1973. After 1967, in Karthoum it was agreed no recogniion by the Arabs. No peace deals. After Oslo accords the Palestine Map still showed no Israel is recognized. So the problem is vis-avis: No recognition ok so no recognition. Besides with whom should Israel negotiate? Abbas don't represent the mayority of Palestinians. The real representataive is Hamas. The palestinians voted 65% no to recognize Israel, yes to Hamas policies Yes to destroy Israel . I imagine you are not even 40 years old. In 1967 there was no restriction for Palestinians, 300.000 of them came to work dayly in Israel, palestinian economy was booming . Palestinians were happy to get rid of the Jordanians, for 19 years the palestinian problem was not even mentioned. Jordan decided to anex Arab Palestine But in 1973 when Arafat, emerged form his retreat the terror started. There were no setlements then, they emerged because of terror acts, as a defense cushion to Israel. The Palestinians keep on losing oportunities. On the other hand 4 times was Israel atacked to anhilate him. Israel did not start the 4 wars. Other countries, because of wars changed the politicall Map, and it was accepted only to Israel this is not accepted. Countries Like Poland, Germany,Russia, India, Pakistan etc integrated their refugees. Only the arabs keep this refugees as a politicall weapon and the people living like animals with no rights, as in Lebanon. In the meantime one million Jews were expelled since 1948 from arab countries and Israel resettel them. The Palestinians who left Palestine in 1948,were invited to leave by the 7 arab armies that invaded Israel, thinking they will defeat Israel and kill all the Jews. As an arab leader said, we will kill all the jews in a slaughetr not even seen by Hitler or Genghis Khan. Israel did not expell them, as arabs want to make believe the Palestinians today. I think your question is more than answered. I hope my reply will be published by Ynet News they never have published my replies.
41. Dear Hanoch
Esther ,   Tel Aviv/Jaffa   (06.15.09)
Dear Hanoch, Let me commend you on your excellent "Waiting for Bibi", particularly your analysis of Barack Obama. As unpleasant as it may be, allow me to share some thoughts with you as an American who spent many years working with Black people in the U.S. No matter how educated or financially successful they may be, there exists a deep and underlying hatred of the white establishment in today's U.S. As history has often shown us before, the easiest and most vulnerable target for that hatred is the Jewish people. That is how Barack Obama came to the place he is in now, and that is why I voted for Netanyahu in this, my first year as an Israeli citizen. Thank you for your clear and well-analyzed piece.
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