Republican Huckabee supports Israeli settlements
Associated Press
Published: 17.08.09, 16:51
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38 Talkbacks for this article
31. Obama is no friend of Israel and the Jewish people.
Ron B. ,   Lod   (08.18.09)
After President Barack Obama met for the first time with leaders of selected Jewish organizations and leaks from the meeting make one thing very clear. The only free country in the Middle East no longer has a friend in the leader of the free world. Obama is the most hostile sitting American president in the history of the state of Israel. Is Obama a hostile president or is he naive and mistaken ? The answer at :
32. We would be better off with Huck as
jason white ,   afula,israel   (08.18.09)
defense minister or p.m.! Or Rudy!
33. Standing up for what is right
Steve   (08.18.09)
American politicians, from both the Democratic Party and the Republican party, have advocated policies which strengthen Israel's enemies and are disastrous for Israel. In the face of this great stupidity, some of which is coming from his own party, Huckabee has done the honorable thing and stood up for what is right. Finally a US politician with both morals and a brain.
34. Israel must survive
gracious ,   Central, USA   (08.18.09)
For the sake of the world and freedom, Israel must survive. The Holocaust must never happen again. In 1948, the nations of the world realized the Jewish people needed a homestate, their own land. This was a miracle of God, really. Huckabee and those who love Israel will do what we can to help the nation survive. We are extremely saddened that our President Obama has turned against your country and would ever think of dividing Jerusalem or giving sovereignty of parts of the land away. That bodes poorly not only for the USA but for Israel. We are praying he will change his mind, but we know his background is very liberal. Also those he associates with. But Israeli people are strong. They trust in God to protect them. Israel has a right to exist, and Gov. Huckabee is one American who understands this and wants to be sure Israel exists and has a right for its citizens to live wherever they want. This is freedom.
35. SHuckabee is a "mouthpiece" and functionary
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (08.18.09)
of the christian dominionist establishment that has entrenched themselves into the bureaucracy of the united states of amnesia. even obama is incapable of resisting them they control the money and materiel. You need to try and grasp how bush and the evangelicals have so profoundly altered the definition of war. What they have meticulously planned and and very nearly got to the final execution phase isn't war in the traditional since not "occupation" in the traditional since it is "iraqification" - and there is still daily talk and final planning to "iraqify" israel. One code phrase they use is "hey those Jews believe their god is mightier then everyone else's". or "we need to act to get the violence in the Middle East under control and Israel is the main proponent of that violence" Their is still time however, it would seem the CIA in particular is dismayed with their inability to get Israeli's to relinquish loyalty to the state and confirm their thesis. In other word they haven't been able to buy off any Israeli defense personnel but, they report optimistically that it is starting to change and they are acquiring "candidate sources" they call it "emergent porosity" the CIA is completely inundated with domionist Generals Boynkin and Shcumaker ensured that.
36. Irmo: Great posts! I love your intelligence. Have you
Rivkah   (08.18.09)
ever noticed how often we have posts next to each other? We must be writing to YNET at the same time quite often, like we are on the same wavelength.
ABRAHAM ben JACOB ,   CANADA   (08.19.09)
38. yes I do make the occasional spelling or grammar posh-ee-ah
AY_Lamb ,   USA   (08.19.09)
but, honestly I am often rushed and believe it or not posting to the TBs on YNET isn't the only thing I have to do. Actually at this point in my life I have opted to assume the "yoke of - the case for Israel" . The threat is real and it is serious psychological profilers for the CIA are currently updating target dossiers on Israeli leaders (the same gouy Dr. Chin - that worked the Saddam Hussein case) is working the Netanyahu profile. The plans laid by order of the Bush/Cheney admin are still viable and "on order" O/O, awaiting execution directives. Huckabee is a functionary, if he were elected President, it is most likely that the US soldier/civilian war apparatus would have occupied and started assimilation of both Israel and Iran by now. You must try to understand these Neo-Cons and their paradigm, they believe that the answer to injustice and a solution to the ills that plague the world is continuous and perpetual application of all instruments of power and influence visa vis the apparatus of national defense to establish a "qua" normal christi-islamo ethic and values system globally. The eradication of "unbelief-heresy" is at the forefront and nexus of all decision. Why else do you think that ultimately and in almost every case an amity is established with Shii-Islami peoples? eventually with an evangelical like "Huckabee" or especially "Palin" in the oval office, there is even a great probability that a tremendous and lasting nascent friendship with the regime in Tehran could ensue. These prophetic "end of worlders" have far to much in common at a primal level. Bush really liked Iran and everyday in Iraq at the local level relationships of trust and cooperation grow.
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