Anti-Semitic video against Israel team in Haiti
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 20.01.10, 00:35
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162 Talkbacks for this article
91. I love to see you people...
Marco ,   Spain   (01.20.10)
squirm when your backs are to the wall. lol
92. Well, someone sure stole T West's brain!
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (01.20.10)
Personally, I think it was Satan. Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Torah-reverer (& Orthodox Jew) Advocate for Logic as Hermeneutic Halakhic Authority Welcoming All Torah-reverers (Jews & non-Jews)
93. #40 Run there as quick as you can
Polo ,   Lanzarote   (01.20.10)
They may have a spare brain organ for you. Even taken from a monkey, would be better than the one you have now. You could be the organ grinder to your monkey.
94. 92 , impossible , he NEVER had
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (01.20.10)
95. We are also guilty of
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (01.20.10)
the earthquake , the tsunami . the hurricanes , the Titanic and so on . What this small people can do ! great ! At least we are doing something , not ? [ LOL ] But we don't have such STUPID guys .
96. Sarah , Hepatitis is the main reason i think
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (01.20.10)
This was the first question asked to me before giving blood : do you suffer from hepatitis .
97. spokesman for drug addled miscreants
Steve   (01.20.10)
"No good deed goes unpunished" Whoever wrote that was indeed very wise. This uneducated, hateful, black man shows absolutely no discernible intelligence as he berates Israel for her heroic efforts in the eternal -hithole that is Haiti. Perhaps his concern for his brothers and sisters would be a bit more credible if he was on the ground in Haiti performing some actual function. But that is not to be for Mr. West is incapable of rational thought and disturbingly incompetent in any meaningful skill. He is an embarrassment to the black community.
98. Teaching your granny how to suck eggs
Robert ,   Brisbane, Australia   (01.20.10)
To 88: Your reactive personality is showing. If you had bothered to see that my post was a response to post #32 you may have toned down your offensive remarks or directed them elsewhere. On second thoughts your paranoia would probably have prevented that .
99. Idiot
Israeli ,   Israel   (01.20.10)
This guy is an idiot. Instead of thanking Israel, he spreads lies about us. PS No one would take organs from Haitians as they have many sicknesses there including a high rate of Aids.
100. Mark = EZELSJONG
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (01.20.10)
Jews were also guilty of the 1953 floods in your , and neighboring country Belgium maybe ? Israelis are in Haiti only to SAVE people , and we do it with success .
101. Stealing organs
frank ,   israel   (01.20.10)
the one organ that should have been stolen was his father's putz...this guy is just too dumb even to be from a slave family...this guy is pathatic at best, unfortunatley there are so many who desperately want to believe everything and anything bad about jews and israel. I maintain that there was no slavery and it turned out to be a holiday gone wrong. Seriously, who would want this moron working their fields...I would like to think we had a smarter class of indentured servents....slavery is a dream issue and one that is used simply as a means to explain why certain groups with incredible advantages continue to go backwards....never let's see them prove it....let's see them make this a jew issue.....
103. no.40
the organ eater :)   (01.20.10)
HO MAN,YOU ARE A PARANOID.... amazing how people can be soooooooo stupid... think you need some help too,definitelly not from us...LUNATIC
104. Organs
Birdi ,   Israel   (01.20.10)
I dont believe a word this guy is saying. Disgusting that he tries to tarnish the name of the IDF.
!!!   (01.20.10)
106. Show me proof
Mark ,   Jerusalem   (01.20.10)
If you can show me proof that Jesus came back from the dead then I will believe this
107. To: Charles at No. 96
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.20.10)
Yes. And you are originally from Europe and have spent many years in Israel where you have had access to excellent medical care. You are also likely to be aware of illnesses you have contracted. Imagine the number of questions that an Ethiopian would be asked, given the exposure to all the diseases which occur in epidemic proportion in Ethiopia. This, coupled with the fact that they may not know which diseases they have had or even to which they have been exposed, make them unsuitable as blood donors. That said, it is worthy to note in their mad rush to cast things in the most negative light, our resident Jew and Israel haters tend overlook what goes on in their own back yard. Had Robert of Brisbane bothered to check, he would have discovered that an extraordinarily high percentage of indigenous Australians (the aborigines) are not considered suitable blood donors; in fact, the Koori population in Victoria are so disease-ridden, they may not donate blood at all. The aboriginal population of Australia diagnosed with tuberculosis is fourteen times that of Australian-born non-indigenous people. Had Robert of Brisbane not thrown caution to the wind in his zeal to criticize Israel, he might have discovered that the rate of haemophilus influenzae type B among the aboriginal people is eleven times that of the incidence among Australian-born non-indigenous people. Similarly, the rate of meningococcal infection in the aboriginal population is three times the rate in Australian-born non-indigenous people. The incidence of chlamydia, gonorrhoea and other sexually-transmitted diseases among the aboriginal population is a shocking thirty-seven times that of the incidence among Australian-born non-indigenous people. Individuals that have been diagnosed with, or exposed to, any of these illnesses may never donate blood. I wonder how Robert of Brisbane would explain these sad facts. Australia, after all, is hardly Ethiopia and enjoys universal health care, excellent medical facilities and superbly educated and trained medical professionals. Are these services simply denied to the aboriginal people? Now that would truly be racism. Not to mention disgraceful and deplorable.
108. Sarah , Not only were Jews FUNDERS
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (01.20.10)
of the NAACP , but also leaders and supporters . Jews were ALWAYS on the forefront of social struggle , of fight for equality between the different races .
109. Raking it in Sarah.
Resistor   (01.20.10)
There is nothing that Israel develops, or invents, that is not matched anywhere else in the world, Sarah. The Nobel prizes that you so covert, are usually shared with other nationalities, or won by Europeans, who like you Sarah, are only part-timers when in comes to "Yisrael". So don't get too excited.
110. Assumptions and paranoia
Robert ,   Brisbane, Australia   (01.20.10)
To 107 To someone as eloquent as yourself it is a pity that that your eloquence is misplaced. If you were to check back on my original post which was directed to post #32 you could have saved yourself the effort of responding by way of assumptions that is evidently a particular habit of yours. Maybe it is in your genes that people such as yourself respond in this way by assuming that anyone who appears to not project a perfect picture of Israel. It appears that you are more than likely a very unhappy person who flies off the handle at the slightest criticism. Why don't you get a life?
111. Marco, love to see you squirm...
Janice Cohen ,   Jerusalem Israel   (01.20.10)
Israel alive and well and you can't do anything about it !
112. To: Charles at No. 108
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.20.10)
Thanks for the clarification.
113. Sarah #107
Resistor   (01.20.10)
What you have to realise is that the Aboriginees lived for about 50,000 in Australia years before the white man arrived, bringing a wealth of diseases with them that simply, the aboriginees have no immunity against, and won't have for many decades yet. Australia spends billions of dollars on healthcare for the Aboriginees and Torres Strait Islanders-something Israel could learn a lesson for looking after non-jews. Australia is certainly NOT a racist country, Sarah. Do some research for once!
114. To: No. 113
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.20.10)
Sigh. What you have to realize is that the arrival of European settlers had no impact upon the incidence of: - Tuberculosis - Haemophilus influenza Type B - Meningococcal infection These diseases have never been, and are not now, confined to a particular geographical region. They were not brought to Oceana by Europeans; like diseases such as polio, they have always existed there. Venereal disease may have been brought by the Europeans, but -- here's a news flash: most strains are curable, and have been for a very long time. There is no such thing as being "naturally resistant" to venereal disease. The issue is one of treatment. Non-aboriginals are just as susceptible to venereal disease as aboriginals. Care to give it another go? Why is the incidence of disease in the non-aboriginal and aboriginal populations in Australia so radically different? How do you account for it? For that matter, why is the incidence of alcoholism, drug addiction and tobacco dependence so much higher in the aboriginal population than it is in the non-aboriginal population? What, if anything, has the Australian government done about all this? By contrast, Israel has always made medical treatment available to everyone who needs it. Why not check out infant mortality rates among Arabs in Israel against infant mortality rates in Arab countries? For that matter, why don't you check out human longevity statistics for Arabs living in Israel as against the balance of the Arab world? Keep in mind that Israel has waged a running battle against tribal traditions which prevail in the Moslem Arab community in Israel and which dictate that people marry within their tribe. This accounts for the extraordinary number of genetic defects found within the Moslem Arab community in Israel. But Israel does what it can -- oddly enough, Israel's efforts to curtail marriages between first cousins or between uncle and niece in the Moslem Arab community has ignited the wrath of the United Nations, which has condemned Israel for interfering in Arab culture. I guess the Moslem Arab community in Israel prefers genetically defective children to normal ones. How does one cure THAT mindset? Surprise, surprise. Perhaps you should be a little less resistant to conducting research before spouting nonsense.
115. It's great to have such ignorant enemies
oferet   (01.20.10)
With a little help from my...
116. To: No. 110
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.20.10)
You accused Israel of racist policy with respect to who may and may not donate blood. You entirely overlooked the fact that Israel, surrounded by neighbors with a penchant for going to war and engaging in terrorist attacks in Israel which have been bloody ones indeed, maintains constant blood drives. Did it occur to you that given the foregoing, Israel must have very compelling reasons for not accepting blood donations from a particular group? Evidently not. The initial purpose of my post was simply to point out that Israel's policy has nothing to do with racism, but rather medical necessity. I wondered if Australia had a restrictive policy with respect to blood donation. I discovered that not only does Australia exercise a virtually identical policy to that of Israel, it does so for much the same reasons. This piqued my curiosity because while Israel's policies are applied to a population that comes from a country with no health care to speak of, Australia's policies are applied to a population that is native born and has access to some of the best health care in the world, so I delved into it a bit further. My experience with Australians has been very positive, and I could not imagine a deliberate policy of racism with respect to medical care. The statistics, however, would argue otherwise. What started out to be a simple refutation of a charge of racism developed into something much more interesting. For the record, I am the child of Jewish concentration camp survivors who came to the United States as refugees and were given $5.00 and a handshake. They sent three children to the Ivy Leagues, two to medical school and one to law school. I’m only one generation removed from the gas chambers, Robert, a fact that I have not forgotten. I am not at all unhappy, despite having endured personal tragedy. I have a positive attitude, an excellent sense of humor and I’m told I have a very dry wit. I have a wonderful family and a wonderful life. In sum, I’m very normal. Thank you for the “eloquent” remark. Since I did not learn English until I started kindergarten, I appreciate it more than you can know.
117. yacov is right. Israel is dying
John ,   London,UK   (01.20.10)
Israel has no genuine friend left. Israel has been losing friends since ten years ago. War on terror is disaster for for muslims as well as for Jews. Unless it is brought to an end, it will destroy Israel too. US cannot forever keep fighting arabs on behalf of israel. We have to end this stupid war on terrorism. Terror is not just an arab disease. It has existed since Cain and Abel.
118. #78,80,102 Israel has already admitted organ harvesting
observer   (01.20.10)
The Swedish Aftonbladet published it in August,2009. On December 23, 2009, after Israeli government officials admitted that organ harvesting had taken place in the 1990s, parliamentary hearings into the issue began in Israel's Knesset. Health officials testified that Israeli authorities harvested organs from the dead bodies of Israelis and Palestinians in the 1990s for transplant purposes, and said the practice had since ended. Ahmed Tibi, an Arab citizen of Israel and Member of the Knesset, testified that he had evidence indicating that organ theft continued, citing the case of Fadul Ordul Shaheen, a Palestinian from Gaza who died of diabetes in 2009. Tibi related that after Shaheen's body was returned to his family with bleeding from the eyes and a deep cut through the body, the family said that both the corneas and kidneys were taken from his corpse. Tibi asked that the complaint be investigated and also asked that the government probe whether organs were being harvested from Palestinian prisoners in Israel. Yaacov Litzman, the deputy health minister, responded that he would investigate the case "with all seriousness" Lena Posner-Korosi, a leader of Sweden's Jewish community, criticized Israel's official response to Boström's article, stating in an interview with the Israeli army radio that the Israeli reaction and media outrage had provided the claims with much more exposure than they would have had otherwise, and blown the story out of proportion. Anders Carlberg, the outgoing chairman of the Jewish Community in Gothenburg, Sweden, said Israel should have responded by publishing a rebuttal. "The stance of the community in general is that it's strange that this has become a government issue at all," Carlberg said. "It falls along the lines of Voltaire: I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it." Dror Feiler, chairman of Jews for Israeli-Palestinian Peace and European Jews for a Just Peace argued that the Israeli government had failed to present the autopsy reports and debunk the story, because it was in Israel's interest that the story lives on.
119. # 110
Birdi ,   Israel   (01.20.10)
Robert you dont hold a candle next to our Sarah B. She has more brains in her Jewish head than you will ever hope to have. She also knows very well what she is writing (here) about.
120. To: No. 117
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.20.10)
"Israel has no genuine friend left. " Really? Do you mean friends like the U.K., who never fulfilled the terms of the Balfour Declaration and cut off all Jewish emigration to Palestine in 1937, when it was most needed? Frankly, with friends like the U.K., I'm not sure Israel needs an enemy. "US cannot forever keep fighting arabs on behalf of israel." What an absurd statement! The United States is busily engaged fighting terrorism on behalf of the United States. Have you forgotten the bombing of the United States embassies in Dar as Salaam and Nairobi? Have you forgotten the bombing of the United States Embassy and Marine Barracks in Beirut? Have you forgotten the bombing of the USS COLE? Have you forgotten the bombing of the Al Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, which housed United States servicemen? Moreover, I point out that the United States is presently busily at work fighting Arabs and Moslems on behalf of other Arabs and Moslems, not Israel. "We have to end this stupid war on terrorism." "We?" Who's "we?" While the U.K. may have knuckled under to Arab and Islamic terrorism, less cowardly countries have not. There is nothing "stupid" about standing up to terror and combatting terror wherever it exists. That would include the London tube, by the way.
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