Irish FM condemns snubbing of Israeli ambassador
Published: 01.03.10, 19:24
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31. To Abraham and William
Sean ,   Montreal   (03.02.10)
Firstly William, Israel refuses to deny it. Like this is some kind of game...maybe we did...maybe we didn't. Abraham, it is regrettable that you would use the USA as the moral compass for the Jewish state. Too often on these posts one reads of the moral turpitude of others as justification for Israeli action. Doctors and nurses doing good works in Haiti does not excuse stealing and forging the passports of supposed allies.
32. #31 Sean
Yitzchak ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (03.02.10)
We learned to do it from the Canadians. Your country has been around a lot longer than ours and been stealing and forging passports of other countries for your own intelligence services long before Israel was even created. So get real...
33. #1 Debra Dunn
Hal ,   Usa   (03.02.10)
Darlin, as I posted you before in the other artcle about this mess, don't be ashamed of being Irish.You people have been through plenty at the hands of others and like we Jews you have toughed it out time and again.There is a common theme in this somewhere, I know there is. You have much to be prud of. The shame is not on you but on the louts that can't help their stupidity and blind allegiance to the scum that have wreaked havoc everywhere they settle. This too shall pass. Love ya just the same. Cheers Debra!
34. Apologies to ambassador Envrony
Johnnymac ,   Ireland   (03.02.10)
Apologies to the ambassador and the people of Israel. every country has a few idiots like this. an intersting little aside to the whole passports hoo haa that has been going on. a few years ago goverment ministers, some very senior goverment ministers here SOLD Irish passports to some rich palastinians and saudis. so much for the sanctity of the Irish passport.
35. @34Johnnymac
jeff ,   IRELAND   (03.03.10)
It's one thing to sell passports to a bunch of Arab playboys, while it's another to hav e details stolen, forged and used in a murder! With regard to Carrickmacross, I initially had mixed feelings, but the bunch of crazies accusing us Irish of anti-semitism, allying with the nazis (we wer neutral, and actually allowed U.S/U.K ships to refuel here) training terrorists (the I.R.A did that. not the Irish government) paedophilia and all round devil worship has put me behind vthe Carrickmacross councilors. Seriously, you neanderthals, get fiddlesticked! No amount of rational explanations seem to be able to get through those thick heads of yours. Fecking crybabies. And you Irish on here kowtowing to a bunch of knuckleheaded racists are just as bad.You lot must have been raised on soley on a diet of Monster Munch crisps, skittlres, and Fanta, your heads are that soft . Thank G-d the majorety of Jewish Israelis are smarter than you feeble headed nitwits, otherswise those nukes you have would have been detonated a long time back...
36. #35 Jeff
Hal ,   Usa   (03.03.10)
Jeff, you have me a bit confused here On the one hand you've jumped on the bandwagon of blame before the evidence and on the other you credit Jewish Israelis with being smarter than the"feeble headed nitwits". I may stll be utterly confused on this but it seems you might be a bit more understanding after some of the trash that has been spread on things Irish by the lowbrows that as usual get it wrong. That as you might agree swings both ways. I have read many of the Irish posters blowing foul and stupid, just as ignorant and predictable as the ones you've rightly fingered. If you're aware of "Occam's razor", you should allow the truth to bubble up before you accuse. It's only fair.
37. # 5: I am a clown.
Kurtz ,   GB   (03.03.10)
I do believe in what you've mentioned 'nonsense'.
38. #35 Jeff
Johnnymac ,   Ireland   (03.03.10)
Just to clear up a few things. the ships refueld at Derry which was and is controlled by the UK. we did give the allies an air corridor over Donegal which shortend the flight to the atlantic. and more people from the south of Ireland fought with the allies than from the north. as to anti semitisim in Ireland you have to admit it did and does exist, the Limerick pogram instigated by a Fr Creagh as i understand.and the goverments stance regarding refugees from the shoah. check out Cathal O Shannons excellent 'Irelands nazis'. where i wouldnt agree with all of Israels policys as you seem to suggest, the apology comes from my acute embarrasment at that crown of gombeen men in c'mcross. its like something from killnaskully. and as for the killing of a self confessed murderer, who was apperently on a mission to buy missiles to fire at civilians in Israel, well i find it difficult to feel much sympathy for him. and whats wrong with monster munch, skittles and fanta?? :-))
39. #38 Johnny Mac
jefff   (03.03.10)
Fr.Creagh and his ilk caused a number of Jewish people to have their homes attacked because he whooped up his parishinors in a sermon. Thankfully, nobody was killed, it lasted a day, and the majorety of Irish people were disgusted. Many of the familes who were asttacked wre sheltered by Dublin and Cork people. Of course Ireland was not 100% free of anti-Semitism. Most notorious was Ireland's ambassador to Berlin Charles Bewley who refused enmtry to Jewish refugees full stop.Switzerland has Nazi gold, France went Vichy, the dergoatory term "kike" originated in U.S, the Portuguese punished a diplomat of ttheirs for him issuing thousands of entry permits to Jews during wwII. Does this make thse countries anti-semitic? If some people from those places protest against Israeli policies, are they anti-semites?It's bollocks. BTW ;There were ships landing in Cobh, my grandmother remembers seeing them.
40. #38 Johnny Mac re; Monster munch
jeff ,   IRELAND   (03.03.10)
"and whats wrong with monster munch, skittles and fanta?? :-)) " They're not a viable source of nutrition.It's no lauging matter; you live on those things alone, and your brain will turn into a head of cabbage. I've seen skangers (chavs)feeding that to their kids as their breakfast on certain bus routes in the morning, while smoking joints. Not going to motivate any future Einsteins, are they.?
41. #38 Jeff
Johnnymac ,   Ireland   (03.03.10)
I was being flippant Jeff. not exactly the breakfast of champions i agree, but since half of Ireland was raised on Taytos it could explain a lot...
42. #41 Johnny Mac
jeff ,   IRELAND   (03.04.10)
Duh, I was being facetious myself in my response on monster munch.Listen, if Ireland sucks so much, get a job doing PR for the Israeli embassy. It's not actually that hard to land one.I once met a former secondary school teacher who got such a position simply on the basis of writing letters as a hobby to the Irish Times defending various Israeli war crimes.They also have some sociopath from UCD who lecturers in law who eats the face off people on tv when they need him.His favourite word is 'anti-semitism'. After a few months of voiciferous defence, you'll be recognised as a righteous gentile, whereupon you'll be presented with a new passport, and the former home of a Palestinias in some settlement in the West Bank or East Jerusalem. C'mon, get busy.Write some letters to that West Brit rag of Sir Tony's, the Sindo.
43. #42 Jeff
Johnnymac ,   Ireland   (03.04.10)
Calm down Jeff.not defending anyones war crimes,all war is a crime. but would like to see a bit of balanced the appaling footage of the child sheltering with his father by the wall, getting shot. turns out they were shot by Palsetinians, not Israel. the footage of the hamas guy grabing the child by the scruff of the neck, and dashing across the road, useing him as cover. the IDF dropping leaflets telling civilians to get out of an area that they are going to attack, which also tells hamas their position.where wold you rather live Iran or Israel? a country where they hang children from telescopic cranes or a struggling democracy? and you have to admit. Ireland does suck. we've got the politicians, bankers, developers and priests we deserve. cant help thinking the place is getting just what it deserves for our complicity in all of what went on in the past here.
44. Irish presidents are blessed by Rabbi's & not Imam's
James ,   Greece   (11.18.11)
What sort of crazy ignorant rubbish are you talkin about? According to the last census in 2006 for which statistics exist about religion in Ireland, there a 1,930 resident Jews in Ireland. 4 times the random number you stated, secondly you claim that there are so few because of some implied wrong doing on the part of the Irish people,wrong!!! the number of jews peaked at 3,805 people in 1911. so no mass exodis as you are trying to infer. thirdly Preachers? you'll clearly made that rubbish up about preachers & have never been to Ireland or talked to anyone from there or who has ever been there or you would know their are no 'Preachers' there. there are Catholic/Anglican priests & Protestant minister but no "Preachers" . Also for such a pro-arab anti-jewish country how is it that even though there has been a Islamic presence in Ireland, Traitionally the head Rabbi of Ireland along with a Catholic Archbishop & Anglican bishop officiated at all Presidential state function but no Imams? Go back to listening to your own preacher talk about horns.
45. Doe's this make them anti-isreal+Yes, Anti-Semitic=No!
James ,   Greece   (11.18.11)
And while he's in that meeting the Irish ambassedor should request a reciprocal apology for Isreals repeated abuse of Irish sovereignty over the years by its use of stolen Irish citizens identites & passports to carry out political assassinations. when it happening the 80s & a Mossad opperative was caught at an Airport in Germany with counterfit Irish & New Zealand passport, New Zealand temportarily severed diplomatic relations with Isreal. doe's this make them anti-isreal+Yes, Anti-Semitic=No!
46. Quit your jibberjabber
James ,   Greece   (11.18.11)
Your equation of Irelands rights & Entitlements with what Sein fein doe's is completele thick. I assume you are refering to actions that the IRA carried out & their connection to Sinn fein. The idea that the IRA forging passports( A listed terrorist organisation in Ireland which is actively hunted & prosecuted by Irish authorities) gives Isreal the right to abuse another states sovereignty is rediculous. Sinn fein was a banned party in Ireland until they & the IRA fromally renounced violence & entered into a binding peace agreement in Northern Ireland. So any link made between it being ok for isreal 'the state' to abuse the rights & privalages of Ireland 'the state' because of an outlawed terrorist organisations actions is like saying that its ok for Hezbullah to attack Isreali civilians because Jews own wallstreet or some other such nonsense.
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