Palestinians say dozens of trees cut down by settlers
Ali Waked
Published: 12.11.09, 13:29
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47 Talkbacks for this article
31. There is NO PROOF any Jew cut down his trees. He can prune
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (11.12.09)
his trees and pretend the "settlers" cut them down and request money from Israel. If you tell a lie often enough at least some people will accept it as truth.
32. To: No. 24
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (11.12.09)
Has it occurred to you that the Palestinians are doing this deliberately so that they can hold yet another pity party? They're really good at that, as they have proven time again, and blaming Jews is just a fun by-product. Wars haven't worked. Terrorism hasn't worked. The Intifada hasn't worked. This won't work either. The Palestinians have pretty much written the book on extremely self-destructive behavior. This is just another ploy; another arrow in their endless quiver of stupid and senseless actions.
33. To # 24
Philip ,   Afula, Israel   (11.12.09)
Unfortunately much of what you say is correct, Seems to me that these very poor articles ie lacking in researched facts allow the type of people you mention in your post, to "shoot from the hip " and release their frustrations.Maybe that talkbacks are great group therapy. Dont think we are all left wing nutters or right wing nutters in Israeli society,at least I hope not.
34. All Jew haters out of the woodwork
WOW! Jayz what a piece of crap you are, just like Marco and the chorus from Lebanon. Hey where is Marco, he's late! Every year its the same stupid accusations and you black-hearted Jew haters lap it up like mother's milk. "The dog ate my homework" ...Blame the Jews; "I can't get it up"... Its the settlers' fault; Yada yada yada And don't you just love the part about "Well we didn't actually see them but of course it must have been the settlers, who else would have done it?" Yeah , who else indeed, prick?! And of course all the usual suspects including that odious JayZ and Sami, son of Frankenstein chime right it with their "guilty, guilty guilty". I suppose that's to be expected since that's the way of the Law (or lack of it ) amongst the Palis.... Accuse someone and they're guilty. Who needs proof, right Jayz POS? Who needs western type law in the Caliphate? Did you help write the Goldstone Report too, you reprehensible little worm? and as for those Jews from California stick to your own have plenty to concern you there! Its a good thing your own "guilty til proven innocent" concept of the law doesn't apply in the US, else there would be hangings on every corner you pathetic little hypocrite.
35. to # 32 .a transatlantic advise to Sarah,newyork..
Fadi ,   Beirut   (11.12.09)
..unless you do the ranting as an employee for the paper to get people to answer you and to keep things rolling . if this is not the case ,....women.. you have some serious issues .. 1- find yourself a man who can ......and calm you down .. 2- or get a psych help . 3- i hope you are not someone's mom and passing your sick mind to other offspring .Amen .what a disaster that would be .. 4- best senario i hope .... is you are a normal women and you just pretend that you are a palestinian basher ..otherwise get some help mom . NOW .
36. Sarah B's incorrect "information"
Truthseeker ,   USA   (11.12.09)
First of all, your racism shows through very clearly. However, your deliberate falsification of the Hague conventions is stupid. Anyone who takes the time to read the conventions know that what you are saying is completely wrong. I have read the conventions and in no way do they say that the land belongs to the occupier. In this case the occupier is Israel, a country that of course did not exist when the conventions were written. Under the Hague Convention of 1907 occupying states (such as Israel) are forbidden to seize the land and property of those they occupy, and forbidden to settle their citizens on occupied soil. Under international law it is the Israelis who are the squatters and you had better get that through your head even though I know you would prefer to hang on to your fantasies. As for the Palestinians being Jordanian, Jordan did not even exist when the vast majority of the Palestinian families came to Palestine hundreds and hundreds of years ago. They own the land and we have stolen it from them.
37. When I read the racism
Truthseeker ,   USA   (11.12.09)
When I read the racist postings I can only think of an earlier day when Germans had the same kind of racism against our people. Wake up! You make decent people everywhere sick. And you wonder why there is anti-Semitism? Maybe it is people like you racists who create it and maybe even like it since it perpetuates the idea that we are "victims." We have become victims of ourselves. Shame on you who believe we are better than everyone else. You know who you are.
38. Sarah B is a lie that has been repeated so often,
Sarah C ,   Uinhell   (11.12.09)
it's acquired a life of its own. But that does not make it the truth.
39. His land/ trees, if he is Muslim or Jew shouldn't matter
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (11.12.09)
A crime was committed it should not matter about his race or religion. It is his land, under "A" Mandates which gave Jews the RoR but not any land, they could rent or buy the land. When Israel became a state it agreed to honor all Ottoman/British land titles under its laws. Land that changed titles from 1948 to 1967 maybe in question but not the rest.
40. Oh Sarah B #32
Truthseeker ,   USA   (11.12.09)
I know that you would love to blame the Palestinians for cutting down their own olive trees. But, my dear Sarah, it just isn't so. There have been plenty of Israelis and internationals who have seen the vile settlers cutting down trees, stealing the olives and generally acting like the trash they are. Their are several videos, some of them made by Israeli Jews, documenting not only the deliberate destruction of the olive trees but also the theft of the trees so that they can be planted in Israel proper. I know that you would like the Palestinians to leave so that the Jews can take over the rest of the land but they aren't going to leave their land unless they are driven out again as they were driven out in 1947/48. This land is the homeland of both peoples so get used to it and learn to share.
41. To: No. 36
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (11.12.09)
Wrong. It was the basis for retention by Japan of certain islands following the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05; the basis for Poland retaining a major chunk of Germany following World War II and the basis for the United States retaining Okinawa for a long time following the Second World War. Check your facts. Germany remains the best example -- German borders were significantly redrawn following World War I and World War II. Read it and weep:
42. To: No. 35
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (11.12.09)
The myth has been kicking around a long time.
43. Truthmumzer #40
Actually about 40% of your Pali friends would emigrate (that means "leave" ) if the price were right. Maybe you could put in a good word with friend Obama. BTW its "There are" not "Their are" And by the way the homeland for Arabs is Saudi Arabia. Everywhere else, they acquired by violent means and they're still trying even in your good ol' US of A. Are you one of them, Truthavoider?
44. Sarah B and Hague Conventions
Truthseeker ,   USA   (11.13.09)
Sarah, I have searched and searched and cannot find anything in the Hague conventions that speaks to your claims that Israel has the right to keep the land especially after it began the war. I checked out the Wikipedia site to which you referred. There was not a single word about the Hague conventions. As far as Germany goes, Germany was the aggressor in World War 2. In 1967 it was Israel that was the aggressor. Jordan came into the war only because it had a treaty with Egypt that called upon Jordan to come to the assistance of Egypt should that country be attacked. If what you say is true please give me the exact words from the Hague conventions that you are relying upon as well as the URL where you found them. That is, if indeed, those words exist.
45. Racist insults
Baz ,   morgantown, USA   (11.14.09)
People are using old anti-Semitic stereotypes used against Jews in old Europe against Palestinians. They are saying all Palestinians are liar and cannot be trusted. Palestinians are conniving. They sabotage their own just to blame Jews. People who are drunk with nationalism would only say such things. Right wing nationalism is often nationalism and a drug, an opium for some masses, obviously to feel superior when they really feel inferior, to try to get revenge for past wrongs done to them by abusing others. Not a good thing. Anyone saying such things need to see a psychologist.
46. #45 how much cool aid did you drink?
rachel ,   usa   (11.15.09)
47. These things are why
Some Guy ,   Orlando Florida USA   (11.15.09)
the U.S. needs to stop funding Israel. If Israel didn't have the unconditional support of the U.S., they'd have to be reasonable and deal with their neighbors honestly and reasonably. You'd think that the Israelis would realize they've already stolen enough of the Palestinian's land.
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