Man shot on Gaza border was mental patient
Ynet reporters
Published: 07.12.09, 21:04
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15 Talkbacks for this article
1. ashamed.
Aidan ,   Haifa, israel.   (12.07.09)
"had he said one word in Hebrew". are we as Israelis supposed to feel okay with that statement? I sure am not. Even if he was suspected to be dangerous, you don't aim for the neck. that was an execution, he was shot to be killed. to say that they acted according to protocol mean we have to change the protocol.
2. Note to Terrorists:
If you "just say one word in Hebrew" You won't be shot...:( What kind of idiot is working at the helm of the Erez Crossing. There is the proof unfortunately, that Israel is an apartheid state.
3. #1 - He was shot in the leg, not the neck
William ,   Israel   (12.07.09)
Please, read the article before you comment - ashamed or not.
4. How predictable - we always shoot first
Bruno ,   Haifa   (12.07.09)
So much technology, and so many options, and yet we always shoot to kill. And of course "we" immediately start with the usual excuses to explain why there was no alternative. But there's always an alternative. Why have we become so insensitive to taking human life? Are our borders so insecure that one person can simply run through them or jump over them? Why not wait till the person gets stuck at a fence, and arrest him? Why are our responses so very limited and final?
5. Predicatable Bruno ??
John ,   london UK   (12.07.09)
1) The guards did NOT shoot first. 2 ) They did not shoot to kill even when they did eventually end up having to shoot 3) It's a kill or be killed part of the world. And nobody on the Israeli side of the world ordained that it be so. 4) How would YOU have absolutely KNOWN that the person did not have a semtex belt ?. 5) It's a tragedy -- but trigger happy spraying of blame where it least deserves to be only compounds the tragedy.
6. The ones that should have been killed are those..
Keren ,   IL-BR   (12.07.09)
who produce and traffic drugs.It is their the responsability for this death.
7. Electrify that part of the fence
mea   (12.08.09)
I am just making a suggestion that perhaps on answer would be to electrify the fence and gate area. It would probably make someone like this poor man stop and turn back,and anyone with a bomb would risk being detonated on the fence. My other suggestion would be to shoot him with rubber bullets,which hurt like hell and few people would fail to stop after getting hit by two or three. Or what about a dog? Couldn't they use a dog to make him stop? My condolences to his family. This is very sad.
8. #2
Intelligence   (12.08.09)
Actually it's proof the state is not apartheid enough... You think the boys in Gaza don't know just one word in Hebrew?? perhaps when terrorist screams "shalom, after I kill you!!!" then the guards will train the gun away because he spoke Hebrew... What the article was trying to say is that if the man had spoken in Hebrew they would have realized he was Israeli, or been able to communicate. The article also describes how had he only stopped, and not gone towards the guards they would have not fired. Obviously, when your mind functions improperly we couldn't know what to expect. This really is a tragic case. I feel bad for the solider who shot, it was not his/her fault, but how can anyone not feel pain over this? On that note, for all the polemicists looking to turn any death into a political sensation please crawl back into the the crevice whence you came from.
9. #1
READ THE ARTICLE AGAIN BEFORE PASSING JUDGEMENT. as it says, "he suffered a bullet wound to his damaged a main artery to his leg...NOT HIS HEART OR CHEST. the soldiers always aim at the lower extremities in any case. in this instance, he took a shot to his leg which severed a main artery and he lost lots of blood from that artery. no chest or heart wounds were involved at all. hameed aboughaze, iranian
10. #4
#4 the idf response was not immediate. THEY FIRED 15 WARNING SHOTS INTO THE AIR AND ASKED HIM TO STOP. DID YOU READ THAT???? they shot him only after doing everything in their power to identify him. what policeman in any country would fire 15 warning shots in the air when faced with a possible terrorist attack???? do you believe the usa army fires 15 warning shots in the air when the mexican drug cartel thugs attempt to cross into the usa and invade the border??? imbecile!
11. Bruno Haifa
dan ,   london   (12.08.09)
Bruno - you really are embarissingly naive. Appart from failing to read the article properly (he was shot in the leg) your notion of maintiaining security is unbelievelable. Why not invite him in for tea and buscuits aswell.. where do you think you are.. grow up.. this is not a game.
12. to #1 terrorists usualy act fast in split second
ghostq   (12.08.09)
it means life or death they acted rightfully they told him to stop, he didn't, so he got shot. in the same incident it could be easily arab who try to cross the border with no so kind intentions.
13. The Only Question worth considering is
RJBH ,   Methil   (12.08.09)
How much quicker would the camp guards shot him ... had he been running in the other direction?
14. #13 An answer
Intelligence   (12.08.09)
.05867932 seconds faster... While people are being butchered in Sudan, citizens being tortured in Iran, strife everywhere... You're concerned over Israeli's? My my Habibi, if ever you want a passport to Gaza I would be most glad to speak with people to ensure a mighty Shaheed such as yourself, the great defender of human rights, blah blah, gets to Gaza. Try not to get a bed sore from sitting on your "donkey" all day long. Salaam Alekum RJBH
15. The man is dead
Bruno ,   Haifa   (12.08.09)
yes he was "only" shot in the leg - but he's now DEAD. Irreversibly. Why not use water cannon, rubber bullets, shock grenades, tasers? then escalate the use of force as necessary. And if he was "only" shot in the leg, then why not arrest him and treat him.
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