Minister Hershkowitz: Netanyahu sticking to national principles
Roni Sofer
Published: 12.06.09, 12:44
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24 Talkbacks for this article
1. It's a sad commentary that we cannot trust our leaders
FormerOleh   (06.12.09)
Sharon, Olmert, Livni, Peres and Barak turned out to be defeatist self-hating Jews without an ounce of courage in their sad shlemiely souls. Bibi is still the best of the electable lot, but prevaricates, temporises and has a splotchy record of how he acts under pressure. He says one thing then does another. He raises taxes on the poor (lotto, vegetables). And this is the best Israel is able to agree on?
2. Jordanian settlers ("Pals") need to leave Judea/Samaria
David's prince ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.12.09)
The Jordanian settlers, also known as "Palestinian" Arabs, in the Land of Israel need to return to where they belong, i.e. in Jordan. If they don't like it, they can follow the Hejazi King of Jordan all the way he came from, i.e. Arabia. Jordan is a compromise, which exists on the Land of Israel. Jordan's right to exist is conditioned on the principle that it doesn't curtail the right of the Jews to its homeland on the west side of the river Jordan. The Arabs in Israel contribute next to nothing to our country, if we don't count terrorism and Arab racism. Even Arabs are beginning to comprehend this fact, as prominent writers in Lebanon recently demonstrated on television (check. The ony way the Arabs will receive peace is if they return the land which they stole from the Jews, and start contributing to their own land in Arabia.
3. #1
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (06.12.09)
Israeli leaders are not known for keeping their word. Rabin defeated Peres because of his famous "Three Nos": no to negotiations with the PLO, no to a new Arab state west of the Jordan, no surrendering of the Golan Sharon was elected because he mocked Mizna for being a fool for suggesting ethnic cleansing of Jews and swore that "the fate of Nezarim is the fate of Tel Aviv". Let us pray that Netanyahu is more of a man than Rabin and Sharon.
4. Illegality of Jordanian settlers (Palestinians)
David's Prince ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.12.09)
Jordan is occupied Jewish territory controlled by Beduins from Hejaz in Saudiarabia and illegally settled by Palestinian Arabs. The binding Mandate of 1920 ordered the re-establishment of the Jewish homeland on the east and western sides of the Jordan river. This was temporarily delayed by the British, and temporarily accepted by the Jews. Today, most Jews have agreed that in order for peace to come, Jordan can remain an exclusively Palestinian Arab county (populated by the Arabs of the Palestine mandate). However, all the territory WEST of the Jordan river was and is supposed to constitute the Jewish homeland, according to the STILL binding mandate, until any thing else is agreed. The Arabs have not agreed to anything else (they turned down partition and have so far not agreed to any permanent solution), which means that Israel is entitled to the whole land west of the Jordan river. The Arab settlers who came from Jordan to illegally settle the Westbank (who call themeselves Palestinians) should therefor leave the area they occupy and return to Jordan. And the Beduin chieftain of Jordan, king Abdallah, should either keep quiet in Amman or return to Hijaz in "saudi"-Arabia, from where all Arabs once illegally occupied the Jewish, Kurdish, Maronite Middle East.
5. # 4 the prince ok where have you been in the last 2000 years
Palestinian   (06.12.09)
Jews were living in peace in Palestine in 1901. People like you are the cause of this mess, people like you who started the mess from 1901. Balfour from England gave life to you in 1917 and now you are prince . ....Clearly unerstood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of non jewish communities in Palestine or the right and plitical status enjoyed by the jews in any other country
6. #5 let's make a deal
How about we redefine "Palestinian" to include only Arabs who lived West of the Jordan River before 1901? That way the Jews will negotiate only with real Palestinian Arabs and not immigrants from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Iraqi. Is it a deal? I promise you, there will be peace in less than a week.
7. # 6 Deal
Palestinian   (06.12.09)
The 1901 Palestinians and their descendants & only jews of 1901 and their descendants stay like in 1901 in peace Palestine/Israel.
8. #2 Let's be a little honest. Quiz question
Noor ,   Palestine   (06.12.09)
Where are your ancestors from? A. Europe B. North America C. North Africa D. Iraq E. Latin America The only reason I didnt put "israel" is because both you and me know they are not from there. So, if youre from any of these areas, dont start spewing hatred telling other people to go back. Those people and their ancestors started living there way before you knew anything about israel. Those people still have the keys to their old homes. By the way, WE ARE HERE TO STAY! AND YOU WONT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! HAH!
9. 5#
shu ,   UK   (06.12.09)
number 4 is right,no such a thing as palastine every one that read history knows that. ISRAEL IS JEWISH,AND JEWISH IT WILL STAY.
10. Answer to "Palestinian" #5
David's Prince ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.12.09)
"the civil and religious rights of non jewish communities in Palestine" in the Mandate does not include NATIONAL rights. Those were given to Jews only, in the Mandated region comprising all the land west of the Jordan river. National rights to Arabs were given in the mandates that became Lebanon, Syria and the area known today as Jordan. The Arabs who had immigrated and settled in the Jewish homeland were to become citizens only, in the re-etablished ancient Jewish national homeland. So your comment is irrelevant and incorrect. Please read up about the mandate.
11. I have principles you know
Groucho   (06.12.09)
and if you don't like them, I have some others.
12. 2 state solution fails on refugee issue alone
Sam ,   Canada   (06.12.09)
Neither the Israeli right or left will agree to change Israel's predominantly Jewish culture by allowing in massive numbers of Palestinians. When the Palestinians were the majority, they too did their best to keep the Jews out (and failed) Without any credible hope for peace, Israelis won't take on the settlers just as Fatah doesn't want to take on terrorist groups without a hope of getting their way. Obama has no serious chance for peace and Israel won't bend to him just to prop up a small bit of credibility with Muslims.
13. Answer to Noor #8
David's Prince ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.12.09)
My Jewish ancestors never freely left Israel. They were expelled by invaders and occupiers, among which were Arabs invaders. At every Jewish wedding for millenia, a prayer to not forget Jerusalem and Zion is said, and also at every Jewish prayer in Shabat. My ancestors formed the majority on Jerusalem centuries before Israel was re-established, as well as in Tibeias, in Safed and all around the Land of Israel. Now, where do your ancestors come from, Noor? A: Jordan B: Egypt C: Lebanon/Syria D: Iraq E: Europe F: Expelled from Kuwait after supporting Saddam's invasion in 1991? It is true that "you are here now", as you put it. Israel already contains 20 per cent non-Jews, of which many are Arabs. That's fine. We are a Jewish democracy. But in order to create a 2-state-solution, the lion part of the Palestine mandate, i.e. Jordan, needs to contribute to creating the Arab part of the 2-state-solution. Per definition, all Arabs residing in today's Jordan are Palestinian Arabs (Arabs of the former Palestine mandate), just as the Arabs of Gaza and Judea/Samaria). In order to accomodate a homeland for the Palestinian Arabs in a 2-state-solution, mandated Eastern Palestine (Jordan) must make a contribution to peace in welcoming its sons, the Palestinian Arabs, and letting them return from The Land of Israel, including Judea/Samaria into formerly mandated Eastern Palestine (Jordan).
14. nobama!
oded   (06.12.09)
bibi must stand firm in front of thisuber anti israel adminstartion. obam's goal is clear- weaken israel to the point of capitulation and and hand on a platter to his newly found moslem brothers. and then he'll hand out america t its enemies. just tel obama and his cluster of selfhating, low life jewish advisers-- go f yourselves!
15. Making Sense!
Robert ,   New Jersey, USA   (06.12.09)
David's Prince makes eminent sense! A two state solution: Jordan for so-called Palestinians; Israel for Jews. What could be simpler? You Palestinians don't want this solution because it would be a tacit admission you don't belong west of the Jordan. Furthermore, you want Israel Judenfrei. Get used to won't get your wish. Settle for what's possible! I would go so far as contribute to a fund to repatriate you to Jordan. Mr Teleprompter Moneybags, Barack Hussein - who is giving every island-nation money to accept your terrorist brothers from Guantanamo should be most willing to send 200 million for every Pali in Israel now to relocate to Jordan. Make Jordan RICH! Accept a million or so Pali's. Only a trillion USD...a pittance to buy you Arabs' out.compared to Mr. Moneybag Teleprompter's domestic US spending plan!
16. The Land of Israel is exclusively the land of the Jews
Dave Ronen ,   Haifa   (06.12.09)
The Land of Israel belongs exclusively to the people of Israel. The Jews have the right to build and live freely in their country. Agreements as a result of blackmail and pressure are not valid and will not change historical truth and International Legitimacy (The San Remo agreements). Mistakes done in the past by Israeli government(s) should not be respected and should be put right immediately. Settlements in Judea, Samaria (i.e., the West Bank), Gaza and the whole of Jerusalem are legal. We should return to the original legitimity as described at :
17. irrelevant
Michael ,   Haifa   (06.12.09)
It makes no difference what Netanyahu says. He has no credibility either here in Israel or in the world. What counts is what Obama intends to do about it.
18. #14 Oded is right on
Steven ,   San Francisco   (06.12.09)
That's exactly what's going on here.
19.  EU SOLANA Pressure
Frank ,   US   (06.12.09)
Has EU accepted Turkey inot EU as full member ???
20. Hang In There, Bibi!!
Heather Czerniak ,   Milwaukee, USA   (06.12.09)
Stick to your guns and no one can touch you. No country, not even the US, has a right to dictate policy to Israel.
21. Netanyahu Is Pissing In His Pants
Hugh Cares ,   Safed Israel   (06.12.09)
He has lost his nerve long ago and must please his american masters ,including the new Pharoah Obummer.
22. Shas Only Care About Receiving $$$
Hugo First ,   Safed Israel   (06.12.09)
Shas are political Whores,they are just concerned about their share of the Budget.Why be afraid of a political conflict with Obama administration.?Bring it on.Shas are spineless.Obama and Hillary are forcing a confrontation and Israel should stand up for itself." They are not spitting at us ma,it is raining"says Eli Yishai the Shas Pimp,or is it wimp?
23. Nothingyahu And Principles???
Hugh Cares ,   Safed Israel   (06.12.09)
24. Talkbackers are Shameful
Jason ,   Canada   (06.12.09)
Its shameful to see Talkbackers here calling for the expulsion of Palestinians from the land. Just goes to show, ANYONE is capable of racism and hate, even Jews. I hope the World community puts heavy pressure on Israel, whether through the UN or sanctions, until they do what is necessary to allow for a Palestinian State to be formed.
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