Turkish FM: Crisis with Israel over
Attila Somfalvi and AP
Published: 23.11.09, 20:13
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44 Talkbacks for this article
31. #21 Turkey have solved the biggest problem in the region
Yavuz- Turkey   (11.24.09)
cutting ties with israel was a great job.
32. Crisis has just begun...too late
Anonymous ,   USA   (11.24.09)
The Turkish people have been incited already. Be careful, don't goo to Turkey, People. Your life is already in danger.
33. Just say no, Erdogan insulted Israel. Say no to him for all
David ,   Boston, USA   (11.24.09)
He has lost any ability to be an honest broker for anything to do with Israel and should be shunned by all Israeli politicians.
34. #31 be my guest
Genuine Tosefta ,   Tveria   (11.24.09)
be my guest Go be friends with the Muslim Middle East that is the world's first entirely parasitic culture because it imitates poorly, consumes voraciously, spits hatred, exports death, ruins everything in its path and creates nothing. be my guest.......hahaha a future of dark ages, tyranny, hangings in the public square, beheadings, stonings, police state, misery and poverty is awaiting you be my guest.......hahahahahaha .......hahahahahaha
35. #22 The Golan was legally annexed by the WINNER of the war
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (11.24.09)
and the UN is a useless body that can't even keep the arabs from killing people in Dafur. Useless organizations with no power do not rule the world, but they are good at pretending to be important.
36. to 31
israeli   (11.24.09)
you think cutting ties with Israel is a good job??? your country need Israel more then we need you!!! what turkey contribute to the world?? nothing .. zero what Israel contribute?? plenty losers
37. Friends forever: Turks share a blood link with most Israelis
Askenazi ,   Brussels   (11.24.09)
Our ancestors the Khazars were in fact a Turkish tribe that converted to Judaism.
38. Bunnie, UNSCR 478 proves you wrong...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (11.24.09)
You can make all kinds of claims all day long, it won't change the facts though. The Golan Heights belongs to Syria. If the United Nations is so "useless" to Israel as you claim, then why does Israel not leave the UN and strike out on it's own? What of res 181? What would happen to Israel's legitimacy then? I'm all for UNIFIL being pulled out of Lebanon, Israel has a habit of firing at them and killing off UN Blue Helmets anyway. And those UN sanctions against Iran? OK, let's remove those as well. Folks like you seem to want Israel destroyed, that's what you advocate when you demonize the United Nations. And that automatic vote that always comes from the US? Don't bet the farm on it.
39. To: No. 38
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.24.09)
The Golan Heights were acquired by Israel in the course of fighting a defensive war, and were formally annexed by Israel in 1982. Resolution 181 was intended to confer status upon Palestine once the British Mandate expired on May 14, 1948. The Resolution created two states -- one tiny Jewish state and one far larger Arab state. While the Jewish Yishuv accepted the resolution (which did pass, by the way) and declared statehood on May 14, 1948, the Arabs rejected the resolution and five Arab armies invaded the fledgling Jewish state on May 15. The Arabs lost. Jordan tried to annex the West Ban in 1950, but the annexation was accepted only by the United Kingdom and Pakistan, and died a quiet death. Jordan did, however, extend citizenship to the Arabs on the West Bank, and citizens of Jordan they are to this day. Keep in mind, too, that Jordan attacked Israel in 1967, and lost the entirety of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. East Jerusalem was, of course, formally annexed by Israel. Keep in mind that the West Bank, which HAD no status right up until 1967 by virtue of the fact that the Arabs had universally rejected partition and Judea and Samaria were part of the British Mandate (i.e., non-sovereign territory) came under fully legal control of the State of Israel, with attendant right to settle Judea and Samaria AS ISRAEL WISHES. As to your disparaging comment about the automatic "vote" (I suspect you meant "veto") that comes from the United States -- well, it isn't just the United States. Last week, when Abbas threatened to declare an independent state of Palestine, the United States, the European Union (bolstered subsequently by independent statements from each of the United Kingdom and France) and Russia were VERY quick to announce that they would veto ANY such resolution brought before the Security Council. The United Nations sanctions against Iran are fairly benign. Much more severe are the ones imposed by the United States and the European Union. Go ahead and revoke the UN sanctions against Iran -- they do not have much in the way of "teeth," anyway. In 1988, Arafat announced the creation of an "independent State of Palestine," which was promptly met by a great big yawn in the West. Nothing new under the sun. Too bad. The tragedy of the Palestinians is that they never overlook an opportunity to overlook an opportunity. Not Israel's fault. Not Israel's burden. Sorry. That is just not the way of the world. For your information, the only leverage that the West has ever had against Israel was with respect to Israel's energy requirements. In February 2009, a five trillion cubic foot natural gas field was discovered off the coast of Haifa. That discovery will see rather nicely to the energy needs, both for Israel, and for Western Europe (now that the North Sea oil on which it is so dependent is almost completely depleted). And the geologists are saying that where there is natural gas, fossil fuel (i.e., oil) is never far away. The Palestinians have gambled their entire stake, and lost. Some mistakes are forever. You can bet the farm on it. Finally, you may read more on the legal status of non-sovereign territories acquired by Israel in the course of fighting a defensive war here:
40. Jews got nothing for genocide denial
Dave ,   New York, NY USA   (11.24.09)
It is widely acknowledged that several (though certainly not all) Jewish American groups such as the ADL and AJC have for many years sided with Turkey in not calling the Armenian genocide a genocide and also in lobbying against Armenian genocide resolutions in the US Congress. Israel has done the same. Now Turkey turns around, spits in Israel's face, and expects these same Jewish American groups to continue to support Turkey against Armenian Americans? Apparently, and amazingly, these groups will continue to support Turkey in its denial of genocide no matter what. How sad.
41. To: No. 22
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.24.09)
United Nations Security Council resolutions are only binding and enforceable if passed under Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter. UNSCR 497 was passed under Chapter 6 of the United Nations Charter and is therefore neither binding nor enforceable. Moreover, the Golan was considered non-sovereign territory as it had been part of the British Mandate which expired on May 14, 1948. UN Resolution 181 was intended to confer status upon lands which were part of the British mandate by creating two states -- one small Jewish one, one significantly larger Arab one -- and while Israel accepted partition, the Arabs did not, and chose to go to war over it. They lost. Syria illegally occupied the Golan between 1948 and 1967. Same with Jordan's illegal occupation of Judea and Samaria between 1948 and 1967. Sorry. Syria attacked Israel in 1967, and Israel acquired the Golan Heights in the course of fighting a defensive war. Since the Golan was a part of the British mandate and the Syrians (and the rest of the Arab world) rejected Resolution 181 (which passed anyway), Israel's presence is fully legal not only in the Golan but in Judea and Samaria as well. Sorry to disappoint you with the facts. Read more about United Nations resolutions here:
42. Foes forever, Israelis have nothing in common with Turks
Sefaradi ,   Antwerp   (11.24.09)
Turks invented the Khazar fable to steal Jewish land in the days of Ottomans
43. I cannot speak for Israelis, but personally I think
leo ,   usa   (11.24.09)
Erdogan must apologize or go crew himself and with Taytun's help too.
44. #42 Khazar Turks and Jews...
Sefaradi from Antwerp, you are lost in history and geography... Khazar/Hazar is a Turkish word, Khazars are pure Turks and Khazar Empire is one of 16 Turkish states built in history. Still, in Turkey and in Turkic world of Asia there are families with surnames Hazar, Idil, Karay etc. Also, go check when Ottoman Empire existed and when Khazar Empire existed. Your arguments is hilarious. Also, check where those two states were built. Your argument is hilarious again. Rulers of Khazars coverted Judaism for purely political reasons. Most people of Khazar Empire continued to believe in Turkish Tengrism which has absolutely nothing to do with Middle Eastern Abrahamic religions. Though, it is true that some converted Jewish Turks of Khazar Empire travelled to Russia and Eastern Europe, and mixed with Ashkenazim there. So, most Ashkenazim do have Khazarian blood in them, meaning that most Ashkenazim have pure Turkish blood in them. He he, what will some Turk-hater Ashkenazim do now? Go and boycott themselves? ;) Even Mizrahim say: Kol haAshkenazim Khuzarim ;)
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