Obama and the racism card
Ophir Falk
Published: 18.09.09, 14:18
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62 Talkbacks for this article
61. Anyone disagree with my #38?
ben Ish   (09.21.09)
Notice what Obama himself just said about racism: "[racism] is not the *over-riding* issue." That is a direct and open declaration that is IS in fact an issue. It is an acknowledgment; a nod to his racially divisive supporters that he is thinking about them. He has done nothing here but actually inflame. If it were almost anyone else, I would write the statement off as less-than-adroit verbal skills, but for all I detest this man for, in the Highly Polished Verbiage Masters arena, Obama is an Ace. He knows exactly precisely which words he is using when and how. He does not pick words by accident. He just thinks most of us are too stupid to catch it. Therefore the statement is not an accident. It is an intentional incitement. And if you don't believe that, then read David Corn's editorial on Politics Daily today, where he uses that specific statement specifically as a launchpad to incite further racial division. -
62. ben # 61, there is so much going on and happening
Le' Faux Jew ,   US   (09.22.09)
it is hard to keep track. I agree. He is either really stupid (Harvard Grad?) or very very smart, who has had a network of people and systems in place just waiting for this moment. Today alone he was caught in two GREAT LIES. One involving Afhganistan committment (should say non- commitment), and the other was not knowing much about ACORN (George Snufalophagos questioning). I myself am engrossed in why the "all encompassing" equality for all president, would get rid through the back door the first American Indian (female at that) US Attorney / Diane Humetewa, from Janet Napolitano's home state and replace her with Napolitano's political water boy, who belongs to the Phoenix Country Club, which violates the law concerning not allowing women in the lounge? This does not even get into the 800K that her administration left in " so called" overages. Israeli Jews know he cannot be trusted.
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