Opinion  Sever Plocker
A thorn in the world’s side
Sever Plocker
Published: 03.11.09, 18:19
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72 Talkbacks for this article
61. Israelis were never embraced in Egypt, Jordan, Turkey
Jake   (11.06.09)
In Jordan and Egypt, Israelis were never welcome, and indeed hatred has persisted throughout the years. As for Turkey, it is only delusion to believe that these were ever Israel's friends. Take a look at their voting record at the UN over the decades: vehemently anti-Israel, despite being a member of NATO. It did not start with Cast Lead and Erdogan. The previous Turkish leader, Ecevit, a Kemalist secularist, also used 'genocide' to describe Israel's actions. Turkey voted against the recommendation to partition Palestine in 1947 and in favor of 'Zionism is racism' resolution in '74. As for the military alliance with Turkey, this was realpolitik. The alliance did not begin until 1999, one year after Israel had in fact signed an defense alliance with Greece (which Greece failed to activate, due to Arab pressure). In the meantime, Turkey took what it wanted and dumped Israel by the side of the road. Only deluded Israelis believe otherwise.
62. Well written
Hamoudi ,   Gaza, Palestine   (11.14.09)
very brave journalist
63. israel hated
john ,   london   (11.14.09)
A sapient article. Too many who naively believed in the propaganda and lies now detest the true nature. There are a handful of righteous ( particularly academics and often ex-IDF ) jews who abhor the abominations and lies and control ---too many goyim now know the essence of supremacy and arrogance and wickedness of the entity and its hideous manifestations, no longer ( if ever ) a light unto the nations
64. Thanks so much for your article!
Roger Tucker ,   Hillsborough, NC US   (11.15.09)
For those of us who sometimes lose hope that sanity might prevail your piece is inspiring. As for options, there have always been only two: an ethnically cleansed, irredeemably fascist Eretz Yisroel, or a legitimate democratic state open to all of its citizens. History, not to mention common decency, favor the latter. Roger Tucker http://onestate.info
65. Thats exactly what you want.
Nash ,   Galway, Ireland   (11.15.09)
Oh thats right Jeannie. Throw the lot of the Israeli Arabs i.e Palestinians out of Israel altogether so you won't have deny them their rights and treat them like second class citizens and then be seen by the rest of the World as being racsist bigots. That'll solve all your problems. And Darfer's life's FACTS are now well known to the rest of us.
66. Israel in freefall
June Forsyth Kenagy ,   Albany, OR, USA   (11.16.09)
It didn't start with Netanyahu's radical right government. It started when the world watched Israel commit war crimes in crowded, helpless Gaza! We saw the white phosphorus being used; we saw the bodies and whole city blocks leveled, while Israel carried on at length about a 3-foot hole in one Sderot roof... Come on!
67. The wave is as dangerous as it's deserved.
toto ,   Chicago, USA   (11.16.09)
Remarkably, the article still is talking about the image and blames the leaders for not improving the image - rather than the true cause. How about discussing not "image" and "perceptions" but very real war crimes and thousands of killed victims. How about discussing not the UN report but the matter of the report. That would be a good start. But no, your reaction is twisting, again, the arms of the US Congress making them to reject the report, and then wondering why the image has not improved.
68. Preoccupied with Nonsense
S.M. De Kuyper ,   Amsterdam,Netherland   (11.16.09)
Yes, this is the tragedy of Isreal since it was bought by handing the money needed for the US Presidency to Truman. Roosevelt tried to stop Truman as both a crook to set this up, and as a monster setting the Jewish nation up for thousands of years of Middle Eastern blood wars, identity wars, sovereignity wars.
69. Any idea why...?
Adi ,   Antwerp, Belgium   (11.16.09)
You are very right about this. But wrong on the reason why. Even the most dedicated to Israel's quest were appalled by what happened in Gaza a year ago. Why not address that? Give Palestinians a decent life and you'll be sound.
70. Is It My Fault God Chose Me?
solomon ,   Toronto, CANADA   (11.16.09)
Why are there so many anti-semites? Why are Jews so hated? What have they done to the other peoples of the world to be so universally persecuted? They have done nothing. They are hated simply for being themselves, Jews. Of course, they are God's Chosen. Could it be that they are hated for this reason? Because they have what other peoples lack? That they truly are genetically superior as numerous scientific studies on IQ have shown? Why then should they mix with other races, and allow themselves to be contaminated with unholy blood? Is it fair to hate someone simply for being better than you are? They cannot help being Jewish. It is their birthright. God has given the world to them, not to you. It is not their fault God chose them...
71. Look at Gaza Attack, Look at Lebanon Attack
Surfer Dave ,   Perth, West Oz   (11.17.09)
It is not the specific government in power, it is general Israeli aggressiveness and willingness to use disproportionate military power to achieve political goals that has turned the world against Israel. End the occupation, resolve the right of return issue for the '48 refugees and work towards a real Palestinian state. Until those things happen, it matters not one jot which political party holds the reigns of government, Israel will still be the rogue pariah state that it is now.
72. Hollywood
Matthew Dickinson ,   Gwinnet, Georgia   (11.30.09)
You guys won't listen to me. To make Israel more popular you should bring Hollywood, the record industry, the food industry (like YUM! Brands) and other Jewish activities to Israel and base them there, instead of having it the other way around. Tel Aviv should be the New Hollywood. You should kick out the bad Arabs, and other criminals, and you should forceably bring home all Jews that are outside of your country. I should be your Messiah. I could help round them up for you.
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