Obama has other priorities
Yoram Ettinger
Published: 30.01.10, 15:25
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31. Robert #25: Re: Frank-el
Steve   (01.31.10)
Maybe Frank-el represents the fringe of American opinion. Yet we see more and more Americans thinking like Frank-el, especially on the political left. I visit these leftist web-sites. As the months and the years go by, I expect to see more and more Americans gravitate toward Frank-el's opinion of this conflict. Many Germans were supportive of Hitler's genocidal policies. Many were indifferent. Many Americans are indifferent to official US policy which seeks to dismember and to destroy the Jewish state. Make no mistake about it. This is currently US policy. Indifference to evil is, in the final analysis, little different from outright support of evil. The American political right is believed to be the most sympathetic to Isreael's cause. Yet the right's betrayal of Israel during the Bush years was telling. Conservative activists (I am speaking of national figures; Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc.), Republicans, Republican party leaders, conservative Christians, etc., stood shoulder to shoulder with George W. Bush, post 9/11, as he pressured Israel to establish a Muslim-terror state in Israel's heartland; even as he (Bush) claimed we were at war with (Islamic) "terrorists." Republicans celebrated Bush's traitorous policies. We expect this from leftists and Marxists, like some of those presently in power. We do not expect to see this from the right in the US. This bodes ill, long-term for the US.
32. #9 - Your prevarications are astonishing
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (01.31.10)
Just go to www.wikipedia.org/scotus and attempt to educate yourself. The supreme court was "packed" by George Bush and Ronald Reagan. You fascists have managed to "abort" american democracy. Oh well I am tired of all the typing on this keyboard. If you would like to meet in person so I might explain it to you, I would be more than happy to do that. Your not going to get by with your evangenital fascist mayhem and destruction.
33. to #4 Israel couldn't care less what the
ghostq   (01.31.10)
palis leaders in the Mukata r doing to your people,if you have any problem adress to them they should give you the answers, but until now they gave you only griff.
34. Andew Jackson was a skilled zenophobic killer.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.31.10)
He planned on killing all the "natives". He wanted to come to Alaska and wipe out every Native he could on the way. If this is the kind of person Israel should use to judge its decisions.....then Israel might as well just shoot 95 percent of the population and move out in the Sahara Desert. Andrew Jackson was an idiot who wiped out people for no other reason than they were different. Kind of like the muslim reasons for wiping out Khaffers. Israel has as much right to claim the West Bank as the Palestinians and Lebanese have to claim Dearborn Michigan. I'm american indian,"Choctaw"....and I don't see the Palestinians or Lebanese packing and moving back to Lebanon. These same Arabs invade other countries and "expect" the right to do so. But if some Jew comes back to their natural homeland, that they were expelled from by muslims to begin with....they are murdered and exposed to muslim terrorism.
OZ   (01.31.10)
he is just maybe begining to realize that he is not the anonited one afterall, and most things are 10 times bigger then him... yeh, he played hard ball in the begining of his "presidency", but he reaized just how complicated theM.E is... plus, going against israel has cost him seriuos political capital. it is obvious that he is a paper tiger, with a very radical agenda to both the usa and israel... may he fail miserably on both!
36. Andrew Jackson is an American hero; an icon
Steve   (01.31.10)
I'm not saying Jackson should be venerated by Jews, much less Israel's Jews. Jackson's racist views toward "native Americans" (or American Indians) were widely held in his day by European immigrant / settlers. European settlers coveted American Indian land. General (later president) Jackson was, still is, a national hero. Whose visage is on the US twenty dollar bill? This is American history. Americans are largely proud of their history. My point is, white European settlers and their descendants expropriated historic lands from the natives. Jackson defeated, then expelled the 'five civilized tribes' - the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Seminole and Cherokee Indians - west of the Mississippi River by means of the 1830 (Congressional) Indian Removal Act. Today America has a 'Jew Removal Act' in effect. All Jews will be removed west of the (1949 / 1967) "green line," in order to appease America's Muslim enemies. "There is no room for Jews in the Holy Land."
37. Steve, Steve, Steve - Please my friend
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (01.31.10)
do some research "Jews" were expelled form Judah / Shomron / Palestine long before Muslims even existed. The whole area was renamed "Palestine" by Emperor Hadrian and before him Titus and of course Valerian and the early christian roman emperor Philip the Arab. Xitians always attempt exacerbate the animus between "Jew" and "Muslim" for their own ends; look at George Habash and Michel Aflaq the first Baathists they were xitian.
38. #37
Steve   (01.31.10)
You wrote: "Jews" were expelled form Judah / Shomron / Palestine (?) long before Muslims even existed...." With the exception of your term "Palestine," what did I write that led you to believe otherwise? Why place Jews in quotes?
Frank-el ,   Detroit USA   (01.31.10)
Regarding prior posts about my opinions, I am politically fairly central, have voted both Democrat and Republican depending on the candidate, and am a practicing Christian. Regarding Detroit, it has large Muslim and non-Muslim Arab and non-Arabic ME populations as well as a fair number of Jews...all living in peace. An Excellent Holocaust Museum in one of the suburbs and superb ME food all around. I have prayed at Dachau and the Western Wall and am a solid supporter of BOTH Isreal and the Palestinian people. I was on the boat (full of NYC Jewish couples!) docked behind the Achille Lauro when that poor old man was murdered so I know what frightened people look like. I write primarily to warn people that educated American opinion is swaying more against Israel and you ignore this at your own peril. I have been called an anti-semite, a Nazi, etc. because I disagree with some of Isreal's policies and support US policy...is this a way to keep friends? I grow weary of Isreal acting like a petulant child and I am really sick of Israel's undue influence in USA politics and media. I'm tired of having the Holocaust shoved down my throat at every turn...in moves, plays, books, etc. My parents and families both suffered greatly at the hand of the Germans but I don't expect special treatment for things that happpend 60 years ago. I also abhor our dependence on ME oil and how this enriches repressive regimes. The double standards and hypocracy on all sides needs to dissolve.
40. If American's are so proud of what Jackson acomplished...
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (01.31.10)
why would any Jews Trust the United States of America? They'll repeat Jackson's quest on the Jews, as they did the american natives...and Obama will get his face plastered on the New One Hundred dollar bill. After the hyperinflation kicks in of course. He will be the big hero, for killing and moving the Jews to the squalor of camps. Even Native Alaskan's think Jackson was a disaster. The muslims are repeating the routine of killing Khaffers under religious hatred....and the United States cuddles up to them and turns a blind eye to get their oil. Oil is just another land grab, to establish a reason to let the killing go on. The United States will slaughter the Jews or turn a blind eye just like they did to the American Indian's for their land. Russia and China will do the same. If oil were not in the mix....things would be a little different. The United States would just ignore all the atrocities and say it isn't any of our business. Any one who knows the atrocities of Jackson .....don't worship the ground he walked on. You might as well be worshiping Bernie Madoff. Jackson accomplished his mission.....manifest destiny. Kill or kick out all the other indigenous people, and steal the land for yourself. Everyone thought it a good idea and turned a blind eye to the atrocities committed.
41. #39: You abhor "our dependence on ME oil?"
Steve   (01.31.10)
It's like Mr. Wilson (#40) wrote: "If oil were not in the mix....things would be a little different." This has nothing to do with ethics and morality as you would like us to believe; or as you believe. This is about national self-interest. Oil and its free-flow is an American interest. During the 1973-4 Arab oil embargo, there were bumper stickers in south Florida reading: "OIL YES, JEWS NO!" Don't fool your self. You wrote: "I have prayed at Dachau and the Western Wall and am a solid supporter of BOTH Israel and the Palestinian people." I'm sorry sir. You cannot have it both ways. You claim to be a 'practicing Christian'. Then as a practicing Christian you ought to know 'your' Jewish savior said, "He who is not with me is against me." You cannot have it both ways. You are either on God's side or you are on the side of the enemy. It seems abundantly clear, you've chosen your side. I do not recognize you as a practicing Christian. Who are you fooling other than yourself?
42. Steve quote from post #34 - But still I owe
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (01.31.10)
"But if some Jew comes back to their natural homeland, that they were expelled from by muslims to begin with....they are murdered and exposed to muslim terrorism." You an apology. I went back and re-read your posts. I leap before I looked; you are right on point with your message and I agree 100%. There is room for criticizing President Obama but, to much of this irrational criticism quite frankly rings of Bush-Doctrine and the renewal/nostalgia for American imperialism and immersion assimilation/subjugation. I mistakenly took the above quote out of context because I don't think you are implying the first expulsion of "Jews" was done by Muslims. i put Jew in quotes as I try to do with all religious epithets. These descriptions we employ more often than not give a false portrayal and are term must often employed by the assimilating group. Look up Pharisee in any American dictionary and you will find a negative connotation. Again I apologize for my haste and error in my response to you I grow weary from warring against evangelical zealots all day at my work. they have sheer numbers that make daunting to speak reason with them.
43. America as an Honest Broker.
DAT ,   NYC NYC   (02.01.10)
America must be an honest broker. An honest broker, must not take sides, to retain creditability it must be a neutral mediator. America must not be seen to, nor must it be taking one side against the other.
44. The US does have other priorities, it own...
Persian CAT   (02.01.10)
Obama's administration was humiliated once before by Natanyahu and his gang. By not mentioning the Middle East, although he mentioned Iran, he's signaling to those Israelis who think they could go on for ever endangering the US national interests by continuing the policies of Apartheid, terror and land grab that it is Israel's responsibility to chose peace. Natanyahu has rejected that so he lost Turkey and will soon the US in not the congress known as the other "occupied territories". From now on Israel is responsible for its own future peace or warS.
45. #39, ?
Frank-el ,   Detroit USA   (02.01.10)
Mr Steve, I find your post hard to understand. Yes, we need oil, but we (USA) does not need foreign entanglements associated with oil be it Saudi, Russian, Venezualan, etc. I worked in the oil-gas sector so I am familiar with the business. You lost me with your back-forth discussion about Christ. Are you saying we have to hate one group in order to support another? Are you saying that Christians must hate? Seems a little simplistic to me, eh? I am not fooling myself and will not engage in any debate that supposes Christians must hate others - read the New Testament please. And just who is your "enemy" so that I can at least understand your position?
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