President Clinton, you're wrong!
Yoram Ettinger
Published: 20.11.09, 00:45
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75 Talkbacks for this article
31. To Numbrer 16
Anon ,   South Africa   (11.20.09)
how much you want ? i can organise you a high paying job, house with a maid, a pool and tennis court in Johannesburg's northern suburbs, + 2 non refundable tickets to FIFA world cup final to be held in june. what you say?
32. Stupidity
Mikesailor ,   Miami, FL   (11.20.09)
There is an easy way out of these conflicting statistics. Have a census. But that will expose all the myths that both sides, but especially the Israelis, rely upon to buttress their paranoia and failed political philosophies. You are already a bi-national state. only this failed idea of 'racial' purity ie. a 'Jewish state, holds together a disparate population.
33. Clinton
Susana ,   Mineola USA   (11.20.09)
He and Carter are factually challenged!
34. this is not a rhetorical question
shimon ,   toronto   (11.20.09)
on point 9, does anyone know where we can find a source indicating the 'actual' west bank arab population? who conducted the december 2008 census?
35. I Repeat
Jason, Ph.D. ,   Charlotte, USA   (11.20.09)
How can a state that is only 67% Jewish remain a Jewish state?
36. #35 - I Repeat How can a world that is only 33%
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (11.21.09)
Jewish, remain a world? Ans. Because that small little group is building the Temple baby yeah!!
37. #30 - Paaaalllleeeeaaaasssse?
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (11.21.09)
Your words cited below "Let us remember that it was the corruption in the catholic church that triggered the protestants movement" Who is us? You and the mouse in your pocket? I, for one know that the protestant reformation had nothing to do with a protest against corruption, it had to do with taking something hard and making it easy. I agree however Islam is in reform, it has alway been the "religion" of technology and advancement. But, having said that, I still see NO compelling reason that it is a more valid belief system then any other?
38. #35 - I repeat how can a world that is only
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (11.21.09)
33% Jewish remain a world? ANS: because without the contributions of that 33% there wouldn't be a world as currently defined
39. #34 and #35
mark ,   jerusalem   (11.21.09)
get the correct demographic facts collected at www.israeldemography.com. try to understand the www.onejewishstate.com a 67% jewish state is what we have today... just end the "occupation", assert our legal rights under themandate for palestine (july 24, 1922) and we can move forward together. jewish state= right of return for jews. see details in the link and the associated plan. good luck. you have my email.
40. #1 Tell that to the 22 horrific Arab dictatorships
Frank ,   usa   (11.21.09)
that terror, persecution and hatred are wrong! Jews are guilty of nothing more than staying alive. That is why you and the likes are not happy about. Obviously, your life would have been a lot easier if only the Jews did not defend themselves.
ABRAHAM ben JACOB ,   CANADA   (11.21.09)
42. :: Shimon - Point 9
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (11.21.09)
Yoram Ettinger rewrote/rehashed this article several times over the last few months. If you Google you will find different versions of this article. In all versions he fudges the stats to suit his purposes so I wouldn’t hold to much fate in any given point. In relation to It was the World Bank who noted that the *projected* (not ‘actual’) population figures by the Palestinians might need to be adjusted/updated from previous estimates. Here is the report: http://bit.ly/60xaa8 (page 42) Within this report it also mentions this Harvard report: Harvard School of Public Health (2005) Gaza 2010: Assessing Human Security Needs in the Gaza Strip Working paper no. 1 Population projections for the socio-economic development in the Gaza Strip. Remember Ettinger is trying to use these stats in a misleading way to infer that the ‘actual’ population of Palestinians is not actually as high as it is. For info on all the stats on the Palestinian people the World Bank is a very good source, see: http://bit.ly/11Nuew
43. to Mohammad, Jordan
Daniel   (11.21.09)
"If Palestinians in the west bank have a real intention to fire rockets into Israel, so why they are not doing it right now!! Its not the Israeli occupation of the west bank nor the fence that is protecting Israel in my opinion, Its the moderate palestinian leadership in the west bank." You make some good points, but the answer to your question could be: because of the Israeli presence in the West Bank. The IDF, in support of the Jewish settlements and in defence of the Israeli borders, prevents on daily basis the Palestinian extremists to carry out their terrorist attacks against Israel. The moderate Palestinians are actually doing a bit better job, but it and will this be enough to prevent a second Gaza? I think only through serious peace talks which will lead both Israelis and Palestinians to a durable peace, all future attacks and wars might be once and for all overcome. Now tell me: who on Palestinian side is really able and willing to work for a stable lasting peace and a stable Palestinian state? Fatah is too weak and corrupt, besides not clear on its attitude towards Israel; Hamas, on the other hand, is too fundamentalist and (not even secretly) devoted to Israel's destruction. The problem is, today as at the beginning, the Arab reluctance to accept a Jewish state in ME. Work on this first, then Israel could fulfill your requests. But not viceversa.
44. Mohammad #1
Hillel 1972 ,   Mountain View CA USA   (11.21.09)
My dear cousin, I appreciate your humanitarian stance and agree entirely. I only ask one thing: Palestinians recognize Israel's right to exist. It wouldn't hurt if Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and others also recognized Israel's right to exist. Then the bounty of Jewish philanthropy, unparalleled by any other ethnic group on the face of the Earth, will rain down on them with a cornucopia of democracy, freedom, education and economic cooperation.
45. Jason Ph.D.
Hillel 1972 ,   Mountain View CA USA   (11.21.09)
A Jewish State is one that embodies Jewish values and religious principles of mercy, justice, freedom, education, tzedakah, and reverance for the sancitity of life and the transcendent mystery of the Universe which we are charged to delve. It is irrespective of demography. Having said that, Jews as Jews tend to do a better job of promulgating these values than their Islamic neighbors, so a 2/3rds majority is comforting. Same as required to make or change the U.S. Constitution, no?
46. To #37
Mohammad ,   Jordan   (11.21.09)
"Who is us? You and the mouse in your pocket? I, for one know that the protestant reformation had nothing to do with a protest against corruption, it had to do with taking something hard and making it easy." Are you seriouse???!!! Well, what do you call the the teaching and the sale of indulgences, and simony, the selling and buying of clerical offices? I advice you to read about the protestant movement and the corruption in the catholic church from any source you like! I would recommend wikipedia or encyclopedia. "I agree however Islam is in reform, it has alway been the "religion" of technology and advancement. But, having said that, I still see NO compelling reason that it is a more valid belief system then any other?" To be honest i dont understand what are you talking about, and religion in general has nothing to do with tech and advancment, and i dont see it better than any belief system either.
47. To #43
Mohammad ,   Jordan   (11.21.09)
"but the answer to your question could be: because of the Israeli presence in the West Bank. The IDF, in support of the Jewish settlements and in defence of the Israeli borders, prevents on daily basis the Palestinian extremists to carry out their terrorist attacks against Israel. " I totally disagree with you. the first Intifada between 1987 and 1993 occured despite of the Israeli presence in the west bank. Let us use our common sense, occupation of other people's land would never improve security. Look at southern Lebanon as an example. Israeli forces kept on bleeding because of Hizbollah attacks and thats why Ehud Barak decided to surrender from southern Lebanon. Guerilla wars cannot be controlled, just look at Veitnam war and Afghanstan war if you understand what i mean. Once again, its the liberal Palestinian leadership that decided not to use resistance at this stage and use direct negotiations with Israel instead. "Fatah is too weak and corrupt, besides not clear on its attitude towards Israel; Hamas, on the other hand, is too fundamentalist and (not even secretly) devoted to Israel's destruction. " I agree with you that many of Fatah leaders are corrupt (hence they lost the last election in Gaza against Hamas) but they are not weak, at least in the west bank. Hamas strength is in the Gaza strip and it has no real presence in the west bank. The corruption of Fatah is an internal Palestinian issue and i dont see why Israel should use that as an excuse. As long as Fatah and the PLO are a legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, they are entitled to sign a peace treaty with Israel which will be obligatory to all future Palestinian leaderships. In relation to Hamas, its getting stronger and attracting more supporters because of the current failure of the peace process. For example, Hamas was able to exchange a vedio tap of Gilad Shalit with many Palestinian prisoners. In addition, Hizbullah was able to exchange a corpse with a bunch of terrorists. On the other hand, Abbas and the liberal Palestinian leadership is getting nothing from Israel simply because they are only negotiating. Now put your self in the postion of the normal Palestinian people, whats the message they are getting from all of this???!!! Its the resistance that will free Palestine, not negotiations. Israel will make compromises when you twist her arm (kidnapping soldiers for instance!). So, dont you agree with me that Israel is partly responsible for the rise of fundamentlism on the Palestinian side by ignoring and not rewarding the liberal Palestinian leadership?!
48. To #45
Mohammad ,   Jordan   (11.21.09)
"I appreciate your humanitarian stance and agree entirely. I only ask one thing: Palestinians recognize Israel's right to exist. It wouldn't hurt if Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and others also recognized Israel's right to exist. " The Palestinian already recognize Israel's right to exist by adopting UN resolution 242 as basis to the negotiation with Israel. Let me remind you that they are accepting 20% only from what they consider as Palestine! Dont you agree that this is a recognition already? In relation to other Arab countries, have you heard about the "Arab Peace Initiative" which clearly states that all arab countries will recognize and normalize their relationships with Israel once Israel sign a peace treaty with the Palestinians! "Then the bounty of Jewish philanthropy, unparalleled by any other ethnic group on the face of the Earth, will rain down on them with a cornucopia of democracy, freedom, education and economic cooperation" To be honest with you , i dont understand what did you mean by "Jewish Philanthropy"? Do you call returning an occupied territory a philanthropic act?! It will be merely dealing with an ethical dilemma i believe! By the way, its not me who is saying that its an occupied land, its the UN. However, pursuing peace is ethical in itself as it preserves human dignity and human lives.
49. To all TBers
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (11.21.09)
INFO alert! alert! alert! I told all before that when I was in Iraq this last time I attended the Phoenix Academy in Taji. There was a cadre of instructors headed by one Dr. Chin, he promoted himself as a tenured psychological profiler for the CIA and he claimed he did the years long profile for Saddam Hussein. As I reported earlier he was also a vehement anti-Semite and knowledgeable enough for me to believe he has been one for many, many, years. He was definitely advocating US violence against Israel and one of his instructors claimed to be an exo-Israeli and Jew; he also had many ill words for the Jewish state. But, here is the big news, today at the Pentagon where I work --- there is this guy that is the chief of the Antiterrorism section here. Now this guy and the LTC I work for are always watching either FOX news, the History channel, or the Military channel - now it was early in the morning and I noticed the antiterrorism guy was engrossed in another history channel presentation on Nazi Germany and to make small talk I said to him "they sure do play alot of Nazi shows don't they? Weird huh? well a long story short he said he and the LTC M%^r (my boss) don’t belief that Holocaust ever happened because they can't find the bodies? WTF crazy huh?? - I knew it to. I know in this modern era not too many Jews in Israel genuinely relate to the events of the past but, I can't believe this crazy anti-Semitism here in the upper echelons of the US DoD. For a time it waned, I think because they (the anti-Semites) were in the proverbial funk about President Obama but, now they have figured out that President Obama is not really effective so now they are getting brazen about their anti-Semitic sentiment again, just like Bush was back in office or something.
50. If Bill makes Aliya,there will be increase in population
Alan ,   SA   (11.21.09)
51. #22 Leo:
Wildmandxb ,   M.E.   (11.21.09)
Don't get too excited, he's not serious, nor any of the other palestinians...they lived on that land for centuries, unlike you, they won't sell it, they won't take the money, trust me!
52. I met a Serb once
Smith ,   TA, Israel   (11.21.09)
and he described to me why it was neccessary to kill the Muslims in Bosnia. He said the Muslims were guilty of committing a "Demographic Offensive" and thus their numbers needed to be reduced to protect Serbian rule. All this talk of demography is unbeffiting of a democracy and leads to dark places
53. Mohammad # 47
Daniel   (11.21.09)
I consider your reasonable Arab voice like a fresh water by comparison to the mostly hateful anti-Israeli (Arab and Western anti-Zionist) postings on the issue. You deserve therefore my full respect, even if I don't agree with you. The West Bank can't be compared with Afghanistan or even with Lebanon. The territories are not so wide and out of control like the latter. The settlements and the Israeli military presence represent a strong deterrent force against Palestinian terrorists. Besides, also the separation wall, so ugly and sad it is, does its good job and helps stop terrorist attacks from the West Bank. Do you believe that the terrorist waves in Israeli cities after the failed Oslo accords would have ceased if the above mentioned security measures weren't be adopted? Abbas' and Fatah's positions are too ambiguous about peace. It can be resumed with the motto: "You Israelis have to withdraw from all "occupied" territories, then you will have peace." Do you consider this axiomatic attitude a convincingly and sincere sign of desire for peace? The uncompromising claim, "first stop the settlements, then we speak with you" is the first step in this strategy to put pressure on Israel to completely pull out without committing oneself to concrete concessions (for example recognition of the right to exist for a Jewish state in ME). It's thus not surprising that it doesn't work in this way. Abbas stated these days that the peace process has failed and a third Intifada may break out, yet he refused repeatedly even to consider Israeli appeals to restart without preconditions the peace negotiations. Soon the Netanyahu's government will decide and announce a ten months lasting freeze in the settlements construction. Do you really believe the moderate Palestinians will then be willing to reconsider their uncompromising positions? Regards.
54. mo from jordan
jerome ,   Basalt, Colorado   (11.21.09)
has a bull$h!t comment about everything, but couldn't come up with anything about #40 truthful insightful words.
55. Arab Census INFALTE the REAL Numbers
David   (11.21.09)
Lies, like the Pali Myth, they Lie about their numbers, they inflate the true number, they lie about their history, make up stories and pass them on as the truth, they are obligated to lie by their religion
56. Mohamad #1
Self Hating Jew ,   New Mexico, USA   (11.21.09)
Thank you for stating so clear reality the way it really is. Just for the record :this is the belief on which I was raised on growing up in Israel many years ago. The only solution is for Israel to create a constitution.....Pronto.
57. demographic contest
observer   (11.21.09)
that mean that Jewish women are more fertile than Palestinian men. Jewish women attack but Palestinian men satisfy themselves with defense.
58. "Matty": Can you explain how Ettinger
Robert Haymond ,   Ashdod, Israel   (11.21.09)
is "fudging" the facts? I'm not saying you're wrong but by your simply stating the "fact" and referring to other articles written on the subject where he (Ettinger) may have altered his facts and conclusions, perhaps as a result of continued updating, you have not "proved" your statement and this gives me no added confidence in your conclusion. In addition, by using other studies to verify your opinion, you have not compared the results to Ettinger's research. So, once again, I am not convinced. I know this is a major task to ask of anyone in a Talkback but you are a serious contributor and are therefore required, by your commitment to this board, to make a better case than you have done. I hold you to a much higher standard than most Talkbackers.
59. #12 well said. There are several variables
Jae ,   Lynn US   (11.21.09)
1st the GDP per capita income in the majority of arab world (14 of 22 countries) is between 700-3000 dollars per year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Arab_League _countries_by_GDP_(nominal) Its been estimated that Israel has spent, over the past 15 years, 100 billion on the war on terror. If Israel gave, say 100k per Israel-rejectionist Arab family to emigrate, they could spend 10 billion and have 100,000 families emigrate. The average number of children among the arab population in judea/samaria is 7, plus 2 parents = 9 individuals. 9 individuals x100,000 families= 900,000 people. if a family averages $3,000 a year suddenly gets 100,000. that is the equivalent of a US family making 30,000 a year and suddenly...getting offered a check for 1 million. essentially every family wins the lottery.
60. Jason 35. The theory is that 67% A) plus Jews returning to
Jae ,   Lynn US   (11.21.09)
Israel (immigration) 2) and the increase of Jewish birth rates as Ettinger pointed 3) coupled with the decrease in Arab birthrates (the better the economy, the lower the birth rate) 4) coupled with a compensation plan to allow Arab families to emigrate. These factors would allow for the continuity of the Jewish people's country.
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