2 rockets hit Nahariya area; no injuries
Hagai Einav
Published: 11.09.09, 16:19
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106 Talkbacks for this article
61. #40 - "Christianity: 2000 years of 'love' "
William ,   Israel   (09.11.09)
Um, just for the record - Christians murdered hundreds of thousands of people over the centuries to push their version of "G-d" and to punish Jews for "murdering their savior". Yesterday's Christianity is today's Islam. I would say you have a lot of atoning to do for past transgressions in the name of "Jesus". Jews fight to survive, Muslims fight to instill oppression. If I were a Palestinian, I'd wonder why Lebanon passed laws to keep me in refugee camps to rot. You know what I wish? I wish for the Lebanese people, Christians included, to practice what they preach about coexistence. Throw out Hizbullah and build a peaceful society. Without Hizbullah and Syria/Iran, there really isn't any reason for tension between Israel and Lebanon.
62. #41 - They're your's now!
William ,   Israel   (09.11.09)
You wouldn't have this "war garbage" if: a) you didn't join in with a war of extermination against Israel, b) treated the Pal refugees with respect rather than fodder for racist hatred against Israel, like other Arab leaders have done, and c) refused Arafat and his cronies who made a State within Lebanon as his own. You have a choice - you either control them, or we will! But don't be upset at the response if you can't take responsibility.
63. #43 - IDF has rights to fly-over due to UNR1701 violations
William\ ,   Israel   (09.11.09)
Hizbullah violated the resolution before the ink was dry. Though they accepted the partial disarming of themselves and blocked involvement in S. Lebanon, they openly declared they would do it anyway. Once that happened, Israel had no choice but to do fly-overs to gather intelligence. Take a lesson from Egypt and Syria. Be peaceful and leave us alone. Continue to screw with us, and we'll bite back. Surely the education system in Canada has taught you simple equations, no?
64. #47 - Israel only State founded by vote
William ,   Israel   (09.11.09)
If you want to dismiss States because they were "formed on apartheid, criminal behavior and the total dispossession of an entire people" you can kiss every Arab State goodbye. You can also kiss most African States, some European States, and the US goodbye. Blow it out your arse. Israel is the only State voted on by a majority of global countries, on ideology of self-determination (a human right) for Jews, and equality for its citizens (provided they decline trying to kill Jews). Let's talk about human rights, like the right to justice and truth, How about the hundreds of thousands of Arabs who entered Palestine illegally and settled on land without paying for it? Surely these people are not the "disposed" ones you speak of. Legally, they are nothing....and just happen to be the majority of Pal refugees. See? Isn't learning fun? Build your own State now and leave Israel alone, or live in chaos forever. We have plenty of you?
65. @Alexander
Aline ,   Beirut,Lebanon   (09.11.09)
Did I fired rockets? nope Did my army fire rockets? no Did Hezbollah fire the rockets? if so where is your proof? you have NONE. nothing visible if the palestinians did it then take it with them not us. we dont speak for those people nor do we care for them they cause us enough problems as it is. like i said the arab world immunes them from us intervening. My post was is response to your fellow "peace loving" israeli people (showing their true colours) who are itching to bomb my country over 2 fireworks that you have no idea launched. My nazi state? oh please i am not the one dying for war or getting excited at the idea of bombing a nation who is just got on its feet just for two rockets who YOU DONT EVEN KNOW LAUNCHED. you people are so ignorant you dont know Hezbollah isnt the only armed group in Lebanon. god you people are all the same racist,arrogant and hateful. Its YOU who wants war and the lebanese who think peace your nation right now is possible live in a dream world. I'll say it again You and the palestinians deserve each other. They are trouble makers and you are war mongerers = match made in hell
66. #41 aline
your country must do something about this condition. your country cannot allow any organization to form a state withoin a state with military and with terror and missiles given by syria and iran. take hold of your country before it disappears completely and is in ruin from the israeli response, again! your government, having hizbullah in it, is now responsible for every missile that comes from lebanon. i don't care if you have palestinians there, al qaida, etc... any country must and should control all factions in its midst and not give excuses that they are not allowed to. remember king hussein and black september? remember syria and hama???? both jordan's king and hafez assad killed 20,000-30,000 palestinian terrorists and kicked them out with arafat in tow. SO, YOU SEE, IT CAN BE DONE!!!! IF YOUR GOVERNMENT WANTS IT IT CAN BE ACHEIVED. do not lay out excuses and do not give permission to terror organizations to be in your government or live and operate freely against your country's wishes. this is why you do have an protect you from these imbeciles and terror groups. hameed ABOUGHAZE, IRANIAN
67. #43
israel begged to stop the war??? you fool and liar. did you see saniora cry at the un to stop the israeli bombardments??? he cried and cried for the un to make israel stop. did you hear what nasrallah said after southern beirut was bombed to hell??? he said, and i quote, "if i knew that israel will respond like with this destruction in lebanon, i would have never done what i did..." so, when the israeli soldiers finally got their way and marched towards the litani and crossed it almost, usa and un again tied our hands behind our back and didn't let us win this war at all. they enforced resolution 1701 on israel because the lebanese could not take the destruction any more. you idiot! for 3 soldiers, you lost entire southern lebanon, many died, many suffered, many lost homes which they still do not have rebuilt. was it worth it???? was it? you fool! when you lebanese/hizbullah/palestinians decide to go again on such an adventure against israel, remember that israel only used 5% of its power against hizbullah in 2006. i wonder how lebanon would look with using 100% of israeli power on land, sea and air. be careful because israel learned its lesson very well from the 2006 war against you people. this time, there will be no mercy and no listening to the un resolutions and cease fire requests. this time, with pm netanyahou (who is not olmert), the situation for the lebanese, hizbullah and even the palestinian camps would be devastating. a carnage! be very careful and do not claim israel didn't warn your government that THEY WILL RESPOND TO ANYTHING EXITING FROM YOUR AREA. PERIOD! hameed aboughaze, IRANIAN
68. #54 - If you can't figure out Israelis, you're blind
William ,   Israel   (09.11.09)
I can't say how many times I've read talkbacks here that stated directly to the Lebanese people that Israelis want peace. Infact, none of us can really figure out what we're fighting about between us and can see peace between Lebanon and Israel. The two things that stand in our way is Hizbullah (Iran/Syria) and the Palestinians. Get rid of them from the picture and there's nothing left to fight about. If you didn't have Hizbullah, there wouldn't be aggression against Israel except from a handful of Palestinians. You'd never even see an IDF soldier at that point. But Hiz pushes us, attacks us, for no reason but to boost their image and to gain concessions. Pals - resettle them or don't. Not our problem. We consider them illegal immigrants from the 1930s anyway. Let them go back to WB or Gaza, or their home countries - Egypt, Iraq, Syria, etc. We, as Lebanese and Israelis, share a great deal of the same things - love of life, freedom, prosperity - and the effects of external elements trying to manipulate us into war. The Pals surely won't let you make peace with us before them, or there will be violence in Beirut. I'm beginning to see more and more people who are wishing themselves without the Palestinians. The Gulf State sure don't like them much.
69. #58 - If the shoe fits, wear it
William ,   Israel   (09.11.09)
Tibetans were displaced. Darfurian are being displaced. Kurds were displaced.....and yet none of them has reacted so violently, brought so much pain into the world as Palestinians have. Palestinians have brought some of the most heinous terrorist tactics to the world. In every major terrorist group, you can find Palestinian members, no matter where! Aline speaks the truth, especially after seeing how Pals embraced the Al-Qaeda group recently, and in years past were behind Arafat's attempt to carve out land in Lebanon as his own...right after the Pals tried to over-throw the Monarchy in Jordan. Pals were thrown out of Kuwait and Iraq for bad behavior and supporting aggression, and now their place in UAE is in question. If you're so stubborn that you can't do some introspection now, no one can help you. Start by reviewing exactly where Pals came from instead of your tired narrative of "ancient Palestine" where no one can produce a deed but all have a rusty key. Nice try.
70. To: No. 44
Sarah B ,   New York City, USA   (09.11.09)
Are you always this stupid and uninformed, or did you put it on today just for my entertainment? Since Hizbollah took credit for the rockets fired into Israel, I have no choice but to take them at their word.
71. #54 Aline
Eyal ,   Highland Beach, USA   (09.11.09)
Again, that is your country's problem. When was the last time you remember Israel attacking your homeland or Gaza for no reason? At every occasion, it's either Hezbollah or Hamas or Fatah or the rest of the scum Muslim Arabs that provoke Israel to return fire and defend its citizens (not yours), but when Israel returns fire, you complain that Israel uses extensive fire? This is always your excuse. Peace can be achieved, but every time Israel mentions peace with Lebanon, your countryman always say no peace with Israel, unless there is peace with the Palestinians?? Maybe when your leaders become strong enough and want to combat terrorists group such as Hezbollah and the many other groups you invite to participate in your government in Lebanon, than I guess peace with Israel will prevail, but if they want to continue the Arab slogan of Israel belongs to Arab land, peace will never happen and only destruction to your country will be our victory, which I will support. If Lebanon initiates a peace proposal with Israel, Israel will always make an effort to make peace with Lebanon, no doubt. Just like with Egypt and just like with Jordan. No one in Israel wants war, but everyone in Israel wants to be protected. Yes, there are some people on the message board that are pissed at the Arabs and frankly so am I, cause no matter what, Israel is always blamed. Remember, if you (a sovereign country) stop firing at Israel than no one will return fire, but if you continue, than Israel will return fire and do much more damage and you can't say anything about it except complain. In the 80's when I lived in Israel, I remember how Israel used to help the Christians in Lebanon from the Muslims who used to slaughter them. You're forgetting this or perhaps weren't told, which is possible. Google it and see for yourself.
72. @Nour i will tell you the truth
Aline ,   Beirut,Lebanon   (09.11.09)
Those "laws" were passed AFTER the war that your people played a major part in. before that Lebanon was a great place to be for a Palestinian. George Habbash studied medicine here and Abu Hassan would party hard in beirut with beautiful women and even married miss Lebanon. such a shame those same people ruined it for the rest when they decided to raise their arms against us & tried to rule lebanon. Im against these laws Im more in favour of ur expulsion from Lebanon. Most of us dont hate the Palestinians we just want you out of Lebanon. we cannot absorb most of you at the expense of the native population. We cannot provide conditons for our own people who mostly have to work abroad so you are in no place to make demands from us. When we have nothing else to give you. i want to put my nation first not yours. Just like we are victim of Syrian and Israeli terrorism Lebanon has also been victim of Palestinian terrorism which pre-dates the both. Many Muslim or Leftist lebanese will be reluctant to admit this but history of Lebanon shows the truth. My mothers village was attacked by Palestinians in 1970s so I know what your people has done here. You cannot talk to me about human rights when many of you did not respect ours when You created checkpoints & a state within a state in our country,which led to our destruction and us losing the "paris of the middle east". PLO terrorized was us BEFORE the war under the arrogance of Arafat & PLO you did things not even israelis did (i wont go into). even now the camps ur so dangerous that most lebanese are afraid to pass them & u allow terrorists to train in them which puts our nation in threat. we have lost many good men to them last being nahr al bared in 2007 when u palestinians let fatah al islam stay there as they were attacking lebanese. its sad to say but ur ppl have done nothing but problems in lebanon for 40 years. We wish for you all the best and we live in peace but as NEIGHBOURS & not in Lebanon. you are lucky we still kept your people in Lebanon after what you did here from 1968-82. Kuwait expelled 400,000 of you for doing not even half of what you did in Lebanon. Hopefully i pray that one day a bill will come from the goverment that endorses on the same thing. we have paid the price for you cause for long enough. As long as Palestinians remain here Lebanon can never be restored permanently be in a stalemate.
73. Paco, at least you acknowledge that Lebanon/Hez is one.....
Cynic ,   USA   (09.11.09)
Now Israel make Lebanon pay for its act of war
74. The Lebanese are not going to fight Israel's war
Maronite ,   Canada   (09.11.09)
The Lebanese are not going to fight Israel's war because we did not steal anyone's land. Israel can bombard Lebanon but it can not make us fight its wars. If Israel wants to get rid of Hezbollah then the Israelis should do that and not the Lebanese. We have paid enough for your wars in the past with the PLO and your meddling in our internal affairs.
75. To nr 65 - Aline
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (09.11.09)
Hizbollah sits in your system - it shows YOUR ignorance. And Hizbollah enjoys a lot of support in Lebanon. FACT. Second, where is your proof of Israel being "aggressive"? Israel is militarily superior to Lebanon. We could easily wipe out your little piece of shit country in no time. Yet we chose not to, because we are civilized unlike you Arabs. We are not demonizing the Arab world and we are not attacking or questioning your right to exist. But you Arabs are directing this sort of racism against Israel daily. Responding to aggression is not aggression. UK and USA responding to Nazi Germany is not aggression - it is self defense. If you think that Israel will accept getting hit by your rockets - you are deadly wrong. Again, if you want Israel to stop attacking your country, you and your 90% anti-Semitic Nazi population needs to engage in war with the Hizbollah and stop them from firing rockets into Israel. I never said anything about conquering Lebanon - I said that I want Lebanon to stop firing rockets into Israel. And if Lebanon has no control over its territory than it has exhausted its legitimacy as a state. How would you feel if a private organization would fire from Israel against you and the Israeli government would say "we take no responsibility - it wasn't us". According to international law, unprovoked attacks are illegal no matter if the government or a terrorist organization initiated it from a sovereign state. I'll repeat myself so that even an Arab can understand this: I don't care if you personally or the Lebanese government initiates it. You are formally a sovereign state and we will hold you responsible for all incoming rockets into Israel. What exactly makes us "belligerent"? That we want you to stop firing at us? As I see it, you think that Israel's right to defend itself is 'aggressive" and if you deny us our right to defend ourselves you are an anti-Semite and an enemy of Israel. If you don't want Israel to turn Lebanon into a huge crater, you had better stop firing those rockets. After all, not initiating attacks on another state is a MINIMAL gesture of peace efforts. But you can't even do that. Once again Aline, either you are on drugs, you can't read or plain stupid: I don't care if it was you personally or your government or Hizbollah. Stop with the excuses and pretexts. Stop firing rockets on us or face destruction. It is your choice. Denying Lebanon's responsibility to maintain law and order and peace on its territory and prevent attacks on sovereign states such as Israel is Lebanon's responsibility. Another alternative is of course for Israel to wipe out all of our enemies. You accepting rockets fired from Lebanon into Israel shows your true Nazi colors. Arabs cooperated with the Nazis during WW2. And you ethnically cleansed the Jews in Israel 636 AD when you Arabs conquered and occupied my land. You Aline are simply true to your racist anti-Semitic and Arab imperialist tradition.
76. @alexander
Aline ,   Beirut,Lebanon   (09.12.09)
If this agression (2 rockets) is done by the palestinians than take it with them not Lebanese They are not our citizens or part of our goverment. but have their own self rule & cause us enough headache as it is. They are legally not our responsibility or under our governing they dont even pay taxes and the arab world since the 1960s gives them immunity from us controling their areas and the last time we did stand up to them for using our country as a battlefield the arab world only provided them with weapons and billions of dollars to fight against us even sent mecenaries from across the globe to help them. If you have a problem with them take it with them. like maronite says we will not fight your war for you. Read your own comments before you talk about nazism or racism or even dare complain about suffering from it. Hezbollah dont have the support most of Lebanese support FACT. They do not speak for Lebanon only their supporters, who are the minority. Their coalition lost the election so explain how they can be supported by "most" of Lebanon if they lost the election? or represent the majority? especially considering Lebanon is a confessional country. What hariri said he said in appeasement to try and reconcile with the opposition. They would be supported if israel invaded or bombed lebanon then you would be the ones providing them with the leverage and support. Even tho now most of us are sick of them, youll only be boasting their popularity like u did in 2006. in 2013 expats will given the right to vote and this will further harm HA stronghold because they will loose more voters since most of the expats are not shia muslim or HA supporters. For the record I dont consider myself an Arab I consider myself Lebanese first and only. Love,Respect and Peace in country is all i care for. The arab world problems are not my concern especially the palestinians. lol i didnt "ethnically cleansed jews" in 636 ad impossible since i wasnt even born back then :)))) idiot however my people have been victim of racism by arab nationalists so implying that i am one. is not ignorant but a joke. Lebanon Never expelled or confiscate their property of Jews like Iraq,Lybia or Egypt did. if thats your point, infact until the 1970s before the civil war we had a jewish community of 15,-30,000 however nearly all left during the civil war. during the 1940s persecuted jews from arab countries like Egypt Iraq and Syria actually immgirated to Lebanon for safety. I will say it again hateful people like you shouldnt complain about the arabs or palestinian extremists since you have the same mentality. you deserve each other.
77. #72 Aline
Nour ,   Palestine   (09.12.09)
Aline, Although I respect your opinion, including your dreams of our 'explusion' - this must be ratified by the Lebanese nation. You do NOT speak for the Lebanese nation, but your Maronite which has enjoyed so much colonial support over the years but that's none of my business.. "...decided to raise their arms against us & tried to rule lebanon. Im against these laws Im more in favour of ur expulsion from Lebanon." Sure, Maronite Christians could not care less about Palestinians or their own dignity and nation. They have no pride, they received the Israeli army with tea and refreshments while Beirut was being pounded. You have been sell-outs depuis long temps mon cher. "Most of us dont hate the Palestinians we just want you out of Lebanon" I agree Lebanon is an unstable bastion of medieval factionalism and corrupt politics. Our people are better off in their own country Palestine. "I want to put my nation first not yours." Such noble words. Why don't you support Lebanon then, rather than March 14 camp, camp that. "Just like we are victim of Syrian and Israeli terrorism Lebanon has also been victim of Palestinian terrorism which pre-dates the both" Now that is a truly disgusting comment. Care to back up your accusations!? Prior to 1948 the Lebanese bourgeoisie was flocking to Palestine for greener pastures. You know, at times of great famines in Lebanon. You had nothing that wasn't in abundance in Palestine - and you know it. "My mothers village was attacked by Palestinians in 1970s so I know what your people has done here." Oh so you're holding an entire people, your southern neighbors, responsible over the deeds of some guerillas? Very close minded -and not so intelligent. "when u palestinians let fatah al islam stay there as they were attacking lebanese. its sad to say but ur ppl have done nothing but problems in lebanon for 40 years." Hmm..are you accusing Fatah of turning a blind eye to Fatah al Islam? Or Hamas? or Jihad? Perhaps the PLO? Maybe we wouldn't be talking like this had your Government not locked us up like animals since 48? Or perhaps you are SUGGESTING that we deserve our condition because we "sold our land to the Jews" or any other Maronite lie? Abour our "expulsion", it's a shame Aline, at this time in your country's history you feel you are losing grip over your nation and of course who else to blame but those evil trouble makers the Palestinians? Such an easy way out Aline. Take a long hard look in the mirror dear and ask yourself what have YOU DONE to preserve the unity of your nation or promote peace and justice in the region? We all know what you care about, preserving a Christian character to Lebanon at any cost and screw everyone else. Well it hadn't really been working in your favor has it? Try some honesty and FOR ONCE stop blaming us for your woes. Think about your future, Lebanon is dear to us as our Northern neighbors and we would hate to see it torn apart by Lebanese.
78. #68
Nour ,   Palestine   (09.12.09)
We Palestinians disliked? What an utter lie, you're simply jealous the whold world is standing by our just cause while everyone, i mean everyone, including the Americans, despise you. Even American Jews are beginning to view YOU as the world's largest threat that needs to be neutralized. That is the truth - chew on it.
79. #74
really??? israel is interfearing?? you must be joking. you really must be talking about syria and iran, my dear, not israel. these two countries have created mayhem and disaster together with thev palis in your country, not israel. let your government get rid of hizbullah, iranian influence and syrian holding you by the balls and believe me, israel will be happy. no israeli wants you or your army to fight our wars for us. but, your country is ruled by iran and syria who is chocking you via the palis and hizbullah whom they train to destabilize your country and start war against israel by kidnapping soldiers and bombardment of the northern israeli region. yes, my dear, hizbullah and the palestinians operate in your country via iran and syria and you BLAME ISRAEL?????? if it wasn't for iran and syria establishing hizbullah and the terrorists pals in lebanon, interfearing in your government and your country, supplying arms and training these terror groups, you would have no problem with israel, my dear. vhowever, since they all operate from inside your country and take part in your government, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM, NOT ISRAEL. HAMEED ABOUGHAZE, IRANIAN blame iran and syria. you are their country. hameed aboughaze, iranian
80. #74 - Hizbullah is not Palestinian
William ,   Israel   (09.12.09)
Nasrallah claims that Hizbullah is home-grown Lebanese. That it represents that country and its citizens. You Lebanese may claim otherwise, and I believe you, but the criminal who perpetrates the crime has more credibility at the moment. Hizbullah does not fight for the Pals, they fight for the Shiites. They call for the destruction of Israel with the "Pal cause" as just an excuse - used by many Arab leaders over the years to justify their brutality and racist actions. Still, no one helps resettle Palestinians or even to get decent jobs. As long as Hizbullah, Fatah, PFLP, Hamas, etc. reside ON YOUR SOIL, they are YOUR problem. If you believe exerting your sovereignty over your land and borders is considered "fighting Israel's battle", then do you really have a State at all? Or are you just holding it temporarily for someone else? Think about it. Only Lebanese can clean their house, but Israel reserves the right to respond to even a rock thrown across the border according to Intl law.
81. Aline and Canadian Maronite
Ben ,   Chutzlaaretz   (09.12.09)
Salam aliekum! So Aline and CA Maronite, What would you have Israel do? Just allow the rockets coming from your country to continue? What are our choices? As other pointed out repeatedly, Lebanon claims to be a soverign nation. As such it is obligated to control what is fired from its territory. Though I deeply sympethize with your plight. You have the Palistinians, Iranians and Syrians initiating these wars with us, we can not forever sit and try to figure out who the Good peaceful Lebanese are vs. who the terrorist visitors. 99% of Israeli's would love to have peace with Lebanon. We have nothing against Maronite, Druz, Shia or Sunni Lebanese, but we must defend ourselves. The mistake in my mind was not assimilating and giving citizenship the the Palistinians who invaded your country. Lebanon should have done that instead of using the palis as ongoing propganda against Israel. Funny how with the exception of Jordan, all the Palis "Arab brothers" treat them so much worse than Israel ever did. Funny too, how the Palis continue living the lie. Allowing themselves to be used as tools of Arab tyranee. Ever wonder why Arabs living in Israel can serve in government, but Palistinians living in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq... etc.. can't even get basic citizens rights. I guess Israel is the bad guy here... keep drinking the coolaid Nour! It has done you so much good over the past 60 years.
82. To: No. 65
Sarah B ,   New York City, USA   (09.12.09)
I suppose a pretty good place to start would be that only Hizbollah has Katyusha rockets. Which won't save them, of course. But if Tehran is so stupid and naive as to think that this ploy fooled Israel into focusing solely on Hizbollah and ignoring Iran -- well -- the mullahs in Tehran are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, now, are they? We'll get them both. No country in the world has more experience than Israel in fighting multiple-front wars. Thanks to all the practice -- courtesy of the Arab/Moslem world -- we're quite good at it. Wait and see. Oh -- lest I forget -- you have some nerve. When Maronite Christians in your country were being slaughtered by Moslems, who came to their rescue? Israel. And only Israel. Show a little gratitude, please.
83. To nr 74 - WHO is stealing whose land?!
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (09.12.09)
Are you aware that Christianity and Islam are based on Judaism and that we Jews have 4000 years of history in Israel or did this escape your notice entirely? But as you are a good Christian that turns your cheek the other way as you have done for the past 2000 years against us Jews, yuo wouldn't mind if we deliver some payback? If you won't deal with Hizbollah - we will. If you won't police your own state, it means you don't deserve any state. Lebanon and all the other 21 Arab states are artificial creations of the European colonial powers in the early and mid 20th century and none of you can boast with 4000 years of history such as we Jews. 4000 and 3000 years ago, there were no Moslems and Christians and no Arabs and no Lebanon, "Palestinians", Jordan, no Arab Egypt(Egypt was not Arab, but is unfortunately Arab today, at least linguistically) and there was no Turkey(non Arabs), Iran(non Arabs), Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Sudan. Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. BUT 4000 AND 3000 YEARS THERE WAS DE FACTO ISRAEL AND JEWS/ISRAELITES/HEBREWS IN EXISTENCE! We are the true natives of the Middle East. You Moslems, Christians and Arabs are the newcomers.
84. #47 You have the right of return, Nour
Cynthia ,   USA   (09.12.09)
The right to return to Lebanon where your family ran for cover when 3000 Syrian militia took position to fight the Jews in '48. Your family ran away. They didn't fight to remain in Israel. They followed the same bad advice Palestinians now receive from their leaders which is why they regress.
85. #42 Definitely Hezbollah
Cynthia ,   USA   (09.12.09)
Under orders from Iran in advance of the UN meeting. So predictable and as usual, trying to squirrel out of any responsibility.
86. @ nour very cute but im not a Maronite :)
Aline ,   Beirut,Lebanon   (09.12.09)
Nour if you dont like Lebanon then get out. if you want to wait a 50 more years to go back to your lovely palestine fine do so but not in Lebanon somewhere else. NOBODY WANTS PALESTINIANS TO STAY THERE. except saudis who want to boast Sunni numbers & the arab nations who pour money into the camps.Also some Israelis who want you to loose ur "right of return" by being naturalized. In contrary even ur beloved nasrallah & HA says they are against Palestinians being absorbed in Lebanon or you receiving nationality saying they'll fight against it. This is Most of the reason their ally Aoun still has Christians follow him. im tired of ungrateful Palestinians like you complain & make demands from Lebanon than bad mouth it when we tell you a few home truths. We have suffered enough for your cause as it is. What more do you people want? 1) Im not a Maronite Im Greek Orthodox (over 10% of Lebanon is orthodox alone) & we are stereotyped as being more liberal. so much for your anti-maronite stereotype. 2)y'know previously my family did once supported your cause. Previously that is. 3)okay since you want to make it a sectarian debate fine... Its true most lebanese Muslims have sympathy for Palestinians plight however not for the ones in Lebanon.The shiite and druze want you gone also. but as far as most the christians (who are most lebanese people if we include expatriates) are concerned what happens between you and the israelis is not our problem nor should Lebanon be the ONLY country on the front line against israel when none of the arab world is or wants to be including "brotherly" Syria. We want to put lebanon first and only.This is something MOST LEBANESE (including our muslim brothers) want too do even tho they hate israel.I consider israel an enemy country now for what its done against Lebanon not against your people thats not my concern 4)Maronites have No pride? Thats why they are the most powerful christian group in the middle east? Thats why when ,when Faroq Kardoumi said the "road to palestine was via jounieh" they sent the PLO terrorists to hell when they dared tried this. if your referring to 2006 that wasnt the maronites or Lebanese Army but Fafat security forces from the FM this is a SUNNI faction or if your referring to 1982 its true they supported israel war against the Palestinians well we had all had enough,we were tired of the PLO pushing us around as if it were your country & trying to rule it (which it is not and never will be) you forgot you were guests and many of you still do today.Even the Shiites who are 100% anti-israel & dont like jews who support ur cause now welcomed the idf (i have the photos) in 82 with rice and flowers in the south to fight the PLO because,you were attacking and humiliating them also in their own country as well.(they are embarrassed to admit this but this a common fact most us lebanese are aware of) Yes I support 100% a strong and united Lebanon. The Lebanese muslims are my brothers and fellow countrymen. You are not Lebanese nor will your ppl ever be and Nor do I owe your them any obligation.
87. @nour
Aline ,   Beirut,Lebanon   (09.12.09)
Arafat more than anyone who invited the israelis to Lebanon cos he was the one tugging them on to invade Lebanon when he created his infamous fatahland &fakhani republic on OUR SOIL.It was at a time when you people & syrians had already done enough damage&the country had already been bankrupted & torn apart.the "civil" war had been on for years you were attacking our population looting our banks,attacking our army,raping,kidnapping,murdering,looting homes, setting up checkpoints etc even getting mercenaries from Bangladesh,Pakistan,Libya,sudan & somalia to help u do it Maronites stood up to ur arrogant terrorists for 7 yrs when u tried to rule a part of our country as your own when the arab world gave u billions to do so &the Maronites were still using weapons from the 1940s until Israel(which they bought from) supplied them with better ones.When our muslim brothers turned against us to side with you.They kept the chrisitan community together.Everyone remembers&talk about Shatila&Sabra done hobeika (the pro-syrian agent who also killed christians on orders by syria later).As if it were the only massacre to occur during that time but main-stream history largely forgot what ur people did against mine on our soil first from 1968-82 most barbaric acts thats its criminal the Lebanese gov today largely ignores to remember.As far as most Palestinians cared it did not matter or they were supporting it the PLO was a "resistance' & abu ammar their hero.They burned our churches killed our preists raped our nuns etc dragged dying bodies with their cars and tried to push many others out of their own country. Armenians lost their lands yet they are loved by most here and never harmed lebanon even before being naturalized did they complain like u ppl do. a very peaceful people.The attack on my mother's village is just proof u people cant for obvious reasons be part of this country cos you helped destroy it! GOD BLESS THE MARONITES you hate without them Christians would of been 2nd class citizens(like most in the middle east) & there would no Christians left in Lebanon. You did to us worse what the Israelis did to you. I love my countrymen regardless their faith but i will never accept you people as part of my country. Not because you are muslim because you dont deserve to be.Thank you for showing ur Palestinian racism against Lebanese Christians.This is my response: I consider my Muslim countrymen as my compatriots and brothers you people on the other hand a burden and soon enough this burden will be addressed.Its not a dream its what most of us want. The druze want it The shia Want it Christians want it.any suggestion of settling u in Lebanon causes fear among those groups. The sunnis are often accused by opposition of protecting ur status in the country just to keep their numbers high, this is the ONLY reason hezbollah has allies who are christian like Michel Aoun, because he fear mongers on this alot.We do not want our country to be used as your war field nor do we want to give you nationality at the expense of the NATIVE population if u dont like lebanon go to Morocco,Egypt,Jordan,Saudi Arabia,Gaza,Tunisia go anywhere you like but not here.stop making demands from us as if we owe you something. we dont.We had enough we want to live in peace & prosper but aslong as Palestinians & their camps stay in Lebanon this realistically will b hard Yes ur right, I do want to preserve the chrisitan presence in Lebanon so do the Shiite and the druze and other sects preserve their communities.Im not ashamed to admit that.We are the only free Christian community in the middle east.Why shud we sacrifice that for u? so we can end up like the copts of Egypt? or the Non-existent ones in Arabia? how about the 3000 ones in Gaza? Nope. Your not worth it. Besides, Kuwaitis who are 99.99% Muslim expelled 400,000 palestinians for your behaviour so why cant we? UAE is doing it for no reason.Lebanon is for the Lebanese not the Palestinians never will be
88. #78 - Chew on this....
William ,   Israel   (09.12.09)
US polls have consistently shown more support for Israel than for Palestinians for the past 10 years (it goes further back but let's keep it short for you). Take the media stance out of it and you find a huge support for Israel and a lack of support for Pals. While those who support you believe a 2-state solution is the way to go, they do NOT support your callous use of terrorism, your claim that ALL of Israel is your's, not that refugees need to be placed inside Israel. At the end of the day, they support your living in Ramallah and my State being a Jewish one right next door. I support that too. But you don't - your kind want it all and you just don't have support for that. If you do - please provide proof of it. I think support began to drop rapidly when reports of Hamas' terrorism goals over helping their own people, and Fatah's recent conference where they re-affirmed the destruction of Israel, were made public in the world. But who am I? Just one Israeli/American. Perhaps the Iraqis, Kuwaitis, and now UAE knows something I don't?
89. #68 - Nour - BTW, I must ask this....
William ,   Israel   (09.12.09)
If the world does love you Pals so come you can't seem to leave the refugee camps and make decent lives for yourselves? How come you are even forbidden to work in some parts of the Arab world, that massive funds promised to you never arrive, that so-called sanctions against Israel never happen, that boycotts which supposedly support Pals end up hurting them in the end? Why do Western countries drop silent when asked to take some Pal refugees but accept freely refugees from other parts of the world, especially Africa and Iraq? Truly the love they show for you is "tough love" and for your own good only, right?
90. #87 Thank you Aline
Cynthia ,   USA   (09.12.09)
I found your posts very informative. I'm sorry these Islamic occupiers (Palestinians, Hezbollah, Syria, Iran) have ravaged Lebanon to pursue their war of aggression and agitate the region.
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