Abbas, Haniyeh: Heritage sites will ignite a war
Ali Waked
Published: 23.02.10, 16:44
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47 Talkbacks for this article
31. Thanks Nour!
jb ,   Canada   (02.23.10)
That's a nice thought...look how far its gotten you. But thanks to you and your type the Jews know just where they stand. Your running out of time and luck, you little mumzer. You better send in that application for Jordanian citizenship, Hahahahaha!
32. EST, Israel made it a religious war years ago...
BBSNews ,   Charlotte, NC   (02.23.10)
...and us dumbassed Americans bought into it. For a while... Even George junior had to change his "Crusade" terminology because causing, or even implying a religious war is a no win situation. The Palestinians, to their credit, managed to keep religion out of it. All the while extremist Israelis have ALWAYS based their hatred and land theft on ancient mythical texts that were written when people did not bathe, there was no running water, and the closest thing to the Internet was an oil lamp, lit with animal drippings... Israel's religious extremists are funadmantally no different than their Hamas and Hezbollah counter-parts. And without outside intervention, both sides are threatening world stability, and that simply will not be tolerated no matter how much the wingnuts wish it were so.
33. There is no "Palestine" nor "Palestinian president".
Chaim ,   Israel   (02.23.10)
What we have here are two terrorist leaders talking like mafiosi. One is the head of terrorist Hamas. The other is the head of terrorist Fatah/PA. There is no "Palestine" nor "Palestinian president". Nor do either of these terrorists, or their followers, have any claim on land which has belonged to Jews for more than 3,500 years. The truth path to peace means resoundingly defeating the "Palestinians" with no concessions ever. This land is ours forever.
Dan ,   Titusville   (02.23.10)
Having refused a state 5 times and lost wars waged against Israel intended to kill Jews, the Palestinians no longer have any right to any land in the West Bank. That land is sovereign Israeli land. Gaza has a nice view of the Ocean but Jordan is your home. Get off of my land!!!
35. There isn't much that DOESN'T offend or provoke them
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, DC USA   (02.23.10)
It doesn't take much to offend, provoke or insult a Muslim, as the following attests. The fact is the Arabs don't believe Jews have any history in the land, and therefore any rights; their only option is to submit. Anything you *think* is part of your heritage is really Arabic or Islamic. Dead Sea scrolls? Palestinian. Western Wall? Mohammed's hitching post. Moses? A Muslim. Joseph's Tomb? An Arab sheikh. Heck, some have even convinced themselves Jews aren't real, that we're all really Khazars.
36. Observer
Yaron ,   USA   (02.23.10)
Do you ever have a point? Your talkbacks are really on the same level as Nour and Tyfoon....that is the level of the absurd. Do yourself a favor, and the rest of us, by making a valid point and not the usual drivel that we have come to expect from you.
37. What are they if not Jewish heritage sites?
Leon ,   Los Angeles, USA   (02.23.10)
Arabs believe their own propaganda. They lied to everyone in the world stating that jews have no connection to the land that thay started to believe in it. At least read your own koran - these are jewish heritage sites.
Birdi ,   Israel   (02.23.10)
Why are you posting OUR talkbacks on your blog on the internet ??
39. All islam wants to do is to take over the
jason white ,   afula,israel   (02.23.10)
religious sites of other religions and declare them moslim. Time for Israel to get rid of this Holocaust denier and time to let the palis know their end will come with the next intifada. Also let the eurabian Jew murderers keep their noses out of our business. The same for the jihadist White House and state dept.
40. Can't wait until the next Chapter is Written
Umm El Kul Naqba   (02.24.10)
Barak once offered PALs 100% of Gaza and 92% of the WB. Fortunately those days are over and long gone. Barak will never sit in that chair again. PALs answered with Intifada 2 which backfired by moving the Israeli population to the Right and put Sharon, the PAL's worst nightmare, in the PM seat. He did a many number on them in Jenin by seriously outsmarting them. Unfortunately Sharon lost in the Battle of Schwarma and was left in a coma. For all his brilliant military career, this is the only case I am aware of where he did not have a brilliant strategy and we ended up with a far from brilliant Incompetent Traitorous duo of Olmert and Tzipi. The screwed up Operation Summer Rain and Operation Cast Lead by quiting before all objectives were fully met. But the Israeli voters had the last word and these two are now bantering in the opposition. Kadima is falling apart. Olmert will hopefully go to prison. Mofaz and Tzipi will break up Kadima leaving it even more impotent than before. Bibi has successfully stood up to HAMAS in numerous instances and HAMAS is in the worst shape ever. Iran and Syria are increasing their rhetoric and threats which means they scared to death of what Israeli might do. The propanda machines are deseparate and and milking every insignificant incident for all they can. EU and all the Arab countries are concerned with Iran's expansion plans both directly and by proxy through Hezbollah and with their quest for long range missiles and nuclear warheads. What HAMAS, Hezbollah, and Iran don't get is that Israel does not threaten or broadcast. But when the spark ignites the explosion such as the kidnapping of Shalit in Gaza or Regev and Goldvasser 3 weeks later by Hezbollah, that the reaction and destruction is 1000 times greater than they could ever imagine. In the meantime, all the Israeli weapons system manufacturers are readying their new weapons, IDF is making plans, and no one knows when HAMAS, IJ, PRC, etc. will make their next fatal mistake and start the next war. But this time they will be facing a very formidable Bibi and the results will not resemble the Olmert Tzipi fiasco. PALs caught Israel off guard with Intifada 1 and they had a golden opportunity which they blew. But since then each terrorist action has backfired and cost them dearly. The next one may well be their last because the Bibi Lieberman duo is the most formidable Israeli govt so far and they will not fail to fully achieve their objectives. As for Iran, Israel has an enormous headstart and if Israel is existentially threatened, the result also exceed Iran's imagination just like the damage to Lebanon but on a scale linked to the existential threat to Israel.
41. I declare...
Gary Williams ,   Canada   (02.24.10)
As a Canadian Christian I am declaring Bethlehem, the Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee as Christian Heritage sites, so any Jews living there must now clear any construction plans they may have pending through us. After all, they're in our Bible making them OUR sites based on the very same principles and reasoning that you Jews use to claim authority to rule on the disposition of Jewish holy sites in Palestinian lands.
42. Admits it, eh?
Gary Williams ,   Canada   (02.24.10)
Ahhh.. So you admit that Arabs have occupied Palestine far longer than the period of time it was under Jewish rule. Unless your prepared to say something ridiculous like land-claims made by Jewish authors claiming a god who grants land deeds millennium ago has legal authority in today's world, then by what logic then do you claim it as Jewish land?
43. # 42
Galut ,   Selah   (02.24.10)
perhaps God needs to send his Angel down here like he did back then and show the title Deed..... The people of sodom will testify that 3 angels destroyed it.... might not want to challenge the lord !
44. Canada has lost it's mind!
DANNY ,   America, not canada   (02.24.10)
Your religion trumps God's handiwork? The spots in your Bible of what you speak are a record of Israel's history. Thus you are part of their heritage. SHOW SOME RESPECT JACKASS. I doubt that you are Christian, but one who doesn't know what every true believer should know, thus excluding yourself from the faith, that you were grafted in as a wild branch and will be cut off if you bear no fruit. Your Attitude towards Israel is non-christian. and your a dumbass...
45. horses' abbass....
jewishness ,   NYC USA   (02.24.10)
ANYTHING, just anything abbass can grasp at, no matter how lame, he must grab every opportunity to keep from getting shot in the back by his own peoples....he is about to be gone...and there is no one else to prop up as a "partner" AND THAT'S GOOD. It's their loss, not Israels. Israel is REAL, abbass is phoney and never will be, and never was to begin with.
46. Re 27. The Song of Moses will be sang,again...
Galut ,   selah   (02.26.10)
song of moses manuscipt reunited.... Pieces of rare biblical manuscript reunited quote......The relationship would not be so clear to a casual observer. The Ashkar manuscript has been so blackened by exposure to the elements that the text is all but invisible, while the London manuscript is legible and far better preserved. But after close study of ultraviolet images, the experts were able to confirm that the texts were not only written by the same scribe, but were also part of the same scroll. Scholars believe the scroll was written around the seventh century somewhere in the Middle East, possibly in Egypt. It is not known how the two parts were separated or what happened to the rest of the manuscript. The museum arranged to have the London manuscript brought to Jerusalem. The new exhibit chronicles how the Song of the Sea was written through various ancient manuscripts, from the 2,000-year-old Dead Sea Scrolls to the manuscript known as the Aleppo Codex, written nearly a millennium later. The reunification of the two pieces adds an important link in the chain, showing how the writing of the Hebrew Bible evolved through the so-called "silent" period — between the third and 10th centuries — from which nearly no Biblical texts survived. While in the Dead Sea Scrolls the song is arranged like prose, for example, in the newly reunited manuscript it is written like a poem, the same way it appears in the Hebrew Bible today.....
47. from this moment fwd- palistinians = sons of esau & Ismael
Galut ,   Selah   (02.26.10)
Quote32:The Palestinians, to their credit, managed to keep religion out of it. ....they claim they were indiginious people--so be it... in my post I will call them by thier ancient names...and if you are not familiar with them and thier future inheirtance - the torah ,writings,& prophets gives a clear picture ismael has some inheiritance...esau has none when all is said and done
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