Why J Street jeopardizes Jews
Martin Sherman
Published: 27.10.09, 18:10
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56 Talkbacks for this article
31. 2 state solution coming, Israel must find way for it to work
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (10.28.09)
One state solution is not an option no matter how much Zionists and settlers want it. There will be a state of Palestine before Obama leaves office but it will have to work more like one nation with 2 states for afew years atleast and Israeli Arabs could be key to making it work.
32. J Street
Bill Shimukonas ,   Schwenksville, USA   (10.28.09)
Dig deeply enough into J Street and I would be willing to bet that George Soros' name pops up, either directly, or, in an off-handed way...possibly thru one of his many, under-the-radar affiliate organizations. Wouldn't believe any statements coming from anyone in the Obama administration and that includes Jones. They've all been bought and paid for by George Soros and his associates. Watch your backs and keep a wary eye out for Obama's bus.
33. J street just dropped "pro israel" from its university campa
Jake ,   Boston US   (10.28.09)
campaign. Nuff said.
34. #6, the people who J Street most closely represent
Danny   (10.28.09)
got three seats in the last election
35. #4, mohammed... you mean like Saudi Arabia?
diamonds   (10.28.09)
If you want to end states based on religion, why not start with one of your own? When I can walk the streets of Riyadh wearing a kippah without literally losing my head (chop!) then you might have a point. Christians and Jews can't even PRAY in Saudi when they are defending them, as in the first Gulf War! What utter chutzpah for you to deride the Jews for having ONE STATE of their own, while you have 22 sheikdoms, fiefdoms, and kleptocracies! Typical Arab arrogance.
36. j street alternative.....hisss
emigre from oz   (10.28.09)
Yeah, all together now, don't choose any alternatives to current situation. Let's pray hard and Bush will return as President and allow us to do whatever we please, let's click our heels together 3x and wish for the Palestinians to go away.... TIme to wake up folks, look at ancient maps of various Hebrew kingdoms and you will see their sizes waxed and waned depending on the geo-political situation of their era. Same as today....some dreams will drown you.... cheap thrills but not based in reality.... look whre Israel and "haMatsav" is trending...look at the million of Israeli emigres living outside.... Ben Gurion is quoted after '67 war for warning Israel to leave the conquered territories as they will become a swamp for Israel. And again he was right....we are up to our necks in botz/mud and deluding ourselves if we think we can keep holding on to it all. Do not blame J street for Israel's ills. We need to take a lesson from our Prophets and take a hard look in the mirror.. Samuel told David where to get off; abuse of power, greed, wantonness, all forms of idolatry that can be found here today. Time to open our eyes clearly and take honest appraisal of the situation and what is occurring in our country, in our society.
37. "J Street": A group of naive people or a malicous one?
Eitan ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (10.28.09)
I am not sure what actually motives the supporters of "J Street"; is it lack of knowledge and understanding of the Arab Israeli conflict (yes, it IS a Muslim-Arab Israeli conflict first and foremost and not a Palestinian Israeli one, which is only a component of the larger conflict!) and understanding and appreciating of the core cause of the conflict that must be resolved, or is it malice? I suspect both. Having met some of "J Street" supporters when visiting here in Israel, it was clear to me that by and large they have little appreciation of Jewish history and affinity to this Land, indeed they could not even read or converse in Hebrew and read freely the Hebrew Bible; they have little or no knowledge of the Muslims, including the Muslim-Arabs, and the history of Islam and its culture and values. Yet, they have come here equipped with slogans, all of which are deeply critical of Israel and Israelis, almost as if all ills on earth or at least in this region are due to the fact that tiny Israel existed - note, Israel's size is that of Wales or Slovenian with only 5.5 million Jews surrounded by a Muslim-Arab world that has stated time and again its aim to annihilate the nation-state of the Jewish people and has attempted to do so several times - and all that needs to take place, according to these people, is for Israel, the guilty party, to change its "policies". The distance between being critical and malice towards the Jewish state was very very short. I did not observe any love for Israel, but I certainly sensed malice, almost self-hate malice. My conclusion: The "J Street" people whom I met suffer from both, and the two elements probably affect one another: Lack of love, knowledge and appreciation of the exclusive subject that is being criticized - Israel - mixed with malice and shame of Israel. P.S. These people remind me of the German Jews in America who were ashamed of their brethren from Eastern Europe when the latter came as poor refugees to America at the end of the 19th century and into the 20th one: they did not wish to associate with them, they were ashamed of them, they were critical of them...
38. "Israel can do no right" is what I hear and read coming from
Barbara   (10.28.09)
J Street, even defending its sovereignty and the life of its citizens is being criticized by this organization and its supporters. I therefore ask: does J Street even accept Israel's right to exist as the national home of the Jewish people. I strongly suspect that some if not most J Street people would say "no".
39. # 37. Good post, Eitan. Wouldn't patronizing be the word to
Daniela Shavit ,   Jerusaelm, Israel   (10.28.09)
describe what you shared with us? "We, the 'liberal' American Jews know better so let us show you how to manage your affairs in Israel" is what I have encountered, having met similar people coming from the United States, while certainly looking down upon us, Israelis, and almost everything we do, without having showing a minimal understanding of Israeli society, history and psyche. In fact, each time they come here, to Jerusalem, I feel they do so so that they can go back to America and say: I know and understand Israel because I have been there, while in reality they don't come to listen and learn but to tell us how to manage our affairs.
40. j street
sad ,   israel   (10.28.09)
i disagree with their platform but at least there are still a certain amount of jews that think/care about israel. how many young jews do not even have any interest or knowledge about what is happening in the middle east????? the strong jewish community is slowly fading away and this is very dangerous. our only real friend in the world are the americans. if we lose their support than ther is absolutely NO future for us here in israel. SAD n SCARY.
41. Eitan from Qatzrin #37:
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (10.28.09)
Just a note of appreciation for your very informative and elegant commentary!
42. Could it be that J Street approach the Middle East confclict
Bernard ,   Bern, Switzerland   (10.28.09)
based on their knowledge of North America only, and they attempt to use tools that may be useful in reconciliation between neighbors in the suburbs of Chicago, Los Angels or even Washington, DC but ones that are certainly not applicable when dealing with the Arab League, Iran, Hizballah, Hamas or Fatah? But they wouldn't know it, would them?
I. Barr ,   USA, Michigan   (10.28.09)
According to Federal Election Commission filings, dozens of Arab and Muslim Americans and Iranian advocacy organizations donated tens of thousands of dollars to J Street, representing "a small fraction" of the group's fund-raising. Donors included Lebanese-American businessman Richard Abdoo, who is a board member of Amideast and a former board member of the Arab American Institute, and Genevieve Lynch, who is also a member of the National Iranian American Council board. This suggests that J Street is a clever Iranian calendestine operation using Jewlight characters.
44. #28 AVI - What Martin Sherman stands for
Marcella   (10.28.09)
My previous talkback with a link to Martin Sherman's essay was censored. All I can do is to provide you with the title. Just google this title and I hope it helps. MARTIN SHERMAN - A NEW PARADIGM FOR THE ISRAELI PALESTINIAN CONFLICT: FROM THE POLITICAL TO THE HUMANITARIAN
45. Incitement
Giora Me'ir ,   USA   (10.28.09)
The writer is inciting violence against J Street by saying the organization "jeopardizes" Jews. Some Irgun descendent might take it to heart.
46. Sherman is consistently wrong
Mikesailor ,   Miami, FL   (10.28.09)
So now J Street is the most dangerous entity. What else is new? It seems that any entity that which attempts to push any type of 'peace' deal is an enemy of Israel. Sherman's bright idea is to annex the West Bank. Of course he never says what would happen then. Would Israel make citizens of all the inhabitants? Or would he expel or murder them? Tighten the apartheid state which exists now? Intellectual dishonesty seems to be the name of the game. The two-state alternative is probably unworkable because pundits, like Sherman, advocate continuing settlement for 'security' reasons and because they believe in an expansion of Ersatz Israel. However, unless you deprive the Palestinians of any political freedom, such an idea is doomed and the idea of a 'Jewish' state will go the way of the Afrikaaners. But many, on both sides, will suffer needlessly before such a racist ideology is consigned to the dustbin of history where it so richly deserves to be.
47. Sherman is consistently right
Ibrahim el Awal ,   Dearborn, Michigan   (10.28.09)
You have to be a mikesailor not to understand that discussion of the destiny of Israel and West Bank has to be between Israel government and a Palestinian Authority government not by people who live in Miami and will never suffer of the consequences of advice arm twisting sanction boykotts imposed on one side or another. The major problem, obstucles to peace, is that idiots in Miami Washington or New York try to give advice out of the security and comfort of their homes. Nobody needs advice in the Holy Land. Israeli and Palestinians have to be left alone to solve their problems. Remember: too many cooks spoil the Humus. Jewslight and Arablight leave the folks in the Holy Land alone!
48. They Will be the First Gassed and Beheaded
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (10.28.09)
J St reminds me of the Kapos who thought they might be excused from the gas chambers. As we all know they weren't. I mean any group receiving even one shekel from the Muslims/Arabs..should be suspected. What J St is really after I don't know? Their Jewishness is suspected as is their goal of peace. But they are taking time away from the salient things..like a genuine peace. They have every right to their opinions..and to lobby the US govt. We have every right to counter them., which I am doing. Come the final jihad..they will be the first beheaded, as with Daniel Pearl. As activists..they are dangerous to Jews and Muslims..What a bunch of jerks..placing US in danger. We cannot allow this.
49. #22 Zionism has outlived the communist Poland
Frank ,   USA   (10.29.09)
it will outlive all other enemies including J Street.
50. PI, 2 States, 1 Country
Let the natives vote. Final Solution...Palestine-Israel, 2 States, 1 country. This will ensure a jewish/palestinian homeland for eternity.
51. J Street is an Obama creation which will
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (10.29.09)
allow him to do anti-Israel things and say he is doing what the Jews want him to do. These Jews are far left, from New Jewish Agenda, Americans for Peace Now, Brit Tzedek v'Shalom, the Reform movement, and all the far left groups that believe in one world society, where a Jew is just one of the citizens of their secular world. J Street is very dangerous for people with a traditional idea of what a Jew is and what the Jewish people are.
52. Why J Street Jeopardizes Jews
I agree 100% with your assessment of J Street. I would support a Palestinian counterpart, P Street, but unfortunately it doesn't exist. Only Jews are so stupid as to form groups that support those determined to destroy us. Makes one wonder if anything has changed since Biblical Israel.
53. J street will save Israel
yair ,   Haifa   (10.30.09)
54. Who listens to Martin Sherman anyways?
Edan ,   Tel Aviv   (11.02.09)
Only far right wing delusional messianic-gun-toting settlers who need a secular mouthpiece to gain legitimacy. Jews all around the world are finally able to show their support for Israel without having to support Bibi and Lieberman and all the other clowns who do not want peace. THANK GOD FOR J STREET!!!!
55. answer to Mohammad of Jordan (4)
gad ,   tel aviv   (11.07.09)
Mohammad, let's begin then with Jordan being a state for all, in equality....
56. I was at JStreet. Sherman is out of touch
gadi ,   tel aviv   (11.07.09)
I stopped reading after reading him say that "A Palestinian state... would command virtually all the nation's vital infrastructure systems...". Palestinians are on those hills also today, and will be there always. If we don't find a peaceful solution, some Palestinians would start shooting from there anyway, with more and more sophisticated weapons. They can do it today as well. In any case, Israel will also "command" virtually all the Palestinian nation's infrastructure... And we have F16s, F15s, etc. etc. etc. So, I stopped reading this BS...
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