Wall Street Journal: Why is Obama against Israel?
Published: 15.03.10, 13:27
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31. The present "misunderstanding" between Israel and the US...
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (03.15.10)
... appears deeper, much, much deeper than the Biden incident. The Biden incident, as unfortunate as it was, was already behind us, based on Biden's words. But it was regenerated by a higher-up who saw in it an opportunity, while talking through Clinton's mouth, to publicly implicitly and privately explicitly demand something of Israel that can only be considered a racist request. Mr. Obama, who is obviously behind the present tension, essentially has demanded of Jews, only because they are members of a particular people, to refrain from residing in villages, towns and even city neighborhoods. This type of request passed from America in the 1950s and 1960s, but "progressive" Obama thinks it is still appropriate to demand of Jews and only of Jews not to exercise their human rights of free residence. The context: territories which have been in dispute this Israel captured them in a defensive war in June 1967, the Six-Day War. This dispute is to be resolved based on UN Security Council Resolution 242 through talks/negotiations between Israel and the Arab forces engaged in that war. Obama's request could be treated as a reasonable request if he demanded that Arab and Jew alike refrained from building, moving in and residing in the disputed territories. But this is NOT what Obama asks for. He does not expect Arabs who have moved from the Galilee or the Triangle to reside in eastern Jerusalem, in Beer Zeit or in Ramallah to cease doing so, since they are Arabs. He does not expect Arabs who construct a whole town now to stop that construction in these disputed territories. He does however expect Jews, only because they are Jewish, not to reside in certain neighborhoods of Jerusalem and beyond. This is pure and simple racism that must be viewed as such and be ceased at once. Racism is a negative phenomenon whether it is practiced in Boston, Washington, DC, Ottawa, London, Canberra and it has not right of existence in Jerusalem either.
32. A response to Clinton
David David ,   Petach Tikva, Israel   (03.15.10)
Following Mrs. Clinton's dressing down of PM Netanyahu, I would recommend to him that he takes the following immediate action: Instruct the Israeli Air Force to take to the skies and run a "practice" attack into the Eastern Med. At the same time request a few ministers to muse aloud on TV whether this might not be an appropriate time to attack Iran, given the loss of USA backing anyway. This should result in Monday's markets opening with a 10 to 20% spike in the World Oil Price, which if sustained would result in the USA's (and the rest of the West's) economy spiraling back into recession. It's time the USA administration realized that Israel is a sovereign country and not a vassal state, and that we too have our red lines and interests. Secondly, all Government ministers should be instructed to point out to all available media channels that the USA has achieved a resounding own goal regarding the peace process. Given that Israelis are pre-supposed to be willing to take risks for peace under a USA defense umbrella, they have now been given a resounding wake up call as to what that USA commitment is actually worth. The USA administration has just lost the Israeli people.
33. joke
jeff   (03.15.10)
while the new york times is loosing all its readers, the wall street journal is growing by leaps. it is the fastest growning paper today. while all others are closing and faling
34. Jews, Jerusalem & Israel
Rosie   (03.15.10)
Some one needs to provide some good education to Obama & his administration. Judaism & Jerusalem & Israel are intertwined. Every aspect of a Jewish life is connected to Jerusalem. Every prayer and every wedding and every holiday remembers Jerusalem. We are back in the 1930 but today to be an anti-semite is to be an anti-Zionist. I hope all the Jews of America that helped elect this administration will wake up very soon.
35. Wall Street
bsalem ,   USA   (03.15.10)
this is nothing but a pay back for Mr. Obama by the wall street Jornal, for contiuing with helath care and Financial reforms. they could care less about Israel or anybody else in the world remmebr Medaov, he customers wee all jews.
36. Thank You Wall St Journal
Ruth ,   Ohio, US   (03.15.10)
Thank you to the Journal for fially saying it like it is. Obama is not a friesn of Israel. After all his name is Hussein!
37. Empire is ending, China is the future
Eddie ,   london UK   (03.15.10)
The end of the US empire has begun, just like the British Empire crumbled 60 years ago. Then the Brits were unable to contian Israel, and now the US will not succeed. Obama is making an Islamic alliance, and is secretly allowing Iran to go Nuclear. Israel had important arms sales to China which were scuppered by the US. it is time for Israel to court China, for their star is rising.
38. Required reading for Barack, Hillary, & Rahm
Eitan ,   Chicago   (03.15.10)
"Why I Am Not a Muslim" by Ibn Warraq, "Foxbats over Dimona" by Isabella Ginor & Gideon Remez, "A History of Palestine, 634-1099" by Moshe Gil, "A History of Israel" by Howard Sachar, and of course, the Qur'an and the 6 "authentic" collections of hadiths (by multiple authors employed by the Abbasids). They should also consider making Bat Ye'or or Daniel Pipes their national security advisor, since it might stave off criticism that their administration combines the hesitance and betrayals of Jimmy Carter's foreign policy with the trifling, self-righteous bombast of a Jesse Jackson sermon.
39. wonder how much AIPAC paid this paper
Yonathan   (03.15.10)
for the article
40. America is alienating herself
Ben ,   Cape Town, SA   (03.15.10)
At this rate the US will have few real friends left. Allies who are humiliated, bullied and spoken down to will look for new alliances. The US must realise that it is no longer the sole superpower and that it finds itself in serious economic trouble. I feel sorry for the next Republican President who will inherit this mess.
41. to #21 seems like you r the nieve one
fhostq   (03.15.10)
he knows what is going on, the so call project isn't build yet it is just primary bid, there isn't even building company or financial structure to the building projekt. go check it out, ask yourself y someone will get so upset over a thing that isn't even implimanted and barely got blue prints, and I will tell you y, it's not palis cause those projeks exist kinda long time even in less segnificant place to jews as jerusalem there it's timing, some financial suporter push your president to the corner or other wise he will spill the beans, and that my friend is very explosive matter.
42. Obama ...wading through Mecca, with his
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (03.15.10)
gas can. He gives everyone a smile and a handshake as he fills up the can at the Jews expense. The Arabs and Persians have a sign on the pump......5 displaced Jews for a gallon.
43. To Nour No.6. Whe somebody doesn't go your way yo get crazy
Ari ,   Romania   (03.15.10)
It is you who can fornicate yourself and raise your own bastards. Yo arabs and Pals, want to erase all history of mankind and make your own gulible story. Pretend that jews don't have an historical and emotional link with the land of israel is stupid. Pretending you were part of the ancient Cannanites that lived in what is Israel is stupid. You Pals came mostly form the arab countries in the las 100 years and thank to the work provided by the Jews in Palestine Since 1900 to 1935 more than 450.000 arabs came in to the Protectorate of Palestine. Jerusalem was never the capital of an arab kingdom. An the Quoran doesn't mention Jerusalem even once not even by it`s arab name. Because Muhammed had a dream that he will travel from temple to temple is just an interpretation that muslims do, to fit their purposes and change history the way they seem fit. To chang the jewish connection to this land is also to denny Chirstianity of it's origins. Muhamed never came to Jerusalem and when he came to the world JUdaism was already 2000 years old. If you guys werent so mean, by today you would already have a country. You rejected the offer by th UN in 1948. Besides When Jordan took the West Bak and East Jerusalem, no P?aletinian cause was mentioned. These lands were just anexed, with the world making themselves stupid. Now that Jews have the land everybody gets upset. Today you have religious freedom muslims go to their Mosques, Cristians to their churches and Jews to their synagogues. When the Josrdan were their they made the land JUDENRAT. I can write more but I dont think your mind will understand this. You have a poissen brain full of hatred and lies.
44. Your foul language points at the sewer you came from
Texan ,   USA   (03.15.10)
Where is the editor?
45. I did not vote for Barak H. Obama
Johnny Weintraub ,   Sugar Land, Texas   (03.15.10)
I read the article in another Jewish newspaper about the way Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu was treated, and the reception at the White House that Netanyahu received several months ago. Obama may have tricked and fooled some eighty percent of the American Jews into voting for him; he did not trick me. The church that Obama attended and worshipped at for twenty years told me what Obama is.
46. Wall Street Journal
Ezra Chityat ,   Boca Raton Fl. USA   (03.15.10)
Shame on the American Jews who overwhelmingly voted and very actively campaigned for the Obama's election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One former president of our community, a university professor, said publicly "Shame on any Jew who will not vote for Obama" and his predecesor said to me in the SYNAGOGUE IN YOM KIPPUR (in the holiest jewish day of the year, in the holiest forum of all): "I will vote for Hitler before I will vote for a Republican"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost threw up and ran away from his vicinity as I do ever since. These 2 "prominent" so called "Jewish leaders" led many others to the oblivion of the Obama frenzy. Unfortunately only a handful ofthe American Jews are just awaking from their Obama dream only to realize it was a Muslim nightmare they are engaging in. I call it" The big American Jewery betrayal ".
47. Why are Irish opinions always the same as Palestinians'?
Eitan ,   Chicago   (03.15.10)
Is it that Ireland is a marginal country with no first-hand insight (from travel, etc.) of the people they've adopted as 21st-century noble savages? Or does being an altar boy prepare one for extreme moral ambivalence?
48. Re: #18 AnaHadWolves
Bernie ,   Brooklyn USA   (03.15.10)
Jingoism is defined as "extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy" according to Merriam-Webster dictionary. With all due rspect to AnaHadWorms, before posting trash you should do a little research and learn some history. While it may be occupied lands, it certainly is NOT "Palestinain" as you claim. To prove it, when did "Palestine" exist" ? What were its boundries? Currency? Please PLEASE don't post inaccuracies and present them as "truths". Bernie
49. Now I understand what they mean by "special relationship"
USA   (03.15.10)
I wish the so called "special relationship" and the "closest ally" bullcrap would end already.
50. Odumba and company are destroying America
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (03.15.10)
Odumba blatant racism and support of terrorism against it's sole Middle East friend tells the rest of the world that the US will sell out any and all friends at whatever whim the President has.
51. Nour, thank you
Golani ,   Deal, USA   (03.15.10)
Nour, thank you. You should be a sales rep for newspapers. I couldn't agree with what you said more. I just canceled my NY Times subscriptions and just subscribed to The Wall Street Jounal. Thank you again.....
52. 37: you can wait for china all you want
Alex ,   USA   (03.15.10)
Lol .. The empire is going no where.
53. No 6. Typical Palestinian Vulgarity / Intolerance / Hysteria
Sami ,   New York, USA   (03.15.10)
No 6. Typical Palestinian vulgarity and hysteria.
54. American Support
Robin Rayborn ,   Tulsa Oklahoma, USA   (03.15.10)
I am an American and wanted to express my support for the people of Israel. I want to also say with confidence, the the majority of the American people also support Israel. Obama is not recognized as president of the USA. I know he was elected but a lie does not get much support when people learn they have been lied to. I would also say that if elections are allowed in November 2010 then the congress will be changed and the dems will no longer be in control. I say allowed as at this point we are not really sure the elections will take place. I would also have to say that in the USA tensions are very high in the population. In the people I listen to at work there is an increasing amount of talk about civil war. I pray not but the population is very frustrated with Obama and the democrats at this point. I think one of the greatest frustrations is that the democrats don't seem to care.
55. #14 Communists = 65 million deaths in the 20th century
shmujew ,   canada   (03.15.10)
Cmmunists who seem to laugh about so many serious subjects...conveniently forget history 2 minutes after it occurs...Liberals like you are responsible for 3 million deaths in cambodia, 1 million in rwanda, untold millions in the soviet union, etc. etc. Your smug attitudes get people killed
56. #47 Eitan
jeff ,   IRELAND   (03.15.10)
"Or does being an altar boy prepare one for extreme moral ambivalence? " Jaysus, that's great, you're the next Wooody Allen. Making jokes about paedophilia and child abuse.Well, at least we don't bomb countries to get at their oil. That's fairly morally ambivalent.As are you, making nonce jokes.Twat
57. #18 AnaHadWolves
jeff ,   IRELAND   (03.15.10)
"Perhaps a cooler head and a less confrontational approach with the Palestinians regarding continued building on disputed lands would yield a better result. " You've a better chance of walking into a Dublin pub on St.Patrick's Day, and convincing everyone there that teetotalism is the way forward, than you have of imparting rational thinking onto the chatboards at ynet, I tell ya
58. #18, AnnaHadWolves
israeli ,   israel   (03.15.10)
How do you know which land belong to Palestinians and which doesn't? Have you seen the deeds? And how is building housing units in Jerusalem destroying this part of the world?
59. Why is obama against Israel?
marlene ,   Philadelphia, USA   (03.15.10)
BECAUSE HE'S A MUSLIM - DUH! What the heck did you expect? He's islam's man in the white house - period!
60. Shame on US Jews
Joe ,   USA   (03.15.10)
Shame on US Jews for having voted in this Obama creep for office.
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