Blair: 2-state solution or 'hell of a fight'
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 29.11.09, 21:15
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31. Blair: 2-state solution or 'hell of a fight'
Norway   (11.30.09)
Blair's Mid East statement is not helpful. Instead he should help himself out of his post Iraq war troubles.
32. Fox to fish: come out of water or I'll bite u
Yonason Herschlag   (11.30.09)
33. BBSNews25#
avrom ,   bet shemesh   (11.30.09)
Israelis residing in the US do not have the right to vote in Presidential elections similarly Palestininians would not have the right to vote in Israeli elections Palestininian civil rights and security would be safeguarded by the Israeli Supreme court and the Israeli army and police just as the rights of Israeli civilians living in the US are safeguarded by the US supreme court the US army and police
34. ONE- !!!.
Arn-Orao. ,   Sweden-Srbia.   (11.30.09)
Blair: 2-state solution or 'hell of a fight' TWO - !!!. Arn-Orao. 2-state -AND- hell of a fight. Arn-Orao.
35. If they do not recognize Israel hell of a fight
Dani ,   Amsterdam NL   (11.30.09)
Will be the next step
36. I'm ready to fight!
Moishe the Zionist ,   Israel   (11.30.09)
37. Blair the Crusader
Brod ,   USA   (11.30.09)
Blair the Papist AntiSemite Crusader should stop helping the Islamist-Jihadists crusading their Jihadism on Israel. It is none of his business to be intruding in Israel's internal affairs. It is the spirit of AntiSemitism that is propeling him in his personal crusade.
38. The Peace deal WILL HAPPEN.
UncoolSam ,   South Africa   (11.30.09)
This 2-state will happen and there is NOTHING us peasants can do to stop it.
39. The Torah deeded certain lands including Jerusalem to Jews..
Rivkah   (11.30.09)
(Judah, Benjamin, Levi tribes) and Israel (Joseph, etc. tribes). The reason the Jews have had such difficulties holding onto what Y'hovah promised them is that the Torah deeded lands for the Jews promise is conditional. The Jews have to obey the Torah which homosexual parades in Jerusalem and other offenses to the Lord indicate a lack of obedience to the Torah. BUT, if the adversaries of the Jews succeed in dividing God's land (Jerusalem in particular), the consequence will be Armageddon and the Lord will defend the Jews. This is very close to coming to pass. The Hebrew year of 5770 which started in the fall or spring of this year depending on which calendar the Prophets used, is the year in the ELS Torah codes of war in the Middle East which is a hellish scenario that will increase the land mass of Israel unimaginably. The millions of Palestinians in Israel MUST be moved to the 57 Muslim nations without the right of return which is easier than the predicted mass migrations (relocations) of Syrians and Iranians and Lebanese to many or all lands of the earth. The Palestinians in Gaza and Tyre and Zidon will be dead from God's hand which the Bible indicates will be from tsunamis or the ocean rising rapidly. God can delay such judgments if He sees His chosen people whose suffering from persecutions and faith brought them back to their ancient homeland where God wants them to be. If God is not appeased, He will destroy the Gentile nations' forces that come against Israel.
40. Reality
Mikesailor ,   Miami, FL   (11.30.09)
So, now the Israelis are finally speaking about reality. Their solution: Expulsion or apartheid. Expulsion will lead to another Mideast war without any end in sight, and apartheid will not be countenanced no matter how much you think your hasbara will cover you.
41. To: No. 22
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.30.09)
You are fooling no one. The full quote is as follows: "it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." The "rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country" was not observed, now was it? Means the first half of the quote -- the one you so selectively remembered -- is null and void. Seems clear to me. Of course, you are so dedicated to hatred of Jews and Israel, you cannot see it. One million Jews were unceremoniously kicked out of Arab and Moslem lands with nothing but the clothes on their backs and their Torahs. Interesting that you never mention that.
42. Goli, thanks, but we are separate people...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (11.30.09)
I'm flattered though, Matty is one of the most knowledgeable and factual people here. On the other hand, we have you, who cheapens the term antisemitism by using it where it simply does not apply. Never in my life have I said, or thought, or wrote, anything even vaguely antisemitic, and nothing I have ever seen from Matty contains antisemitism. You seem to be confused. Apparently you believe if we write about the illegality of various Israeli government action that this is "antisemitism". It simply is not Goli and I expect you know that. As a matter of fact, I simply never heard much antisemitism until I started participating in these threads. And it rarely if ever comes from anyone other than an Israeli or an Israeli "supporter" falsely accusing someone else. Usually because they cannot address the facts, so they just make things up.
43. Avram, there's simply no comparison...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (11.30.09)
...Palestinians are routinely denied rights at all levels of Israel's judicial system, in fact, in most cases it is handled by a completely separate justice system. We don't have kangaroo courts here in the United States although I can think of one appellate court rightwing extremists love to hate... After a fair and just peace agreement Muslims residing in Israel must have completely equal rights with Jews, no separate courts, they get to vote etc - or the conflict is not ended. As Palestinian PM Fayad has recently made clear, Israelis who wish to stay in Palestine may do so and become citizens of Palestine where they would have the same rights as Arab Palestinians in Israel. For more about Israel's convoluted court system see: /spages/1109609.html "IDF sets up separate court for Palestinian minors" [Haaretz August 2009].
Sdunc   (11.30.09)
45. Sarah B., actually, you fool no one...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (11.30.09)
...for instance, using your logic, the very nature of the state of Israel comes under threat because of the language in UNGA 181 in Chapter 2. Religious and Minority Rights. Since you seem to believe that a perceived or real abrogation of a portion of a diplomatic agreement renders null and void the entire document then by all means, lets review 181. You simply have no idea of the damage you do to Israel. Or do you?
46. BSS43~
avrom ,   bet shemesh   (11.30.09)
Palestinians have full rights in Israel's judicial system they petition the Supreme court all the time sometimes they win sometimes they lose Israeli muslims do vote for theIsraeli Knesset Palestinians do not . that is fair You say that Israelis would be offered palestinian citizenship in a dysfucntional Palestinian state There is no muslim or Arab state that is a tolerant liberal democracyWhy should any Israeli want to be a palestinian?Palestinians are better under Israeli occupation than under palestinian rule .In Gaza and the West Bank dissidents are routinely tortured and abused by the authorities only the Israeli authorities can provide the necessary governance for security and economic progress
47. Simple Questions we all must ask...
Esh Tamid   (11.30.09)
Israelis to World powers: What happens if terrorism continues after the creation of a Palestinian state? Pals to themselves: Which leader will actually make the west bank/ Gaza flourish? Currently The answer that we are given to both is "I dont know". Once someone comes up with an answer and has the balls to back it up we will have peace.
48. Esh Tamid #47 Simple Answer
Brod ,   USA   (12.01.09)
The Islamist-Jihadists will continue attacking Israel until they have subdued, dominated and islamize Israel. This is the ultimate goal of Islamist-Jihadism not just on Israel but the whole non-Islamist world which they call House of War or Dar Al Harb and turn it into Dar Al Islam (House of Islam). They do this by Trojan Horse with their multiple wives and exponential population explosion, Taqiyya (Deception), machinations, manipulations, Madrassas (Islamist-Jihadism factories for Indoctrination of young minds in hating Jews and Christians and all other Kaffirs-infidels and make them Islamist-Jihadist crusaders and terrorists), terrorism and crusading their Jihadism to Dar Al Harb. They have already set their footholds in Europe, the Americas, Russia, Southeast Asia, Southern Asia, China, Africa, and the rest of the world with their sources of funding from their Chief Sponsors-Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, Turkey, Syria, the UAE, etc.
49. Brod, there's a jihadi under your bed...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (12.01.09) wait, he's outside the window. No wait, he's in the kitchen eating your MRE's you have stacked up for the second coming... Brod, I have read you for sometime now, and your delusional non-changing nonsensical rants simply have no basis in reality. What scares me about you though, is that you may do harm to others based on your whacked out extremism. You really really need to talk to a qualified medical professional in your area and get some counseling before you act on your extremist views. It's hard enough reading you here and at Haaretz, I don't want to read about you being the latest nutcase in America who goes off half-cocked and hurts innocent people you imagine are the dreaded jihadis of your vivid imagination.
50. BBSNews #49 Must Read materials
Brod ,   USA   (12.01.09)
I would assume you are an Islamist-Jihadist Trojan Horse apologist. You want to hide as much as possible information pertaining to Islamist-Jihadism from people who do not read. The fact is since 9/11, there is a proliferation of literature by outstanding experts on the subject of Islamist-Jihadism. Unless a person has read at least more than two dozen books on the subject, they won't know much. I would urge the readers and policymakers to read the following outstanding references: "Islam and Terrorism" [2002] by Mark A. Gabriel, PhD "Journey Into the Mind of an Islamic Terrorist" [2006] by Mark A. Gabriel, PhD "Culture Clash Islam's War On The West" [2007] by Mark A. Gabriel, PhD "The Sword of the Prophet" [2002] by Serge Trifkovic, PhD "Defeating Jihad" [2006] by Serge Trifkovic, PhD "Religion of Peace? Islam's War Against The World" [2006] by Gregory M. Davis, PhD "Future Jihad Terrorist Strategies Against The West" [2005] by Walid Phares, PhD "The Confrontation" [2008] by Walid Phares, PhD "Militant Islam Reaches America" [2003] by Daniel Pipes, PhD "Hatred's Kingdom" [2003] by Dore Gold, PhD "Funding Evil" [2003] by Rachel Ehrenfeld, PhD "Atomic Iran" [2005] by Jerome R. Corsi, PhD "Eurabia The Euro-Arab Axis" [2006] by Bat Yeor "Because They Hate" [2006] by Brigitte Gabriel "They Must Be Stopped" [2008] by Brigitte Gabriel "The Rage And The Pride" [2001] by Oriana Fallaci "The Force of Reason" [2004] by Oriana Fallaci "Why I Left Jihad" [2005] by Walid Shoebat "Why We Want To Kill You" [2007] by Walid Shoebat "Leaving Islam" [2003] edited by Ibn Warraq "Onward Muslim Soldiers" [2003] by Robert Spencer "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam" [2005] by Robert Spencer "Sleeping With The Devil" [2003] by Robert Baer "Preachers of Hate" [2005] by Kenneth R. Timmerman "Countdown To Crisis The Coming Nuclear Showdown With Iran" [2005] by Kenneth R. Timmerman "The Everlasting Hatred The Roots of Jihad" [2002] by Hal Lindsey "They Just Don't Get It" [2005] by Colonel David Hunt "Jihad Incorporated" [2006] by Steven Emerson "Infiltration How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington" [2005] by Paul Sperry "Secrets of the Kingdom" [2006] by Gerald Posner "Saddam's Secrets" [2006] by General Georges Sada "Schmoozing With Terrorists" [2007] by Aaron Klein "Understanding Muhammad" [2008] by Ali Sina "Warrior" [1989] by Ariel Sharon "Vengeance" [2005] by George Jonas "Raid On The Sun" [2004] by Rodger W. Claire "A God Who Hates" [2009] by Wafa Sultan "Muslim Mafia" [2009] by David P. Gaubatz and Paul Sperry "World On Fire" [2004] by Amy Chua ETC.
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