Palestinian killed by IDF fire; Hamas: He was bird hunting
Ali Waked
Published: 13.11.09, 13:52
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68 Talkbacks for this article
Bill Staar ,   Chicago USA   (11.13.09)
why does Israel shoot across the boarder unless someone is on their territory or climbing the fence then this is nothing short of murder.
32. Sarah is because of people like you that israel is loosing
Caroline ,   TA   (11.13.09)
support and rightly so, because its quite clear that Israel has no moral. Its a sad sad situation but I guess we rip what we sow
33. Maybe they were Birdi shooting.
Shlomo Kamra   (11.13.09)
Sarah B is a fake.
34. #26
What a scurrilous little prick you are! He won't return with his brain since he never had one, just like you you little mumzer! These are the same Palis supported by the likes of ignoramuses just like yourself, who complain that the Israelis are not accepting enough Palis into their hospitals! FOAD
35. Bird hunting with AK-47s!
Adamush   (11.13.09)
What birds were they hunting? Ostriches?
36. # 32 - What?
Eyal ,   USA   (11.13.09)
It's because of people like Sarah, Israel will prevail. The West are really sick and tired of you Muslims. The only thing that makes them your friend is simple - dirty Arab OIL. Once you run out or new source of energy is invented, I would worry. Muslims do not contribute nothing to the world. If can't wait for the day Israel invents a new source of energy? Bye bye Arabia Muslims.
37. He was out hunting Jews.
Jack ,   San Diego, USA   (11.13.09)
38. Sure Caroline, teaching children to kill is really moral
Cynic ,   USA   (11.13.09)
Of course you have never seen the children in Gaza dressed up as suicide bombers.LOL
39. How does Hamas know what they where doing?
potash katiftof ,   tel aviv, israel   (11.13.09)
If those killed where out hunting, how does hamas know that? Sounds more like they sent some people out there and decided to tell everyone that they where just hunters. The innocent answer would be to say that they have no idea what they where doing out there. If they are direct with their answer, then they know something
40. Ben and "Matty":
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (11.13.09)
We really don't know what the boys were doing, do we? They were suspected of planting explosives. If the IDF came up with the explosives, would you believe them? No, you'd probably say they were "planted". And why do you so consistently believe Hamas? We know that Hamas and its affiliates constantly lie for propaganda purposes, i.e., Mohammed Dura. The problem with your posts is that neither of you leave any room for speculation and neither of you appear to be humble enough to say you do not know nor do you appear to be open to any interpretations other than ones which sympathize with Hamas, Gaza, Palestinian Arabs. You would get a lot further on this board and achieve a good deal more currency were you (both of you) to actually question events rather than taking such a lockstep anti Israeli approach. When I write as I am doing now, it is out of respect for getting to the truth of things and it is now evident to me that both of you could become valuable contributors to this board. It is difficult for all of us to drop our defensiveness. Were you to show an inclination to that effect, I'm sure people would become more interested in considering your points of view.
41. To: No. 32
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (11.13.09)
Carolyn, the simple fact of the matter is that the world at large will only be happy if Israel capitulates. That's not going to happen, and it is the job of the Government of Israel to protect and defends its borders and its citizens. Israel did not start the violence. Six wars (none of them started by Israel); sixty-one years of terror on an unimagined scale; twenty-years of suicide bombings; neighbors sworn to the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people; years of constant bombardment of northern Israel by Hizbollah and eight years of daily missile barrages from Gaza which deliberately targeted schools and day-care centers, and traumatized the entire population of Sderot and environs. The Palestinians brought violence on any number of levels when all Israel wanted to do was live peacefully in the tiny fragment of land that became the State of Israel. It was the Arabs and the Palestinians who had different ideas, and failed miserably. World opinion is a modern iteration of an age-old hatred -- anti-Semitism. Nothing new under the sun in that regard. The world is also rather two-faced, because despite much posturing following Israel's destruction of the Osirac reactor in 1981, most heads of state in the West breathed a huge sigh of relief, as did the Gulf States. Would have been a very different Gulf War in 1991 had Iraq been a nuclear power, wouldn't it? Think of all the Coalition soldiers that did not return home in body bags because of Israel's actions. Israel has plenty of friends; I just wish they would be more vocal about it. It the Palestinians that have to reap what they sow; not Israel.
42. To: Eyal at No. 36
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (11.13.09)
Back in February, Israel discovered what is thought to be the second or third largest natural gas field ever found off the coast of Haifa -- five trillion cubic feet. Which means that the Europeans had better start being a lot nicer to us, what with North Sea oil due to run out in several years and Europe's natural gas needs not currently being met. They don't really want to buy it from Russia. Where there is natural gas, oil isn't usually too far away. I guess we should keep looking!
Zvi   (11.13.09)
Then there are no issues.
44. It's because of the IDF, Caroline,
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (11.13.09)
that Jews like you can live in relative security. Of course, Tel Avivites tend to be the arch enemies of the IDF and Israeli patriotism. Haven't you noticed, Caroline, Israel is defined by the military. We are a military state. If not, we wouldn't survive. That much being siad, why on earth aren't you appreciative? Could it be that you have Tel Avivitis, the disease that effects all the elite and their cronys in Europe "south- east"?
45. #42 - Sarrah
Eyal ,   USA   (11.13.09)
I heard about the find, but the question is, when they can get it into production? There are a lot of reserves in the world, in fact Canada has the largest reserves in the world, but it costs a lot of money to get it out or get it into production. We really need to get it out fast and once we do, the West will shift their stands with Israel and would rather buy from Israel, than these dumb Arabs.
46. Robert Haymond: regarding propabilities and Mohammed al-Dura
Ben Alofs ,   Bangor   (11.13.09)
The Israeli soldiers used the justification that the young Palestinians were suspected of trying to plant bombs. It does not sound convincing. Why would Palestinians try to plant a bomb in broad daylight (it was Friday morning)? And the absence of an explosive device makes the Israeli pretext for killing a young Palestinian and severely wounding another even less convincing. That is why I said that it was "more than likely" that the explanation by Hamas, that these youngster were hunting birds, makes more sense. I do not accept every Hamas statement as truth, but will judge it on merit. I have no prejudice against Hamas as so many other Talkbackers have here. By the way Hamas did not have anything to do with the circumstances surrounding the death of Muhammed al-Durah. I have looked at the websites proposing the hypothesis that Mohammed was killed by Palestinian fire and found them wanting. The biggest weakness is that Mohammed and his father were sheltering behind a concrete cube right in front of a Palestinian police position. Now why would Palestinians fire at their own position? This is completely ridiculous. Even the theory about the vertical puffs of smoke from the impact of the bullits, showing that the bullits supposedly came from the Palestinian position is ridiculous. If one looks at the footage the puffs are oblique, which are in support of fire coming from the Israeli army position. The Israelis firing on a Palestinian position makes sense. Palestinians firing on their own position for some perverse reason does not. From the diagrams it becomes clear that it is "more than likely" again, that Mohammed al-Dura was killed by fire from the Israeli army post. The court case in France, which was hailed by pro-Israel apologists as 'proof' that the Muhammed al-Dura case was a "hoax", does not provide any proof of that. The only conclusion the judge made in the appeal case, when the conviction against Karsenty for defamation of TV2 journalist Enderlin was overturned was that Karsenty was allowed to say that Enderlin had faked the death of Mohammed al-Dura. This case continues. The facts are that Mohammed al-Dura is dead, and that on the balance of propabilities he was killed by Israeli gunfire. But for the radical pro-Zionist propagandists Mohammed became an unbearable and powerful symbol, so powerful that it led to the campaign to sow doubts and distort. Some extremists even refuse to believe that the child Mohammed did indeed die, which illustrates the depth of denial of some. I am open to ponder honest questions, but I will fight attempts to make the Mohammed al-Dura case look like a 'hoax'. An innocent child died, a heart wrenching tragedy. The irony is that whatever Israel's apologist will do to make the al-Dura case into a 'hoax', it is already too late. Mohammed al-Dura's death became a powerful episode in the dismantling of the myth of Israel as the innocent victim, under existential threat in the midst of a hostile and warlike Arab world. The funny thing is that Talkbackers, like Sarah B from New York., with their uncivilized and ill thought through posts (see # 3 for instance), are doing a good job helping us to dismantle the above myth. What would neutral readers think after reading posts like hers?
47. Good thing they didn't say he's gone bear hunting
lol freaks
48. Bird hunting Palestinians
Oslo - Norway   (11.13.09)
I didn't know that humor existed among Hamas members.
49. maybe a relative trying to make a buck ?
who told mohammad so ,   many bird at fence ?   (11.13.09)
assume that jihad martyr's still bring in a reward to their relatives when they die trying to murder us "infidel" birds ? i wouldn't trust my jewish relatives either , glad i found out what they were like before they sent me hunting ?
50. 43. Better solution all jews leave Paletinian land
lydia ,   Brisbane   (11.14.09)
Return from whence you came! Then there will be no issues.
51. 4 Just another trial by missiles, what's diffferent
lydia ,   Brisbane   (11.14.09)
Israel has been shooting Palestinians on the beach, at breakfast, waving white flags for decades to steal their land. Little boys and girls even caged animals are subjected to the same brutality. So unless you are privy to more facts which I doubt, your comments are as uninformed and equally useless. Israel is occupying Palestinian land in contravention of more UN resolution than Saddam Hussein. Go and spin that, don't forget the part about the Biblical jews and God's said, He said and your Patriarch Abraham that you intend to take to the Courts..
52. To: Eyal at No. 45
Sarah B ,   New York / Saviyon   (11.14.09)
According to Noble Energy's press release, the drilling rig is already in place. Shouldn't take long to start production. Noble Energy is a pretty big outfit, and weather in the Mediterranean doesn't interfere with operations. I'm guessing a year or two. Here are a couple of articles:
53. # 33
Birdi ,   Israel   (11.14.09)
Nope they didnt shoot me, I'm still here. Sarah B is not a fake & you will never have 1/4 of the brain she has.
54. # 46
Birdi ,   Israel   (11.14.09)
Whoa you have a thing or two to learn Mr.Clever Cloggs. Mohammed al-Dura was NOT killed by Israel fire.There was an investigation which proved that. The "uncivilized post "you refer to is not no #3, have a look again & next time try getting your facts right.
55. Bird Hunting? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa!
jay3 ,   ISrael   (11.14.09)
56. Excuses
Mike ,   England   (11.14.09)
The whole world is watching.
57. Arabs of Gaza support Hamas.
Ron B. ,   Lod   (11.14.09)
Despite its failure to improve the living conditions of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and its responsibility for the ongoing suffering there, Hamas is still admired by many because of its continued defiance and refusal to bow to US, Israeli and Arab pressure. Poll after poll shows widespread collective support among the majority of the Palestinian Arab population for Hamas and for the destruction of Israel. More at :
58. Thank you for your post, Ben:
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (11.14.09)
With respect to Mohammed Dura, we do not know that he is dead. Second, why would Palestinians kill their own? Well, we already see that Hamas appreciates martyring its own children. People who raise their children to become suicide bombers can be expected to do any kind of obscene and evil deed. In this case, he would have been "martyred" for propaganda purposes. That would put the Mohammed Dura case into its proper social context. As to the court case in France, I see that you have studied this in detail. Now isn't it true that the photographer has been found guilty of directly obfuscating evidence (photographs)? When you assume logic, Ben, you must start from the logic of the source. In the case of Hamas, we are looking at a group of individuals who, as one of their leaders said (on U-Tube incidentally): "We Muslims appreciate death the way Israelis love life." I think you must understand the mentality of Israel's (and, incidentally, the western world's) enemies in order to consider what may or may not be logical. The weakness in your thoughtful response is just that, the refusal to concern yourself with a logic which is alien to the western world, certainly to me of course and probably to you, too.
59. Bird hunting? Youngsters?
Sharona ,   Jerusalem   (11.14.09)
Can they be so stupid as to hunt birds next to the border? They were undoubtedly spying for Hamas or the other terrorist thugs who rule Gaza; testing Israeli response and looking for the next "good" place to plant a bomb. Hamas has no problem using young men and women and children as targets and to draw fire. It's SOP.
60. :: Robert - #40
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (11.14.09)
I know the following: 1) Hamas clearly stated that the kid killed was not one of their members. 2) Hamas always acknowledges when one of its members is killed (for Hamas to lie about such a thing would be dishonorable in Palestinian culture) 3) Hamas would not conduct an operation (eg: planting explosives) and include someone who was not a member. 4) The IDF found no explosives etc. All of this would lead me to presume that the IDF killed another innocent civilian, as I mentioned before they have a Shoot to Kill policy. They were suspected of planting explosives. I don’t and I can not recall ever saying such I do on this website. Where are you getting this idea? To be honest I don’t recall Hamas specifically using this death for any international propaganda purposes. I’m sure Dura is on their wall of martyrs and I’m familiar with history of this story but like I said I can’t recall Hamas featuring anywhere in this matter. I must actually check that out, or if you have any examples please let me know. I appreciate your candor. With all respect Robert I don’t expect to gain any currency/creditability on this website. I expect very few people to agree with what I say, I expect a lot of people to disagree with me (and call me names (including ‘Jew-hater’)/slander me/make hatful remarks/etc). A healthy attitude to have and I hope to discuss matters with you going forward. I doubt it :) The majority of posters here cannot bring themselves that there may be some merit to the Goldstone Report let alone any truth. I don’t think that my opinion will change many minds.
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