Likud activist: Obama regime anti-Semitic
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 28.11.09, 21:40
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61. A thoroughly twitty take on the matter, #52
Cameron ,   USA   (11.29.09)
Ah, no wonder I spend more time grinning, than frowning, at the posturing of the Left. After reading that bit of dubious insight, I swear I felt like I was back in the ole Student Union in college listening to my young, fellow peers wax profound on weighty political & cultural issues over coffee.
62. #24 - I like your style
Edan ,   Tel Aviv   (11.29.09)
Well said, buddy. The trend of calling people anti-Israel and Antisemitic whenever they do not agree with Israeli policy really undermines and cheapens that actual meanings of those terms. Tough love from the US is just what the doctor ordered.
63. %57 - Sarah, the loaded word is "Aid"
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (11.29.09)
Hitler's government gave aid, look at the Nurenburg trials. Do you think those jokers actually thought they weren't helping the world? You xitian cohorts in the evangelical-wing of the republicansatzgrupen can only tolerate peoples that are differnt if they are "aiding" them through their philanthropy. Christianity and America exist within a very thin margin my dear. The great and pragmatic pilgrims that founded the USA to escape persecution and bring civility and light to the world were nothing more than greedy, entrepreneurial, genocidal/democidal bigots and those are the principles that have endured in the right-wing of american politics for generations. Now those characteristics are quite apparent in the Bush-centric republicansatzgrupen, if President Obam has one flaw, his one flaw is he let himself be bought and paid for by those tyrants you love so much. Stop war over religion now! Sarah visint walter reed and see what you are doing abandon conservatism it is bankrupt and will fail.
64. 49 - Yafa, Bethesda - Hi, I'm AY G-burg
AY_lamb ,   Gaithersburg   (11.29.09)
For whatever reason President Obama has chose to continue the policies of the Bush administration concerning Israel. Isolate, Contain and Supervise. I imagine the reason for this is he has succumbed to the "noise machine" of the American right wing, he may even fear them. He made that comment to the little kid "don't worry about me I'm tough" I'm not so sure and I think he is genuinely intimidated by the oligarchy over here and the Pentagon. He is acquiessing to them all the time. They are determined to facilitate "Bush - Doctrine". Oh well at the last minute I had this feeling about Obama and I voted for Cynthis McKinney last election. Next election I think the only viable candidate is Speaker Pelosi, please try to not get yourself solicited by these uber-replicans though if they get their tallons on power agian we'll be in 100% dictatorship for sure.
65. Ha!, James
Cameron ,   USA   (11.29.09)
You'll squeal louder than a stuck pig, or a European, when affairs grow heavy, and the clouds are dark. It's a given. We are your only friend on the planet.
66. good ole Cameron u a teabagger ay?
AY_Lamb ,   Globetsan   (11.29.09)
little piece of advice buddy. Everyone sees through the right-wing charade. You guys just don't understand; the old tricks aren't really the better tricks. Republicans are done, your word is a lie, your idols are false. Man worship is not the way to go.
67. You are due an award for that kind of creative nonsense, #63
Cameron ,   USA   (11.29.09)
"You xitian(?) cohorts in the evangelical-wing of the Republicansatzgruppen...." One can only shake the head at that kind of self-indulgent foolishness. Beware, man, for I just saw Sarah round the corner, and her scowling eye is upon thee.
68. To: No. 63
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.29.09)
"Stop war over religion now!" Lofty, commendable ideal. Now all you have to do is convince the Islamofascist world to go along. Rather easier said than done, I suspect. Actually, dear -- if civilization is to survive, someone had better stand up to Islam. That "enlightened" cult seems bent on returning the world to the seventh century. I, for one, do not wish to go.
69. To: Cameron at No. 65
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.29.09)
Contemplate the possibility, Cameron, that Israel is the United States' only friend on the planet. We've always had your back. Would the reverse were true .....
70. Likud activists - Obama & Freeze
Oskar Prager ,   Petach Tikva   (11.29.09)
What do you expect from Obama ? You all know he is a Muslim and a lover of the Palestinians. Moreover he is an illegitimate President not having been born in the USA . So You expect him to be a friend of Israel ?
71. to #8 if you sick you don't have to
ghostq   (11.29.09)
come to jewish media when you can find pleanty of those claims, you can use canadian media. much like people who complain they don't win the lottery and they don't even buy tickets, stop the whining.
72. 51 Dorothy Friend: Stem cell research does not help people..
Rivkah   (11.29.09)
It is slow euthanasia. For example, when stem cells are planted in the brain it seems helpful at first...until the stem cells grow into teeth (literally) and the patient dies. This is the devil's brew. The moral objection to stem cells is that it is a slow death sentence for the patient. Once the stem cells are injected into the brain, for example, there is no hope of recovery after a temporary improvement that then becomes a fatal treatment. But abortion and euthanasia of the elderly and disabled appeal to murderers. Sounds like President Obama's views: murder of the unborn and the elderly and the disabled is A-OK. That might reduce health care costs in the short run, but it brings a curse on the nation as the blood of those murdered cries out from the ground for vengeance, as Abel's blood after Cain slew him. God heard Abel's blood crying out from the ground. Why is there almost a news blackout on the toxic effect of stem cells that once implanted cannot be controlled?
73. Obama is a Jewish US President according to...
Rivkah   (11.29.09)
author Texe Marrs of Austin, Texas.
74. #13 Bunny
Berl ,   formerly of Seattle   (11.29.09)
The alleged POTUS will only be a one term President for 2 reasons, #! he will abolish the Presidency and declare himself Dear Leader for Life with the help of Pelosi and Reid, and #2 give them a few more months and the USA as we know it will cease to exist
75. enough is enough
Lum Chang Choi ,   Johor Bahru Malaysia   (11.29.09)
Don't blame any body. Just think about how to develop your country. Strengthen the defending systems. Promote peaceness. I believe both Israelis and Palestinians are to blame for the conflict. Both of you must work to materialized the two states solutions. It is good to invite China to mediate.
76. But consider, Sarah
Cameron ,   USA   (11.29.09)
Who needs a friend who forever hangs around the neck like an iron anchor?
77. To: Cameron at No. 76
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.29.09)
Oh, I should think that would more describe U.S. friends such as France and England. Double the anchor and you have Russia. Or (quietly so) South Korea, where U.S. troop commitments now outnumber the U.S. deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. Speaking of Afghanistan -- wow, now there's a REAL friend -- shipping off their poppy and heroin crop right to our shores (isn't that thoughtful?). Then of course we have friends like the Saudis -- all the support the U.S. gives (and without which Saudi Arabia would be history), and no special pricing on oil. There's gratitude for you! No, Cameron, I was thinking more along the lines of a friend that gives you a first look at a captured Soviet T-72 tank at a time when the Cold War was really hot and there was nothing in the U.S. arsenal that could pierce the skin of the T-72, which was at the time the mainstay of the Soviet tank forces sitting right on that border with Germany. I was thinking more of the friend who gave the United States its first look at both the MIG-19 and, some years later, the MIG-21, when it was the principal Soviet fighter jet. I was thinking more along the lines of a friend that reduced arms sales to China and declined to sell certain types of aircraft and air defense systems even though it meant the loss of billions of dollars in revenue. Merely because the friend asked. I was thinking about the friend that agreed to be the "pass-through" for weapons sales to anti-Communist forces in Central America. The kind of friend that trained the woefully untrained Americans in how to properly interdict terrorism. How to profile in airports. How to train SWAT teams in terrorist hostage-taking situations that were of the Arab persuasion. Who do you think played out in real time how a war between the Soviet Union and the west would go with respect to weapons capacity in the respective arsenals? Who was it that fought the wars that proved Western weaponry superior, thereby providing the only reason the Soviets didn't come crashing into West Germany back in the 1970s? The U.S.'s traditional "friends" -- England and France -- and the U.S.'s new oil-rich "friends" -- really are not such good friends. They take a great deal while giving nothing, and routinely flout the expressed desires of the United States in open forae. Do you remember the Moscow Olympics that then-President Carter boycotted by way of protest of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? France, West Germany, Australia, New Zealand , England and Canada all went to the Olympics that summer. Some "friends." Seems to me that the United States could do with a few more "iron anchor" friends. You've more than enough of the other kind.
78. Quite the diatribe, Sarah
Cameron ,   USA   (11.30.09)
It really has become the age of "ice-cold Realpolitik". As I said earlier, no one any longer takes eachother blindly for granted. That is wise & healthy in this era that has such a calculating feel of Talleyrand and Metternich about it. Never forget who allows you open access to the best military hardware on the planet that gave Israel a true edge in the tangles of the past. No one else can, or will, provide that vital land & air capability. No one. If Israel has provided help to us over the years, we have more than paid it off in spades. Your cup runneth over in matters of US aid & assistance. Remember that always amid the shrieking over the going US position on E. Jerusalem, & "natural growth and expansion" in the West Bank. Never any shortage of US weasel "allies" out there, and pray we don't become as cynical & wary with you, as we have to be with them, Sarah. By all means, keep your own counsel as israelis, but tread carefully, and do NOT take us for granted.
79. To: Cameron at No. 78, redux
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.30.09)
"By all means, keep your own counsel as israelis, but tread carefully, and do NOT take us for granted." I think that is a wise thing to say, Cameron. I also think it works equally well in the reverse. No one is better versed in man's inhumanity to man than the Jews, Cameron. We have been on the receiving end of more than our share for better than 2,000 years. Do not trifle with our resolve to keep our tiny Jewish nation alive and well. No matter what the cost to anyone else. Do not mistake Israel's accommodation to silly Palestinian tricks for weakness or a bending to United States will. When we're through playing, I think you have some idea of what we can bring to bear upon our enemies. We pray it never comes to that. But we will do what we must. There is no mistaking that, dear.
80. To: Cameron at No. 78
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.30.09)
Oops, Cameron. You're a tadbit behind the times.
81. Impressive "persecution complex", #79
Cameron ,   USA   (11.30.09)
Can turn even friends into enemies, that knee-jerk "circle the wagons" habit can, if you're not careful. Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition, Honey.
82. Cameron, Rikvah, Sarah
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (11.30.09)
Cameron - Rikvah and Sarah are evangelical proselytizers that assume a Jewish persona. Rikvah - Because she wants people to believe it is Jewish to worship man. Sarah - Because she wants to persuade others that Jewish = bigotry and intolerance. Just functionaries in the evangelical wing of the Republican party ot as i sat republicansatzgrupen.
83. Most interesting, Sarah #80
Cameron ,   USA   (12.01.09)
Good to hear of Israeli efforts to try and balance out the vast favor shown by the US that allows Israel, year after year, to equip & stockpile it's armed forces with the finest, most cutting-edge weaponry the US produces. A decided advantage for a tiny state surrounded by enemies dedicated toward it's destruction. Now who says we are not the most generous of patrons?
84. To: No. 82
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.01.09)
I am Jewish, you fool. I am not a bigot. Nor am I intolerant. I just have a tendency to tell things the way they are. I am not a big fan of political correctness, even if you are. Gaithersburg, eh? One more ugly allusion attempting to connect me in any way to "einsatzgruppen," and I will find you and I will hale you into court. I remind you that libel, being published defamation, extends to Internet blogs. My parents are concentration camp survivors. Most of my family went up the chimneys of assorted death camps. You REALLY don't want to play much on that theme with me.
85. 82 AY Lamb: Actually, it is much more fun to send people to
Rivkah   (12.01.09)
hell for slander, libel, or perjury. In any case, I cannot and do not proselytize because only Y'hovah can choose who is in His family. Many are called but few are chosen (by God, not me). Hell had to be enlarged for all the people I am sending there unless they pay a settlement after slandering, libeling, or perjuring me. How is that possible? Read the story of Job in the Bible. Y'hovah did not ask Job to pray for enemies, but He did ask Job to pray for his friends who slandered Job. Asked, but did not command. Y'hovah told Job that if Job did NOT pray for his friends who slandered Job, Y'hovah would not accept them. Sounds to me like they go to hell if Y'hovah does not accept them. So I have or will send multitudes to hell, lacking the power to send them to heaven. I do not pray for people who slander, libel or perjure me unless they pay a settlement first. What joy it is to contemplate their future suffering, in a moment being filled with terrors as King David was shown by Y'hovah that that would be the fate of his enemies. Rabbi Yehoshua suggested praying for one's enemies in the sermon on the Mount, but those are rules (beatitudes) for the kingdom of God which was rejected at that time.
86. Libel huh! Like broadcast condemnation
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (12.01.09)
of a particular group for holding a particular belief. Condemning all Muslims for being conspiratorial, complicit and hateful? Libel for advocating war and murder en masse by espousing falsehood and fabrication? Libel, Slander and prevarication by falsely implying and recreating history? You say your parents were condemned to death in the Shoa, Sarah? Who exactly were the authorities there in Europe was it an ayatollah? Was it a particular Mufti? Was in imamate, was it majles? No Sarah it was fascists Sarah, fascists that attended church in primarily catholic cathedrals and other christian secular institutions. Now before this gets twisted around into a more perverse version of your "truth" lets be clear on something. You along with anyone else that advocates, violence, contempt, bigotry, intolerance, cruelty or malice in the name of a religious platitude or tenet, I will take to task. I never said you were Jewish in fact I believe you cannot be, because you have abdicated the Talmud where there is a clear prohibition on proselytizing, what you are doing is prosecuting and misleading information campaign that promulgates a theory that Jewish=Bigoted. Believe me I am well aware of the intent and sentiment of the neoconservative right-wing to obfuscate their culpability by saying they are waging War at the behest of Jews and I clearly know this is a win/win for them Sarah, You are an extremist nothing more. And yes I shall see you like the other day when I left the Gaithersburg MVA and I saw those clowns with posters of the POTUS in a "Hitler Mustache”: (disgusting) I took them to task and I shall take you to task, I will not let you or your ilk steal America, it's not going to happen. Take your Fascism to France Sarah, I will close with Quotes from Lewis Sinclair and Blaise Pascal - Lewis “When Fascism comes to America it will be draped in the Flag and carrying the Cross” Baise “Never do men kill so cheerfully than when it is in the name of religion” as far as Rikvah goes; count up her word in her post, look how many time she mentions hell. She is obsessed with the grandeur of that.
87. Sarah - If you renounce without equivocation
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan USA   (12.01.09)
that the discriminatory language you use in respect to the adherents to Islam is a "Sarah thing" and not a "Jewish thing" then I shall renounce my claim that you are an evangelizer. Although evangelizing isn't really an insult since it is clearly promoted in Christian theology.
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