Syria is drying up
Guy Bechor
Published: 03.08.09, 08:47
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48 Talkbacks for this article
31. Learn fromJordan
32. origin of the word holocaust
Andrew ,   Swan Hill   (08.04.09)
When Richard the Lionheart was having his coronation march through the streets of London, the Jews of London came out to greet him with gifts of gold. Richard's men fearing they were going to cause a riot massacred them. An historian at the time referred to the incident as holocaustem. Simon Schama - A history of Britain
33. Use your deserts to build artificial lakes.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (08.04.09)
Use plastic membrains to keep the water from being absorbed into the earth. Make a pond of sea water on one side.....make a second pond to collect fresh water on the other side. Cover both ponds with a plastic or rubber roof that is supported by an air flow. Keep them connected to each other. Paint the rubber or plastic membrane roof, on the (salianated water side), black. This will absorb massive amounts of heat and make the lake evaporate. On the other rubber roof side with the collection pond.....use the newer paint,( Which reflects heat almost totally), to stop any heat from entering this side of the rubber roof. Condensation will form on this side because of the temperature difference... Water will rain down. With a solar array to provide electricity.....cool air could also be applied to the cooler collection pond side, with a cooling system. This air temperature difference will allow fresh water to form into water droplets. The two ponds could be seperated by a membrane that would only allow hot air to flow into the cold side, with the moisture ready to be collected. A plastic vent system would be needed.
34. Desalinization Plants
Jason, Ph.D. ,   Charlotte, USA   (08.04.09)
Isn't the answer for Israel to build more desalinization plants? Any water experts out there?
35. Desalination plants a red herring.
JPS ,   Efrat   (08.04.09)
No, desalination plants are not the answer. All the countries have to first totally overhaul their water policies to drastically cut consumption and recycle every source. Israel is one of the chief offenders, with an incompetent bureaucracy and irresponsible political leaders who shirk their responsibility. While cutting consumption by over 50% (yes, its very doable), we and are neighbors do indeed have to desalinate - but only in concert with an overall plan to reduce demand and increase conservation. Israel should lead the way by immediately stopping cultivation of water-intensive crops (crikey, we still grow cotton here!), implementing tax refunds for homes and businesses that recycle, ban flush toilets with tanks larger than 2 liters, give tax breaks for replacing grass with artificial turf, etc.
36. Adding to 33#
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (08.04.09)
Vent pipes buried deep underground would pick up the earths 55 degree temperature, to pump air through the cooler side of the collection pond side also. Pumping the super heated moisture filled air through a cooler underground system would turn the vapor into water as well. You could use the earths natural cooler temperature to do the process.
37. To Steven#33. Great Idea.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (08.04.09)
Great idea, Steven. Should be implemented as quick as possible -- and as many artificial lakes as possible should be created.
38. #25. That means that
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (08.04.09)
Quote :” Unfortunately, while Israel has focused on water issues for decades, our neighbors have not and make their problems...ours.” That means that the managers (i.e. political leadership) of Syria and Gaza Strip are not good managers. So, it is due to those unqualified managers that their own people are suffering -- and will continue to suffer.
39. amazing article
charles ,   Jerusalem-Israel   (08.04.09)
Congratulations for this analysis. I am going to forward it to all my connections
40. #34 desalinayation plants-no!
Lisa   (08.04.09)
Jason from USA- zou live in a huge country and have two seas- Mediterranean countries have ONE sea that is too salty already- how many more desalination plants do you think we can build around this sea? There are xxxxx already. Israel is not the only country sharing this too small, too warm, too salty pond. SAVING water is still the first and best alternative- read #35 And Jason: the USA might want to look into it too- 'borrowing water' from Canada is not an alternative once the underground reserves in the deserts dry up- might have to replace the fountains and the grass round Vegas and Palm Springs with something ugly and plastic, LOL
41. #36 great idea?
Lisa   (08.04.09)
Steven, I am not an expert, so I am asking: does this work also when the ground temp is above 35C (Centigrade not fahrenheit) and the air temp around 35 to 40C.... anything water above ground will evaporate as soon as it appears above ground. The 'ponds' would have to be covered and contained so the evaporation is negligible. I am asking this, because air temp here where I live is 35C , ground temp is close to 40C during the day, the water in the cistern is about 28C...we are having a HOT summer- this is the Mediterranean. Thanks.
42. Golan and Kineret STAY within Israel
Sogijo ,   Wien / AT   (08.04.09)
Keep it like that! No discussion. Secure it.
43. 41# The ponds would have to be both covered with a plastic
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (08.05.09)
membrane roof. One side that was normally 35 to 40 degrees centigrade would shoot up to 50 derees centigrade after the plastic roof lining was sprayed with a black paint. The other ponds roof could be sprayed with a new product of paint that stops thermal heat from entering the other ponds plastic roof membrane. This would keep the other side much cooler. Using underground piping with fresh water flowing through it would collect the cold of the earths lower soils which would further cool the pond.The water could be circulated with power from solar cell panels. These panels could also be used to power heating the one side of the pond while cooling the other side of the pond...which should produce plenty of fresh water, just as the earth does naturally through rain from the cooler upper atmosphere. There is plenty of sun for solar....there is plenty heat to bring up the water temperature. With thermal paints....this should be possible to do.They paint steel containers with this paint for housing now.....the steel doesn't absorb the heat from the sun. The pond wouldn't either if sprayed with the paint.
44. To Lisa (23)
Tahl ,   Ashdod, Israel   (08.05.09)
Apparently you still don't get it. Holocaust, with a capital H, is an exclusive term used to describe the genocide where most of Europe's Jews were massacred. The only other possible Holocaust is perhaps the Armenian Holocaust. By contrast, a holocaust, with a small h, is a generic word which means total destruction, as Yael said. Some examples for using this word: From this story - the Syrian water mismanagement created a holocaust to their water supplies. From the financial markets - the recent credit crunch, if not for massive intervention - would have created a massive economic holocaust to the entire world. And from your example - Hamas' terrorism has created a holocaust to their population, where many children died. There is no mixing or confusion between these two terms.
45. to #33
Dov ,   Israel   (08.05.09)
If desalination plants are the answer then let Syria build them.
46. #44 I don't get it?
Lisa   (08.08.09)
47. ~44 thank you Tahl
Lisa   (08.08.09)
thank you for the education. I know the word has been used for years before WWII- since that time however it is used almost exclusively for the Jewish Holocaust- or is it jewish Holocaust? I saw this written in this same TB discussion- (Yael) Outside israel there is no distinction between Holocaust and holocaust- not since so many people got called anti-semitic for one reason or another. No non-Jew would even dare use this word now in any other context- so I find it strange that it is used here- for a man-made stupidity and incompetence.
48. #44 Tahl
Lisa   (08.08.09)
I just read #32 Simon Schama's explanation- if this is accurate, then the word holocaust has been associated with Jews from the beginning- you could say it was 'invented' for them... this would make me question the definition you are giving. Small or large caps, it would be used for total destruction of the Jews... not to be used for man-made problems, material destruction etc.
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